Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE F-OUR THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1946 - i —r - body are graphically Illustrated In u soon as possible. Organisation In | in December ot intermediate crop po- findings of a British project of Ihe counties Is following the state pattem —an overall committee to I taioes will be supported through feeding hungry Dutch children, re ce.eiop and coordinate the pro 1 a licet purchases, and of late-crop ported by Eleanor Roosevelt. The FAM INE RELIEF PROGRAM gram, with sub-committees devis* potatoes through a loan program, i vhildren needed shoes two sizes ORGANIZED Oregon's part In the national ef- lslng and putting into effect spec- oepteinebr 15 is the dividing line i larger than would be normal lor fort to conserve food to save lives tfic wheat and food fat conserva- ! between the two types of opera- | the size of their clothes. Their ln famine-stricken countries went tion measures for bakeries, public I tions. Prices of grades below U. 8. i shoes also wore out twice as fast Into high gear last week with a eating places, food processors and No. 1 will be supported when and ' as shoes worn by normal children. if conditions require It, and there X -ray pictures revealed that the state meeting to organize a food olstributors, and consumers, for famine relief committee. j Meanwhile, the slogan makers will be no general announcement of j children’s feet were without bones, Joseph K. Carson, former Mayor were busy suggesting catch-phrases support levels for U. S. No. 2 grade. containing just gristle. Their feet, of Portland who recently returned for the campaign. Suggestions In- In 1945, Oregon producers obtained therefore, spread and dragged as after several years overseas In mil- elude: "That slice of bread you price supporting loans on more the walked. This in turn made ltary government work In occupied throw away would keep a child than a half million hundredweight ( them shuffle along and wear out of the state's 11,340,000 bushel crop. their shoes. Extra calcium and bet- countries, will head the program In alive another day." VIC TO R Y GARDENS W IL L the state. Carsons appointment as 1946 POTATO Sl'P P O R T [ ter food largely remedied the bone HELP OTHERS chairman of the state food for DOWN FROM LAST TEAR deficiency. Victory gardens planted In 1946 famine-relief committee was made The department of agriculture by E. Harry Miller, state emer- has supplemented its earlier an- will help increase the American gency food program manager, and nouncement of a 1946 potato price food supply, according to Chester Carl Donaugh, Oregon represents- support program with a schedule Davis, organizing chairman of the ----------- tive on the national famine emer- of support prices for U. S. No. 1 ! famine emergency committee. An I gency committee. | potatoes sacked and loaded f. o. b. | abundance of home-grown food will I O f the 6,951 qjc hunters reporting Reports from county emergency carrier. The new schedule provides be an important aid in releasing on the results of last fall's hunt, food program manager (A A A chair- a support level 20 cents a hundred- more wheat, fats, oils and other 2,395 were successful, there being men) and USDA councils Indicate weight less than in 1945. For Mal- foods for shipment to starving peo 2,126 Rocky Mountain elk and 269 rapid action to get county food heur county, the basic support price ple abroad. "The president and the Roosevelt taken. Highest kills were conservation programs underway ranges from $1.55 in July to $1.90 ¡secretary of agriculture have called made in Grant, Union, Umatilla, 'fo r full effort again this year by Baker and Wallowa counties in | the victory gardeners of the nation eastern Oregon, and in Clatsop I —This is a definite and positive county in western Oreon. way in which a large percentage | Antelope hunters had a 53 per of our citizens can help In reliev .cent success ration, 307 antelope be- ing the suffering of the starving ln killed by the 576 hunters report peoples of the world, "Mr. Davis ing. Hunters during the special doe deer season in Lake county In says. December were 98 per cent success FARM M AC H IN ERY ful, 584 deer being taken by 597 PRODUCTION LAGS Farm machinery production In hunters. The foregoing figures are in creased to $61,199,366 in January from $56,177,786 In January, 1945, complete as many hunters have according to the civilian production failed to mail in the check-out re administration, but February fig ports required by law, regardless of ures will show a sharp decline be whether any kill was made. A list Kills most wide-leaf plants. cause two of the largest producers Is now being compiled of those are suffering complete work stop failing to report and will be turned Does not sterilize soil or kill grass. pages and another large producer over to the state police. is practically closed down on ac count of lack of parts. Must be sprayed on live plants. Secretary of Agriculture Ander son has appealed to other govern Available in various size bottles. ment agencies, manufacturers, la bor, and dealers to cooperate in Veteran’ s preference certificates every possible way to make more farm machinery, equipment, and for purchase of new farm machin supplies available for the current ery now will expire 10-days after crop year. Seriously lagging foi issuance if not filed by dealers, ac some months, farm machinery pro cording to provisions of an amend duction has been further crippled ment to W FO 135, which becamt recently by steel shortages and effective February 20, Glen L. Hut work stoppages In machinery plants. chinson, chairman of the AAA Meanwhile, the nation’s crop goals county committee, announced. have been increased by 14 million „ The amended order also provides acres more than last year. Unless that certificates will become void more farm equipment and food unless they are presented to a deal Bedroom suite, a beauty. procsslng machinery becomes avail er within 15 days of the date o! able soon, full-scale food produc issuance by a county AAA commit tion for a hungry world will be tee. Certificates issued before FeD One three-quarter roll-away bed. sharply curtailed, the Secretary 20 will become void unless they are presented to a dealer before March warned. 20. The new regulation also per EFFECT OF HUNGER Day bed with new pad. mits a dealer to decide whether he ON DUTCH CHILDREN Effects of hunger on the human will fill a veteran's order from equipment on hand when the pre Houser cabinet, excellent condition. ference certificate Is received. I f he does not «fill the order from equip Ward washer Coil bed springs. ment on hand, the dealer must hon or the preference and fill the or Auctioneer der with the next Item of equip 3 Lawn mowers. Steel bunks. received. Phone 116J Nyssa ment Th 16 groups of new machinery Drop-leaf tables with chairs. for which preference can be grant ed also are listed In the revised regulation. They include planting, Cook stoves. seeding, and fertilizing machinery, I suffered for years and am so plows and listers, pulverizers and Oil heater, used six weeks. thankful that I found relief from stalk cutters, sprayers and dusters this terrible affliction that I will elevators and blowers, harvesting gladly answer anyone writing me machinery, wheel tractors, pumps Everything priced to sell. for Information. Mrs. Anna Peutz, and water systems, irrigation equip ment, dairy farm machines and P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. equipment, barn and barnyard eq uipment. and poultry equipment. AAA NEWS RESULTS OF GAME HUNTING ARE GIVEN Weedone The Internal Weed Killer HUTCHINSON GIVES REGULATIONS ON VET CERTIFICATES AL THOMPSON AND SON '•W W W .W .V .1 JAKE’S SECOND HAND STORE "No extra fare will be charged discovery contest and has received on any of the schedules," said Mr. a 1946 Westing ho use streamlined Robinson In revealing the departure "Adjust-o-matlc" electric iron, a re Romalne Jennings has been ser and arrival times of the new ser presentative of Pillsbury Mills an iously 111 In the Holy Rosary hos vice. "W e feel," he continued, "that nounced here. He personally pre pital but Is Improved. the passenger should not be penali sented the award. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver Mrs. O. U. Devers Is among 311 zed extra fare Just because he Is persons throughout the country who were Sunday dinner guests at the occupying space in a coast to coast shared In postwar prizes of an auto Arden Newsom home in Nyssa pullman car. mobile and home appliances offered Sunday. by Pillsbury In Its recent nation Mrs. W illis Bertram has been wide contest. ill with Influenza. Mrs. Lester Cleaver was in Boise Visit Friends— Monday. Mrs. Leslie T op liff entertained Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams of Mrs. Guy U. Devers of Nyssa, the Out Our Way club at her home Oregon, is a third prize winner in Caldwell were week-end guests of Thursday afternoon with seven the Pillsbury Sno Skeen cake flour Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fullmer. members attending. Elizabeth Good- ell was a guest. Mrs. Jim Ritchie was in charge of the program with Candidate For Mrs. H. L. Day and Elizabeth Good- ell winning high prizes. Refreshments of sandwiches, pick les, cake and coffee were served. Republican Primaries Beginning in April, Just one meet ing a month will be held. The next May 17, 1946 meeting will be held at the Alva My platform includes good roads. Goodell home April 11. Your support will be appreciated Members of the Y.G.A. who at tended a roller skating party at Veteran world war I Welser Friday evening from this district were Alvin and Lavern Cleaver, David Highland, and Don na Belle and Alva Goodell, Jr. Buena Vista PILLSBURY PRIZE LOCAL WOMAN WINS County Commissioner Alva Goodell RAIL SERVICE ON COAST EXTENDED Travelers to and from New York and Washington on the east coast and Los Angeles and San Francis co on the west not only will have the benefit of daily through car pullman service, effective March 31, but also will be able to actually save money on the schedules which are being set up by the Union Pacific railroad with the Pennsyl vania Lines and the New York Central in the east and the Chi cago and North Western and Sou thern Pacific In the west, according to a statemnt issued today by F. W. Robinson, senior vice-presi dent of the Union Pacific Railroad. Dr. G. W. Graves Optometrist Eyes Examined 706 Arthur St. Have You Placed Your Order For Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly you suffer from rheumatic, arthn- tis or neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package oi Ru Ex Compound, a 2 weeks’ rupply today. Mix it with a quart of water, add »he juice of 4 lemons. It’s easy, pleasant and no trouble at all. You need only J tablespconfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes over- are obtained. splendid results night quickly leave pains do not the If better. Ru Ex and if you do not led will cost yuu nothing to tiy as It IS druggist under an abso- sold bjr your Ru-Ex money-back guarantee. lute Compound ts for sale and recommended by Caldwell, Idaho DDT If And Weedidde? Dessert Seed Company OWYHEE DRUG CO. BILL LANE I W ant To Thank A ll my customers for their patronage of the RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS W ol ves In Sheep’s Clothing Always Appear To Fight PUD Here we quote information taken from an engineering report made by R. E. MacDonnell of Burns and MacDonnell Engineering company of Kansas City, Mo., to the Indiana Municipal Electric Association, Indianapolis, Indiana Dec. 12, 1945. “ Opposition to public ownership by the companies is often handled by expert advertising or propaganda concerns who agree to defeat a bond issue for a price. They conduct the campaign, leaving the local company out o f the picture with nothing to do except pay the bills. The opposition usually takes the form of creating a committee under some high sounding name such as “ Citizens’ Taxpayers Committee,” or “ Citizens’ Protective Com mittee.” These names are usually selected to catch the wary citi zen or voter: and then this agency of the Private Utility uses the “ committee” as a means or vehicle for spreading its propaganda, aided by a subsidized press in some instances.” It is also pointed out that these propaganda agents first of all rush to the prominent citizens o f the community and tell them a big story about they have got to help stop the communist move ment or any story necessary to get them on record as opposing public power. Then later when they find out their mistake there isn’t one in a thousand that will publicly announce his mistake. So they use prominent citizens this way to pull the wool over the people’s eyes. Any local similarity may only be coincidental. Nyssa Electrical Education Club AUTOMATIC ARMS TO BE REGISTERED Firearms of the automatic type, such as machine guns, sub-machine guns, or any type of gun from which a number of shots or bullets may be discharged with one continuous pull of the trigger must be register ed with the commlsloner of Inter nal revenue, Washington, D. C., through the alcohol tax unit In Oregon, with offices at Portland, La Grande, Klam ath Falls, and Eugene. Many of these firearms bought or sent to this country from abroad by members of the armed forces and merchant marine, either with or without certificates signed by commanding officers, have not been registered. It is illegal to transfer firearms of the types described except by the payment of the $200 tax as provided by law. However, If the firearms are rendered unservice able, they may be transferred tax- free as war trophies upon submiss ion of the proper form to the com missioner of internal revenue. The national firearms act pro vides a penalty of a fine not to exceed $2000. or Imprisonment not to exceed five years, or both. In the event any person Is convicted on a charge of violating any pro vision of the act, which includes failure to register a firearm of the type described and transfer o f such firearm without payment of the $200 tax. Shelton Dairy during the last two years in helping to make the business a success. I am proud to announce that the Shelton milk has the lowest bacteria count of any milk produced in eastern Oregon. I feel that my successors will carry on in the same manner if not better. It is to the interest of all Nyssa to patronize this dairy. Harry Shelton SHELTON DAIRY Distributors o f pasteurized Grade A milk operating under new management. W e are equipped to handle and sell clean, wholesome milk and cream. Your continued patronage will be appreciated. Don M. Graham Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile Insurance I Rentals Bonds Veteran Owned and Operated Don Engstrom Melvin Engstrom John R. Newey