PA G E T W O TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y I he Gdte City Journal KLASS V. POWELL SU BSCR IPTIO N Editor and Publisher KATES AD VE R TISIN G RATo.8 One Year $2.00 Six Month«....... $1.25 Single Copies .............. 05 (S tr i.tly ln Advance) 35c National, per inch........... 35c ...2c Minimum........ 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postotflces at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, unbar the act of March 3, 1879. WATTS MOTOR COMPANY Dealers Willys Jeeps-Cars-Trucks Located on Main Street East of Postoffice on Highway 20. We pay cash for good Used Cars and Trucks W H AT HAVE YOU? W e expect a carload of Jeeps before March 15th. Most o f this carload is sold but suggest you place your order now for delivery out of next carload. WATTS MOTOR COMPANfi Nyssa, Oregon ACROSS FROM U. S. POST OFFICE Phone 144M Grangers Grow Social Crops that benefit all Oregonians -v ** «Wiiwmw, ■ ■ b b n n w n n iw m Church Services .it .It I'H O U IS T C O M M U N IT Y CH U R C H Rev. H J. Qemhardt, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. in. Wor hjp and sermon. 11 a. m. “ Doing and Living." Intermediate fellowship, 7 p. m. Youth fellowship, 7 p. m. Young adult fellowship, 7 p. m. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Mid-week Bible study and pray er, Wednesday, 8 p. m. We meet m the church auditorium. Come. Tuesday. March 19. at 8 p. m. Official Board Meeting. All offic ials are urged to attend. LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. H. A. Heckmann, Pastor Next Sunday afternoon there will be no services since the pastor will be away. However, on the 24th legular services at 3 p. m. in the American Legion hall will be held. ASSEM BLY OF GOD Pastor, C. L. Snider Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Song services and sermon, 10:45 a. m. Pasting and prayer, 12 noon. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Tuesday, prayer meeting at church. 8 p. m. Friday, cottage prayer meeting, 8 p. m. For, every one that thtrsteth, come ye to the waters. Isian. 55; 1. JO U R N A L TH U RSD AY, M ARCH 14, 1946 Cottage prayer meeting next week Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Steelman and in the Van de Water home in King- daughter. Linda, of Portland spent I the week-end visiting m the Clyde mar. Kolony. Wednesday. 8 p. m Steelman home. R. E. Steelman was U N ITE D EVAN G ELIST ASSN | recently discharged from the air i torce at Marysville, California. Pull Gospel Services Navy Man Returns— Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Hatfield Odd Fellows Hall. S/Sgt. Dewey Thomason, grand of Buhl. Idaho visited over the Pastors: Rev. and Mrs. Leo E. son of “ Aunt M attie" Thomason ol week-end ln the K. I. Peterson Waggoner Nyssa, has been discharged from home. Sunday school. 2:30 p. m Mrs. K. I. Peterson was hostess, the army after spending three years Evangelistic service, 3:30 p. ■». Singsplration and Bible study, at a surprise birthday dinner given ln the service. He spent 18 months for Mervin Peterson. The following Wednesday, 8 p. m. on Guadacannal. Sgt. Thomason guests were present: Jesse Gale, A welcome awaits you. said “ It is grand to be back ln Bob Eastman, Charles Wilson, Bob Kurtz, Ralph Johnson and Everett the states again and even better Heldt of Nyssa. being a civilian." Arlene Peterson and Mrs. Mildred Hite of La Grande were week-end Tick Serum Available— Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raney of guests in the K. I. Peterson home Parma, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tick serum Is available ln Dr. and of Mrs. Threlma Elliot. Thomas of Adrian were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter and L. A. Mauldlng’s office for those dinner guests In the Riley Dllle children took several F.F.A. boys who want to take "shots.” home hi Adrian. Jean Dllle prepar to a public speaking contest held ed and served the dinner. in La Grande over the week-end Attend Rally— Mrs. Edna De Haven, Bingman They also visited relatives in La- Nyssa residents attending the Kolony, Mrs. Herbert Thomas and Grande and Union. sub-district rally of the Methodist Mrs. Riley Dllle of Adrian motor Mrs. Henry Reuter and several ed to Weiser, Monday afternoon, ladles are soliciting funds in Adrian church ln Payette March 12 were with Mrs. Grace Bawtheimer of and surrounding communities for Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Poster, Rev. Wilder to visit relatives. the building of the community can and Mrs. H. J. Gemhardt, Mrs. The Fourth annual basketball nery. All who have not been con- Henry Hartley, Mrs. K. E. Kever- banquet was held at the Adrian.. . , . . . . ... , Union high school Tuesday even- and " Uh to contribute may en, Mrs. O. O. Anderson, Mr. and ing. March 5. The Mary and Mar- ‘ea dona1“ “ a£ P ° unds D™ g Mrs. DeGross, Mrs. A. V. Pruyn, Mrs. A. Chadwick and Effle Ellen tha society prepared and served f . 0™ or at the Keuter home ln Council. the dinner. A good attendance was r an' present. The following program was j C O LUM BIA AVENUE Parents— O f Girl— given: I Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Worden of Remark's by Toastmaster, D. L. Andereon. warm UD grouD alnaira- Mrs Lewls Miles arrived F rid a y \ Newell Heights are parents of a tin n f f ~ 5 from Hooper, Utah for a visit with girl born March 13 in the Mercy I has provided an outlet in front of the building as a means of sup plying water for a new lawn that will be planted soon. LOCAL NEWS Adrian BRONCHIAL GOUGHS! or Bronchial Irritations Duo to Colda Buckley’s Faipeys “ C A N A D IO L ” Mixture A cts Like a Flash Spend a f e w cents to da y a t any good dru g st or e fo r a bottle o f Buckley’ s C A N A D I O L M ix tu r e (t ri p l e a ct in g ). T a k e a couple o f sips at bedtime. F e e l Its instant p o w e rf u l ef fe cti ve action spr ea d thru throat, head and bronchial tubes. It starts at once to loosen up thick, c h ok in g phlegm, soothe r a w m e m branes and m ak e b r e at hi ng easier. Sufferers from those persistent, nasty I r ri t a ti n g coug hs or bronchial Irritations due to colds find Buck- ley's brings qui ck and e f fe c t iv e r e lief. Don't w a i t — g e t Buc kl e y' s Can-' adlol today. You g e t r e l i e f Instantly. W H IT E CINDER BLOCKS We furnished the blocks for io ic k L m “ r W W w I ' Mr and Mrs' “ * ard C ' Larsoni hospital in Nampa. The baby, n a - 1 Chadwick's new store building. H IE I « I MMUNI T Y UNITED Foul, Bob' Schweizei • ' substitute, antL fa“ ily' She returned t0 Hoop- med Mary Louise, weighed 6 pounds. r r . E S B V r E R I A N CHURCH Glen Brown; long shot, er Tuesday. Mrs. Miles Is Mrs. Lar-| All sizes concrete pipe Kingman Memorial son’s mother. \ Attend Club Meeting— Hatch; Pass, Merlin Anderson; off J. C. Nevln—Pastor Mr and Mrs. Dick Groot were j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland at- and headgates. | the backboard, Oscar Zamora; 10 a. m., Bible school. Ontarlo visitors Monday afternoon.; tended a meeting of their club last j | hook shot, Wilbur Jackson; throu 11 a. m., morning worship with Pete Tensen made a business week in Ontario at the home of Mr. ; gh the hoop, Donald Elliat; time out third sermon on our church vows— trip to Ontario this week. L. J. JOSEPHSON and Mrs. Glen Hutchinson. ... __ , . ! Music; towel man, Ross Lane; yell A Confession of Guilt and Help- , .__ _ Mrs. E. C. Larson and Mrs. Mc- ,___ „ leaders, Forestlne Wilson and Let- lessness & SON Ewen of Fruitland shopped in Na- j Army Man Discharged— „ . . . ... . ty Bronson; out of bounds, Colleen 8 p. m., evening worship with ae- - - mpa Wednesday. F O R T DOUGLAS, UTAH, M AR 1 Connaughey; sitting on the bench, votions for inspiration and instruc Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail 1946—Sgt. Francis O. Case, was Phone 44-J, Fayette, Idaho Coach Yensen; trailnng, Mrs. M. L. tlon in discussion. Adults—"The R e entertained at a card party f o r : discharged from the army today at Kurtz; coach. Mr. Newbill, team ligious Life of Jesus;’’ Young peo Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen. Mr. the Fort Douglas separation cen- work, Pete Timmerman; shoot, ple—"W hat Christianity Means to and Mrs. Dick Groot, Mr. and Mrs. : ter. Sgt. Case, son of Mr. and Mrs. principal John Coleman: presenta Me.” Closing thought by our pas Gerrlt Groot of Apple valley, Mr. Cecil Case, who served 39 months tion of trophy, Howard Hatch, tor.. and Mrs. John Timmerman of in the army, is authorized to wear portsmanship, Coach Yensen. Monday, 4 p. m„ high school Newell Heights and Mr. and Mrs. the American theater ribbon, good Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and Bible study group at Adrian. Z. Davidson of Parma. conduct medal and victory ribbon. Raymond and Ted, and Gloria Wednesday, 7:45 p. m , adult A few farmers have already Prior to entering the army Oct- Pounds were shoppers In Boise Bible study in Adrian school. 8:30 planted their beets in this commun- ober 29, 1942, Case was employed Thursday. p. m„ choir practice at parsonage. ity. as a farmer at Nyssa, Oregon. His A N D Glenwood Pounds visited ln Nys Friday, 10 a. m , prayer group. wife, the former Iris B. Hite, has sa Thursday with his parents and Vis t Relatives— been making her home on RFD 1, an uncle. A D K I4 N FREC M E T H O D IS T Cpl. Robert T. Thompson and Nyssa, Oregon. Mrs. Anna Sparks, Mrs. Ruth mother, Mrs. S. C. Thompson of CHURCH Looney and children were shoppers Adrian. Oregon Vale, spent Sunday visiting rela- j Pine Is Re-Laid— in Ontario on Friday. tives, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Ander- Nyssa post of the American Leg Philip H. Reiman—Pastor Mrs. Bethel Martin and Mrs. Sunday school, 10 a. m. W illiam Toomb were shopper« In and M r’ 8nd MrS’ J’ K G r i i ‘ ion has rephlced 0ie water P1^ 9 (electrically) Preaching service, 11 a. m. Nyssa Wednesday morning. fUhs’ at lts Property on Third street and Young people’s meeting, 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steelman NO DIGGING Evangelistic message, 8:30 p. m. and children, Phylis and Louise of WORK GUARANTEED Eagle, Idaho were dinner guests FREE ESTIMATES Thursday evening in the Clyde Serving 5 Counties Steelman home. From the Largest Stock of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and Genuine children were in Baker Friday at tending to business. They were ov ernight guests of relatives ln Un ion. Mrs. Francis Muntjewerff and Parts children visited in Adrian Saturday , Orders Shipped Immediately : afternoon. | j W. B. Bunch and Art Yensen Payable at the city hall or with furnished cars and took the Art class of the high sohool to the Phone 49 Payette, Idaho Chief o f Police J. R. Dolan. Yeakle home near Parma, Thursday to see wood carving collection, made by Mr. Yeakle, as a hobby. $3 for female and $2 for male or Several members of the Adrian Girl Scout Troop No. 2 met ln spade female. the home of Patsy De Haven ln Kingman Kolony, Saturday after noon, March 9. The next meeting Refrigeration Service will be held at the home of Mrs. 220 So. Oregon St. Ontario Charles Newbill. The girls will go I’hone 590-W Day or Night on a hike. Commercial Joyce Hibbard of Notus visited ln and Household Repair Adrian Friday and Saturday at the Washing Machine Repair home of her sister, Mrs. Lois Cart Gates V Belts wright. "Chop" Turner-“T on y" Fischer Mrs. Threlma Elliot attended a Your Service Men for 20 Years luncheon Monday noon at the Moore hotel in Ontario. m tm m (Rawh-kkmfid Dog Taxes Are Due Me Cluer-Manser TURNER '■ ■ .V .V W Our Customers Are Asking U s ----- O R E G O N S T A T E C O L LE G E stands as a monument to the early members of the Grange. Largely through their efforts the College was founded in 1885. Further achievements in better farm living through education include sponsorship o f agriculture and home economics courses in high schools; cooperation Can a PUD Put Idaho Power Out of Business? W W WHEN- The umpire yells “ play ball,” it’s time to order SEEDS with the Future Farmers o f America, the 4-H Clubs of the State; scholarships to the 4-H Club Summer School sessions held annually at Oregon State College. Projects of this nature are as viral a part o f Grange THE A N SW E R : activities as better agriculture itself. That is why 28,000 area of the district. That is the intent of the progressive farmers belong to the Oregon State sponsors. Their pamphlet, widely circulated in Grange— why membership continues to gro w — why the county, states in part: “Even if the coat of the Grange is a dominant force for social progress. W e Promise You Yes, by condemning our property within the A "Home Run” acquiring the properties of the existing power company should be more or less than the f 1,750,000 mentioned above, the Commission's Information about the purpose and accomplishmenta of the Ore gon State (¿range is contained in ■ Ktoklct "Let's Look at the Record**. Contact your local Grange lor copy, or write direct. With our bulk garden report shows . . . ” A P U D is not intended to seeds, compete with, put to condemn the existing utility. S t, Pw tUak 14. O ri|M i/ea OF S E R V I C E TO O R I S O N any quantity— Hot Caps— Hot OREGON STATE GRANGE 72 in <*«y H w*« If ¡s unnac«fMry to toor 04 it or diq up p ip * who«* Roto-ftootor k mod. tWeby Mvin* A P U D once created has the right of eminent domain, and may condemn any property either 1 US U t i k m available FARMING Tents and Insecticides for Lee W . Sellars pest control. Phone 567-W within or without the boundaries of the dis trict Except for utility property, it may take Ontario, Oregon immediate possession without waiting for judg ment to be entered. I D A H O V POWER A S C IF S U P P O R T IN O . TAX PAYIN G m Al Thompson and Son ’. V .V . V . W . V 0 . . ELECTRIC 5 ** ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE CO.