Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1946)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL mm I tables of bridge Thursday. Winners ! In bridge were Mrs. Olen Billings, Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and Mrs. Harry Miner. THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1946 LOCAL NEWS -I- MR AND MRS CLUB MEETS Wins In Athletic aicet— Mr and Mrs. Burnall Brown Jay Bybee, wno is seiving In the 1entertained the Wednesday evening occupation forces in Okayama, Jap Duncan and Joanne Matheny, were Mr ttnd Mrs- club- Special guests an, won first place in the lab-yard AUXILIARY MEETS The American Legion auxiliary presenceU Wii,li prise, ior tneu were Mr and Mrs w R Camp- aash, 11 minutes, a seconds In a bell and Mrs. John Beckham. Prizes held imiiation of new members large collections of songs of world were won by Mr. and Mrs. Camp track meet recently held there. He also won third place In the aO-yara and election of officers last Thurs war It. dash. On Easter Sunday he part Mrs. Denyse Duus of French bell. day evening. New members are icipated in a football game. Alice Codins, Darlene Heldt, Ruby Morocca in Africa, near Oran, wife BRIDGE PARTY HELD C. Dorlty, Dorothy Michaelson, of Captain Duus of the American neien looier. Vivian >»uu> vuuirau, u - »»ny, was a guest. It was her ; Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop . . . en- Opens Radio Shop— Helen Tobler. Cochran, w Bar- Gene Seybold. lormer Nyssa res bara Burton, Barbara Duncan, Jo- first visit to an American Legion tertained three tables at bridge anne Matheny and Betty Matheny.! auxiliary. She thanked the group evening. Out-of-town ident, has returned from Gresham Luch member was presented with in French, which was translated guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. M. and has established a radio re a corsage. | by Mrs. Hopkins. Lunch was serv- Hauser of Ontario. Mrs. Hauser pairing shop In the Nordale-New- won high for ladies, Joe Suther som furniture store. I h e new officers are as follows: ed after the business meeting. land high for men and Mrs. Presndent, Julie Hopkins; first vice - 5— Sutherland the traveling prize. Visits Here— president, Helen Tobler; second SUNDAY GUESTS , Boydell E. Nedry visited at the HIS BOLOMETER SEES IN vice president, Elizabeth Burton; J Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burningham ~ S _ DARK . . . The ability to see ob TUESDAY CLUB MEETS home of Miss Eva Boydell last secretary, Dorothy Michaelson; 1 and daughter. Merle, Mr. and Mrs. jects in the dark as far away as Mrs. Artie Robertson was hos week-end. Mr. Nedry, veteran O i treasurer, Darlene Heldt; chaplain, Cliff Becksieud and children and IS miles, without being seen in Lottie Phillips; sergeant-at-arms, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mitchell and tess to the Tuesday evening club. the South Pacific. Is attending the return, is made possible bv the Special guests were Mrs. George University of Denver. He was en Invention of the bulometer hv fir. Fiances Laurence, and historian, son, Joe, were Sunday dinner guests Mitchell and Mrs. Tom Eldredge. route to Portland, where he will Donald H. Andrews of RaLlmore. Vivian Cochran. I of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure. Winners In bridge were Mi's. J. J. attend the wedding of his brother, Peacetime use will range from Mrs. Louise Heldt was presented J — §— Oirickson Nedry. Are alarm to cancer weapon with a corsage and advised that ' EASTER BREAKFAST .SERVED Sarazin and Miss Eva Boydel). - s - she was Nyssa'» candidate for j Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kuehn, Mr. and ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Here From Utah— In Boisi Oregon’s mother of 194«. Mrs. J. L. Church and Bob, Dr. Mr. nd Mrs. William Bolitho en Roy Swanson of Ogden was In Mr. and Mrs George Sallee and Two Junior members, Barbara and Mrs. Kenneth Kerby, Mrs. Lucille and Merry Norcott, Mr. tertained at an Easter dinner Sun Nyssa visiting friends prior to att-' son. Tommy, spent Thursday In day. Places were laid for 14. Guests ending to business in Wilder. and Mrs. Burnall Brown and Mar Boise on business. ian, Mr. and Mrs. G rant Lewis, included Mrs. Bolitho’s parents. Orin Sumner and Olean WelLs!^1"- and_ Mrs. John Moffat, Mr. and | Men Discharged— were breakfast guests of Mr. and | Mrs. M. H Kloepser and three I Richard N. Jarrett, seaman first Spend Easter In Boise— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost and son Mrs. Olea Billings and son, George sons of Kuna, Idaho and Mr and I class, and Robert R. Bowsem, fire Mrs. R. W. Campbell and daugh man first class, both of Nyssa have and Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Jones Easter morning. ter of Nyssa. been discharged from the navy at and son spent Easter Sunday in _ 5_ the personnel separation centei at Boise. ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE CLUB HONORS MEMBER Bremerton, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop en Mrs. Howard Bair was pleasantly From Lakeview— tertained three tables of bridge Friday evening of last week. Out- surprised on Easter when mem- Diseases Reported— Ed Court and Frank Obrlan of One case of chicken pox, one of Lakeview are visiting at the hom” of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lers °f th* “v elub Presented her Robert McCurdy of Ontario. H igh!with a Potted Easter llly' Mrs- diphtheria and one of scarlet fever of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Larson score for ladies went to Mrs. Geo Bair has been confined to her home were reported In Malheur county while In Nyssa on business. rge Sallee, high for men to R. G. on account of heart trouble and during the week of April 13. These Whitaker and traveling to George desires to express her appreciation | were cases reported for the first In Emmett— for their thoughtfulness and kind time by physicians. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, Orpha Slm- Sallee. ness. eRnan and Tommy Holman were _ 5_ Discharged From Navy— visitors in Emmett Friday. BRIDGE PARTY HELD GUESTS AT DINNER Marion G. Dazey of Homedale Mrs. Ed Frost entertained three Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brandt and Idaho, SAD I/c, has been dischar Here From Nampa— children were dinner guests at the ged from the navy at the person Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stoker Kenneth Renstrom home Sunday. nel separation center at Charles Nampa were Sunday visitors CEMENT BLOCKS ton, South Carolina. Dazey, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Whitaker. HOSTS AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dazey, entered For foundation and building, also cinder Mr. and Mrs. Wren Case of La- the navy November 25, 1942. Cubs To Met— Grande were hosts at Sunday dinn The monthly pack meeting ot blocks. 25c per block. er to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty Here From Ontario— Cub Scouts will be held In the city and sons of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kudruna of hall this evening at 7:30. Dick H. G. JOHNSON Ontario were Saturday evening Tuttle, field representative, will b- — 5 - HAPPY EIGHT CLUB MEETS guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mau- present to explain the “why” of Highway 30 The Happy Eight Pinochle club ghan. Lunch and cards were en cubbing. All parents are lnvlteo met at the home of Mrs. Tom El joyed during the evening. to attend with their cubs. dredge Friday afternoon with Mrs. Dave Mitchell receiving high score Spend Easter At Dam— Guetss At Nu-Acres— and Mrs. Vibert Kessler the trav Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle Mr. and Mrs Carl Peterson and eling prize. and son, Lyle, and Mr. and Mrs. family of Greenleaf, Idaho, Mr Arden Newsom and son, Johnny, and Mrs F C Beasley and sons of - 8 - SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY spent Easter Sunday at the Ow Salt Lake City and Marion John Ray Bybee was the inspiration yhee dam. I am now doing business at Fruitland, Idaho. son of Lafayette, Colorado were for a surprise party given at his Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs F home Motiday evening, with 15 of For all kinds of automobile, truck and tr? Go To Grand Coulee— A. Johnson of Nu-Acres. his friends helping to celebrate Mrs. A. H. Boydell and Mrs. John tor repairing bring your troubles to us any j his 18th birthday. He received Beckham and children left Wed Here From Colorado— many fine fgifts. Lunch was served nesday for Grand Coulee to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jay Longfellow , to 15. The cake was three-tier Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith. time. and son of Longmont, Colorado with pink base and 18 white can visited at the F. A. Johnson home dles. Games provided the dlvers- Here From Twin Falls— RICHFIELD PRODUCTS Thursday. j Ion of the evening. B. F. Brooks of Twin Falls is Fruitland, Idaho visiting at the Herbert Fisher home. Visit At Emmett— - 8 - CHATTER BOX CLUB MEETS He is a brother of Mrs. £mma Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and Operator, Charley Ninemire, Formerly of Nyssa | The regular meeting of the Chat Qulnby. The family spent Easter family spent Sunday near Emmett ter Box club was held at the Alva Sunday on Clover creek. with his parents. Ooodell home Thursday afternoon. I Twelve ladies attended. Mrs. Jim Week-end Guests— | To Test Cookers— Stephens, a former member, re Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell Mrs. Leona Anderson of the Id joined. Elizabeth Ooodell, also a were week-end guests of Mr. and aho Power company will test pres former member, attended and Mrs. Mrs. W. W. Howell of Boise sure cookers May 2 and 3 In the | Harry Gardner was a guest. home economics room of the high Refreshments of chicken salad, Here From Portland— school building. Persons desiring wafers and punch were served. Dale Lewis of Portland spent to have cookers tested should The next meeting will be held the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. either send or take them to the at the Minnie Leuck home May 16. L. A. Maulding. Mr. and Mrs. A. high school on or before May 1. J. Smit and family of Vale were Before a cooker Is sent in the - 8 - SILVER TEA PLANNED abo guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mauld petcock should be cleaned with The Girl Scouts of Nyssa will ing Easter Sunday. vinegar and salt. The name of the give their annual silver tea Sat owner should be attached to the FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 26-27 urday afternoon, April 27 from 2 Visit Here— cooker. DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM to 4 p. m. In the high school build Clay Morgan and his friend, Don Sir Aubrey Smith, Erich Von Stroheim, Steph ing. A varied program will be giv Clinch, spent the week-end with Lorate In Walla Walla— en in the study hall and later tea Mr. and Mrs. Prank Morgan. Both Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mclntire and anie Bachelor and Doris Lloyd in will be served In the domestic boys are attending the University two children left last week for "SCOTLAND YARD INVESTIGATOR'’ science room. The public Is ln- of Oregon. Walla Walla to make their home Wild Bill Elliott, Bobby Blake, Alice Fleming ytted to attend the tea. Mrs. Mclntire has been making Here From Boise— - 8 - her home with her mother, Mrs and Peggy Stewart in MITCELLS ENTERTAIN Mrs. William Klinkingbeard. Jr. Minnie Leuck, while her husband "MARSHAL OF LAREDO" Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell en of Boise is visiting at the home of has been In the service. Mr. Mc- Features Saturday 8, a and 10 P. M tertained Mr. and Mrs. Roy Child Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland. I Intire was recently discharged. Mat., Sat., 2:30 Adm. 25c -V Inc. Tax of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Dart Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax Bybee at dinner Thursday evening Places were laid for eight. Frank T. Morgan Open For Cusiness Ninemire’s Garage NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM 25Alxp. I Room 25. BUILDING PERMITS Herbert L. Fischer, construction, FOR TRADE— 1939 Ford pick-up Sixth street, Park addition, gar New motor, new tires, for city age, $200, 14 by 20. property. Write P. O. box 861, Ny ssa. 25Alxp. I O il L A l e t o L i s a i i l y WANTED— Someone locally to PERSONAL— Proverbs 18-10. The book wood orders. Write Oale name of the Lord is a strong tow Kramer, route 2, Payette, Idaho. 25A2xp. er, the righteous runneth Into it. and is safe. Doris Olson. 25Alxp. FOR SALE— Multi-Kick roller skates for kiddies from 3 to 7. All FOR SALE— Angora rabbits and steel and rust-proof. Nyssa Fur hutches. Mrs. A. A. Bratton, route niture Co. 25Atfc. 1, box 324, Ontario, Oregon. 25A3xc H i R SALE— Several bushels of WANTED— Veteran wants desir open pollinated seed corn. Extra able location to build home. Teut- good. Hand nubbed and shelled. sch addition preferred. Phone 63W, Charles Ditty, route 2.. 25Atfc. Nyssa to contact. 25Alxp. NOTICE— Dr. J. R. Cundall will MISCELLANEOUS— Astrological be away from his office from April adviser will be at Owyhee hotel 24 to May 7. Call the office during Friday from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. that time for appointments. 25Alxc P a in t S p r a y in g Of all kinds. We have new two-tank sprayer. One-fourth block west of Nyssa Elevator See Chet Sage CRISMON AND SAGE 10 Percent Off On All Cocktail Tables LAWN AND PORCH FURNITURE CAMP STOOLS AND GUN CASES Nordale-Newsom Furniture Store J u s t A r r iv e d Borge U ‘ility Scales, none finer at any price. Door Chimes, com plete with 8 volt transformer. Plastic Pin-up Lamps, ideal for any room. Steel Stools, ideal for kitchen or rumpus room. Kitchen Heaters, full w hite enamel. Shop For Quality At ED CASE’S Hi-Way Mdse. Mart Nyssa, Oregon Closed Between 12 and 1 p. .m. Monday thru Friday. THEATRE SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 28-29 A grand guy returns to the screen in a roar ing, romantic adventure! The film America has waited for and must see! Robert Montgomery and John Wayne in "THEY WERE EXPENDABLE" Cartoon Shows will start Monday at 7 :00 and 9 :30. Features Sunday 6, 8 and 10 P. M. Mat., San., 2:30 Adm., 3ltr-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenlngx, 40e-9c, Including Tax BARGAIN NIGHT TUESDAY, APRIL 30 Faye Emerson and Zackary Scott in “DANGER SIGNAL” Also two-reel special “Learn and Live" and Color Cartoon Features Tuesday 0. 8 and 10 P. M. Adm. tSe-tr. Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 1-2 Paul Henried, Maureen O’Hara, Walter Slezak and Rinnie B a n e s in “THE SPANISH MAIN” Join the most daring crew that ever roamed the pirate seas! Live, love, laugh, thrill as these bold buccaneers search for action—and find it. latest News and Cartoon Adm. E rentaga, «Oe-Oe. Including Tax _ 8_ GUESTS AT DINNER Mr and Mrs. Wayne Chesnut and family of Ontario were Easter Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Flanagan of Sunset valley. „ Gifts for the Graduates W alleti Genuine leather wall - I - Go To Dam For Easter— Amor« those who chose the Ow yhee dam as an Ideal Easter spot for celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray and families. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Child of Ogden. Kent Bunn and Arvin Christensen were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee at an Easter picnic at the dam. Others having family picnics were Mr and Mrs. Ersel Beits. Mr and Mrs. Eldred Brower, Mr. and Mrs Melvin Jensen. Mr and Mrs Frank Skeen and Mr and Mrs. Williams | They played softball, tennis and baseball. Breaks Ai Darrell, nine-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Pat Williams, broke his arm In two places when he fell from a wagon Saturday. (ia To Huntington— Mr and Mrs. Charles Garrison spent Thursday In Huntington with Mr. and Mrs John Olsen Mr. and Mrs Garrison also spent Monday at Owyhee dam fishing. S u r p lu s P r o p e r ty Just Received 15 Tons Of Tires New, recapped and used, from 609 to 1400-32 ply, mixed assortment of new tubes. Several Trucks From iy 4 to 4 tons, various makes. One 14S Rex cement mixer, like new. One new 140 horsepower stationary Chrys ler motor. ets with convenient pock ets, card holders. Super Manicure Kit A manicure set is a grift to delight any girl. Quantity Of Tools Henry Ditson hand saws, mortor hose, car penter’s levels, trowels, all kinds of building and construction tools. We are prepared to fill any type, of order that is available through the government sur plus property administration. Property at Freeman’s machine shop and at our residence. J. C. Crismon and Son North end of Fourth street GIFTS OF QUALITY Owyhee Drug Company Ì Licensed and bonded dealers in government surplus property. M