Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1946)
) THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 194G mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep son. Billy, returned home last week and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W. He had been with the army of oc Payette 560J3, Fruitland 3713 or cupation in Tokyo. Nampa 1000. 7MtIc. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller and straw. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and Ted WANTED—To purchase 28Ftlc. ] Holly spent February 27 In Boise, ! Prank T. Morgan. where Ted took part in all-boy's concert presented by several music LO d 1 RATES: Two cents per word lor each Issue. After one month one ! teachers. He is a pupil of Miss Wil- LOST—Womah's drtes belt between ¡yelmina Hoffman of Parma, cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, Is 30c. Nyssa and Chet Sage ranch In Cow j Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roberts and Hollow. Made of elk horn threaded daughter of Baker spent last Sun- with red leather ribbon. Leave at tday visiting his father. B. G. Ro- Fiions Fruitland 82-21, Puyette Val- ¡ JùUrnal ofIlfe 7Mlxp. beits, and his brother, Dyre, and vilscELLANEOUS j ley hatchery, Payette, Idaho. family. 31J10xp. For Sale Mr. and Mrs. Chris Anderson of For Rent Grandview aic guests of his daugh BABY CHICKS—For delivery every | FOR SALE!—Ten acre tract in Ap- FOR RENT—180 acres for rent for ter. Mrs. Will Gibson and family. Wednesday and Saturday. Order I pie valley. Good improvements. cash. Ootid improvements. Good for Mrs. Walter Bishop and Mr3. eurly so that you can get the breed ¡Sale price $1500. row crops. Frank T. Morgan. 14tfc. Cyrus Bishop shopped In Caldwell last Thursday. you want on the date you want FOR SALE- F'our-room house with Ray Cartwright is recovering from MISCELLANEOUS them. Thompson's Ontario Hatch [ bath and three 50-foot lots. Close a severe attack of Tr.tiuenza. ery, Box 578, Ontario, Oregon.7Mtfc. jin $4500. ! MERIT SY3TEM EXAMINATIONS The Jol y Janes' last meeting A. L.Atkeson,28Ftfc. I—For permanent positions with the was held at the home of Mrs. Dar FOR SALE—Two-row potato planter ¡State. Apply by March 14 to Merit McCormlck-Deering. In good con FOR SALE—Just arrived, extra System Council, 618 Mead B ldg, rell English. They met Tuesday March 5 with Mrs. Dyre Roberts. dition. Half mile west of Ole's cor heavy double aluminum roasters, ! Portland 4. 7Mlxc. The ladies received a generous pro ner. Olaf Fyllingness. 7M2xp. $5.97. Nyssa Furniture Store. 28tfc. MISCELLANEOUS—Plowing, heavy f i t from the lunch served at I French's sale in Roswell last Thurs FOR SALE—Three-room house, 2 FOR SALE—Idaho certified red discing, basement digging. A. W. Hendricks, Box E, Nyssa. 7M4xp. d a y and are planning on serving porches, move or with Vt or 1 acre bliss seed potatoes, high yielding lunch at a sal? in Arena Valley of land, 114 miles from Adrian, strain. Otis Smith, Fruitland, Ida MISCELLANEOUS — For insured Wednesday. Oregon on Adrlan-Roswell high ho. 28F3xp. and first class hauling see Stanley Mrs. Claude Eachus and Betty of way. A. O. Baker, route 3, Parma, Reffett. Phone 76, Powell Service Ridgeview called on Bend friends Idaho. 7Mlxc. FOR SALE:—Foot-Locker, sturdy Station. 7Mtfc. Sunday. and well constructed, with handle Mrs. Joe Brock Is reported to bo FOR SALE:—Seven double-breasted or. end and side. Priced to sell. Nys MISCELLANEOUS—Cutsom plow sick. turkey hens and tom. Eight extra sa Furniture store. 28Ftfc. ing, discing and planting. H, E. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Riggs and double breasted toms. Write Royal Horn and Son. First house west of sons of Parma were Sunday guests T. Sanders, route 2, Nyssa. 7M2xp. ETR SALE—Baby chicks, White Apple Valley schoolhouse. 7M2xp. of b / G . Roberts. Leghorn. New Hampshire, Austra -F O R SALE!—1935 Ford V8 4-door Invitations nave been Issued for White, Buff Minorca, White Rocks, MISCELLANEOUS—R a d 1 o and redan. $350 Five miles west of Owy Two hatches weekly. Place order electrical appliance repairing. All a miscellaneous shower honoring hee srhoolhouse on Robert Ditty's now. Custom hatching. Vale Elect parts and work guaranteed. Tem Miss Eetty Eachus to be held at place. Mrs. Dorothy Adams. 7Mlxp. ric Hatchery; Box 184, Vale, Ore porarily located at west end of the home of Mrs. R. L. Haworth 14Ftfc. Snake river bridge on south side Saturday, Mar. 9. FOR SALE—350 and 500 size chick gon. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English highway. S. L. Wimmer. 28F2xp. brooders. Good condition. $20. and FOR s a l e :—G et your Fuller paints were guests at party given Friday $25. Also feeders and baby chick varnish, brushes, wallpaper and CLERICAL AND STENOGRAPHIC night at the home of his parents, equipment. Mrs. Neil Demmick, 14 cleaner, cold water paint in 12 permanent positions with State ag Mr and Mrs. O. J. English, in Ros- mile south of C. C. Camp on Klam- math Avenue. 7M2xp. shades, etc. at Nyssa Furniture encies. Apply by March 14 at local | well, at which a number of Ros company store, across street from Welfare or Board of Health office well neighbors wee? present. The or write Merit System Council, 616 party was in observance of Mrs. FOR SALE:—Pressure cooker, will reclamation office. Mead Bldg., Portland 4. 28F2xc. English’s birthday. hold 16 quart jars. $15. 7M2xp. FOR SALE — Three-room house, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Darrell FOR SALE—30 acres, all in cult with bath, Furnished or unfurnish STOCK CLERlSs: Permanent pos- English entertained at a family din ivation, 15 shares in Fanners’ Co ed. To be moved from lot. Bernard itions with the State. Apply by ner in honor of Mrs. O. J. English lOJtfc. March 14 at local Welfare or Board of Roswell. Gue-sts included Mr. ar.d op ditch, in Apple valley. Tom At- Eastman. of Health office or write Merit teberry. 7M2xp. FOR SALE—1941 G.M.C. truck, 2 System Council, 616 Mead Bldg., Mrs. O. J. English ol Roswell, Mr. and Mrs. Orville English of Cald FOR SALE:—Fast growing shade speed axle with 7:50-20 10-ply tires. Portland 4. 28F2xc. well, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon English trees. Call at 650 No. Fourth street, Good rubber, beet bed. In shape Nyssa. 28F3xp. to go to work. Inquire at Ole's STORAGE— Consolidated Freight- and family of Homedale. Mr. and corner. Sid Flanagan. 21Ftfc. ways building, First street. See Mrs. Gale M e'tin of Adrian, Mr. FOR PALE—Automobile Insurance. Jake at the Ftx-it shop. 24Mtfc and Mrs. Dan Boren and daughter of Nampa and Mrs. Laverne Jakey ready-to-paste Public Liability, Property Damage. FOR SALE—Dex Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed borders. A large selection to choose MISCELLANEOUS—Sewing mach and daughter of Nampa. The Wade PT.A. met Friday af In the best companies at lowest from. There is a Dex border for ine repairing. Reconditioned mach every room in your home, for either ine bargains. F. “Lete” Sackett, ternoon at the home of Mrs. Leroy possible rates. Bernard Eastman. 8Ntfc. Bennett with a large number ot 14Ft.’ .: plain or painted walls. Nyssa Furn Ontario. members present. After a successful iture Store. 28Ftfc. HAVE THAT STOVE OVERHAUL business meeti ig at which dona FOR PALE—Smnll netted gem seed from certified blue tag. Five miles FOR SALE- -Small house, Seven ED—At Ed Case’s Highway Mdse. tions were marie to the Red Cross, south Adrian. Harry Masto. 14F4xp. miles southwest of Nyssa. J. R Mart. No. of Y, phone 74J. INtfc. prospective cannery, and new hos Ashby. ‘ 28F2XP MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate car pital. A fine program was presented FOR SALE—10 acres, one mile west and cylinder lock keys made. Gam by Mrs. Dyre Roberts, program of Nyssa with good improvements, WANTED ble store. 250alc. chairman. All joined in a motion street. See Frank T. Mbrgan. 7Ftfc. song. Mrs. Martin presented read- WANTED—Small tractor for cult BUTCHERING ngs by three of her pupils, Lois FOR SALE:—Baby chicks, austra ivating. M. A. Rataezyk, Sunset Custom butchering every Mon Ricks, Allen Bennett and Dickie white, white rocks, buff minorcas valley. 28F2xp. day and Friday. Beer, sheep anc "‘onnett. Mr«. Morgan presented and white leghorns, custom hatch- rooks for observation that were in'’ . pood qtiil't” Pee as for prices. V’ * NTED- Head or worthless ani- perk. Sanliary butchering guaran reed. Phone 05R1. All stock mus irepared by the Junior Red Cross come In Thursday or Sunday 'after o be sent to hospitals, and Carmen noon between 1 o'clock and 7. N iilonlo. Margaret Cameron and Ce- stock accepted on butchering dav i'.ia Sillonis gave readings pre One mile west of Nyssa on Albert! pared for Lincoln’ s birthday. Two j avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtf< lemonstration were given by 4-H club girls, one a salad and the other deviled eggs. The leaders are Mrs. Van de Water and Mrs. Har Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch, who vey Bennett. The meeting closed ] spent the past week visiting his with the 4-H girls singing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hatch club songs and a reading by Mrs. and other relatives and friends, Roberts. The 4-H girls wore aprons which they made In sewing class. left Thursday for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. T „ Hamilton’ s A lunch wa sserved by Mrs. Ben nett and Mrs. W. T. Hamilton. OPTOMETRISTS AUCTIONEERS Classified Advertising Professional And Mness Direciory AI MUON OSBORN Livestock and General Auctioneer Ft. 2 Ontario, Oregon Phone 354-J-4 PHYSICIANS SAR AZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours; 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday DENTISTS J. R. CUNDALL Dentist DR. J. A. ïvïcFALL “ See Melali and See Better” EYESIGHT ONTARIO SPECIALIST OREGON JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON GEORGE JACKSON Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON MODERN WATCH REPAIRING State Licensed Watchmaker ONTARIO, OREGON 3H blocks N. of City Hall N’yssa Post No. 79 Sales Service Supplies WORLD FAMOUS ELECTROLUX Cleaner & Air Purifier E. R.-Anderson The American Legion Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, Holds regular meetings .Weiser, Idaho First and Third Thurs HAY BUYER days, every month. All veterans and service W . J. Jahn men and women are welcome to attend our Dealer in hav and grain Third at Good Àve. meetings. Parma and Mrs. Sid Tucker ot Frank Cahill ware the K I. Peter- location here. Caldwell were afternoon viators at con family, Mr. and trlrs Krupp ol Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sebum were Ontario and Mr. and Mrs Sable of the M L. Kurtz home Sunday. business visitors In Vale Monday. Bob Kurtz returned nome Satur Portland. Mr'. Chrl-tnpher of Ontario spent Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christopher day after an appendix operation performed in the veteran's hospi the week-end with her daughter. bother of Mrs. James Olln, have Mrs. James Olln. tal in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Oourley of been here looking for a farm. They Ivan Jensen. Dick Stam, Merlin Anderson, and Pete Timmerman ot Denver spent 10 days at the home will locate near Ontario. Newe.l Heights went to North Pow ot Mrs. Qourley’s sister. Mrs. James Mr. ahd Mrs. Rendall Schulthles der with the basketball team for Olln. They were en route to their the tournament. The band students new home at Salem. ot West Bountiful, Utah, are visit Mr. ar.d Mrs. O. W. Holte of who went to North Powder also ing Mr. and Mrs. Olen Peterson Imladed Ellen Judd, Joyce Kurtz, Bremerton, Washington are visiting Shriley' Smith, Dick Anderson, Les at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John while looking for a farm. They Stafford. They are looking for a may locate near Nampa, Idaho. ter Parker, and Arlene Plercy. R. R. Overstreet visited Bob Kurtz j at the hospital in Boise Friday. Mrs. Worden and Mrs. Lester Goulet were shoppers In Caldwell Friday. Charlie Newbill has started con struction of a small house on his ranch for his mother. Farmers are busy in the fields, since the break in the weather. 1 ome are corrugating, others spread Eyes Examined ing fertilizer or discing. Frank Ray is laying a tile ditch on the Zub- 70G Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho izareta place. Mrs. Claude Smith has been renovating the newly purchased house, formerly owned by Mrs. Frank Newbill. Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald will occupy the house. BRING IT IN! The Modern Pioneer club ladles met last Tuesday with Mrs. Anne Your Ford Tractor may need a tune up— tte Goulet. Plans were completed It may need a general going over— for the entertainment for the an Whatever it may need— nual get-together of all the clubs In the surrounding territory. BRING IT IN! Albion Aspenwall, a member of the college of Idaho faculty, has We do a better job— We do it for less— been secured by the club to speak to the ladies March 16 on interior We have genuine Ford Tractor parts in decoration. He has filled several en stock— gagements as a speaker at ladles’ We know the Ford-Ferguson Hydraulic club meetings. Dr. G. W. Graves Optometrist System^* Putting it in tip top shape is our business— RICHLAND E. C. Terhune was a business visitor in Ontario Tuesday. A number of Richland residents attended the Farmers Co-op Cream ery annual meeting held in Pay ette Tuesday. They were Gene Bair, j Pat Williams, VFm La Plante, M i.j and Mrs. Charley Grider, Miss Cor al Hunting and Mrs. G. O. Hunt ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Anderson are the parents of a boy. Mrs. An- lerson and baby returned to their heme on Enterprise Avenue. Mrs. Harlan Diven and Mrs. Chirk Landreth left Wednesday for Seattle, where they will meet Mr. Landreth, who reached the Seattle port Sunday. Mr. Landreth recei ved his discharge from the navy last week and will return to Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Vern La Plante shopped in Caldwell Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams and Mildred. Mrs. Charley Grider and Gene Gardner were in Boise Thurs day. Jim Stephens, who was injured last week in a gravel slide, will be in the Nyssa Nursing home for sev eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens will hold a farm sale later in the month. Charley Grider attended the Ore gon Trail Grange hospital benefit party Wednesday night. James Willis has been 111 this week from blood poisoning in his foot. Mrs. Stanley Hill of Newell Hei ghts and Mrs. James Stephens were in Ontario on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Whorton of Boise were week-end guests at the Loyd Adams home. Wilson Winters was a Sunday evening guests at the Charley Gri der home on Sunday. Dickie Win NEWELL HEIGHTS ters has been a house guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pratt attended and Mrs. Grider during the past . Mrs. A. C. Bradley’s funeral Wed week. or Bronchial Irritation Due To Colds Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams shop H e r e ’s g o o d n e w s f o r t he p e o p l e nesday afternoon. Pre-school P.T.A. met Thursday ped in Ontario Monday. o f the U. S. A. C a n a d a ’s g r e a t e s t c o u g h m e d ic in e is n o w b e i n g m ad e evening at Mrs Stanley Hill's home and s o ld r i g h t here, and If y o u NYSSA HEIGHTS Westley Plercy Is building a base h a v e a n y d o u b t a b o u t w h a t to t a k e this w i n t e r f o r the c o m m o n c o u g h o r b r o n c h i a l Ir ri ta tio n g e t a b o tt l e ment house for his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Walker of o f B u c k l e y 's C A N A D I O L Mixture. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piercy. Y o u w o n ’ t be d i s a a p p o l n t e d — it’ s Mr. and Mrs R. R. Overstreet Idaho Falls visited over the week d i f f e r e n t f r o m a n y t h i n g else y o u e v e r us ed — o n e litt le sip and y o u and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Overstreet end with their cousins, Mr. and g e t in sta nt act ion . O n ly 45c at were visitors at the M. L. Judd Mrs. Gknn Suiter and Mr. and Mrs. all g o o d d ru g gi s ts . Alfred Evans. home Friday and Saturday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Gallley of NYSSA PHARMACY Big Bend COUGHS For Sale Utah Certified W hite and Yellow Spanish Onion Seed Lettuce Seed Great Lakes and 847 Varieties EASTERN OREGON PRODUCE CO. Phone 120 or 133W PAGE THREE BRING IT IN! KROPP & SONS Phone 85 Ford Tractor Dealers Ontario Farm Sale One and one-half miles north of Adrian, Oregon, then 2Vi West on Overstreet road, on the Margar et Payne ranch. * Monday, Mar. II Sale Starts At 1 P. M. 4— HORSES— 4 1 Dapple gray mare and gelding, 6 & 8 yrs., 2900. 1 Black team geldings, 9 and 10 years, wt. 3000. These are exceptionally good horses. 2 sets harn ess, one nearly new. CATTLE 1 Guernsey, Spot, 7, heavy springer. 1 Guernsey, Guernsey, 8, springer. 1 Guernsey, Myrtle, 6, springer 1 Guernsey, Rose, 8, springer. 1 Jersey and Guernsey, Blackie, 6, springer. 1 Jersey and Guernsey, Bess, 5, heavy springer. 1 Jersey and Guernsey, Shorty, 5 springer. 1 Guernsey, Spotty, 3, heavy springer. 1 Guernsey, Peach, coming 3, springer. 1 Guernsey, Cherry, coming 3, springer. 1 Guernsey, Jersey, coming 3, springer. 2 Red heifers, coming 2, both springers. 1 (good) milking shorthorn bull. 18 months old. 2 Guernsey coming yearling heifere. 3 Heifer calves, about nine months old. 1 Steer calf. This is an excellent herd of dairy cows with herd test o f 5.1. Date o f freshening will be given day of Sell 6 HAY AND GRAIN 40 Tons mostly first cutting, alfalfa. 1 Stack straw. About two tons dry beet pulp. Some ladino clover seed. FARM MACHINERY Hay rack and wagon. Large stock tank. 1 Two-way horse plow. 1 Case Mowing machine, good one. 1 Two-section harrow. 1 Walking plow. 1 Hay rake. 1 Hay slip-slings and pulleys. Derrick cable, % inch. Movable feed rack. 1 John Deere beet cultivator with all attachments. Pump jack. Half H. P. electric motor, nearly new. Brooder house, 8 x 10, some chick wire. 50 feet 1 Vi» inch gas pipe Several hog panels. Gas motor, barb wire, 5 rolls. Cream separator. 2-Wheel trailer. Trip rope. Milk pails, self feeder for hogs, about 15 bushel capacity. Other articles too numerous to mention. Extra corrugation shovels for alfalfa; also extra shovels, barrels, feed boxes, double trees and other tools. TERMS: CASH Lunch served on the grounds. Earl Parker, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Col. Joe Church, auctioneers L. H.Fditts clerk