THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified farm Job. Experienced married man ■ X * i family. Wr.te :> an iielf, Um- i atilla, Oregon. 1 iMlxp. by of 1 WANTED-New or used 10 or 15 j with I L V -. Leona Anderson Idano Power Co. .......................— I S lt C n e n I, rl3 LS 14, 1916 TAGE THREE Mr and Mrs- 0roter Findley ana j nesday night at their regular meet- Mrs. Loyd Adams and Mrs. Car- sons have moved Into die vacant ing. The evening was spent in Oardner, Mr. and Mrs. RyalU, house on the Ju> Houston farm .. rlaylng games. Prizes were w on ! who are from Montana, were nei- |IIe b “ ,e,lted U r M Und fro,:1 M r , by Pete Merrick. Alva Goodell, Jr.,jkhbors o t the Oardner famdy 33 i olyn ¡11. P. single phase, low -,peed mo- srR IN G SALAD—CRISP * FRESH Mrg Robert oelchrlst, Jr . is re- charle,te Chrltton and Lloyd Ad- UlCkl|f Wlnters. who has been tor. Berk Napton. Homedaie, Ida -1 Spring salads, crisp and cool and j cuperating after undergoing a mu- ams* Refreshments were served to spying at the Charley Grider k°- l 4 M 3 xp. chock full of nutrients, enhance th e jjor operation at the Ontaiio hospi- 20 guests. home, returned to his home Sun- WANTED—Dead (»""worthless am and appearance of tiie iimpl- t a i a month ago. Mrs. Loyd Adams and M r s . day. Advertising RATES: Two cento per word for each Issue. After one mouth one cent per wc THURSDAY, MARCH ilnlmum, cash in advance, is 30c. L a is , horses, cows, calves, sheep “ S e a ^ a ^ U s t e 'a n d ^ r v ^ t o L “ “ h *” ^ G" d" at,<nded th* ° re' , “ I J ’ V Gr‘ der Were and hogs Phone collect Nyssa 102W, iamealfor a f t e r m “ * son Trail H EC. meeting held at in Ontario Tuesday on business. Payeue 560J3, Fruitland 3H3 or “ f m d a ^avs se^ve v ^ u l n t e m ! ‘ hS vls‘ tin* f relatlv*s l" ^ Willis Bertram’s home on ! - ------------------------ Ifkin TW,,- »tiould always serve variety in lem He weat far 43 New York City. Thursday. Visit In Nampa— math Avenue. 7M2xp. Nampa 1000. 7Mtfc. ,.,.,alllre.s aud the salad should be ’ . Pearl Green has gone to Wyom-j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryall are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lyle visited MISCELLANEOUS straw. | ilie “c001 par* of lhe meaI- « r v e ing and other points to visit re- house guests this week of Mr. and relatives at Nampa Sunday. FOR SALE—Fast growing shade1 WANTED—To purchase For Sale latives. 28Ftfc. I lmeul olten! ___________ _______________________ 1 trees. Call at 650 No. Fourth street, Prank T. Morgan. HEALTH SALAH Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smith and FOR S A L E - Two car radios. S ee! Ny ssa. 28F3xp. 1 WANTED—Experienced farm hand) 1 c raw, sliced cuuhflower son were Sunday dinner guests at 1 c raw grated, carrots Wayne Haroldsen at Wilson's store.! f o r SALE—Automobile insurance, for Vear around work. House furn- the Forrest Sayers home 1 bunch sliced radishes 14Mlxp.j Public Liability, Properly Damage, *shed- Veteran preferred. Phone Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ross and 2 c shredded lettuce —------- ■ ------- . Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed j 010J5- 7M2xc. daughters were Sunday dinner Combine icgetables and lettuce. guests at the Ralph Barnes home. | FOR SALE Piggy gilts. Nyssa; ¡n the best companies at lowest I ~ Li Chill. Just beiore serving, toss Packing company slaughterhouse. A. j possible rates. Bernard Eastman. I •” o r R e n t Mrs. Louise Ross and Nova Lee I V 4 miles north of Adrian on the G. H. Salter C. Bosch. 14M2xp. I 14Ftfc | p o R r e n t —160 acres for rent for lightly to mix in dressing. Serves have returned to the Orien Haln- place. llne home after spending some FOR SALE—1940 Ford truck Don FOR SALE—10 acres, one mile w est1 rash. Good improvements. C-ood^ for DRESSING time visiting relatives in Boise. of Nyssa with good improvements. row craPS. Frank T. Morgan. 14tfc. % c sugar Fisher, Apple valley. 14M3xp. Choir practice, in preparation street. See Frank T. Morgan. 7Ftfc.' 1/3 c vinegar for Easter, will be held at the MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Air compressor. Phone Vi tsp salt. Orien Hainline home Wednesday FOR SALE—Baby chicks, austra1 — Vi c evaporated milk 1636-W, Andy McGinnis, Nyssa. evening. white, white rocks, buff minorcas MISCELLANEOUS— C o m e one, 14M4xp. and white leghorns, custom hatch- come a'l- Entertainment, basket Mrs. R. L. Kriner will lead Bible Sale Stalls At 1:00 P. M. study at Valley View Friday even ing, good quality. See us for prices. - serial, bazaar. Bill Lane, auctlon- FOR SALE—Six thousand Gem 5— HORSES— 5 ing. Phone Fiultland 62-21, Payette Val- eer- Free Coffee. March 15, 8 p. m. strawberry plants available. Now ley hatchery, Payette, Idaho. | Funds to go to Adian Community Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and 1 Team Black mares, coming 7 yrs. old. taking orders for early delivery. 31J10xp cannery and Malheur Memorial has' sons and Mr. and Mrs. Jule Hous- 1 Brown horse, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1400 lbs. Lloyd W. Lewis, Ontario highway 1 SALE—Ten acre tract in An- Pltal- Sponsored by Mitchell Butte 3/4 mile north of Y. 14Mtfc. FOR S* LE T " ’ acre Ap Ladies club. Owvhee schoolhouse 1 ion and dauelUers were Sunday 1 Brown bally, smooth, 1700 pounds. p.e valley. Good improvements. Mm,c by Adrlan hlgh ^ 0 , stu. 1 oii.ner guests at the orien Ham- Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard, ac 1 Team brown horses, 4 and 6 years old, wt. 3400. FOR SALE—McCormlck-Deering to- Sale price *1500. dents 14Mlxp jhne h<Jiue. companied by Betty and Donald, 30 tractor, '39 year model, on rub These are all good gentle horses and good workers. Mrs. Annie Harris and Clifford left Wednesday for Portland to vis ber, $500. M. W. Osborn, 3 miles FOR SALE—Four-room house with 1 Team of bays, 4 and 5 yrs., 1700 pounds. bath and three 50-foot lots. Close ' MISCELLANEOUS--Sewing m a ch -! and Mr. and Mrs. Vein Smith and it their daughter, Wilma, who Is at west, lVi north of Cairo junction. ine repairing, factory-trained ex- j son were' Sunday dinner guests at tending the Multnomah Bible 20— CATTLE— 20 14Mlxp. in. *1500. pert mechanic. Lamps, pulleys and tl.e Kay Whitsell home. Ronr.y school. A. L.Atkeson,28Ftfc. supplies for all electric machines. Kriner visited there in the atter- 1 Guernsey cow, Sadface, 5 years, just fresh. Beit Johnson, who was In the FOR SAIJ> -detrae tractor. Don 1 Guernsey cow, Tootsie, 5 years, heavy springer. merchant marines the past two Parker,'Cow Hollow. 7M3xp. FOR SALE—Idaho certified red Rebuilt and guaranteed portables, noon. Rev. C. C. Hovda of Bellingham, years, has returned here and Is treadles and electric bargains. Will 1 Guernsey cow, Red, 4 years, heavy springer. BABY C H IC K S-For delivery every bIlss seed P°tatoes' hl«h yielding buy or trade machines. Needles for Washington and Rev. R. Ö. Chand- ! employed by the Deseret Sheep 1 Guernsey cow, Girlie, 4 years, heavy springer. Wednesday and Saturday. Order strain. Otis Smith, Fruitland, Ida No. 8 to 200 thread. F. "Lete" Sack- 1er of Caldwell completed evangel- company. 28F3xp. ett. Phone 247M. 469 West First early so that you can get the breed ho. istic meetings at the schoolhouse Mrs. Anna Dali is spending this 1 Jersey cow, Rosebud, 5 yrs. giving 3 gal., test 5.0 you want on »he date you want FOR SALE—Foot-Locker, sturdy St. South, Third building south! Thursday evening, week With Mr. and Mrs. John Zlt- 1 Holstein cow, 3 years, springer. them. Thompson's Ontario Hatch and well constructed, with handle of US. 28. Ontario, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and iercob. 1 Holstein cow, 3 years, springer. ery, Box 578, Ontario, Oregon.7Mtic. on end and side. Priced to sell. Nys Roy were Caldwell visitors Wednes-, Mrs. Lily Dement of Myrtle Point, 1 Guernsey cow, Nosey, 5 years, heavy springer. "!'!P° ^ !i.bie^.f.0r .at!y :day. Joel Barnes spent the day Oregon, is visiting her daughter, sa Furniture store. 28Ftfc. FOR SALE!—Two-row potato planter bills made by the Gate City cafe .......... •- wJth hls auntf Mr*. Ueorge Barnes. Mrs. Ellis Warner, and family. 1 Guernsey cow, Queen, 7 years, heavy springer. McOormick-Deerlng. In good con FCR SALE—Baby chicks. White after March 1, 1946. Mrs. Emma Christian Emli-avor and Bible Lealand Wagner of Boise visited dition. Half mile west of Ole’s cor Leghorn, New Hampshire, Austra Cooper and Mrs. Albert Lauer. 4 Bull calves. 1 Heifer calf. study have bee. resumed on S u n -1 hls parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ner. Olaf Fylllngness. 7M2xp. White, Buff Minorca, White Rocks, 1 Holstein heifer, 2 years, heavy springer. MISCELLANEOUS—Bicycle repair day evenings. Rev. R. L. Kriner Wagner, one night last week. FOR SALE—John Deere 4 row beet Two hatches weekly. Place order ing, all makes. James and Ronald presented a message last Sunday Mrs. Glen Dowers gave a party 1 Holstein heifer, 2 years, springer. now. Custom hatching. Vale Elect Pruyn, at Pruvn garage, planter. Phone 03R1 M. Atagl. 7M2xp. evening. Mrs. Vern Smith will lead Monday after school In celebration 1 Brindle cow, 3 years, springer. the Bible study group at their next of Janice’s 8th birthday. The sec 7M3xp. ric Hatchery; Box 184, Vale, Ore gon. 14Ftfc. MISCELLANEOUS—Plowing, heavy meeting. 1 Holstein heifer, 2 years, just fresh. ond and third grade pupils were FOR SALE—12 to 15 tons oí first discing, basement digging. A. W. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Page of Sal invjted. 1 Jer. Dur. cow, Peggy, 5 yrs, giving 4 Y> gal. test FOR SALE—Get your Fuller paints cutting hay, chopped. W. T. Can Hendricks, Box E, Nyssa. 7M4xp. em spent the week-end at the Mr. and Mrs. Benedick, and fam 5.6. non, Sunset valley. 7M2xp. varnish, brushes, wallpaper and parental Claude Pagfe home. Lloyd ily visited at the Fred Shilling cleaner, cold water paint In 12 MISCELLANEOUS — For Insured 2 Holstein cows and calves coming up. Page will farm at Salem during home Sunday. POR SALE—Seven double-breasted shades, etc. at Nyssa Furniture and first class hauling see Stanley the ensuing year. Martha Lee Taylor, oldest daugh Production and tests will be given sale date. Cows turkey hens and tom. Eight extra company store, across street from Reffett. Phone 76, Powell Service Muriel Enveo.dsent has been a ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taylor, double breasted toms. Write Royal reclamation office. Station. 7Mtfc. are all Bang’s tested. Public is invited to see this patient at the Holy Rosary hospi was thrown from a horse near T. Sanders, route 2, Nyssa. 7M3Kp. herd before sale day. FOR SALE — Three-room house, MISCELLANEOUS—Cutsom plow tal in Ontario the past week. This Malheur butte Saturday and frac FOR SALE;—Pressure cooker, will with bath, FAirnished or unfurnish ing, discing and planting. H. E. Is the third time she has been in tured her skull, she Is in the On POULTRY hold 16 quart Jars. *15. 7M2xp. ed. To be moved from rot. Bernard Horn and Son. First house west ol the hospital during the last six tario hospital. 30 White Leghorn pullets. ^ weeks. She is now improving. Eastman. lOJtfc. Apple Valley schoolhouse. 7M2xp. Mr andMrs. George Moeller and FOR SALE;—30 acres, all in cult FARM MACHINERY E. M. Hauser, county club agent, girls visited in the T. W. Tan ivation, 15 shares In Farmers’ Co FOR SALE—1941 Q.M.C. truck, 2 showed health films to the Lincoln tieme in Wilder, Idaho Sunday. LOST 1 Two-bottom tractor plow. op ditch. In Apple valley. Tom At- speed axle with 7:50-20 10-ply tires. school pupils this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali and sons 1 Case beet cultivator, complete set tools. teberry. 7M2xp. Good rubber, beet bed. In shape LOST—Three-quarter H. P. motor, A farewell party wa sheld for Mr. of Nyssa visited at the John Zlt- to go to work. Inquire at Ole’s between Morgan’s residence and and Mrs. Geoige Pennington at 1 Case 2-wav 14 inch plow. 1 Oliver 5-foot mower. tercob home Sunday afternoon. FOR SALE—350 and 500 size chick I corner. Sid Flanagan. 21Ftfc. Nyssa Saturday night. Liberal re their home Friday evening by 1 Ten-foot McCormick hay rake. Sunday school will be held at 10 brooders. Good condition. *20. and ward. Frank Dewey or Mrs. E. A. neighbors and friends. An even a. m. next Sunday and church ser *25. Also feeders and baby Chick 1 John Deere horse disc. I Dewey, Nyssa. Leave at Signal sta- ing of visiting was enjoyed and WANTED vices will be at 11 a. m. by a min equipment. Mrs. Neil Bemmick, V4 ! tion. 14Mlxp. refreshments were served. Mr. Pen- * 1 Set harness and collars. 1 Morman corrugator. ister from Middleton, Idaho. mile south of C. C. Camp on Klam- WANTED—Steady year around LOST-Driver's license in envelope. Kington was presented with a bill- 1 John Deere 2-way plow. 1 Three horse evener. rJirn Boor. Leave at Journal office. fold and Mrs- Pennington with a 1 Row com planter. 1 Burr feed grinder. RICHLAND 7M2xp. purse. The Pennington family were 1 John Deere 2-way plow, good. the first residents of Llncdln Hei STORAGE— Consolidated Freight- Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams had 1 Oliver mower, in good condition. ways building. First street. See ghts and have lived here 10 years. as Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mtfc Mrs. Pennington was a Charter Mrs. Harry Gardner and children, 1 New Idea manure spreader. member of the Lincoln Sunday 2 Sets heavy harness. HAVE THAT STOVE OVERHAUL school. The Patch and Chat club Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sopher, Mr. ED—At Ed Case's Highway Md e. was organized at her home in 1938. and Mrs. FYank Ryalls of Montana, 1 Oliver beet cultivator, all attachments, used one Mart. No. of Y, phone 74J. INtfc. They have sold their farm at Carl- Mrs. Clare Whorton, Mrs. Jess Mat- season. lock and daughter, Mrs. Doris Mat strum Brothers, formerly of Kan lock and two children, all of Boise. MISCF3.LANEOUS—Duplicate car 1 McCormick-Deering beet cultivator, complete sas. and cylinder lock keys made. Gam In the evening, guests at the Fred Hawkins is building a house with all attachments, new. ble store. 250afa Adams home were Mr. and Mrs. on the tract of land which he re-, 1 MeCoimick Deering 6 inch bun- grain grinder, , , .. ... Charley Grider, Mr. and Mrs. Geo- cently purchased. He will assist his __ ’ . „ ., BUTCHERING rge Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Alva new and never been used. Custom butchering ever;' Mon AUCTIONEERS OPTOMETRISTS Parky Kriner "has returned ■ to G" a" d w ll“ n Wlnters and MISCELLANEOUS day and Friday. Beef, sheep and nhonl nfter examlna-1 after i.nrfenzoin* undergoing exam ina-, Dlckie’ ____^ The evenln* wtts sP*nt pork. Sanitary butchering guaran- school Other small tools and some lumber, wire, etc. MARION OSBORN DR. J. A. McFALL teed. Phone 05RL All stock must tion and medical care in the S a m -, ur a com ng range 1 Seven-foot swather. 1 Hay rake. “ See McFall and See Better” ’ . ,, come In Thursday or Sunday after aritan hospital In Nampa. Livestock and General 1 De Laval 2-unit milking machine. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson a n d l . * £ ’ “ nd “ r s ’ /v - fV’ Gr‘der " ere noon between 1 o’clock and 7. No Auctioneer stock accepted on butchering day. Mrs. Johnson’s mother, Mrs. Nellie hosts at a breaMMt Sunday hon- 6 Ten-gal. milk cans. 1 De Laval cream separator orlng Nan Grider’s birthday. One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta Hickman were Nampa callers Frl- Rt. 2. Ontario, Oregon Miss Carol Hunting and Mrs. 1 Norge coal range. 1 Round oak dining table. avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc day. Phone 354-J-4 Charley Grider attended the or ganization meeting of the D.H.I.A. TERMS :CASH at the Boulevard hall Tuesday. PHYSICIANS EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Later in the day they went to Lunch served on the grounds. ONTARIO OREGON Ontario to call on Mrs. Wilson SAR AZIN CLINIC Our Customers Are Asking Us Winters and Mrs. Bill Smiley, who JEWELRY STORES are In Ontario hospitals. Dr. J. J. Sarazin Nan Grider entertained the Ore Dr. K E. Kerby PAULUS gon Trail Grange Y. G. A. Wed- Col. Bert Anderson, auct. Mrs. L H Fritts, clerk Farm Sale i i W ed., March 2 0 Lincoln Heights Arcadia Professions! And Business Directory Physician and Surgeons L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday DENTISTS J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON Nyssa Post No. 79 JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON GEORGE JACKSON MODERN WATCH REPAIRINO State Licensed Watchmaker ONTARIO, OREGON 314 blocks N. of City Hall Sales Service Supplies W ORLD FAMOUS ELECTROLUX Cleaner & Air Purifier E. R. Anderson The American Legion Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, Holds regular meetings Weiser, Idaho____ First and Third Thurs HAY BUYER days, every month. All veterans and service W . J. Jahn men and women are j welcome to attend our Dealer in hav and grain Third at Good Ave. meetings. Can a Municipality Vote Out of a PUD? THE ANSWER: Yes. A majority vote against the PUD in any incorporated community (Vale, Ontario and Nyssa in the case of Malheur county) auto matically leaves that community out of the district. No other areas of the proposed Mal heur PUD can vote themselves out, even by a unanimous vote, and would be included if a majority of the voters in the whole area ap proves. In a recent election, the voters of Hood River, Oregon, voted themselves out o f a PUD, although the district was created io comprise only the rural areas nearby. Thus,- the feasibility of the entire project collapsed. Fred Trost—G. H. Salter, For Sale Utah Certified White and Yellow Spanish Onion Seed Lettuce Seed Great Lakes and 847 Varieties I D A H O ¥ POWER A S E L F -SU P P O R T IN G . TAXPAVIN G BU SIN ESS EASTERN OREGON PRODUCE CO. Phone 120 or 133W