THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL TH URSDAY. APRIL 25, 1946 PAGE THREE J as may be just an equitable. ended a Kingman Kolony Orange was spent socially. Plans were dls- and Mrs. Pannle M. Oreen and Mr. WA NTED This summons is published by o i- meeting. cussed for a project to raise mon and Mrs. Elnor Bos tram and fam WANTED— Hay baling Inquire ai der of the Hon. Irwin Troxeli, ey for the hospital fund. At 4:3u, ily of Welser; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Owyiiee garage. Phone 02R4, Ny- , County Judge, acting in the absence t ,e hostess twisted by Sadie Park- I Matthews and family of Caldwell. 25A4xc. | of the Circuit Judge, dated April 1 er served lunch to 13 women and Mrs. Della Colandra of Ontario ! s even children. The next meeting WANTED—Team work of any kind ' 3, 1946 prescribing that this sum- and John Meir of Parma. May 1 is the deadline date for be held May 16 with Mrs. I Dixie Kinkade, cabin 3, Chadwick's j mans be served by publication Wayne Harris of the fherchant RATES. Two cents per word for each issue. Arter one month one j camp. 18A2xp.; thereof, once each week for four filing a farm plan for 19 16 . Glen P l“ > Clonln« er and Mrs. Hlnemoa Seifert as hostesses. The club wel- marines left for Salem Wednesday onsecutive and successive weeks in cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. WANTED—To buy any kind of beet the Gate City Journal a newspaper iL Hutch n ,on' chau™an oi “ ie ( ,,med Mrs Hertha Thompson back with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pulton or veal; also we buy banger cows. publlshed in Malheur County Ore- ! Malheur counly remind- into the club. jof Ontario. He will return to duty Phone 31M or 06J1. llA tfc. gon Tbe date Qf the flrst ppbbca ed today. In order to be eligible i Mrs. Prank Parker has been con- as steward after a visit in Corvall- plows. Tractor in good shape and WANTED—ExDcrienred farm hmutltto n hereof is April 4. 1946 a n d th e for payme,ll-s on 5011 and water 1 fined to her bed the past week is and Portland M I o c L L L A N E b u S . has new tires. Herman King, on vear-aro^d work M alted mao' etate of the last publication is May conserving Practices carried out I with a sore throat. Miss Lily Pettet, who is taking Married mao ^ 184g y during 1946 a farm plan must be Bob Roolcstool accompanied the cadet nurse' straining in Nampa, For Sale • main highway toward Adrian six > a a ouna w o i k . ouly. Jake Fisher, phone 05R1. A L Fletcher completed by that date at the AAA Y. O. A. group of the Oregon Trali spent last Sunday with her par- FOR SAID—John Deere manure lnUes ,rjm Nyssa- llAtfc. 4Atfc. office. ; Grange to a swimming party Fri- enta, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Pettet. Attorney for Plaintiff day night. Mr. and Mrs Vincent Phillips of spreader, model E. Used one year. BABY CHICKS— For delivery every WANTED Dead or worthless anl-| Residence and _Prat * Office 0 r r t° " Man Glv,“n ,,iRh Mr. and Mrs. Walt Rafflngton Boise spent from Monday until Edward C. Larson, Columbia Ave. Wednesday and Saturday. Order mals. horses, cows, calves, sheep j Address, Nyssa, Oregon. Farm Program Pont Following closely on the appoint- ar.d Mrs. Mort Wixon were Ontar- Friday at the Tom Pettet home ____________________________ A252*p' .early so that you can get the breed j - I ment of N. E. Dodd of Haines as io ■ callers Wednesday. Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Pettet are I Payette 560J3, Fruitland 3713 or NOTICE TO CREDITORS __ FOR SALE—New Mercury 100 II. I you want on the date you want NOTICE HEREBY is given to the under secretary of agriculture Is Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rookstool sisters, Nampa 1000. 7Mtfc. P. motors. Herriman Motor Co. them. Thompson’s Ontario Hatcii- creditors and all persons Interested the news that another Oregon and daughter of Parma were Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rivett and 25A1XC. ary. Box 578, Ontario, Oregou.7Mtfc. WANTED—To purchase straw. (be estate of Mallie j Oreeley* farmer has risen to leadership of day dinner guests of his brother. Pete Rivett of Nampa visited Sun Frank T. Morgan. Roy, day with 28Ktic'I deceased, that the undersigned has na,lonal farm Programs. B" ” and family. "’,,h Mr and Mrs. Joe Watt- FOR SALE;—Electric hot water hea Fred EntermUle oi B lker has Mr and Mrs Loren HUe are erson and iamlly ters, upper and lower heating ele FOR SALE-Late shipment Just ar- jtloqr SANDiNG—New or old I been appointed Administrator of been named as assistant director parents of a son born Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jule Houston att- ments, double thermostat, 40 gal lived! RANCH-WAY garden cult -1 floors sanded perfectly. Large com- the estate of Mallie J. Greeley, • ended the funeral of Sharon Colley inex- merrial machine and experienced and has qualified as such. All per- of the western division of the pro- April 20. lons. Quick delivery. Nyssa Jiirnl- ivator, all metal — durable duction and marketing adminin-1 ------ ■ - ■ ■■ In Ontario. The girl, who was one ture Co. 25Atfc. pensive. This amazing new 2-way operators. Telephone Boise 6189R. sons having claims against said es- field service branch I L l O C O l o year old. dlad o t pneumonia. Her adjustable hand cultivator is avail- 18R2XC. stale are required to present the istration’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. R L. Colley FOR SALE;—Genuine Maytag wa- able now. Limited supply only! THE 1 ------ —— --------------------:------ same with the proper vouchers (formerly AAA>. Like many other| ter softener, 39 cents a package. NYSSA ELEVATOR. 18A2xc. WANTED—Lady to wrap meat four duly verified, within six months ot top USDA administrators. Enter -1 The Lincoln Grazing association llve on Dead ° x flat Nyssa Furniture Co. 2 5 A t fc .-----------------------------------------------------hours a day. Polar Cold Storage, tie date of the first publication of millf s rL' e to leadership started m n at the Claude Page home All Mr- and Mrs Blalne May of ~ n.._ « i S^ “ ? Ut0" 10bile ‘ “ urance- P h o n e 124 18At,c- this notice which date is March w i t h h U e l e c t l o n “ A A A c o m m - of the members have turned their ?• ” * * Vlew’ M r a n d Mrs Howard FOR SALE Ball-bearing castors Public Liability, Pi-operty D am age,!---------- :-------------- - --------------- 1Mtj , , h undersb.ned a, bhe itteeman. He went to AAA's wes- catlle onto ^ grazlng iand as Lemons and family of Fruitland. for bed, chests and dressers, etc., . Fire, Theit and Collision. Placed WANTED— Bulldozer work. Call 39J ’ I . . p, t h = th rit tern division staff from the chair- ditch water was turned into anc* Mr- anc* Mrs- L001™1*«* Brown Nyssa Furniture Co. 25Atfc. in the best companies at lowest or write Clower’s Brothers, Box H, », Oregon uhi^h m h*rf»hv U n sh ip of the Baker county com- lbe diu-h pridav ar‘d sons of O b 181-1«1 were Sunday 'Nyssa, Oregon._____________ 18A2xp. ° L gL e d a T the p tce of brni- j School was resumed again Thurs- dl™ 'r ^ s t s a‘ the Jule Houston FOR SALE;— 35 sacks small netted possible rates. Bernard Eastman. 14F“ C- POR RENT -200 acres, 2 !4 miles'ness in all matters connected with ° lher recent changes In PMA day after having been closed for a l o™9' _ _ gem seed potatoes, one year from officers emphasize the fact that week due to one of the pupils The Buper Servers 4-H club held certification. G. W. DeHaven. Ny FOR SALE — Three-room house, north of Ontario on highway, suit - 1 estate. 1st publication March 28. 1946. federal farm programs are run by Mary Henry, having the scarlet 8 welner roast at the home of ssa route 1. 25A2xp. with bath. Furnished or unfurnish able for row crops. See R a n k T Last publication April 25, 1946. ! farmers- ° us Oeissler, who as dir- fever n 0 new cases have been re- ° ne ° ( lts _members. ^ols Mainline 28Mtfc ed. To be moved horn lot. Bernard Morgan. Saturday afternoon. POR SALE;— Johnson Seahorse 314 Everett L. Miller, Administrator ector of the fleld servlce branch ported. Eastman. lOJtfc. horse motor. Also new acetylene The pupils also enjoyed a h a lf' Mr and Mrs A>lan Halnllne and Estate of Mallie J. Greeley, de of the western division was known MISCELLANEOUS welding torch with complete tips. FOR SALE—Choice lots, good lo by many farmers of Oregon, be- holiday on Good Friday afternoon. Byron Rhea of Bolse att* nded ceased. comes manager of the Federal Crop | Barnes spent Thursday with sfTvlces at Lincoln Sunday. Mr. Clanence Keller, route 1, Nyssa, 14 cation, good title, Bernard Eastman. MISCELLANEOUS—Any kind of mile north of Adrian on highway. Insurance corporation. L. H. Nor - 1 blS almt Mrs Vern Smith while and Mrs' Ray Parley and sons, llAtfc. earth moving and land leveling by NOTICE TO CREDITORS hour or contract. Heavy duty equip 25A2xp. NOTICE HEREBY is given to the ton, Kansas PMA director and AAA bjs parenbSi Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bobble and Carl, of Park and Mrs. FOR SALE—Get those flowering ment hauling. Gannon Bros., phone creditors and all persons interested chairman, takes over Gelssler’s Barnes, went to Nampa with Rev. I M**ler of White Settlement wero FOR SALE;—Just received small shrubs and roses now. Hedge plants, 05J4. 4AMc. In the estate of Roy Alfred Utter,, former post. Under Secretary and Mrs. R L Kriner Mr Barnes 1 0 'rt"°f‘ comrnunH.v visitors In the supply of baled and burlapped box- . willow and maple trees. Lloyd Lewis deceased, that the undersigned has ! s former post of national dir- | consulted a doctor In regard to afternoon wood, Pfitzer junipers, puramidals 3/4 mile north of main street “Y” MISCELLANEOUS—Sewing mach Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weldon of Fos been appointed Administrator ot ector' PMA f'eld services branch, his health He will return for fur- globe arborvitae. Lloyd W. Lewis. on highway. llAtfc. ine repairing, factory-trained ex the estate of Roy Alfred Utter, has t>een taken by Dave David- , ther examination the last of the sil. Oregon and Dick Weldon of pert mechanic. Lamps, pulleys and 18Atfc Salem spent Saturday at the home FOR SALE—Moline horse-drawn supplies for all electric machines. and has qualified as such. All per- ' son' California PMA director and month. ] Ida Nelson of Payette also acc- of their sister, Mrs. Derrell Percy. FOR SALE;—Get those Gem Ever- beet cultivator, complete with tools. Rebuilt and guaranteed portables, sons having claims against said es- AAA chairman. Miss Pearl Oreen, daughter of ompanled the Kriner family to bearing strawberries now. $2.50 per Wolfe brothers, 15 miles southwest treadles and electric bargains. Will state are required to present the World w l,eat Prospects Mr. and Mrs. Orval Oreen, Is work same with the proper vouchers Better Than Last 4 ear ! Nampa. She was a Thursday over- hundred. Lloyd W. Lewis. 18Atfc. of Nyssa, Sunset valley. llA3xp. buy or trade machines. Needles for duly verified, within six months ot Farly prospects point to a world night guest at the Kriner home ing In a greenhouse at Bowling FOR SALE}—Netted gem seed pota POR SALE;—Registered Spotted Po No. 8 to 200 thread. F. "Lete" Sack- the date of the first publication of wheat crop better than the 1945 and returned to her employment ° ^ en' 041 ” , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walz and fam toes. $2 per hundred bulk in celar. land China gilts. Cecil Evans, route ett, Phone 247M. 469 West First this notice, which date is March h“ rvest- Another billion-bushel at Payetu, m d ay. Pipeline ranch, 6 lies southwest of 2, Parma. 4A4xp. St. South, Third building south 28, 1946, to the undersigned at the crop is in prospect ,or the United j Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Barnes of ily and Mr. and Mrs. John Stohler of US. 28. Ontario, Oregon Nyssa. Richard Maw. 18A2xo. office of A. L. Flethcher in the City jstates- The European prospects are Dakota City, Nebraska arrived In and family visited at the home of FOR SALE—Nyssa Nursing home of Nyssa, Oregon, which is hereby ,or a better than last year but this community Wednesday even- Reynold Stohler at Black canyon. MISCELLANEOUS — For insured FOR SA LE-Potato picking belts for investment. A. L. Atkeson. Fredle Watterson spent last week below pre-war acreages in many lng Mr Anderson, a nephew, and 28Mtfc. and first class hauling see Stanley designated as the place of busi and beet hoes. Nyssa Implement | his son, Bobby, accompanied them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reffett. Phone 76, Powell Service ness in all matters connected with countries. North Africa has good prospect. , here. Mr. Anderson and son will Rivett of Nampa. company, at Stunz lumber yard. Station. 7Mtfc. estate. For Rent Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawkins and 18A2xc. Early soil conditions in Argentina return to their home In Sioux City, 1st publication March 28, 1946. family have moved Into their new STORAGE!- Consolidated Freight- are favorable for the seeding of the Iowa next week. FOR RENT—Veltex service station Last publication April 25, 1946. POR SALE;—Four-wheel trailers, next crop which will be harvested The Patch and Chat club met house, which was recently built on Leo L. Utter, Administrator near schoolhouse for rent and shop ways building, First street. See Nyssa Implement company, at Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mlfc near the end of 1946. Australia Is at the home of Leila Sayers T h un - a tract of land opposite the Ar equipment and accessories for sale. Estate of Roy Alfred Utter, de Stunz lumber yard. 18A2xc. seeking a substantial increase U' day Co-hostesses were Clarice Ross, chie Hawkins farm Call at station. llA3xp. MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate car ceased. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frank, who the acreage of wheat to be har- | Mary Winslow and Dona Sayers. FOR SALE—Field and garden seeds. and cylinder lock keys made. Gam vested In December, 1946. Mofsture Roll call was "What Is Your have been visiting their son, Leslie, NOTICE OF MEETING LOST Hollingsworth Hardware and Imple ble store. 250afc. at Antioch, California, are now In OWYHEE IRRIGATION DISTRICT conditions ln Canada are decidedly Favorite Spring Flower?" ment company. 4Atfc. LOST OR STRAYED—One blue- NOTICE;—I will not be responsible Sunday school was attended by the state of Washington. Notice hereby is given, That the better than last year' Fred Klelhorn has returned from FOR SALE—Farm-all 20 on steel roan mare, 1400 pounds. If found for any debts contracted by Helen Board o t. Directors of the Owyhee 101 persons Easter Sunday. A bas the service and Is now visiting his hang-on cultivator, celling price.. write LeRoy Barney, Parma, Ida- Hopkins. (Signed) Bill Hopkins. ket dinner was served at noon. At Irrigation District, sitting as a E. E. Cloninger, Sunset f&Uey. ho. 25Alxp 18A3xp. Board of Equalization, will meet 2 p. m. a program was given. Solos friend, Allen Anderson, at the Fred Bailey farm. The Klelhorn family llA3xp *---------------- —----- -----------------------------f _________________________________ __ on the 7tll day of May, 1946 st _____________;___________________ | LOST— Young guernsey. Tag num- BUTCHERING Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reffett Sdn* * B° “ >y ™ " er' D ,‘ * live at Portland now. but formerly 8:00 a’clock P. M. of said day at FOR SALE;— Large power-lift Case j ter in ear 217. Write box 907, Ny- j custom butchering every Mon- . ... have returned from several days K R ' _ .. *n lived here on the farm tenanted , . _ . _ , . „ ' Karen Ross. Drexell Barnes and tractor and two-bottom tumblebug ssa. 25A2xp. __ ' * pnday. Beef, sheep and n u r i ° V If ce n f r Nyssa' ° rego'?' to r spent at Grand Coulee and Hood E,don Hlck a duet „ dld by Roy Pearce. ‘ KP o v io u n n o o nrl o o r v o o t. purpose of reviewing and correct pork. Sanitary butchering guaran River. Returning home they vUlted Mrs Jlm HawkllLS and Mr, Jule Derrell Percy Is the ditch rider ing Its assessment roll and apport the Newgen families at Madras j Houst(Jn Mrj for this section again this year. teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must come in Thursday or Sunday after ionment of charges for operation and Tosch brothers of Prosser, Millard Kinney received a first Dean Halnllne also sang. Several noon between 1 o’clock and 7. No and maintenance for the 1946 sea- Washington, former residents of division rating when he played a plays and drills were given. Chris ; stock accepted on butchering day. ion, and assessment for forty per this valley. piano solo at the eastern Oregon tian Endeavor and Bible study ! One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta cent of the operation and mainten Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson district music meet held at La- were held In the evening. ance estimated charges for the sea ! avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc of Forest Grove, Oregon came Glen Ward will be a member or Grande Saturday. son of 1947, payable in advance Mrs. Edwin Bergam and family. during the year 1946, by virtue'of Their son, Donald Tosch, accom the Ontario baseball team for this ESTRAYED season. Bureau of Reclamation order. panied Edwin Bergam to Pross STRAYED—Buck lamb from slaug Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson re The assessment roll and record er, Washington, where the men hter house, call 06J1 or 31 M. H. O. may be inspected at the office of turned to their home here last Hopkins. llA tfc. the district by any interested per have purchased land and will build Sunday after making a trip to Accident Insurance dwellings on their property, Kansas and Colorado. They re son during office hours of each James Trumbull Is leveling Legal Advertising turned by way of Antioch. Calif business day. Low Rate ground on the Black place. ornia, where they visited Mr. and By order of the Board of Direc SUMMONS FOR PULICATION The reclamation bureau com OPTOM ETRISTS Mrs. Emil Frank, former residents tors, by NO. 5958-E Broad Coverage pleted digging a drain ditch from PHYSICIANS Frank T. Morgan, Secretary the Rookstool place through the here. IN TIIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE DR. J. A. McFALL Jack Pettet has returned from Owyhee Irrigation District Reffett farm. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Protection on regular "See McCall and See Better" SAR AZIN CLINIC a trip to Oakland, California. His First pub. March 28, 1946. COUNTY OF MALHEUR Elmer Cloninger Injured his foot airlines and also in pri son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Last pub. April 25, 1946. Dr. J. J. Sarazin James Boor, Plaintiff vs A. W. Thursday morning when a trac vate planes as a passen Mrs. John W Brown of Payette, Ward and Leah Ward, his wife: Dr. K E. Kerby tor upset. stayed at his place while he was ger, pilot or student. Emil David; the unknown heirs of RICHLAND Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barrett away, Physician and Surgeons Annie Hou.'h. sometimes known as Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Roger were were Ontario callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Orlen Halnllne en S. Anna Housh, and all other per in Caldwell on business Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephens and L. A. Maulding, M. D. tertained at a birthday dinner sons and parties unknown having morning. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker were Physician and Surgeon Thursday honoring their son, Dean or claiming to have any right, title, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams rode fishing near Dry creek Sunday. Phone 87 and Mrs. Halnllne'a sister, Helen interest in, or lien upon the real to the hills one day last week with ONTARIO OREGON Dude Parker trucked a load of Insurance Real Estate Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 estate described In the complaint Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell, who fat cattle to the sale at Caldwell Pennington of Payette. Herbert Daily—Except Sunday Rogers of Ontario was also a guest. on file, being Block 76 of Green’s were taking cattle to the range . 1 Thursday. .JEWELRY STORES Phone 64 Laat Sunday guests at the Orval Addition to the City of Nyssa, Mal Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Grider re-1 Chuck S/iare took his cattle to Oreen home were Edwin Oreen Nyssa Post No. 79 Nyssa, Oregon PAULUS heur County. Oregon, Defendants, turned home Sunday from a trip the hills Thursday, to Sumpter, Oregon They were acc- Bob Rookstool and Pete Clonln- j To: A. W. Ward and Leah Ward, JEW ELRY STORE ¡his wife: Emil David and the un- ompanled by Owen Gann of Nyssa ger were business callers at Wels- Union Pacific Time Inspector Nan Grider, Tommy Ridder, er Thursday. j known heirs of Annie Housh, some- JEWELRY — DIAMONDS The Wahine club resumed their j times known as S. Anna Housh, Gene Gardner and Marie £eburn WATCHES (and all other persons and parties attended the Y. G. A. welner roast meetings last Thursday at the Main Street at Second ! unknown having or claiming to and swimming party at Snlveley's home of Mrs. Roy Rookstool with Sadie Parker presiding at the bus The American Legion have any right, title, interest In, pool Friday night. W YCKOFF Dr. and Mrs. John Long of Ny iness meeting. Election of officers j or lien upon the real estate des- Holds regular meetings ‘ cribed in the complaint on file ssa called on Mr. and Mrs. O. L. was held. Mrs. Morton was elect JEW ELRY STORE ed president; Naomi Parker, vice First and Third Thurs herein, being Block 76 of Green's Willis Sunday. Official Time Inspector for Miss Miriam Black of Ontario president, and Cora Rookstool, sec- Union Pacific Addition to the City of Nyssa, Mal days, every month. heur County, State of Oregon—De- was a guest Monday at the Char- j retary. Mrs. John Reffett, Mrs. ONTARIO 0REX30N ’ey Orlder home. In the evening Loren Hite and Mrs. Stanley Reff- i fendents. All veterans and service Miss Black and Mrs. Grider att- ett were guests. The afternoon For an apprentice learning the printing trade. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE men and women are GEORGE .JACKSON j OF OREGON, You and each of you MODERN WATCH REPAIRING j are notified to appear in the above I welcome to attend our State Licensed I entitled court and cause within four | A G. I. can start at that figure under the on- Watchmaker meetings._______________ ! weeks after th* date of the first ONTARIO. OREGON HAVE TH AT publication of this summons, which 3 >4 blocks N. of City Hall H A Y BUYER date is April 4.1946, to wit: on or j the-job training program of the government CAR RADIO CHECKED before May 2, 1946, said date being ^ DENTISTS t I the last day of four weeks from the W . F. JAHN •n date of the first publication of thLs I J. R. (TINDALL and continue at that wage during his entire | summons, and answer the said com- Dealer in hay and grain Dentist j plaint, and if you fail to answer Third at Good Ave. Phone 56-J j for want thereof, the plaintiff will } apprenticeship. Sarazin Clinic i apply to the court for the relief, Sales Service Supplies NYSSA OREGON ! prayed for In his complaint on file ' herein. W O R LD FAM OUS I This suit Is brought for the pur- VETERINARIAN For particulars call at the office of the ELECTROLUX | pose of securing a decree adjudg- I Ing that the defendants have no DR J. H. BERGER Cleaner & Air Purifier j right, title. Interest or estate In or j Veterinarian Located in Wilson’s E. R. Anderson I lien upon Block 76 of Green's Ad- . Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, Box D Phone 135J [ riltton to the City of Nyssa. Mal- Diy Goods Store | beur County. 8 tate of Oregon, and Weiser, Idaho Nyssa, Oregon quieting .the title of the plaintiff I thereto, and for such other relief: Classified AAA MWS Advertising Upper Sunset d d lts ,n the Professional , Aviation Business Directory Bernard Eastman Can You Beat This ? $175 to $200 a Month NOW Wayne’s Radio Repair Gate City Journal