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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY PAGE TWO fhe Gate City Journal K L A SS V. P O W E L L S U B S C R IP T IO N - RATES One Year ........... ............ *2 00 Six Months...........................*1.2o Single Copies.... .........-............. M (Strictly In Advance) E d ito r and tm ttpm al THURSDAY. APRIL IS. 10:!l)- , OF P u b lish e r A D V E R T IS IN G R A T ^ S Open rate, per Inch........ 3oc National, per inch — ..... 35c Classifieds, per word 2c Minimum....... 30c \ WO« I P WAH I.RAIUWXPS LOST I I.5 O Û 0 0 0 I UUprU 60VERMMCN7 OPERSTON. PRIWUÏLV AWfMSEP RftllBOADS N WORlP I h PAID * 4 , 000.000 IN FEPfR /lU Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postoifices at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the art of March 3, 1879. JU l»F€ H46ÜRPNCE CCHAWfJIES P * IP OU T * 2 -4 2 7 537, O O O — ytAR '^l T H E Li. 6 P E P CPPTW 3 0 T /M « M Q Q R PE T R O LE U M TM ÄN TM6 R E * T O F T H E W O R LP /Jm ” ¿ S r OWWIE«« HATS WILL B e TW 4 ePRiM ó AND SUMMER, SAy4 UtLy PACHE berg is noted for hi* 3 and espousal of brotW fraternallsm He h»t hundreds of frat*m»i ^ organizations, civic club ting classes and other » * Suncfberg debated Ui » the late Clarence Derro»™! Judge Ben Lindsay, ¡— A jurist, and has spok«7*'i sume platform with OoV J Brlcker of Ohio and « 1 ® "lgures. A graduate ol ? and Wittenberg college, & was president of Theti Jreenville, Fa , from ijjj *jj| He was a noted colit» , H and at Carthage college J U points at a track mJ*' record which still stanik New synthetics and new treat ments for natural fibers will help make the homemaker's task easier, says Miss Frances Clinton, who will speak on the Malheur County Homemakers’ day program at the Boulevard Grange hall April 26, re ports Miss Miriam J. Black, emer gency assistant. Miss Clinton, assistant state lead er of home extension at Oregon State college, will give a demon stration on the subject, "New Fab rics for You and Your House,” in which she will show fabrics that are made from wood pulp, coal, air and water, as well as new treat ments for wool and cotton which will make them give longer service, wash better, iron more easily an even look more beautiful. Arrangements for homemakers’ day program are being made by Miss Black, who said everyone is welcome. There will be exhibits oi women's house dresses, that are easily washed and free of action. Self-help clothing for children, la bor-saving equipment for the kit- hen and sewing room and latest packaging ideas lor frozen foods will be shown. Other activities include a demon stration on the subject, “Bettei Houses for Better Living" by Mis Lois Lutz, home management spec ialist,. A potluck luncheon will be served at noon by the Boulevard Home Economics club. Serving 5 Count* C. A. SUNDBERU From the Largest stm cimine N O T E D H U M O R IS T T O G IV E T A L K A T E A G L E S G A T H E R IN G C. A. (Sunny) Sundberg. Spring- field, Ohio, foremost Eagle humor ist and philosopher, will speak In Nyssa April 24 before members ol the Nyssa aerie at the Eagle club house. The program will start at 8:30 p. m. A former college president and Orders Shipped In®*, M e ( lu e r -M a iu Phone 49 P»y«M : m Avîation compan. FOR SA •Nyssa Ii <8tunz lui FOR SAI shack. go< Good loca Ontario i FOR SAL ¡P. O. bu> FOR SAIJ ■ ÄoUlng., wi ment con FOR-SAL hang-on E. E. Cion tractor an plows. Trai has MW t main higii miles from FOR SAL] shrubs and willow and 3/4 mile nc on highway FOR. SALI tissue Dolci scored and green and company "HERE'S HOW YOU CAM CUSHION YOUR TRACTOR'S FOR RENT near school! equipment e Call at stai SIDE H I U W ORK!' Sure there’s a way to protect your tractor’s track roller boi. ings—no matter how steep and dusty the grade. RPM Tr* tor Roller Lubricant is especially compounded to seal thou ALE roipjmd vital bearings from mud and dust. It covers all btarinj-J Ml? *nc ger surfaces with a tough film and stays there longer—givejten 1: fron» Kl 1 ima more work-time between lubrications. Save wear with RPR * 8ee * Klaas bulk ir Tractor Roller I ubricant—it gives your tractor longer lilt Nyssa D on M. G rah am Insurance Agency W. E. “ Bill” SCHIREMAN: Fire and Automobile Phone 61 Insurance Rentals FOR SA and beet FOR SALI beet cultivât Wolfe broth of flessa, S Auctioneer Phone 116,1 M l; FOR 8ALI CT < 3 3 B IL L L A N E dorsed by both the Vale and Ad rian chambers of commerce and the weight of the still active John Extension of the John Day high Day highway associatnon behind u RTH IOSS1LS ON FARM . . , On the Arthur Antholt farm, near way over Lytle boulevard to make the project has teen practically Ucdaiburg, Wis., three perfectly preserved teeth and a Jawbone a Junction with the Idaho-Oregon assured. fragment of huge mastodon was recently found. At least 10,000 years The plan arose at the regular -Nevada highway Just north of before humans appeared upon the earth these huge mastodons roamed Adrian has been vigorously en- meeting of the Adrian chamber over Wisconsin land. Photo shows Mr. and Mrs. Antholt and Elmer lats Monday night wehn camber K. Nelson, rlgli*, Milwaukee museum, examining fossil items. last Monday night when repre sentatives of the Vale chamber met with that group. Marked en highways as well as furnish an ad- Iver area. thusiasm was shown by the Adri- equate road for people, in the Ad- i Appointed by the Adrian cham- anltes for the highway improve rian and Big Bend areas to Vale, ber to meet and work with the A c c id e n t In su ra n ce ment which would complete a nec Speaking for the Vale repre- j Vale committee on the road de- essary link in the state's chain of L o w R a te sentation, which included Don j velopment were Howard Hatch, Masterson, John Scott and Bob Hugh Lamb, Carl B. Hill, Charles B road C overage Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Thurston, Robert D. Lytle pointed Newbill and Claude Eachus. Rheumatic Pain Quickly lout that the distance between Vale Protection on regular suffer from rhrunutic. mhr, and Adrian over the boulevard, V A L U E O F H E A L T H airlines and also in pri t 1 * If or you neuritis pain, ny ihu ,impie which is now only a dirt road, inexpensive home recipe that ihouMnd» would be less than 18 miles. Con N U R S E IS C IT E D vate planes as a passen are pacluge of using. Get a package Ru-Ex Compound, a 2 weeks’ »upply today. Mix dition of the road in the past has ger, pilot or student. Most of us have seen the "Seeing it with a quart of water, add the forced most traffic to go the much juice of 4 lemons. It's easy, pleasant Eye Dog" in action or have read and no trouble at all. You need only ) longer way through Nyssa. tablespoonfuls two times a day. Often Adrian members stressed the how the animal leads his master within 48 hours — sometimes over need of farmers living In the area through the maze of crowded cltj night — splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave drained by the new road for quick traffic. It is trained to recognize Real Estate Insurance and if you do not feci better, Ru Ex direct transportation to both Adri the danger signals and conditions will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an abso an and Vale. The plan contem of safety. It indicates when and lute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex plates a new bridge across the Owy where to “stop" and time and dir Phone 64 (.Aimpound is for sale and tecommended by hee river thereby bringing closer ection to “go". Nyssa, Oregon O W Y H E E D R U G C O . together by road farmers In the Dr. C. E. Turner, professor ol public health at Massachusetts In stitute of Technology, tells of re turning to his "home town" after graduating from the university. There had been little change. How ' / , \ \ W trilling it was to visit again the fishing grounds and the swimming •'ole. Then, Dr. Turner conceived the idea of subjecting his commun ity to the critical eye of a trained public health worker, and, alas the entire town became infected with all the maladies of mankind. The average citizen takes his community for granted. Characteristics are ac cepted with an emotional loyalty though they harbor, unsuspectedly, danger to til,, health of every man. woman, and child. A "seeing eye" is needed. There is one. too—right ion the "doorstep." The public health nurse is that "Seeing eye." She is trained to make that critical anal ysis of the community, moreover, she cuts across all economic lines to guard the health of our naUon and community. The line against O U T S T A N D I N G B E A U T Y . Magic pastel colei’s and a soft, non disease which she is expected to bold runs through mansion and glare, chiffon finish. Fade-proof, will not yellow with age, will shack alike. Her responsibility for not w aterspot. the health of each individual con tinues from the cradle to the N O O D O R . No offensive paint odor. Ideal fo r homes, hotels, of grave, in the home, the public health nurse is both nun* and fices, cafes, especially fo r places where food products are made teacher She assists in getting early or sold or w here ventilation is difficult. ■ diagnosis and treatment, and in carrying out the doctor's instruc W A S H A B L E . M eets U. S. governm ent specifications fo r wash- tions. She may even give bed-side ability: TT. P 23a, Type 1. care when the situation demands As a teacher she assumes a role S P E E D Y . Easy mixing. Goes on fast with large wall brash or not commonly associated with nurs- E X T E N S IO N O F H IG H W A Y A S K E D nationally-known 1 * ^ W IL L S P E A K H E R E W O M E N W IL L S E E N E W S Y N T H E T IC S k F O O D O R D R IN K ? Christian Science Monitor Renewed dem ands for fu rth er restrictions on the use of grain for beverage alchol are amply justified in view of w orsening conditions abroad and the continued failure of the U nited States to m eet its monthly relief allocations. H erbert Hoover has just w arned th a t a general Euro pean fam ine is “ inevitable unless we land for the next few m onths every ton of overseas food we can sum m on.’1 T hat means— or should mean — every ton th a t is not absolutely essential for hum an or livestock consumption at home. Yet, as R epresentative Voorhis has pointed out to Congress, distillers and brew ers are us ing 225,000 tons of scarce cereals— corn, rye, barley rice, and so forth— per month all of which are suitable for food and feed. Lack of these grains forces milk, egg, and m eat produc ers to use precious w heat for food, or cut down production. Mr. Voorhis declares th at 58,000,000 bushels allocated to liquor and beer production so far this year could have prevented starvation of 45,600,000 persons a high price to pay for such utterly unecessary production. Am ericans who agree th at this price is far too high will lend their support to the Voorhis and Aiken bills now before Congress. These bills would prevent the use of grain for the m anufacture of liquors or other nonessentia! purposes so long as the shortage lasts. ------------- ! dustnal hygiene. In this home sue J | may find, also, mental, emotional, j and social problems interfering with normal health. These she helps to solve, or suggests sources of aid. Through this individual problem, every area of public health has become her province. The public health nurse brings to her work a background of careful training which ultimately becomes supple mented by rich experience. And, thus, fortified with mature wisdom the public health nurse is the "see ing eye" for our nation’s health! FOR SALE land China f 2, Parma. FOR SALE- for ftv." ’•atro» «oui* lUBmcANT BABY CHIC! Bonds k l fV I» 7 1 T » B » ]3 Bernard Eastman PH ■ SARA ■ Dr. J Dr. •>i P h y s ic ia » !i L A. 5 ; £ ^ Physic sours: II Dally- W ith Pittsburgh Paints and Velio W all Finish spray. Plenty of “slip” in the m aterial. Dries in a few hours. P R A C T I C A L . Goes on all type interior walls and ceilings, plas ter, insulation board, masonary, cement, etc. Hides practically all w ater stains and discolorations. Nyssa Lumber Company Zion and Bryce Canyo^NYtion^Park303^0^ re™eml:>er *Lat Union Pacific serve* Ulai'I al*o Colorado, Yellowstone, California, t h e ' * * “ ***. rnrYJi0“ ch?ice of magnificent natural rugged mountains and'sapphhe'laknYY monum8nts and canyons brilliant in color, cj I area* I« for«,.*, . ------- . c pp. ™ * , i n w u e , ? . . laJtes> lures oi geysers and waterfalls, of ocean beachs* *»i ‘ 4 ° ; °.sz be specific - T” -i 5ai\ Union Ricific ïs'itsAthbabh “ b0fn and Interest the nurse Halts the home in the of maternal and ihlld care She as sists m i egisterlng the birth, she suggests screens for the doors and Shf rpcommends a thor-1 :OUgh clearing for the dilap.dated b-nk yard, or she makes not* of the the bWn Thus lnjured the « the .actory or h“ mine. ^ ;bl! '.hr Jlth nur!*' entOTS the fields i of vital statistics, communicable j disease control. sanitation I and in- | *•<»< 9 rail ,,rvie# »« «»"<* from ell ths Ws.t. a » by any other railroad. More western scenic r the world's greatest Ti t- An Holds rc H r s t am days, ev 11 vetef len an Welcome leetings HA’ dealer in iT hird £ S< I WORE] ELE< I » I UNION r » • • ■ • I I I * I Pleaner E. R. |R t. No. Weis