THE NY5SA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946 Fem e Rockstool, ex-wave, daugh­ of Lincoln Heights Is employed den arid Dora, and two grandsons. guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler la assisting and Is hold­ In place by a wreath of white carn­ Bobby, and Earl, of Parma. ing Bible school from 4 to 4:30 ations and freelas. She carried a ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rook- the soldiers and sailors home Oregg in Buena Vista Sunday. Mrs. Ellis Waltars was a week-end cascade bouquet of roses and gar­ stool, now of Parma but formerly Buffalo, Wyoming. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth McDon­ p. m. The Owyhee P.T.A. will meet at guest of relaflves In Boise. denias. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Farley and ald and children, Kay and Ray- the schoolhouse Thursday evening, X. H. Brewer made a trip over Mrs. Judy Walther, matron of March 14 at 8 p. m. Mrs. Maurice j ihe week-end to Idaho Palls, where j mond, spent Saturday evening visit­ sons and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Broadhurst and daughters were last j onor wore a turqoise net dress. Miss Judd, county president, will speak . e pui chased a ptck-up. He stopped ing friends In Homedae. Mrs. Kenneth M tnouald and Sunday visitors at the Forrest Say­ Betty Miller of Payette, bridesmaid, on the fundamental') of P.T.A. Ev­ en route to visit his brother, WU- children and Mrs. Martha K ling­ ers home. Mrs. Sayers' health is i wore a dress of yellow marquisette. eryone Is invited to attend. hsm Brewer in Buhl, Idaho. back were business visitors in Pay­ emprovlng after undergoing treat- They both carried nosegay of carn­ Mr. and Mrs S. D. Bigelow en­ Capt Russell R. Wolf, Jr„ ar­ . ment in a Boise hospital recently. ations, sweetpeas, and other sea­ tertained at dinner for Mr and Mrs. rived Sunday from Seattle, where he ette Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Dejmal wera sonal flowers and wore single gard­ A large crowd enjoyed the play Prank Zimdar, two daughters, El- was recently discharged from the Wild Cat W illie in the Dog House,” Sunday afternoon guests at the enias In their hair. army. He came for his wife and La Verne Bicknese, brother of the given by the 6th, 7th, and 8th ■ home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kler of daughter, Ellen, who has been stay­ groom, was best man. Fred Naher, grades In the Owyhee schoolhouse Ontario. ing with her mother, Mrs. Martha Becomes more valuable every clay. W e will | Jackie Percy, eldest son of Mr. Frultland. Idaho, was the groom- Friday evening. Klingback, during his service In and Mrs. Darrell Percy, has chlck- bearer and Howard Fisher and John the urmed forces. They plan to insure it against fire, collision and other losses Fisher of New Plymouth were us­ j enpox. their home in Seattle. Parky Kriner has been a patient hers. Refrigeration Service j make Mr and Mrs. Neal Nicholson W hile the candles were being anywhere, any time at a low cost to you. 220 So. Oregon St. Ontario Carlstrom bothers, formerly of at the Samaritan hospital in Nam­ were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. lighted Mrs. Herman Freitag play- i I'hone 596-W Day or Night Clay Center. Kansas, have purchas­ pa, where he has undergone obser­ Werner Peutz Sunday. ed," Ah, Sweet Mystery of L ife ” vation and treatment. Commercial Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Me Don­ ed the 80-acre irrigated farm in the Red Dejmal spent last week-end and accompanied Mrs. Don Moore and Household Repair ald entertained at dinner for Mr. Lincoln Heights district, formerly with his cousin, Lavon Jones of while she sang ‘ 'Always” and “ Be­ Washing Machine Repair and Mrs. Lynn Kygar and daugh­ owned by George Pennington. Ver­ Ontario. cause." She also played the La- Gates V Belts non Carlstrom, who has been em­ ter, Maxine, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Iven Findley were hengrin Bridal chorus and after "Chop" Turner-‘‘Tony” Fischer ployed by Fred Trenkel for the Mrs. Margaret Wolf and daugh­ recent Sunday dinner guests at the the ceremony, Mendelsohn's W ed­ Your Service Men for 20 Years ter, Ellen and Mrs. Martha K ling­ past year, will return to Clay Cen­ ! home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Flier ding march. ter to visit relatives and upon his back and son, Fred, were dinner Both the bride and groom were return they will take possession of of Vale. graduated from Ontario high school. Miss Lily Pettet of Nampa spent their farm about March 16. Elmer She attended Boise Business col­ Carlstrom has returned after two Saturday and Sunday at the home lege and he attended the College years overseas service in the arm of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle of Idaho. Pettet. ed forces. After a short wedding trip the The 4-H sewing club, of which Muriel Enevoldsen, daughter of groom will report back to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Enevoldsen, re­ Mrs. Gregory Ross and Mrs. Grace He is a radio operator in the mer­ turned to her home. Friday after Houston are leaders met at the Having sold my ranch, I will sell the following undergoing an appendectomy at Ray Whitsell home Saturday after­ chant marines. The bride will re­ Invited To / noon. Leora Whitsell is a member main in Ontario and continue described property 1 >/•; miles north of Adrian, then the Ontario hospital. working for the Van Petton Lum­ of the club. The Payette Valley Ehdeavor held 1 mile east o f .Kingman Kolony schoolhouse, then Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frank have ber company. a rally and box supper at the Lin ­ Drexall and Harry Smith sent word to friends here that they mile north, on the old Nichols ranch or 10 miles coln schoolhouse Thursday. helped their cousin, Ray Barnes, The Lincoln P.T.A. held its Feb­ have arrived at Antioch, California, south of Nyssa, then l 1/^ miles east and x/> mile celebrate his birthday Thursday ruary meeting Friday evening at where Leslie Frank is employed. north. They planned to continue their evening. the schoolhouse. Sandra Kriner has recovered a f­ The Patch and Chat club met at trip to Berkeley, California. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hainline of ter having the mumps. Auspicies of Malheur County Council the home of Mrs. Jule Houston Thursday. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Boise attended services at Lincoln Mae Page, Mrs. Bertha Hawkins schoolhouse Sunday morning and Serving 5 Counties and Mrs. Alta Hawkins. Roll call were entertained at dinner at the From the Largest Stock of Sale Stalls A t 12:00 Noon Was, “ W hat Household Invention Orien Hainline home. In the after­ Genuine Have You Found Most Useful?” A f­ noon they went to the Wlllowcreek 8— HORSES— 8 ter the business and social meeting community to visit in the L. M 1 Young team, mare and horse, 3 yrs old, wt. 3200. efreshments consisting of sandwich­ Stebblns home. Mrs. Stebbins is a sister of the Hainline men. 1 Team mares, 8 and 10 yrs._old, wt. 3300. es and Jello were served. Lunch A t 8 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuckey vis­ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith and Mr. Parts 4 good sets of work harness and collars. ited at the home of her sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Vem Smith were business Orders Shipped Immediately 1 Team work horses, smooth mouth, wt. 2900 lbs. Admission Men $1.00 Including Tax Derrell Percy, Wednesday, Mr. and visitors in Caldwell Tuesday. Mrs. Stuckey were on their wedding 1 Team grey mares, 4 yrs. and smouth mouth, wt. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Johnson 20c For The Ladies who left this community the first trip to the coast. They also visited 3000 pounds. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred of the month, are the parents of Phone 49 Payette, Idahc 6— REGISTERED MILKING SHORTHORNS— 6 Dance 9:30 Sharp a girl born Sunday, February 17 at Weldin of Vale. They will make their home In St. Louis, Missouri, Lassie, 6 year old cow, milking, 6 gal. the Nyssa Nursing home. She wei­ where Mr. Stuckey is a railroad ghed 6 pounds, 15 ounces. 1 Three year old cow, milking, 4 gal. lerk. The Rev. C. C. Hovda, former 1 Two year old heifer, freshen this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Page have pastor of an Ontario church, now 1 Red four months old heifer calf. a missionary of the American Sun­ ented a farm near Salem and will day School union, and located at eslde there the ensuing year. 1 White three months old heifer calf. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson, who B e’llnsham, Washington, is the 1 Red yearling heifer. speaker each evening at an evan­ were among the first settlers of the 33— HIGH GRADE MILKING SHORTHORNS— 33 gelistic rally conducted under the Owyhee project on Lincoln Heights, auspteies of that organization at have moved to Ontario. Mr. and Ada, 4 year old CuW, milking 5 gal. Lincoln schoolhouse. Rev. R. G Mrs. Foster Sutton and children Jean, 4 year old cow, milking 5 gal. have moved onto the farm which they recently purchased from John­ May, 2 year old cow, milking 3 gal. son. Martha, 2 year old cow, milking 4 gal. BILL LANE The Vern Anderson family have Ronnie, 8 year old cow, milking 3 gal. moved Into the house recently va­ Auctioneer cated by the Foster Sutton family. Betty, 6 year old cow, milking 3 x/> gal. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watterson ana Molly, 2 year old cow, milking 3 gal. Phone 116J Nyssa family spent from Friday until Polly, 4 year old cow, freshen March, 6 gal. Sunday visiting relatives in Nam­ Rosie, 10 year old cow, freshen March, 7 gal. pa. Mr. and Ms. Jule Houston and Red, 5 year old cow, freshen March, 5 gal. daughters were Sunday dinner Maggie, 4 year old cow, freshen April, 6 gal. guests at the home of Mrs. Hous­ h . MV Lula, 4 year cow, freshen April, 4'/^ gal. Insurance ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Real Estate May. Ruble, 2 year old cow, freshen coming May. Wendell Ward, United States Phone 64 1 Red heifer, 2 year old, fresh this spring. navy, who has been in the service Nyssa, Oregon 1 Roan heifer, 18 mo., freshen in summer. since July, Is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo­ 1 Half jersey heifer, 1 year old. 7 Yearling steers. Lemon Juice Recipe Checks rge Ward. 1 Red heifer, 1 year old. 2 Roan heifers, 6 mo. old On Sunday evening, February 24, Rheumatic Pain Quickly 1 Roan heifer, 10 mo. old 1 Roan heifer, 4 mo old in t f r Women’ s club house in On­ If you suffer from rheumatic, arthn- 1 Spotted heifer, 10 mo. old. 1 Red heifer, 4 mo. e is or neuritis pain, tty this simple tario, Miss Ruth Branom, daughter inexpensive home recipe that thousand* o f Mrs. Emil Frank, formerly of 1 Red bull calf 3 mo. old. are using. (Jet a package of Ru-Ex Lincoln Heights, became the bride Compound, a 2 weeks' tupply today. Mix 2 Roan bull calves 6 weeks old. it with a quart of water, add rhe of W. O. Edward L. Blcknese of of 4 lemons. It's easy, pleasant Seattle. The Rev. W. I. Kellerman. (A ll the above cows were bred to a registered juice and no trouble at all. You need only 3 pastor of the Immanuel Lutheran tublcspoonfuls two tunes a day. Milking Shorthorn bull). (A ll cows TB & Bangs within 48 hours — some tunes Otten over­ church of New Plymouth and Em­ night — splendid results are obtained. tested) If the pains do not quickly leave mett, Idaho, performed the candle­ Ray if you do not fed better, Ru Ex light double ring ceremony. Freshening dates and milk tests will be given day and w ill cost you nothing to tty as it is Hylton gave the bride In marriage sold by your druggist under an abso­ of sale. The bride wore a white gown ol lute money-back guaiautee. Ru-Ex Compound is for sale and recommended by lace DAIRY EQUIPM ENT and net with elbow length O W YH E E DRUG CO. gloves. Her fingertip veil was held 1 McCormick-Deering portable milking machine, OW YHEE Farm Machinery TURNER Lincoln Heights Frank T. Morgan Farm Sale All War Veterans and Their Ladies AMERICAN LEAGION BIRTHDAY DANCE Wed., Mar. 13 March 15 Firemen's Hall,Vale Bernard Eastman double unit. 1 Rubber tired milk cart. 8 10-gal. milk cans. 1 Electric cream separator, used 6 mos. 20— HOGS— 20 2 Purebred spotted Poland China sows, to farrow in April. Eligible to be registered. 18 spotted shoats POULTRY 60 White Leghorn hens, laying good nowr. 30 White Rock hens, laying good now. FARM MACHINERY 1 New Oliver hay rake. 1 Oliver 2-way plow. 1 John Deere oil bath mower, good as new. 1 Spring tooth harrow. 1 Beet puller. 1 Land float. 1 Garden cultivator. 1 Wagon and box. 1 Wagon with rubber tires and beet rack. 1 Five-foot derrick cable. 4 Hay slips on wheels. 1 6ft. McCormick-Deering binder. 1 Corn cultivator 1 Beet cultivator like new and with all attachments. 1 Jackson fork. 1 A type hog house. 1 Valley Mound corrugator. 1 Mormon corrugator. 1 Electric motor and sickle grinder. 1 International fencer. 1 Two-wheel stock trailer. 1 6ft Osborne 18 inch disc, used on only 25A of ground. 1 2-s.ection harrow. 1 Walking plow. Forks, shovels, chains and hand tools. Some used lumber and some panels. The rates charged by our company are the same every­ where on our system. The most distant farm, at the end of the longest line in Malheur County, pays the same rate as someone living in Boise, Twin Falls or Pocatello. Beyond that, the economies effected in serving these larger cities are shared with the residents of sparsely- settled areas like parts of Malheur County. That means lower electric rates ior you. It’s much easier than falling off a log! Just try Chevron Supreme in your tank. It's tailored to your car with the same skill that perfected Standard’s war-proved flying fuels. New blending agents in Chevron Supreme give you fast starts, smooth acceleration, pingless performance. It's the finest motor fuel Standard ever produced— you can bank on fiery trip being a pleasure trip with Chevron Supreme I SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS TERM S: CASH shared these savings. W e challenge any form of public ownership— federal, PUD or what have you—to give better electric service than you now get from Idaho Power Company. W. E. SCHIREM AN No property moved until settled for. iPhone 61 Lunch served on the grounds, free coffee. C. W. Wilson, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, auct. And your electric rates have been going down year by year— even during the war. Reductions made since 1936 have saved our customers a million and a quarter dollars a year, and our Malheur County customers have L. H Fritta, clerk A S T A N D A R D OF C A L IF O R N IA PRODU CT I DAHO T POWER A SE LF-SU PPO R TING . T A X P A Y IN G BUSINESS ■H Me Cluer-Manser