THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE SIX THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946 mmm er tulips of various colors adorning were won by Mrs Robertson and.ved on the grounds. 2 horses; 17'block 20, Tuetsch's addition. $1500 $3500, 8th street. Ed Wild, construction, lots 11 cattle; hogs, poultry, geese, farm ¡20 by 36, masonry, the stage. In tiers, and a huge wind Mrs. R. O. Whitaker. —5— machinery, furniture. Solon Miner, James A. Russell, construction and 12, Teutsch’s addition, 42 by j null, rear stage. The floor show was CLUB HOLDS MEETING owner. Cols. Bert Anderson and lot 25 Glasgow tracts, 32 by 26, 46. masonry. diiected by Alma (5rover and Theo The Sunday evening bridge club Joe Church, auctioneer, L. H. Frltts, Je.'jen. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, j Those from Nyssa who partlci- R Q whUaker. PrUes went to clerk. paled were Verla Jensen, Norma Bernard Eastman and Oeorge Hen- l o o I a I c t o C la o o il y Pe- neman NYSSA PEOPLE ATTEND BALL lng parts in a coiorlul floor show 1 Jensen, . Udel „ Poulsen, . , Adrienne „ , teraon. J. Beason Lewis, Helen An- FOUND—Chester White boar on my Approxlmateiy 50 persons from ; Queens from Vale, Ontario, Payette, derson and wilford Hansen. The CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Nyssa attended the stake M I.A Weiser, Emmett, Letha and Nyssa. atfalr was iormai ranch. Owner may- have by paying Miss Vela Dee Poulson celebrated gold and green ball at the Weiser were presented to the large au d l-1 for keep. Kenneth Benton, north ol Vernon Chadwick A1 Chadwick —i — her 10 birthday Saturday after labor camp. school auditorium Friday evening ente. Tulip t,me was the coior ANNIVERSARY 7Mlxp. CELEBRATED noon. Lunch was served at 1 p. m. with seven of the young people tak- scheme, with hundreds of wax flow- The members of the Friendly Nei to 23 guests. Birthday presents were FOR SALE—Cletrac tractor. Don ghbor club of West Richland cele- opened and games were played, Parker, Cow Hollow. 7M3xp. brated the second anniversary of after whlch Mlss Poulson took her the club's organization February 28 the matinee The Modern Cleaner That Makes MISCELLANEOUS—Bicycle repair by serving chicken and noodle din ing, all makes. James and Ronald ^ -8 — ner at the A1 J. Doreghty home on Cleaning Easy Pruyn, at Pruyn garage. 7M2xp. you will find at the Nyssa Food Center DINNER PARTY HELD Idaho street. Thirty members and Miss Grace Foster celebrated her FOR RENT—160 acres. Row or guests were served at a long table 18 birthday with a dinner party Fresh and canned oysters—Red and pink decorated with pussywilliws. spring F rid a y "evening.'The’ tables was de cash rent. Damon Savage, Nyssa 7Mlxp. flowers and candles. The afternoon : corated in white with yellow dai. Tavern. salmon was spent in visiting, after w hich, fodils Many lovely glfts were re_ LOR SALE—Farm-all 20 on rub 'X ■ And Water Softener the hostess served ice cream an d -celved After dlnner Mlas Poster ber with spud digger and buck Nucoa, Best Foods, Tang and Kraft mayon angel cake. Those present were Mr. and gUeS(_s attended the basketball rake. Allis Chalmers morel B with Mrs. Paul Baker and two child- games in Ontario, naise, soaps and washing powders, coffee, pork complete line of equipment. James For Walls, Floors, Woodwork, Windows, Dishes and ren. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clever W. Stephens 2 Vi miles west of —8— and beans and shortenings. ly and Penee, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Clothes and General Cleaning BRIDGE PARTY Hashltanl corner and Vi mile north, Fry, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bair and Mrs. A1 Kuehn entertained two or contact me at Nursing home. Mary, Mrs. John Ridder and Ken tables of bridge in honor of Miss Peas, beans, corn, tomato juice and blended 7Mlxp. A Very Little Goes—A Very Long Way ny, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kurtz, Pete Catherine Crandall of Corona, Cal juices by the case at an attractive discount. Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. Tren Jones, ifornia. Prizes were won by Miss FOR SALE—John Deere 4 row beet * tr v*-’ * planter. Phone 03R1 M. Atagl. and three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Crandall and Mrs. Charles Schwei- Ask for it at Eder’s, Food Mart, Wilson’s, Virgil McGee, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. zer 7M3xp. Expect another shipment oi fresh smelt. Williams and the host and hostess, Pound’s, East Side Market and Signal Service. Mr FOR SALE—12 to 15 tons ol first and Mrs. Doreghty and two cutting hay, chopped. W. T. Can children. non, Sunset valley. 7M2xp. The next regular meeting will be held March 28 at the Jones home. LOST—Driver's license In envelope. All the women in the neighborhood Jim Boor. Leave at Journal office. are invited to attend. From Klamath Falls— 7M2xp. —8 - Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Burrelle 60 . ATTEND ELDERS PARTY and daughter of Klamath Falls were FOR SALE—Seed potatoes, extra Sixty persons attended the elders week_end * of Mr and Mrs. quality, government-approved Bliss chorum party at the L.D.S. church A L P]etcher Triumphs. Ralph Castator. 7Mlxp. Thursday night. Old time dancing ‘__________ MISCELLANEOUS—Now is the was featured. A lunch was served. Buy Service Station— time for a spring check-up on your To The Claude Willson and Bill Hipp have car. Herriman Motor Co. 7Mlxc. HAVE SUNDAY GUESTS purchased the Nyssa Auto com- At 7 o’clock Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Haroldsen of pany business on highway 30 from WANTED—Experienced farm hand Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Mr. Osborn. for year around work. House furn Next To First National Bank lik e of Fort Lewis were Sunday din ished. Veteran preferred. Phone Selling fresh farm products, pastry and fancy ner guests at the D. O. Cybee home. No HuHt Dinner_ 010J5. 7M2xc. Places were laid for eight. work. The Outgoing Civic Club officers - 8 - had a no-host dinner at the Payette FOR SALE—1934 Ford V-8. Good Benefit of Malheur Memorial hospital fund. on the opening of your new business. GUESTS AT DINNER country club Wednesday evening. condition. Inquire Helen's cafe. Ad Sponsored by the Worthwhile club of Sun Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cochrun Eight officers attended. After din rian. 7Mlxp. were dinner guests Wednesday eve ner the group attended a picture set valley. We welcome you to a good town. BUILDING PERMITS ning of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth show in Ontario. Herbert J. Fischer to build frame Pond. house on lot 23, Glasgow tracts. _j _ Quilt To e Given— *2000, 24 by 36. THURSDAY CLUB MEETS A silk quilt made by Mrs. N. B. E. J. Points, lot 19. block 141, Mrs. A. H. Boydell was hostess Short will be given away at the to the Thursday afternoon club. Eagles dance Saturday night. March Ward's addition, 20 by 24, frame. We take great pleasure in $ 2200 . Mrs. Edward Boydell and Mrs. John 9. Your FORD Dealer Frank Edwards, alteration, lot 4. Beckham were guests. Prizes went Announcing That • block 6, original townsite, 20 by 20, to Mrs. George Mitchell and Mrs. Move Back To Nyssa— frame. $200. John Beckham. Homer L. Cates and family, for J. E. Brower, to enlarge, lot 11. —8— mer residents of Cow Hollow, have ENTERTAINS CLUB returned to Nyssa from Parma. Mrs. John Beckham entertained They have rented the Laverle Fite an Ex-cel-sis factory-trained beauty her club Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. dairy ranch. A. H. Boydell was a guest. High consultant, will be in our store 'cores went to Mrs. George Sallee Stolen Car Recovered— Thursday, Friday and Saturday and Mrs. Joe Sutherland. The Ford automobile of E. C. - 8 - Crandall of Nyssa was stolen Tues 15 ATTEND ‘ FIRE SIDE*’ CHAT day night and .was recovered by Fifteen persons attended , the city police officers Wednesday candle light “fire-side chat" at the morning north of town. Three to give our customers a complimentary skin an home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. By wheels and tires and the license our former customers for the splendid support given us during alysis and expert skin consultation concerning bee Sunday evening after church plate were stolen from the machine. The topic was “phrophes- any beauty problems they may have. This ser services. the seven years that we were engaged in business in Nyssa ies being fulfilled. Refreshments vlslt From Parma_ ,.* r vice is free and without obligation We hope were served. Songs and piano num Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cates and Mr. We wish for the new owners the greatest possible succe that you will take advantage of her experience bers were given. and Mrs. Troy Cates and family —5— of Parma visited at the home of while she is in our store. COUNCIL WILL MEET Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Cates Sun this city, and the continued patronage of our* friends. The ladies council of the Christ day. ian church will meet at the home of Mrs. ChaHes Marshall Thurs School Officials To Meet— day afternoon. March 14 with Mrs, All school clerks and board mem Ed Dewey as hostess. A missionary bers are Invited to meet In Vale program. “In the Congo Basin,'* at 1:30 Friday. A representative of will be given. the state department of education - 8- . will discuss the budgets for the CHATTER BOX CLUB fiscal year. Mrs. Jim Olin entertained the Chatter Box club at her home Visit Here— Thursday afternoon with eight Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lewis members attending. Mrs. Harlan of Tacoma spent Flday and Satur Maw was in charge of the pro day at the home of Mr. Lewis’ gram. The hostess served refresh mother, Mrs. J. C. Smith. Mr. Lew ments. The next meeting will be is, who was discharged from the at the John Ridder home March 21. army at Fort Lewis, was en route FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAR. 8-9 - 8 - to Pocatello to resume his work as R. Scott, Ann Dvorak, Edgar Buchanan, I.INCOLN HONORED telegraph operator for the Union The American Legion auxiliary Rhonda Fleming In Pacific railroad. served a Lincoln's day dinner in “ABILENE TOWN’’ the Legion hall February 21 to the CARD OF THANKS 2-Reel Special “Orders From Tokyo” auxiliary members and their famil We wish to thank our friends and ies. Approximately 50 persons a t neighbors for their kindness and Color Cartoon tended the dinner. A program of sympathy during the sickness and Features Saturday 6, 8 and 10 P. M talks and musical numbers was death of our mother. Mai.. Sat., 2:5« Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax presented. Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c, Including Tax Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley -5 - and family. EVENING CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Besly and SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MAR 10-11 Mrs. George Henneman entertain family. . • Those lovable stars of “Hollywood Canteen” ed the Tnursaay evening bridge club last week Special guests were FARM SALE—Tuesday, March 12. Joan Leslie and Robert Hutton In Mrs. Artie Robertson. Mrs. John J12 noon. Four miles Southwest of “ TOO YOUNG TOO KNOW” Olsen and Mrs. Ed F’rost. Prizes,Vale on Bully Creek. Lunch ser- Nyssa Food Center Friday and Saturday, Mar. 8 Cr 9 Ruby All-Purpose Cleaner LOCAL NEWS Auction Sale Congratulations! Saturday Night, March 9 Nyssa Tractor & Auto Co. Herriman Motor Company Mrs. Yu von Arnold W e W ish To Thank- March 14, 15 and 16 Owyhee Drug Company Mrs. A. L. Atkeson NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM Elizabeth Atkeson THEATRE 100 Ladies Dresses One Third Off A timely tender drama rich with human emo tion. A picture you will take to your heart. Color Cartoon Features Sunday 6, 8 and 10 P. M. Mat.. Sun., 2:30 Adm.. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c, Including Tax TUESAY, MAR. 14 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Charlie Chan In “THE RED DRAGON’ Also Jimmy Wakely In “SADDLE SERENADE” Features Tuesday 6 8 and 10 P. M. Adm. 28e-9r. Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAR. 13-14 An entrancing, dancing, romancing love story that music and spectacle make unforgettable! “YOLANDA AND THE THIEF” In Technicolor With Fred Astaire, Lucille Bremer, Frank Morgan and Mary Nash Latest News Adm. Fvratxi». 40 e- Ac. Inrluriinc Tax 120 Pair Ladies Dress Shoes Insurance $3.95 to $4.95 Values. Now $2.00 I have just been appointed Nyssa Agent for STATE FARM MUTUAL INS. CO. AUTO, FIRE AND LIFE. fcow rates on passenger cal’s and farm trucks. Business hours 8 a m to 7 p m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, at Nyssa Sanita tion Office, or write Box 915 and I will call at your home. 165 Pair Ladies Bedroom Slippers James D. W illis $2.49 Values. Now $1.49 Atkeson’s NYSSA, OREGON