Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1946)
TTieNYSSA \\jL>L> Mül AAAX1 INO. JOURNAL 1Ü fsVsSA, ÒREGON, THljRSÜÄVrMAY~2>'l94rt Rev. Gernhardt NYSSA PTA w i l l Bulldogs Close c e l e b r a t i o n h e l d W ill Speak At ELECT OFFICERS ’46 Season With NAMPA ™ SWEEK y \ '• r- a Coronation of Bor.nle Lou Rod- A meeting of the Nyssa Parent- Baccalaureate Teacher association will be held 3 v v i n s , ¿> L o s s e s well as Pa'^flnder queen at a Annual Event to be Held In Nyssa Gymnasium May 12 in the high set jol building May 8 for U.B purpose of cempleting the | Most i special Wednesday morning P a p e r s A s k in g ro r Merger Of s c h o o ls F ile d V a r i e d E P r o v i d e d n t e r t a i n m A t H e n t o s p i t a l W C i l l B e a r n i v a l last- of Games Close Ontario Wins Title On Oregon Side call general meeting of the many Board To Set Date For i ------- committees in charge er Nampa's Election In Arcadia ¡APARTMENT HOUSE ¡Jeep and Boat W ill Be Pathfinder week, May 5 to 11, WILL BE ERECTED Given Saturday Night And Nyssa marked completion of the elaborate In Nyssa Gym. r- , „ . plans for the celebration which .... . . . . , The f ">’vhee Produce company. Rev. H. J. Gernhardt. pastor ot Defeating the Vale Vikings 2 to Nanmalls ternl ..Idaho.s biggest _ Petitions asking the county bound- I . . . . . . , „ lepresented by S. P. By^ee, was iss- the Methodist Community church 1 Tuesday night, the Nyssa Bull- week." ary board to hold an election on , . ... An extensive program of enter . . ued a permit at the city hall this of Nyssa, will deliver the sermon dogs closed the 1946 baseball seas A highlight of the week's enter ,, tainment has been arranged for the proposed consoliation of school at the annual baccalaureate ser week to construct an apartment , on with three wins and five losses. tainment W ll be the personal app- district No. 26C of Nyssa and Ar- house at pifth itreet ¿¡JJ Klng j the carnival dance to be held ln vices of the Nyssa high school In The Bulldogs lost three games by e ran e of "Pinky" Tomlin, popu the Nyssa gymnasium Saturday cadia district, No. 36, were taken avenue, the gymnasium May 12 at 8 p. m. one point and two of the three lar song writer of "The Object The high school orchestra will games went extra Innings. They of My Affection” and many other to the county school superintendent I The building, which will cast an night, May 4 under the auspices play the processional and the re school estimated $15,000, will be of mas- of the Lions club for the benefit split with every team they played favorites, who will personally in by Henry Hartley, Nyssa cessional. onry construction. except Ontario and the Tigers troduce his new song hit, titled: superintendent, Wednesday. of the Malheur Memorial hospital. Rev. E. J. Wilson o f the Nazarene Under the law an election will Several other permits for resl- Idaho", with approp won both games, one in the ninth "Nampa, Dancing will be started at 9 church, Rev. George Whipple of the be called by the boundary board dential buildings were issued dur- riate accompaniments by Al Don rs * \ • LSI. | and one in 10 innings o'clock, with the music furnished Christian church and Bishop Arvll in each district to decide the ing the last few days. r OF 1/ tliry O llO W Ontario won the Oregon title ahue and his orchestra in person, Child o f the L. D. S. church will ------------------------ by Pond's orchestra. The games _______ “ | and the right to play Payette over the const-to-coast, 300-station question. The board will set the i participate in the program. election date and make other arr- „ . t m will be conducted by the Amer Rules for the showing of cattle |iOT the Snake River Valley league network of Mutual Broadcasting The girls glee club will sing two O n in ift n lu lV P n at the spring show to be held ; Pennant. The play-off for the con service. I b is event has been sched angements for the voting. ican Legion and the auction will selections and Twila Crawford will The proposition must carry in “ *1 by the Malheur County Jersey ference title has been set for May uled for the Saturday night. May be staged by the Oregon Trail play a violin solo. both districts in order to become 11, climax of Pathfinder week, at Cattle club in Nyssa May 18 were 7, 9 and 10. ^ ^ J - J l C V - H U I l Grange. The Eagles lodge will be Commencement exercises for the In the Nyssa-Vale game, the the final public dance which feat effective. I f consolidation is app- ^ ^ announced this week. In charge of refreshments. graduates will be held Thursday, roved, an apportionment will be ures Al Donahue's band. Registration of exhibits will not Bulldogs scored one run in each A 1946 jeep purchased by the In accordance with an opinion May 16 in the ymnaslum. Dr. made of the assets and liabilities The full schedule of daily att be required before May 18, but o f the first and second innings and Nyssa chamber of commerce and James Millar of Portland, promln- ractions also include originating I between the districts and the one \ W e d n e s d a y by long distance ™ ““ “, ¡m ay be done on that day. Both reg were held scoreless the remainder a $1000 inboard motor boat donat ent church leader and educator, ■’ *• "?* at Nampa o f the new MBS net- with the least relative assets will Leltl)’ ' OIle ^ Attorney General istered and grade jerseys cattle of the game. In the first, Iseri hit, ed by Dr. J. R. Cundall will be the commencement i work show entitled: "Better H a lf be required to make up the diff- p eor8e Neuner, the polling places will deliver may be exhibited but not in com and stole second. Herren hit and given away sometime between 11 which celebrators may see as well erence during a five-year period. lor tl>e election to be held address. Billings drove out a short fly that petition. Other breeds may be and 12 o'clock as a climax to the _________ __ as hear every afternoon: a world The assets and liabilities are pro- 111 Malheur county May 17 w111 he shown in classes to be arranged scored Iseri. Toombs was thrown benefit performance. out at first and Herren was put ' movie premiere and sneak prevue, portioned in relation to the assess-, ^ “ “ A V O SE T C O M PA N Y for 4-H and F FA projects. All Roy Holmes, chairman of the every daV of week: a commun- . ed valuation. 1 win serve in Grange auction committee, has cattle over six months of age out trying to steal home. O F F IC IA L VISITS In the second frame Moore led “ y May fete, a free barbecue, a » the consolidation Ls approved, *" must be provided with a certificate issued an appeal to the Orange o ff with a hit, stole second and muslf- festival, a style show, an H will very likely be necessary t o , members and other farmers to M. K. Jordan, executive vice issued by an approved laboratory, an elec- maintain the Arcadia school ln ! 3 Qf ?h„ n ^ ! r ^ w n T take their contributions, including president of the Avoset corpora showing that such animals have advanced to third on a play from eM it-piano symphony, shortstop to first for Iseri's out trical-living school, a kids' day.! operation until the building p ro -; 3 of livestock, to the gymnasium Sat tion, arrived in Nyssa Sunday a f been tested and found free from when Nampa youngsters will con- 8ram In Nyssa is completed. Mr. \ uthortll*<> tor. Pubucatlon by the abortion within two and scored on a wild pitch. ternoon by plane from San Fran infectious county court last week-end, ls ln urday night. He said business men D. Nixon scored Vale’s lone tally dlIct the affairs of the entire c ity ,! Hartley said, cisco to attend to business in con months of the date they are ex conflict with the attorney general's in Nyssa will also be solicited for after reaching first on an error. He including even the stores, a free j nection with establishment of an hibited. ruling, which was received after merchandise to be auctioned. The was sacrificed to second. Barnes sl rt*et dance: an industrial open _ _ , . . _ CLASSES: Avoset plant in Nyssa. the page on which the advertise Owyhee Riding club has given a struck out for the second out and . . *>ouse- ttciost F 1111(1 IN D IV ID U A LS . . . . wben . . . „ tours will be, , £ j O S J J I L c l I Mr. Jordan made the trip to ment appeared was printed W ed beef to be sold at the auction. Nyssa with Mr. Senter, California 1. Bull born July 1, 1944 to Jan- Lambert singled to score Nixon, conducted thiough Nampas maj- nesday afternoon. B. Nixon f lie j out to Herren for 01 manufacturing plants, an auto-1 aviator. They flew to Nyssa and uary 1, 1945. A group of persons representing POPPIES W ILL BE mobile show, a livestock show, a 2. Bull born January 1, 1945 to ! the l®8* out- returned to San Francisco in the public power Interests appear dairy show, farm implement .show, SOLD IN NYSSA July 1, 1915. ---- two-place Taylorcraft plane. ed at a meeting of the county an aviation day, featuring the An Avoset corporation engineer 3. Bull born after July 1, 1945 court yesterday at Vale and insist new post-war planes and guest Poppy day will be observed ln Ls expected to arrive here this week 'Must be at least 4 months old), More than $4u0 as added to the ed that an opinion of the attorney Nyssa and throughout the United ] pilots from as distant as Penn- end to further arrangements for 4. Cow born before July 1, 1941. general be secured. As a result i 'L A x A / l e i n n -sylvania, a. spectacular lantern Malheur Memorial hospital build States on Saturday, May 25, Mrs, the plant. 5 Cow born July 1, 1911 to July 1, O llU J J A l A d r i a n parade, a dramatization of fire ing fund through proceeds from District Attorney Otis Smith call Eddie Powell, president of the Nys John Slrex. assistant to the vice 1942. ________ j fighting progress form Its origin the boating carnival sponsored by ed Mr. Neuner by telephone. sa unit of the American Legion president, was here last week and 6. Cow born July 1, 1912 to July 1, The agriculture building of t h e ' to tiie present, and many other the Nyssa Boat club on Snake auxiliary, has announced. returned by plane to California, 1943. river Sunday. ■ Adrian high school was saved from • worthwhile attractions, Memorial poppies to be worn ln 7. Cow born July 1, 1943 to July 1, Friday. The money was received from the destruction by fire by ag. students,! “ Bake” Young, Nampa’s cham- honor of the dead of both world 1944. sale of boat rides given by members school officials and others T u e s -' ber of commerce secretary, point- wars will be distributed on the 8. Heifer born July 1, 1944 to Jan day morning about 9 o'clock. ed out that much national atten- 07 the c*ub In their outboard and streets throughout the day by vol uary 1, 1915 (Not ln milk—Heifers The firse, said to have been tion would be focused on Nampa | inboard boats. In addition to those unteer workers from the auxiliary ln milk must enter as 2 year olds. caused by burning trash near the : and on Idaho during Path fin d er: taking rides, hundreds of persons Winners of the American Le and Girl Scouts. Contributions re 9. Heifers born January 1, 1945 to building, damaged the east gable week through the media of Path- 1 ltned the Snake river bridge and gion poppy poster contest ln the ceived In exchange for the flow July 1, 1945. ________ : , , „ ifpr . h „ f t - - i.o i end of the structure. One window finder magazine's news and photo P acked the small space near the Nyssa schools were announced ers will be used In relief and re habilitation work for disabled vet- Mrs. Mary Olive Casey died ip , be* at least 4 months old. was dcstroyed and another dam- representatives and RKO -Pathe “ ° at landing. Automobile parking this week the Nvssa Nursing home Friday,' CHAM PIONS PIONS at!ed ^ was estimated at from cameramen who will cover the «Pace was at a premium. T h e group, including many fine crans, their families and the fam- CHAM Members of the Lions club sold $75 to $100. ¡event and through Mutual net- April 26 at 9:35 a. m. after an jj . Junior champion bull posters, may be seen ln Nyssa store Hies of the dead. tickets and boat club members asses | The fire fighters extinguished j work's coast-to-coast broadcast. Extensive preparations for Pop Illness of two years. She had been i, 2 and 3 competing, windows. The winning pasters lo- ... . . . . .. the blaze by using buckets of wa-1 Nampa’s Pathfinder week, acc- sold drinks and sandwiches i t a - . . . py day are being made by the bedfast most of the time since 12. Reserve champion bull, concession stand. The gross "take" * " ,tered( in th* auxiliary unit under the direction coming here from Sweetwater, Tex- 13. Senior champion female— Class ter carried from the shower rooms j ordlng to Young, has a twofold COntMt and the Wlnner ln 0,6 of Mrs. Rolland Lawrence, poppy in the basement of the high school ■ objective. First, it is the local cel- on the refreshments amounted to state ns in February of this year. es 4, 5. 6 and 7 competing. will compete ln the national lebration of Pathfinder magazine's $175. chairman. The volunteer workers contest for the grand prize. Mrs. Casey was born December 14 Junior champion female— class- building, located nearby. j recent national selection of Nampa The $400 received Sunday increas Local winners were as follows: are being organized Into teams and 16, 1876, a dauhter of Mr. and es 8, 9 and 10 competing. ed the total hospital fund to close as “ typical” community of the 16,- Class I, fourth, fifth and sixth assigned to locations ln the down Mrs. Joseph Jones. She lived ln 15, Grand champion female. C H R ISTIA N YO U N G 13J0 cities and towns of less than to the $18.000 mark grades, Patty Ann Grunke, first town area. Residence areas also Illinois until 1892, when she was pj Reserve champion female, PEOPLE MEET HERE ! 25,000 population which comprise and Robert Keveren second: class will be covered to give everyone an married to Martin Briscoe. Twelve HERDS AND GROUPS The monthly meeting of the | • Main street America.” Second, From Boise— II. seventh, eighth and ninth opportunity to pay tribute to the children were born to Mr. and Mrs. 17. Graded herd—One bull, classes Christian Young People’s union_ of Pathfinder week will be an actual M r- and Mrs. Austin Kerby, Mr. grades, Donald Coffman, first, and war dead by wearing a memorial Briscoe. Four children and Mr. ¡1 or 2; one female, classes 4 or 5; the Christian churches of Mai demonstration of “ Main street Am - and Mrs. Guy Kerby. George Rey- flower. Harley Du us second. Briscoe died several years ago. one female, classes 6 or 7: one heif- heur county and southwestern Ida erica's potentialities in entertain- nolds and Lew Dunne of Boise were The popples have been ordered Mrs. Casey was a member of the er, classes 8 or 9. ho was held ln the Nyssa gymnas ment, culture. Industry, agriculture Sunday guests ol Dr. and Mrs. from veterp ns hospitals, where Baptist church, in which her father is. Breeders young herd— One bull. ium Tuesday night. Representa NYSSA TRACKMEN and retail business as exemplified Kenneth Kerby. they are being made by disabled was an evangelist. classes 1, 2 or 3: two heifers. tives of churches in several Idaho by the many individual phases of I ------------------------ TO ENTER MEET veterans o f both wars, working Survivors are her husband. Jam- classes 8 or 9; and two heifers towns and Ontario, Vale and Nyssa Nampa activity. I Firemen Called— under the direction of the Oregon es Casey of Sweetwater, Texas; class 10. (A ll to be owned by ex- attended. Nyssa firemen were called Mon Nyssa high school will have sev department of the American Le- four daughters, Mrs. Elton Botner hibitor and females bred by exhl- A fter games were played and Guild To Meet— day to the Rainbow hotel because eral entries ln the Snake River lon auxiliary. They are crepe pa of Parma, Mrs. Chester Allen ot bitor.) each group presented a stunt, a St. Paul’s guild will meet w ith ' of an overheated oil stove. No valley track meet to be held ln per replicas of the European wild Washou?al, Washington, Mrs. Vir- 19. Breeders calf herd— One bull. business meeting was held, with Weiser May 4. .. ... „ w_____ ^ r-oi 1 1 o . ... ---------- --------- - Mrs. E. K . Burton at her home damage was caused. poppy which bloomed on the bat gil Wolfinbarger of Ontario, C al-¡class 3: two heifers class 10. (A ll 1 123 persons in attendance. The Wednesday, May 8 at 8 p. m. 1 ___________________ The Nyssa representatives will tlefields of France and Belgium ifornia and Mrs. Samuel Snyder to be ow n r* by exhibitor and fern- young people decided to hold their ! Parents of Girl— Include Moore, hurdles and high- In both wars and which has be of Nyssa: four sons, Henry and ales bred by exhibitor.) next meeting in Weiser the last Attending Convention— I Mr. and Mrs. Ashford Fields are jump; Church, discus; Shaw, mile come a world-wide symbol of re Orley BrLscoe of Nyssa, Lester 20. Dairy herd— Four females, 1 week ¡n May. Refreshments were Rev. and Mrs. George Whipple ' the parents of a girl born Mon McLaughlin, distance; Bair, 220 membrance of America's battle Briscoe of Graham, Texas and classes 4, 5, 6 and 7: must have served by the Nyssa group. left Tuesday for Milton to attend day at the Nyssa nursing home and sprints; Iseri. broadjump and dead. and Willis Briscoe, a United States freshened at least once ar.d all an eastern Oregon convention ol and weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces sprints; Bartholoma. 440; Anderson, Popples will be more generally soldier serving In Italy, 26 grand- to be owned by exhibitor, Nyssa Man Promoted— the Christian church. They will The baby will be named Verna javelin, and Ray, pole vault. worn this year than ever before, children, three great grandchil- 21. Get of sire— Four animals any Jœ Robertson, son of Mr. and be away from Nyssa mast of t h e , Jean Mrs. Lawrence predicted. dren and three brothers. ¡age, sired by one bull, not more Mrs. Artie Robertson of Nyssa. has week. Visits Daughter— “With peace restored and the Funeral services wer* held Tues- I than two to be bulls, been promoted from the rank of Go To Echo — N. L Kimball of Weiser spent nen coming home,” she said, "ev day with Rev. E. J. Wilson of the ¡22. Junior get of sire— Four ani- lieutenant (J.g.) to lieutenant (s. Go To Northern idaho- Mrs w. F. Findling left Tuesday the week-end with his daughter eryone will want to pay tribute Nazarene church officiating. ^ - , mais, under 2 years, sired by one lB.> in the navy. He Ls stationed! M r and Mrs. D Q . Bybee and ! for Echo to visit her sLster. Mrs. and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ward to those who ran never come back terment was in the Parma ceme- j bull, not more than two to be | at pearl harbor where he Ls com- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Child spent sev- J. L. Brown, and family. Wleneke. to us by wearing a poppy ln their tery. The Nyssa Funeral home bulls. mand pilot of a large navy tran-1 eral days in northern Idaho on honor on Poppy day." was in charge. 23. Produce of dam— Two animals sport plane. Lt. Robertson recent- business. They stayed Friday eve Return From Visit— Boy Arrive»— elther sex out of one cow. ! ly re-enlisted ln the navy. ning at Payette lake. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldredge re Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Padilla o f Conference Planned— P I'D M E ETING PLANNED— turned Monday from Corvallis and Parma are parents of a boy bom A primary conference will be A public meeting for a discussion Attend Family Reunion— y ew t -ierk Here— Relatives at llammon Home— Newport, where they spent the May 2 at the Nyssa Nursing home. held Sunday evening in the Nyssa of the proposed Malheur county | Mrs. D. L. Anderson returned j Mr and M rs. Dale Mass of Salt Mr and Mrs Amasa Hammon week-end. T h e child weighed S pounds, IS ward L. D. S. chapel with approx people's utility district will be held home Wednesday from Salt Lake Lake City arrived in Nyssa last had as their guests this week end ounces. imately 250 children participating. in the Nyssa gymnasium Thurs- City, where she attended a family week to make their home. Mr M r, Hammons sLster. Mrs. Vera Here From S e a ttle - Eaeh class will give a dramatization day, May 9 at 8 p. m. An outside leunion, along with Mr. and Mrs Moss has acecpted a position as Hobson and Mrs Hooper of Og- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Davis of Here From Ogden— o f their year's studies. speaker will be secured for the Merlin Fagan of Nyssa rural route. cierk in Gordon's Drive-in market. den, Seattle spent the week-end at the Mr. and Mrs Wayne Barker of occasion by the PU D sponsoring Mrs. Anderson made the trip be- He recently was discharged f r o m __________________ home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ogden were gueaU Sunday and Receives Discharge— committee. j tween Boise and Salt Lake City ' the service. Parents of Girl— Schireman. Monday at the S. P. Bybee home Reid J. Cottle returned Saturday ----------------- ------- and return by plane. Mr. Fagan ___________________ ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson are 1 ------- from Bremerton, where he receiv Ontario Team To Play— is a brother of Mrs. Anderson. Guests At W ert* Horn the parents of a girl bom Saturday Return To Ny Receives Prom otion- ed his discharge from the navy. The Ontario town baseball team Another brother. Ersel Fagan. re- Sgt. and Mrs. W. J. Behms of at the Samaritan hospital In Nam- Mr and Mrs. Grant Lends have Jay Bybee has been promoted to will play a practice game with the cently discharged from the army. Centralia. Washington were week- pa The baby will be named San- returned to Nyssa to make their platoon sergeant with the super Returns to Odden— Wilder town team on the high attended the reunion. Others ln efld guests at the home o f Mr. dra Kay. home. Mr. Lewis Is employed by vision o f 30 men ln his charge. Mrs. Roy Child, who has been school grounds at Ontario Sun- attendance ‘ included relatives from and Mrs. Edwin Wertz. Mr. W ertz' | the Amalgamated Sugar company. a house guest at the D. O. Bybee day afternoon. California and Utah. parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Wertz |„ Idaho On Business- Hece Fsc Week- tome the past two weeks, return left Sunday evening for C entral^ I LaMarr Patterson and Roy Child Receiving Treatment— Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moshler ed to her home In Ogden. 8 at- Pupils Gevlng Program— Stationed In Texas— to visit relatives, after a three- spent several days early this week Mrs. Letha Jeffrey was admitted and two daughters. Janet and Del- urday Mr Child will remain in The annual program given by Mario Anderson of Nyssa, who weeks visit here. in northern Idaho on business. to the Nyssa Nursing home today ores, of Ogden were week-end ; Nysaa for employment. the Nyssa grade school ln obser recently enlisted in the army, Ls for medical treatment. guests at the Sherman P. Bybee vance of National Music week will now stationed at Amarillo, Texas. Sees Valley from Plane— ¡Stoker Speaker Here— home. At Owyhee Dam— be presented In the gymnasium M r Senter. California aviator] Bishop Leslie Stoker, contractor In Boise— Mr and Mrs Robert Wilson. Mr. I I Girl Is Hurt— --------- Friday, May 3 at 8 p. m. flew over part of the Snake river ¡and builder, who recently moved Mr and Mrs. John Bishop spent Child Aurumbs— and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis. Calvin W il Carolyn Oden. seven-year-old valley Monday with Bernard Frost to Adrian, was the Sunday eve- Saturday ln Boise. Graveside services were held In son. Miss Mary Christensen, Tom t'ndergoes Operation— [daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. K. Od- on a sight-seeing tour. He return- riing speaker at the Nyssa L .D S ¡Original Song Featured— the Nyssa cemetery Monday for my Holman and MLss Lois Ander Mrs. Wanda Sykes, former Nyssa j en suffered a small gash on her lip ed to San Francisco Tuesday. ward meeting. j The original composition Home Patricia May Doty. Infant daugh son spent Sunday at the Owyhee resident, underwent a major oper- | when she slid down a sand bank ! Made Love," written by T. Carol ter of Mr and Mrs. Jeaae Doty of dam atlpn ln St. Alphonsus hospital in and struck an Iron boat trailer In Boh >— III At H o m e - Bybee. will be featured by the Boise route 2, former Nyssa resi Boise last Wednesday. Mrs. Sykes , parked at the Nyssa boat landing Mrs Frank Morgan and Mrs Mrs. George Poubion Is confined sixth grades at the spring tea dents. Rev H J. Oemhardt of the Ahsg In Payette— ls a daughter of Mr and Mrs ¡Sunday Some of her teeth were Holly Smith spent Monday tn to her bed for .several days suf- tlval given at the Nysaa school Methodist church conducted the Mrs. Oeorge Bear and Mrs Tom Homer Ernest of Nysaa. ¡loosened ln the accident. Boise 1 firin g from a nervous condition budding May J. ! services. Lyle thopped ln Payette Tuesday. organization. Election of officers will be held following a report of the nominat ing committee, consisting of Grant Rinehart, Mrs. E. S. Frost and Mrs. Ann Be us. The by-laws committee, which set the date for the meeting, will also report. The committee is composed of Ronald Campbell, Mrs. W. W. Foster and Mrs. Leslie Ballantyne. Rules Are Given (An P i 1 D I<Mgw»f iori Benefits From Boat Carnival Fire Damages Ag Mrs. Mary Casey Succumbs Here Poster Contest Winners Given