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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1946)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L TH U R SD AY, M ARCH 14, 1946 serving with the 8th air forces. Mrs. Prizes were won by Mrs. A. L. Sheppard served two years over Maulding, Mrs. Joe Maughan and seas and be served three years. Mrs. Herbert Fischer. Both 'received their discharge in MR. AND MRS. CLUB MEETS November and on February 26 were The Wednesday evening Mr. and | married in Roslyn. South Dakota. J They will make their home In Mrs. Bridge club met at the home V O U , (hrough your local of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell a f Sunset Valley. X chapter,m ik eitp om ble ter a no-host dinner at the Pay NEW LYW EDS HONORED 1 G:ea Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Stan —f - fo r the R ed cross to help ette Country club. Guests were Mr. TUESDAY CLUB GATHERS Mr. and Mrs. Laurence V. Shep ley Goulet and Mr. and Mrs. Les our servicemen, veterans j Mrs. Bernard Frost entertained and Mrs. Edward Boydell, Mr. pard were honor guests at a din ter Goulet, all of Nyssa. and our own here at home. the Tuesday evening club. Special and Mrs. W. R. Campbell and Mrs. G iv e today! ner given at the Payette Country I^ter in the evening the party guests were Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper, John Beckham. Prizes were won by club Saturday evening by Mr and motored to Boise and attended the Mrs. Joe Maughan, Mrs. John Beck- Burnall Brown and Mrs. John t chit m i Mrs. S. E. Flanagan. dance at the Miramar ball room. | ham and Mrs. Herbert Fischer. Beckham. __j _ Ms. Sheppard was the former Prizes in bridge went to Mrs. Prank The table was decorated with a SUNDAY * GUESTS beautiful wedding cake and . cut Miss Helen Hanson of Roslyn. Morgan and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher. Dr. and Mrs. Maulding were Sun sale. A resolution was adopted for | _ 5_ flowers. Other guests were Mr. and South Dakota. Mr. Sheppard is the day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. presentation to Malheur county to HONORED A T P A R T Y Mrs. Bill Peterson and Mr. and son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Percy of | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Share gave Hershel Thompson. have a permanent home demonstra Mrs. Wayne Chesnut of Ontario, Yakima, Washington, and brother 1 a birthday dinner at their home - 5 - tion agent. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kuehn, Mr. and of Mrs. Flanagan. The young couple in Cow Hollow Sunday in honor D INN ER GUESTS Mrs. Ward Wieneke, Mr. and Mrs. met in England while they were of several neighbors whose birth Miss Miriam Black presented an Mr: and Mrs. R. G. Larson gave days occur in March. The honorees a dinner guest party Saturday eve interesting program on "Colors and | were Don Share, Charles Share. ning for a group of friends from you.” A lunch was served in the St. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schweizer, Ontario. Patrick’s day motif by Mrs. Bertram Peggy W yatt and Guy Glenn. - 8 - and Carol Hunting. ' E N T E R T A IN CLUB Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland en George Schweizer and grandson, Mrs. Betty Parker, Mr. and Mrs. tertained their Ontario bridge club Guests At Dinner— Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach of Oce Schweizer and sons, Mr. and Saturday evening. Nyssa guests were Mrs. Dick Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Hennaman Big end, Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Charles Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. and Hal. Burgess. Prizes went to M r and Mrs Grover Lee of Ontar Guy Glenn and children, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Daniel and Ralph Brooke io were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. John Bishop. Mrs. H. L. Householder, Mr. and of Ontario. Mrs. U. E. Parker and sons and - 5 - Here From Vancouver— SURPRISE P A R T Y GIVEN r.ephew, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Mar-1 Mrs. D. L. Ross of Vancouver, shall, Mrs. Ruth McConnell, Mrs | Mrs. Tom Rust gave a surprise Gertrude Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hop party Sunday evening in celebra British Columbia, is visiting her kins and son, Mrs. Emma Davis, tion of the nth birthday of her sister, Mrs. Bernard Eastman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis of Rich daughter. Lilly Rust. field, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Lou j Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Go To Tulelake— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldredge re Nesbit and daughter of Richfield, I Waldo and Mr. and Mrs. W R. This is the extra large blossom, long stem Waldo of Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. turned Friday from Tulelake, where David Highland and Elvin Cleaver, j variety. T. V. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mr. Eldredge attended to business. — 5— <• RELIEF SOCIETY HAS CHARGE Huffman and son, Oene, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Brady, Benjamin Rust Baby Girl Arrives— OF M EETING Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meier are The ladies of the L.DS. Relief of Nyssa and Shirley and James parents o f a baby girl born F ri society were given the opportunity, Dripps of Vale. The honoree received many nice day evening at the Holy Rosary of conducting the Sunday evening Nyssa Oregon services at the L.DS. church with gifts. The evening was spent in hospital. special talks given in honor of Pre- playing cards and games. Angiefood In Ontario— ident George Albert Smith. Donald cake and jello were served. Mrs. W. F. Findling and Mrs. Whitaker sang the prophets’ fav- j Bernard Frost visited Mrs. Albert CLUB HOLDS M EETING orlte song, <T11 Take You Home I The Oregon Trail Orange Home Meier in the Ontario hospital Mon Again Kathleen,” accompanied by Leon Child on the guitar. Mrs. Geo Economics club met at the home day afternoon. rge Poulsen conducted the meeting.! of Mrs. Willis Bertram March 7. and Mildred Williams led the var Fourteen members and two ghests From Huntington— Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ward of ious songs given by the congrega answered roll call with "interesting Huntington spent Sunday in Nys- tion. Miss Ruth Larsson sang the j facts about Oregon. A report was given on the card solo part for one of the songs. 1 LO T parties, which netted * the sum of $2.50 To $3.90 VALU ES $100.00 to be given to the Malheur Visit From Boise— WEDNESDAY CLUB MEET Mr. and Mrs. D. Dean Stuart Mrs Ed Frost was hostess to the j Memorial hospital fund. Plans were Wednesday evening bridge club, j made to serve lunch at the Stephen were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pigg. Mr. Stuart was recently discharged from the navy. YOU ARE THE A RED CROSS! T W IR E D CROSS > « GIVE! Daffodils fruit trees, deep well, soft water, shade trees. Price $3000. including some livestock and furniture. On highway 28. 1H miles west Cairo Junction. D. A. Dollarhide. 14M2xp. 14M2xp. Roger Anderson. MISCELLANEOUS—WUl car« MISCELLANEOUS— Dance tor the FOR S A L E —1941 Nash Ambassa Masonic Lodge. No. 147 A F.A.M. to be held Friday. March 22 All mem dor sedan, good condition, with bers please attend. 14Mlxc. radio and heater. 172 East Fourth street. Nyssa. 14Mlxp. FOUND—Owner may haye red jer FOR SALE—Just received ship sey cow by paying lor this adver tisement. One mile west, % north ment of roses, flowering shiubs. Owyhee schoolhouse. 14Mlxp. trees, etc. Ready for sale Satur day afternoon. Lloyd W. Lewis, FOR SALE—20 acres two miles from Ontario highway, 3/4 mile north ol 14Mtfc. Nyssa on Apple valley highway. Y. Red Cross Dance Saturday, March 16 Sunset Valley Hall — Pond’s Orchestra Admission: $1 for men and 35c for ladies. Friday and Saturday H a m le y Sadd le M arch 15th and 16th Given Away A t A Dance To Be Held Saturday, M arch 3 0 Everybody’s Dime Store Ladies Sweaters NOW $1.00 $1.50 NOW $2.98 EX-CEL-CIS Cosmetics of Distinction NYSSA Phone 103 PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAR. 15-16 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Dagwood and Blondie are at it again In "LIFE WITH BLONDIE” With Penny Singleton— Arthur Lake Also Roy Rogers— Gabby Hayes In "BELLS OF ROSARITA” Features Saturday 8, a and 10 P. M Mat., Sat., 2:S0 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MAR. 17-18 The story o f a prodigal son who came to the wrong home— but the right g ir l! Fred MacMurray, Marguerita Chapman, Akim Tam iroff In * BEAUTY CHEST 1 r $10.00 plus tax - Everything for a lovelier you. Beauty chest c o n t a i n s : Cleansing Creme, Astringent Lotion, Night Creme, Facial Oil, Clav Pack, Foundation Creme Powder, Lipstick and Rouge. Mrs. Yuvon Arnold— an Excelcis factory-trained beauty consultant— will be in our store from Thursday through Saturday to give complimen tary skin analysis and expert skin consultation concerning any beauty problem you may have. This service is free and without obligation. Owyhee Drug Company Nyssa Phone 29 Our Customers Are Asking Us Would a PUD Pay Taxes? THE A N S W E R : It would pay no federal taxes whatever, and these are the largest taxes paid by the average business today. “PARDON MY PAST” Color Cartoon and Screen Snapshots Features Sunday 8, 8 and 10 P. M. Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax Sponsored by Owyhee Riding Club Admission $1, Including Tax. Have you shopped at Whg Should the Electric Business Pag Nyssa Food Center? 1 oo Late to Classify •Nyssa’s moat jnpdem food store. FO R 8ALE —John Deere t.wo-row spud planter with fertilizer attach ments, in A -l condition. $475. M. A. Rataezyk, Sunset valley. 14Mlxp. * Federal Taxes? ’ V A .. Oodles of parking space. ■ *- W e buy your eggs. FOR SALE—One registered Chas ter White boar, George F. Clowers. 14M2xp. EX-CEL-CIS 1 LO T $4.45 V ALU E S Atkeson’s N yssa G ym n asium -s- 1 LO T ■ $2.95 VALU E S West end o f Main street. FOR SALE—One horse-drawn beet j cultivator, good condition. Edward j C. Larsson, Columbia avenue, 14M2xp. j Wayne’s Radio Repair Shop W ANTED — Woman or girl for care of small baby and light housework, full or part time. Phone 143J be fore 10 or after 4. 14Mlxc. MISCELLANEOUS— The Y.G.A. Is presenting at "teen” age dance Saturday night, Mai’ch 16 at the high school gymnasium. Admission : 75c per couple; stag boys, 50c; stag girls, 35c. 14Mlxp. FO R SALE—Get your Chromtrim metal edging for cupboards, tables, sinks and boats and also metal stripping for linoleum at the Nys sa FYirniture company store, across from reclamation office. 14Mtfc. FOR SALE—One AC tractor, model UC, just overhauled, good rubber. M. L. Kurtz, near Adrian. 14Mlxp. W e Repair A ll Types of Radios and complete work in reasonable time. Located In Wilson’s Store FO R SALE— White Russian seed wheat, seed barley, ear corn. Hud son Robb, foot of Mitchell butte. 14M2xp. W h irlw in d C o a ste r FOR SALE—Five acres good levei land. Fair Improvements. Some RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS W agons I suffered for years and am so (hankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for Information. Mrs. Anna Peutz, P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Don M. Graham Insurance Agency All Metal with Roller Bearing Wheels and Rubber Tires. N yssa Furniture C o m p an y TH E A N S W E R : — BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, MAR. 19 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Robert Lowery In “ROAD TO ALCATRAZ” Also Johnny Mack Brown In "FRONTEIR FEUD’ Features Tuesday 6 8 and 10 P. M. Adm. 20c-9r. Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAR 20-21 Vivian Blaine, Dennis O’ Keefe, Carmen Miranda In "DOLL FACE” The Musical that’s all dolled up, going places and doing wonderful things. Sports Subject and News m. Evening*. 40e-0e, Adm. Including Tax Because federal tax money is needed to help pay the cost of the war— to provide benefits for war veterans— to maintain agricultural parity pay ments-—to help prevent inflation— to help reduce the public debt; in other words, paying federal taxes is a patriotic obligation all of us must share. If anyone dodges the payment of federal taxes, it increases the burden on the rest of us. A P U D would avoid federal taxes, and would eliminate our company and its federal taxes paid on business done in the area. IDAHO VPOWER A • C i.F - S U P P O Iir .N 6 * * T A X P A Y IN G * B U S IN E S S •* Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals Bonds HI yj*tÂUiAeMM/£y Puretëst PLENAMINS •Contain all vitamins known to be caaenttal to human nu- n e i l i tritio n . . plut jp H ji p LIVER and IRON NYSSA 7,Co»‘"*“ $ 9 .5 9 1 PHARMACY for children days, evenings or by the hour Box 403 or inquire at Journal office 14Mlxp We Want To Thank our friends for their patronage o f the Nyssa Auto company during the past five years. W e wish the best of success for the new owners. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Osborne