Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, May 09, 1946, Image 1

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    .t t ii& W ìii v .
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V i t Me, a a x X i
|K 9 S p n in rti T n
Trophies To Be “
5 l f t ™ ;
1 0 4 o e m u rs i i u
Be Graduated In
Given Winners e x - n y s s a y o u t h
services were held at Nyssa Thursday
In Dairy Show 10 Funeral
a. m. last Thursday In the
Plans Further Outlined
For Event To Be Held
May 18
Rosel Hunter, chairman of the
Malheur jersey spring show, which
will be held in Nysea May 18, has
announced that trophies will be
awarded to the owners of the
grand champion cot» and grand
champion bull at the show.
A silver cup for the bull will be
presented by the Nysoa Elevator.
Henry Borgman, elevator mana­
ger, said permanent ownership of
the cup will be gained by a per­
son having the winning bull at
three shows.
A1 Thompson and Son will give a
silver cup for the cow.
A1 Thompson said “The dairy
business is growing fast in this
area and it is to the advantage
of all Nyssa that breeders of good
cattle should be encouraged in
their work We plan to make this
award at each year’s show:’’
H. O. Myers of Boise, director
of the American Jersey Cattle club,
has indicated his Intentions to at­
tend the show, as have other pro'
minent Jersey breeds of the Boise
Local Implement dealers plan to
display their newest machinery at
the show. Merle Marcum of Holl­
ingsworth Hardware and Imple­
ment company will exhibit a farm
welding unit. The Owyhee Truck
and Implement company will have
available for inspection a McCor-
mick-Deering one-man automatic
hay baler. Manager Elden Yergen-
sen also hopes to have a new im­
proved Rassman beet loader on
E. M. Bair and Mrs. Charley
Gnder attended the Nyssa chamber
of commerce luncheon Wednesday
noon in the Interest of the dairy
Mr. Bair invited local business­
men to make appropriate displays
and invited the entire community
to attend the show. He said the
exhibits will be restricted to reg­
istered jerseys, except that the
club will allow F FA and 4-H club
members to show the animals they
are working with.
Mrs. Grider pointed out the ap­
propriateness of holding a dairy
show because this is a good dairy
Irrigation Men
To Hold Meeting
Plans for calling a meeting of
the boards of directors of the var­
ious irrigation districts under the
Owyhee project were formulated at
a meeting held in the Nyssa high
school building April 25.
The meeting of the several boards
will be held Saturday, May 11 at
2 p. m. in the high school gymnas­
A letter from Oscar L. Chapman,
secretary of the department of the
interior, to Martin Gallagher of
Ontario was read at a meeting of
the directors of the Owyhee Water
Users association April 25. The let­
ter set forth several reasons why
payment on construction should
start this fall, dwelling mainly on
the high rate of Income per acre
on the Owyhee project and com­
paring it with another project of
the same age. which is located in
tlie Yakima valley, according to J.
C. Sproul of Ontario rural route,
secretary-treasurer of the associa­
A proposed constitution and set
of by-laws was read by Mr. Sand-
quist. The by-laws will be read at
two more meetings before being
Those present at the meeting
were L. W Dierking, A. F. Sand-
qulst, Olenn Suiter, B. B. Bur­
roughs, I. H. Findley. J. C. Sproul.
Ray Whitsell, Frank Freeman, W
M. Schaffer, Mr. Filer, W L. O il-
son. Elza N tecum and Clarence
Here From Twin Falls—
Mrs. Verna Beutler and daughter.
Sharon Lee. of Tw in Falls spent
the week-end in Nyssa visiting
friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs
Mrs. Beutler and Sharon, Mr. and
Mrs. Ai Thompson. Mr and Mrs.
Bob Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Or­
mond Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Lance
Earp and Mrs. H. B. Earp of Em­
mett. at dinner Sunday of last
Attends To
Robert Ditty attended a business
meeting in Boise Wednesday.
Blessed Sacrament church in On­
tario for Paul Thiel, 23, former
resident o f Nyssa, who died of
chest injuries sustained last Friday
when he was crushed by a convey­
er at Coulee dam, where he was
employed. He was burled in the
Catholic cemetery in Ontario with
full military honors. Rosary was
read at the Peterson funeral home
A former member of a naval
construction battalion, Thell had
received his discharge a month be­
fore his death. He was a graduate
of the Adrian high school.
He is survived by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Thiel, Nyssa
route 2, and by three brothers,
Gregory, Francis, John and two
sisters, Mary Ann and Catherine.
Dr. James Millar W ill
Speak; Baccalaureate
To Be May 12
r e s id e n t s a t t e n d
p . t . a . g a t h e r in g
The 300 delegates who gathered
at La Grande last week for the 33rd
convention of the Oregon Congress
of Parents and Teachers unani­
mously voted at their opening ses­
sion to approve the basic school
support fund measure which is to
be included on the November elec­
tion ballot.
After the measure was explained
to the delegates by Mrs. Frederic W.
Young. Portland, state legislative
chairman, the'e present accepted
the recommendation o f the congress
board of managers “ that they sup­
port, with time, money and know-
measure which
would reiuire the state ’to pro­
vide annually $50 per school sensus
child’ and thereby put Oregon more
nearly on a par with neighboring
states in the extent of state support
for its public grade and high
The theme of the convention,
which was presided over by Mrs.
Harry H. George, state president,
vas “Tomorrow Begins Today."
lighlights of the convention in-
luded addresess by Mrs. John E.
layer, of Twin Falls, first vice pre-
ulential candidate in the National
Congress of Parents and Teachers
ind Dr. O. R. Chambers, head of
:he psyschoiogy department of Ore-
ion State college. An interesting
panel discussion was held Thurs­
day morning on “ Needs of Oregon’s
Schools." The members of the pan­
el included Mrs. Maurice Judd,
president of the Malheur county
council, who was the lay member
of the panel.
Delegates who attended from M al­
heur county were Mrs. Robert W il­
burn, Conklin PTA, Ontario; Mrs.
Dickerson, Linberg unit, Ontario;
Mrs. Stanley Hill, Kingman Kolony;
Mrs. Walter Bishop, Big Bend;
Mrs. Robert Hedrick, Pioneer; Mrs.
Ralph Greenfield and Mrs. D. L.
Browne, Vale; Mrs. Maurice L.
Judd. Adrian, and Mrs. W. L. Mc-
Partland. county publicity chair­
man, Nyssa.
Bureau Making
Economic Study
On Owyhee Land
Over $5000 Added To Fund For
Hospital To Be Built At Nyssa
Annual Assessments On COLLINS OPENING
j 660 Persons Attend Car­
Construction Costs
NEW TRAILER CAMP nival Dance; Jeep, Boat
Given Away
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Collins have
For the first time in several
BOISE, IDAHO — A coinpiehen- opened a modern trailer court on , Approximately $5000 was added to
years, an outside speaker will ap­
the Malheur Memorial hospital
sive economic study is being made East Third street.
pear on the commencement pro­
by the buieau of reclamation on
The owners have erected a util- i building fund through proceeds
gram o f the Nyssa high school.
the Owyhee project tOregon-Ida- ity building, including showers, Toi- | ir°m the carnival dance and auc-
Dr. James Millar, prominent Ore­
ho) to determine the amount of lets. and wash room with washing tk>n held in the Nyssa gymnasium
gon educator and churchman, will
annual assessments on construct­ machine and trays. The strictly
Saturday night
speak to the 52 graduates and their
ion costs that the 1500 farmers in modern camp includes a half block activities conducted in connection
parents and friends in the Nyssa
the 100.000-acre irrigated area can devoted to a park, In which 35 j w*th the event,
gymnasium Thursday night. May
leasonab y be expected to pay, R e­ trees have been planted. The park j Six hundred and sixty persons,
16 at 8 o'clock
gional Director R. J. Newell an­ has been well lighted and the paying $1 each, attended the cam -
Other numbers on the program
nounced today.
grounds graveled.
ival dance. They paid $1060 for
will be given as follows: Process­
merchandise which was donated by
A representative of the bureau
ional, high school band: prayer.
farmers and business firms and
met with board members of the
Rev. C. L. Callahan; salutatory,
auctioned by Bill Lane and M ar­
Owyhee and Gem Irrigation dis­
Beverly Ann Ure; song, "W ay Over
ion Osborn. Some of the property
tricts last Tuesday to discuss the
Jordon" by Noble Cain, girls glee
sold for eight or ten times its act­
study. The bureau, Mr. Newell c-
valedictory, Hisako Kido:
ual value.
ports, is anxious to keep farmers
song, “ The House I Live In," Spen­
informed in detail of how the study
I The crowd o f dancers were so
cer Lane; song, “ Because You’re
The Junior class of Adrian high j large that during the circle two-
is being made and of progress
You" by Victor Herbert, girls glee
Farmer understanding, cooperation, school entertained, last Thursday steps three circles of dancers were
club; presentation of awards, Hen­
and*support, Mr. Newell said are evening. May 2 at a dinner-dance | arranged. As the dancers milled
desirable in developing a report in honor of the senior class. Quests j about the gymnasium other per-
A resolution opposing the form- schools; presentation of American
were seniors and their guests, I sons played the games on the north
that is equitable to all concerned.
x tion of a Malheur county PUD Legion awards, Commander Don
board members,
faculty I side of the hall, or ate and drank
The objective of the study, he school
was approved at a meeting of the Graham;
presentation of
explained, is to establish the bas­ members their wives or husbands I letreshments. Pond’s orchestra fur-
Nyssa chamber of commerce Wed­ Principal Frank Parr: presentation
The school gymnasium, scene ol nished music for the dance. The
is for a fair and equitable repay­
nesday noon.
of diplomas, R. G. Larson, school
ment schedule under which farmers the affair was beautifully decorated Oregon Trail Grange had charge
board chairman, and recessional,
The resolution reads as follows:
will repay the cod of the project to carry out the theme "Blossom of the auction, the American Leg­
“ Whereas, the Nyssa chamber of high school band, directed by Lynn
the federal government, over a Time." Eighty persons were ser­ ion the games and the Eagles
commerce went on record October Lawrence.
period of years, as remanded by ved at candle-lighted tables placed lodge the refreshments.
Baccalaureate services will be
17, 1946, by a unanimous vote op­
congress under reclamation 'nws, around the walls. Following dinner
The 1946 Jeep given away by the
posing the formation of a people's held in the Nyssa gymnasium Sun­
and yet retain adequate capital to the e-'oup danced to the music of Nyssa chamber of commerce was
utility district in Malheur county, day night, May 12, at 8 p. m. with
cover operating and living costs
awarded to Rodger Anderson, an
part'-ularly with reference to in- Rev. H. J. Gernhardt delivering the
Pastel streamers formed an art- employe of the Amalgamated Sugar
and a reasonable return on their
lusim of the municipality of Nys- ermon.
lfieal ceiling and sides for the gym. company at Nyssa. The Inboard
a, and published its reasons there­
The 1946 graduates are as follows:
Regional office employees eng.ig Flower covered white picket fences motor boat given by Dr. J. R. Cun­
for, and
Helen Andersen, Carol Jean Bair,
ed in the study are takii g into and arch formed the entrance and dall was awarded to John H uff­
“ Whereas, an election to deciuc Veleta Rose Bibbey, George Marcus
consideration all possible factors, another similar "garden" provided man of Boise. The net proceeds of
his proposal is to be held Friday, Billings, Betty Blackburn, James
including anticipated types of fan n ­ "a bower for the orchestra. Daven­ the activities centered about the
May 17, 1946,
Morrell Bunn, Ray Bybee, Peggy
ing costs, and Income which might port rocker and floor lamps were Jeep and boat were $3300 and other
“ Now Therefore, be it resolved by Campbell, Charlene Chritton, Twyla
be found in the area in the futuie. used in a games corner for those revenue amounted to $200, making
the total considerably more than
he Nyssa chamber of commerce in Crawford, Bonnie Crismon, Gerald
All of the land is being classified who did not wish to dance.
At the center of the room was a $5000, which increased the build­
egular meeting this 8th day of T. Curry, Lawrence Neil Dimmick,
according to relative productivity
Junice Marie Ege, Vivian Fife,
willow tree, flowering rock garden ing fund to approximately $22,000,
vlay, 1946, as follows:
over a long period.
“That we reaffirm our position to Grace Harriett Foster, Anna Gene
“ Congress, through its sub-corn and a rustic wishing well. The Treasurer Olean Wells said.
he formation of a people’s utility Gardner, William C. Hansen, Mark
The Lions club sponsored the
mlttee on interior appropriations, softly lighted stage had another
district in Malheur county, and we Hartley, Ned Q. Hibbert, Genevieve
expressed itself in no uncertain picket fence along which “ grew" a money-raising campaign, assisted
urge all voters to defeat the pro­ Hipp, Fumi Hitomi, Janet Irving,
terms that it expects the bureau of border of gay blossoms hand-paint­ by the Nyssa Bout club and other
Janet Romalne Jennings, Verla Jen­
reclamation to take immediate steps ed by Ilea Kreager and Ardls Burst. organizations already mentioned.
“That /we particularly urge the sen, Myrna Maedeen Jordan, His­
The small dinner tables, centered
Harry Shelton has been employed
toward collecting payments on Owy­
/oters of the municipality of Nys- ako Kido. Marjorie Louise Merrick,
hee project construction charges," by pastel candles were lovely and by' the Lions club to .illicit, funds
a to vote against the PUD pro-
carried out the spring motif with for the hospital from persons who
Mr. Newell said.
>osal, so that in any event the as Vern Moore, Tatsuko Nishimura,
"As the first move in carrying l lowered napkins and flower place- have not been contacted for direct
municipality of Nyssa will not be Amy Kathryn Nii, Merry Louise
out the wishes of the congress, cards made by Lula Belle Wilson. donations.
Norcott, Udell E. Poulsen, Peggy
included in the district:
Dr. K. E. Kerby announced at a
Frank T. Morgan of Nyssa, chair­ the bureau has established a tem­ Small pink and blue May baskets
"That w e' recognize the urgency Pounds, Neil Ransom, Barbar R it­ man of the Malheur county citizen’s
porary repayment schedule calling at each place held candy and nuts. meeting of the chamber of com­
Robert G. Root, Frieda Marie
>f getting voters to the polls May _ chey,
merce at noon Wednesday that ar­
committee opposing formation of a for an annual payment on construc­
Gwen Loreen Smith, Greta
, u,
17th, and that we ask individual Sebum,
, PUD, this week released a letter tion charges of $2 per irrigable Pettis and Opal Johanneson and rangements have been tentatively
Laverale .
, .
members of this chamber to as- Louise
made for a building site southwest
by Harold L. Ickes, form er secre- acre for the period starting in 1947 girls who assisted them.
. . . . . .
. .
>ist in every way passible to get Toombs, Alice Virginia Troutn er,,.
The special feature of the dinner of the high school building.
, .
tary of the interior, giving the rea- and continuing not beyond 1949.
i full expression from this com­
. .
. .
sons why generation of electric pow- One dollar per irrigable acre will was a "spring dance" by Joyce
ren, John A. Sopher, John Dewey.
. .
munity. at the polls."
1 er at Owyhee dam is not feasible be due and payable in 1946. This Kurtz, Betty Lou Newblll, Shirley
Ralph Gale of Boise, representing George Kasahara, W illiam Boers- and to clarify passible misunder­
rate will be in effect until a long­ Smith, and Caroline Schelmer as
he Idaho Power company, discus- ma, Robert V. Leuck and Donna standing of power contracts made
time plan for payment of construc­ flowers, Eudora Higgins as a but­
cd the report of the state hydro- Belle Goodell.
by the bureau of reclamation in the tion charges can be developed, on terfly and Norma Jean Dierking
•lectrlc commission of Oregon on
utilization of power generated at the basis of the economic study as spring.
the proposed Malheur PUD.
Accepts Position—
The dinner was prepared by Miss
Black Canyon dam.
now underway, and is approved by
Culver K. Norcott. former Nyssa
Mr. Gale said the average family
Mrs. Douglas McDonald has ac­
all parties to the original and a- Ruth Larssen and her home econ­
lower cost here is $90 a year or cepted a position in the Lincoln
resident, died Friday May 3 at
for Malheur county are saying that mended repayment contracts. The
Pendleton after an illness extend­
hree per cent of the family bud­ school in Caldwell for the fall
study is to be completed at an the sophomore girls under the dir­
get so that if a fam ily were given term. Mrs. McDonald will teach Idaho Power company gets Black
ing over a period of two years.
ection of several mothers.
Canyon power free of charge,” early date."
ts electricity its financial condi­ departmental work.
Mr. Norcott was born in Burwell,
The general arrangements were
tion would not be appreciably im­
in charge of Donald Elliot, junior Ontario, Canada October 14. 1867.
Newell said, that the announced
proved. The cost of power in in­ Visits In Nampa—
He spent the first part of his life
ibility of power generation at the rate of $2 per Irrigable acre per class president; Darlene Robb, tre­
dustry is only 1.41 per cent of the
Mrs. G. W. Hankins, Mrs. Ida Owyhee dam. The letter written year will not set a precedent for asurer, and Mrs. Joe Brumbach, in Ohio and moved to Oregon in
total expense. Thirty-four
pro­ Garringer and Mrs. Howard Finger
1904. Mr. Norcott lived in Nyssa for
Mr. Ickes last November explains nor influence the results of the class advisor.
posed PUD’S have been voted on in spent Wednesday in Nampa.
The dinner committee consisted about a year. He was the father of
Oregon, 12 have been voted in and
the late E. D. Norcott, former
be qualified to render an unpre­ temporary period of not to exceed of Lula Belle Wilson, Delores Balt­
22 have been rejected. Only two
er, and Darlene Robb. Decorations Nyssa dentist.
Called To Washington—
are in operation in Oregon. The
were done by Elaine Jones, Ilea
Arthur C, Norcott of Seattle, who
Mrs. Lula Hoxie left Tuesday for
The Ickes letter, which was writ­ completion of a preliminary study
12 PU D ’S have levied $135,422 in
Evans. Washington to be with her ten to Senator Wayne Morse to an­ of the Incomes receipted by repre­ Kreager, Wilbur Jackson, Joan Jen­ was here for the funeral, is the
taxes since 1938, although they do
daughter-in-law. who is seriously swer a challenge from a Malheur sentative farmers in 1945 and of sen, Dick Stain, Jim Wilson, and only survivor.
not own a pole and have never de­
Donald Elliot. Others who worked
Graveside services were held Tue­
county resident, includes the fol­ anticipated price levels during the on special committees were Roy
livered a kilowatt hour of power,
sday in the Nyssa cemetery, where
Mr. Gale said.
Meacham, Walter Gray, Martin the body was interred beside the
"Under one of the plans for re­ Mlhlestedt, Olenn Trussell and
A PUD cannot be dissolved for Visiting Brother—
body of Mrs. Norcott. Rev. H. J.
“The development of power at payment being considered, con­
at least 10 year. I f it is inactive for
Donald Saxton.
Oernhardt officiated at the service
10 years it can be dissolved. That non. Missouri is visiting at the home the Owyhee dam was given thor­ struction charges would vary with
The class wishes to thank Mrs. The Nyssa Funeral home was in
Is the only condition under which of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hankins. ough study. The only water pass­ economic conditions," Newell said. Elliot, who made the corsages, the charge.
it can be dissolved. Under the law Mrs. Garringer is Mr. Hankins's ing the Owyhee dam, except poss­ "They would be lower during a de­ Adrian business people and school
ible flood water in the spring, ts pression than during periods of friends who gave flowers and loan­
51 per cent of the people can float sister.
Go T o Spokane—
the prior natural-flow right during higher prices.
a general bond issue for a PUD.
ed accessories, and Mrs. Stain, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. George McKee lelt
" I f it is good business for the Visit Relativi
“ In the original contract with Kreager, Mrs Wilson, Mrs. Robb Saturday for Spokane to visit their
Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen and
government to put the Idaho Pow­
each of the nine districts of the and Mrs. Jones who assisted with daughter, Mrs. Max Schwelzer, and
er company out o f business, it is daughter Mary of Huntington spent '200 second-feet, more or less. Pow- project it was agreed that tne con­ the dinner.
family. They will be away from
a good idea to put every farmer the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. *er could be developed through use struction charges would be repaid
Nyssa two weeks.
and business man out of business," Charles Garrison, parents of Mrs. of this water during the summer, over a period of 40 years. In a Takes P o s itio n -
but it would be suitable only for general supplemental contract, call­
Oale said.
Jack Anderson, pharmacist in the Picnic Planned—
irrigation pumping and the max- ed an omnibus contract, which was Vale Drug company store for two
All Cub Scouts and their parents
Visit In Twin Falls—
executed by all districts lr. 1946, it and one-half years before the war, are invited to attend a picnic to be
Mr. and Mrs. Bumall Brown and
was agreed that construction char­ will be employed in the Nysaa phar­ held in the City park Friday at
daughter. Marion, spent the week­ vention of the Christain church ¿1 , winter. The river is not used toj ges would be set at $2.50 per irig- macy and the Owhyee drug store 6 p. m.
end in Twin Falls visiting friends Milton, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy i carry any stored water except for | able acre per year for the ten- this summer. He spent four years
L Smith accompanied Mr. Smith the Owyhee Ditch company in the year period from 1940 to 1949. The in the pharmaceutical department Baby Scalded—
and relatives.
and plan to spend the week at summer, and all water is captured government postponed collection of in the army for four years. He
Ronald Ward, Infant son of Mr.
Move To Ogden—
(Continued on Page 4)
construction charges from 1940 to spent a considerable portion of that and Mrs. Earl Ward of Apple val­
Pasco on business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop and
1945 because the development of time in India.
ley, was scalded by steam this week
Flower Show Planned—
family left Tuesday for Ogden, Nyssa Visitors—
the project was not all complete W A N T E D —T o do land leveling at his home. He was recovering
where they will make their home
Mrs. Frances Black of Caldwell
The Nyssa Civic club will hold its by 1940, and it was felt that many New equipment. Jim Trummell, satisfactorily this morning.
Mr. Bishop has been transferred spent Thursday of last week wltii annual spring flower show and of the farmers on new lands need­ Box 465, Nyssa
from the Nyssa Sugar factory to Mrs. J. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. guest day program May 15 at 2 ed more time to clear, level, and
Here From Ontario—
the general office in Ogden.
William E. Lewis of Welser soent p. m. at the parish hall. All ladles otherwise bring their farms to more Returns From Chicago—
Mrs. Walter Marshall of Ontario
of the community are Invited to complete development.
Tuesday at the Smith home.
Dr. J. R. Cundall. local dentist, la vlalUng frienda in Nyssa this
Visits Daughter—
attend and provide flowers to be
has returned from a 12-day trip to week.
displayed at the meeting. A good Here From Georgia—
Mrs. Harvey Humpheries of Y ak­ Returns To Nyssa—
Chicago, where he purchased an
ima is visiting her daughter. Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cornell program has been planned. The
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hadaway of inboard motor boat equipped with From Cooat—
Lucille Norcott. She came for the and fam ily returned to Nyssa Sun­ public is Invited to attend.
Macon. Oeorgla visited Mr. and a 45 horsepower motor. He was ac
Mrs. Carl Dodson of Portland ar-
graduation of her granddaughter. day from Spokane, where they have
Mrs. J. L. Huseby this week. The com ponied on the automobile trip rived Monday for a vLsit with Mr.
Merry Norcott. from Nyssa high been making their home since Mr. Daughter Born—
visitors were en route to Yellow­ by Jack Anderson local pharmacist. and Mrs. Audrey Ward.
Mr and Mrs. Sterman Thomson stone Park. California, Mexico City
Cornell received his discharge from
of Portland are parents of a girl and Florida.
the navy in December.
Here From Tacoma—
Leave For Payette—
bom April 28. The baby weighed
Go To Portland—
Mr. and Mrs. C. L Newell and | Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jensen and
Mr and Mrs Wavne Morris and Visits From Michigan—
7 pounds, 11 ounces and has been Visiting S is te r-
daughter. Sherrie, of Tacoma were family
left Monday for Payette to
daughter left for Portland Satur­
Miss Mary Christensen of Provo, overnight guests at the home
Mrs. Oren Wampler of Detroit, named Sheri Kay. Mr. Thomson
of make
their home.- Mr Jensen
day to visit at the home of Mrs Michigan arrived Saturday for a formerly of Nyssa. is a son ot Utah la visiting at the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty Sat- field man for the Amalgamated
John Thomson.
sister, Mrs. Tren Jones.
Morris' (lster, Mrs. ‘ Oswald Forbes.! visit with Mrs. S. C. McConnell.
Sugar company.
Chamber Votes
Against P.U.D.
Adrian Juniors
Honor Seniors
Morgan Denies
PO I) Contention
Culver Norcott
Funeral Is Held