THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL S u n s e t V a lle y J Mitchell Sthweizer and Mona Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Schwelzer Butte. A 3roup of the furmers of this THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 194G his new residence and the Kygar slde ° f tracks; 1 mile south and 2 atock cattle; farm machinery. L. H. L- family ■ - have moved - Into -• - - east of Malheur ButU, < horses. 172 Prltts. owner; Col. Bert Anderson. the ^ house cattle Including 65 dairy cattle, 117 anettoneer. th at Dunaway was accupylng. THE M ETH O D IST C o M M L M l l Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lcwe visited ckvacH Rev. H. J. Gemhardt, Pastor end shopped In Ontario Monday. | Sunday school, 10 a. m. George Cooper and fam ily have Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. moved Into the Mart Carlyle tenent Young Adult felowship, 7 p. m. house on the Lowe ranch. Mr. Coop­ Young Adult fellowship, 7 p. m. er will work for Mr. Carlyle. Mrs. WE ARE N O W C O N TR AC TIN G : Intermediate fellowship, 7 p. m. Evening evangelistic service, 8 p Coopor is now sick with whooping cough. Onion Bulbs m- Bible tsudy and prayer, Wednes­ day. 8 p. m. Onion Seed Special Lenten services In church sub-district rally Tuesday, March Common Alfalfa 12 at Payette, 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. C h u rc h S e rv ic e s Among those attending the th re e -; have moved onto their place In the community volunteered their time day basketball tournament at North valley a iu r living the pusi year In work and trucks two days last week Powder last week were Kenneth Itlie Owyhee community. ! to haul gravel and repair the roads Price, Darlene Robb, Wayne Robb,; Audrey Adams was an overnight which were almost Impassable due Beth Chapin, Lulabelle Wilson, Bob gue t Monday i f Georgia Ward of and thawing of the ground. ta t M. and Mrs. James Reeder of Winfield, Kansas have purchased the store and filling station owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Ole Ege. Mr. and Mrs. Reeder took poss­ ession last week. Mrs. Annie Gregg and son Her- chel and children of Scio, Washing­ ton are expected here the latter THE CHURCH OF THE part of the week to visit in the NAZARENE ; home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gregg E. J. Wilson, Pastor and other relatives. 10 a. m „ Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and Now open for business in connection 11 a. m., A good lively song ser- two small children of Nyssa moved Saturday in to the farm operated I vice’ «P ^ ia l song and sermon. With 6:15 p. m. pre-prayer service. j bv Magnus Ekanger, where they will 7 p. m„ young people's service. | be employed this year, 7:45 p. m „ evangelistic service. i Fred Nash of Emmett, who has 8 p. m., Wednesday prayer and spent the past few days visiting Rev. Alfred Brim and family, left praise service. Nyssa’s New Second Hand Store Jake’s Fix-it Shop Large Stock of furniture and stoves. Jake Kraai Mancel Bishop Here W e Are Friends: W e have moved out on U.S. 30 north and west of town to that blue and orange Veltex sign. Always leads to a better run for your money. Roll in ; let us show you how Veltex Super-Ethyl gasioline and Veltex motor oils will put that old car smoothly down all kinds of roads. And watch for a new station and cabins. Claude €r Bill Tired of your dark living room? /«z W onsover will change your dark walls in a jiffy —give you a room that sparkles with life and beauty. This wonder-working paint is so easy to apply it's fun. It's all mixed, ready to use, just brush it on or roll it on— in a few hours it’s dry. W onsover colors are beautiful—the lovely, light modern colors decorators use. Choose from 8 shades—or white. And because it's an oil-base paint W onsover washes and wears suc­ cessfully. Monday for his home. C H R IS T IA N CHCRCH Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nishitani of "üsorge Whipple, Pastor. ! Nyssa moved the first of the week to the L. E. Newgen farm which they have rented. Bib’c school, 10 a. m. George Wilson, who has been em- Next Lord’s day will be the ployed at the Amalgamated Sugar second in our Bible school contest company factory at Nyssa, return -: •v*th Payette, Weiser, Ontario and to his home Thursday. ‘ Vale. We ale now second and will Fannie Kollen is employed in the have to work if we win. I the Jim Langley home. | Morning worship, 11 a. m. Mrs. Bob Newgen, Mrs. L. E. Communion served each Lord’ s Newgen and Margery were Wednes- day. Sermon topic, * 'Where unto. Evening services, 7:30 p. m. j day 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Adult study group and Christian I Hillis of Boise. | John Hamilton of Promise visited Endeavor for all ages of young Mr. and Mrs. “ Doc" Rafflngton last people during the first 45 minutes. Song service and sermon, 8:15 p. week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Black and m. Sermon topic, “ Nevertheless.” There will be an all-church social I Fred Guthrie made a trip to Ba- I ker, Sunday returning home the In the church basement Friday night of next week. The public Is I same evening. Interest is being shown In the invited to attend. 1 Bible studies conducted every Fri- THE C O M M l N IT V UNITED j day evening by the pastor, Rev. A l­ PR E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH fred Brim, at the Assembly of God Kingman Memorial church here. J. C. Nevln—Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D itty and 10 a. m., Bible school. To know [ Charlotte and Ronald spent from Wednesday until Monday visiting God Is to have Life. 11 a. m., morning worship. Sec­ relatives at La Grande. Elanor Middlestedt of Owyhee ond sermon on My Covenant with was an overnight guest of Vera My Church"—The Living and True God. Faye Counsil one day last week. 8 p. m„ evening worship with de­ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen visited Sunday with her father, Cecil R id ­ votions to Inspire and discussions to instruct adults: “Jesus and His dle and fam ily of Nu-Acres. A skit, “ W ild Cat W illie In The Varied Friends,’’ young people: The Dog House’’ was presented by the Obligation of My Faith. Monday, 4 p. m „ high school study school children at the Adrian school group at Adrian. 7:45 p. m.. Boy house Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper, and Scout troop No. 36 in high school. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m„ adult Bible Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Castle of Owyhee Quarters were guests Sun­ study at Adrian. 8:33 p. m., choir day at a birthday dinner in the practice at par onage, Thursday, 8:00 p. m., young peo­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goodier of Kingman Kolony. Mr. Cooper ple sponsor a night of movies for and Mr. Goodier celebrated their benefit of Sudan Christian Train­ ing school at Adrian high school. anniversaries. L. E. Newgen, Bob Newgen and j The pictures are: ‘ ‘Schubert, the Artie Thrills." Cecil Riddle of Nu-Acres spent a Melody Master," ! week at Madras, where they did The Headless Horsemen." Friday, 10 a. m., prayer group ! some improving on the land owned by Bob Newgen. They reported meets in Adrian. spring plowing was started about j three week earlier than here. Be- j fore returning home Saturday, they visited in Portland. E. M. Hauser, 4-H club agent Donna Mae and Linda Louise showed health pictures to the Parker of Cow Hollow spent Sunday j with their grandparents, Mr. and children at the schoolhouse last week-end. ! Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen. Mr. and Mrs. V irgil Holady and Manon Hillis returned to his farm family and Donald Burd are visit­ I here after spending the winter In ing relatives in Missouri. Boise. Rev. Chandler of Caldwell and | Jack R effett Is working at Pasco, Rev. Hovda of Bellingham, visited ! Washington. at the George Moeller home one Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson were day last week. i business visitors in Boise Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Francis Gregg and Maude Coop- Mrs. Anna Dail went to Caldwell ! er entertained at the Gregg home j Wednesday at a pink and blue last Tuesday with Mrs. Philip Dairs who has been visiting here. Mrs. shower honoring Mrs. Joe Hobson. Davis left Caldwell by bus for her | Sixteen guests were present. R e­ home in California. freshments were served by the Vern Butler served on the grand hostesses. Jury in Vale last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil and Mrs. Dale Lakey of Boise was daughters, Effle Ellen and Vera Faye, were dinner guests of Mr. an overnight guest of her mother, Mrs. Anna Dail, last week. and Mrs. Ivan Fritts at Ontario Mrs. Eva Bellsle and son, Lyle, Sunday. of Ontario were dinner guests Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Parker and family day at the George Moeller home. of Elgin have moved onto the Dick Miss Grace Tarr of W ilder Is W yatt place In Big Bend.' spending this week with Mrs. Geo- [ rge Moeller. A rca d ia You'll Alw ays Bo Clad You Painted With DUTCH BOY C omi in lodar and tee thi Wonsow colori and get l noi con ni a oi« Mdoi i l Madori colli schiMis Eder Hardware Co. Announcing The Nordale-Newsom Furniture Store FO R M E R LY THE Nordale Furniture Store E X TR A A L L ODD MIRRORS $1.50 Each STU R D Y SOLID O A K U T IL IT Y C H AIRS FOR K ITC H E N OR DINNING ROOM B A B Y AN D YO U T H S ’ FU R N ITU R E BEDS M ATTRESSES C H A IR S BUGGIES STROLLERS SW INGS ODD CHESTS P L A T F O R M ROCKERS BEDROOM SUITES S E A L Y M ATTRESSES PAGE FIVE ATTENTIO N G R O W E R S LOCAL NEWS Ranger A lfalfa In California— Mrs. Arviila Swensen Is in San Diego visiting her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Max Swensen. Midland Red Clover Dessert Seed Company Here On Pre-embarkation Leave— Pvt. Frank J. Pike, who is in the engineers corps, arrived home Iasi week on a 10-day prc-emoa:katlon leave. He has finished his train­ ing at Fort Lewis and will report to Camp Beal March 9, and ex­ pects to go overseas. St. Patrick's Dance Mother Here From Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Amasa M. Hammon are enjoying a visit with Mrs. Ham- mon’ s 85-year-old mother of Ogden, Utah. ' Eleven Admitted T o Church— Recommendations for eleven new members were read and passed upon for membership in the Nyssa L.D.S. ward here Sunday by Bishop Arvel Child. They were the Sullivan, Bair and Randal families. SALE CALENDAR Saturday, March 16 Vale Community Hall j 9 p. m. $1.20 per couple Refreshments Ask about our new Chevrolet now on display at Cable’s garage, Ontario. FARM SALE —Monday, March 11, 5 miles south of Ontario then 4 miles west of Morgan avenue or 2 miles south and 14 mile east ol Lincoln school. Starting at 12:30 p. m. 20 cattle, 3 horses, farm mach­ inery, poultry, grain. Lunch served. Jule Houston, owner, Bert Ander­ son and Joe Church, auctioneers. Strawberry Plants! POSTAGE PREPAID MAIL YOUR ORDER NOW FOR PLANTS FARM SALE— Thursday. March 14, Starts at 1:00 p. m. Eight and one- half miles south and west of On­ tario, 44 miles south of Lincoln school or 2 miles south and 44 mile east of Malheur butte. 24 cattle, 3 horses, farm machinery, household goods. Lunch served. George Penn­ ington, owner. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, auctioneers. New Oregon Marshall Fairfax Dorset Blakemore Catskill Wazata Gem New Rockhill REG ISTERED HEREFORD B U LL SALE— Yearlings and 2 year olds. Vale, Oregon, Auction Yards, M on­ day, March 11. 40 Registered Here­ ford Bulls. E. Bringle, owner. W rite for circular and prices on Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, Field Seeds, Fruit Trees, Ever­ greens, Vegetable plants. RHEUMATISM and ARTHURITIS WATTS SEED CO. I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for Information. Mrs. Anna Peutz, P. O. Box 825, Vanoouver, Wash. _____________ M ITC H E LL BUTTE Mr. Maus Is sick as a result of a 'll recent heart attack. I Houston Dunaway has moved Into ! 5 11.00 5.00 13.00 Each .04 cents .04 cents .04 cents .04 cents .04 cents .04 cents .12 cents .06 cents .14 cents Ask for samples and prices on Yellow and White Sweet Spanish Onion Seed LIV ESTO C K SALE— Friday. Mar. 15, 12 noon; 6 miles south and west of Ontario, 144 miles west and 44 mile north of Cairo school on north CO LUM BIA AVENUE Miss Bonnie Eandert of Riggins, j Idaho returned to her home last i week alter spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were In Boise Friday. Their daughter. Mrs Marjorie Fields, accompanied I them home to spend a few days with them and left Tuesday m om - j ing for Jasper, Minnesota. From ' there she will go to Minneapolis to I meet her husband. S/Sgt. L. R. | Fields, who arrived in New York i from Italy Monday. I Mrs. John Broad entertained Sun­ day for Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mrs. Grant Rlne- hardt and fam ily of Nyssa, Mrs. ! William Bothanley and Patsy and I Joane of San Fernando, California, i Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. Marjorie Fields. Mrs. L. A. Atkinson and Mrs. Wanda Groot were Boise visitors Friday. [ Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam called j on the Qerrlt Groot’s In Apple Valley Sunday afternoon. I Lambing operations at the C. M. ¡Tensen sheep camp are about fin­ ished. Hundred Rate $3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Parma, Idaho Phone 74— Shipping office— Parma, Idaho SA V E L A B O R W IT H THE TuSco Potato Picker Harvests the potatoes in one operation, putting them into bags or crates free from stones, vines and dirt. In free, sandy soil, the potatoes go over into bags or crates and one man throws o ff the vines. In stony and lumpy soil a man on each side of the picker rolls or picks the potatoes into side elevators where they go into bags or crates. The vines, dirt and stones go over on the ground again. With the TuSco potato picker you can dig and pick rows in rotation without any damage to remaining rows; WHEN YOU ARE THROU­ GH DIGGING, YOU ARE THROUGH PICKING! No dug potatoes to stay in the field whfen weather conditions or other reasons force you to stop digging. The TuSco potato picker will pick, bag or crate seven to 10 acres per day. Come in and see them. W e can make delivery at once. No waiting. Caldwell Truck & Implement Co. McCormick-Deering Line PHONE 940 C A LD W E LL, ID AH O i