THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE TWO fhe Gate City Journal KLASS V. P O W E L L .......................... SUBSCRIPTION RATES Editor and Publisher ADVERTISING RAT^S One Year ........ $2.00 Six Months...........................$1.25 Single Copies .............. 06 (Strictly In Advance) Open rate, per inch...........-35c National, per inch ............. 25c Classifieds, per word........... 2c Minimum.........30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon Entered a t the postotflces at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. SOMEBODY PAYS THE TAXES! Guess who? Me’n you. The Idaho Power company says the PUD does not nay all the taxes that the private util­ ity pays and the PUD says the Idaho Power company doesn’t pay any taxes; it merely col­ lects the taxes from the customers and passes them on to the government and municipal bodies. Looking at it from that standpoint the PUD To Buy G O O D Seed There's Need for SPEED! THE DEMAND for good seed will exceed the l'J46 supply. BUY NOW. Mr. Farmer to be assured of your supply of ever-depend- abie Northland Brand, the tested seed identi­ fied by the Flying Goose on the bag. A little later may he too late. See your local North- rup, King dealer, or write to . . . Northrup, K in s & Co. Boise Idaho does not pay any taxes and none of the rest ox us do, except the taxes that we pay for someone else. Following that hoaiy old vicious business cycle a bit farther, we find that the PUD spon­ sors and the rest of us don’t pay any rent, we don’t pay any grocery bills, we don’t pay any vsater bills or any other kind of debts, except what we pay for someone else. The people who patronize our businesses, who buy our farm produce and who pay us wages are the people who pay our bills. Where does this lead us? Just farther around the cycle. We find that when we have gone completely around we have completed the cir­ cle of cooperation. The PUD sponsors are strong believers ir co-operation. All right, let’s cooperate. Let's live and let live. HIGHEST QUALITY SEEDS for 62 YEARS 8 f* your local AAA C o m m i t t e e about Government payment« for need used in buiHing p e r m a n e n t pan* ¿urea. WATTS MOTOR COMPANY Willys Jeeps-Cars-Trucks PETITIONS. PROBATE COURT Estate of Rex Marquis, deceased. 2/25/46. Dealers Baptismal Service« Announced— Those who have reached the age of eight years, and desiring to be­ come members of the L.DS. church are requested to be at a special baptismal service at the Weiser Located on Main Street East of Postoffice on stake tabernacle next Sunday at week-end with Miss Eastman’s par­ 2 p. m. The Nyssa ward bishopric Highway 20. Adrian ents Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eastman In the Napton community. Susie Cameron has returned to Mr. and Mrs. E E Eastman and her home in Baker after visiting a family moved Into their new home A College, few days with her great niece, Mrs. ! over the week-end fhrelma Elliot. Mr. and Mrs. James McOlnnls The 4-H club woix has been I and family have returned from Business or Trade .started and the following leaders Califort^a and will make their home chosen: Clothing I, Mrs. Guy in Adrian. We expect a carload of Jeeps before March Bobby Brown, son of Mr. and School Education I Glenn: clothing 4, Mrs. L. L. Krea- Ber; cooking II, Ellen Judd; cook- Mrs. Glen Brown, returned home 15th. Most of this carload is sold but suggest |ing III, Mrs. W. H. Bunch; home- Friday after spending two years you place your order now for delivery out of I making I, Mrs. M. L. Judd; can- overseas in England, Belgium and For Y O U . next carload. Germany. He was recently dischar­ | ning, Threlma Elliot: vegetable j gardens, Mrs. George De Haven; ged from the services at Fort Lew­ beef, L. L. Kreager; dairy, is. Brown is visiting friends in Boise Lynn Hurst; swine, Ivane Jensen for a few days before returning to and health, Mrs. Maude Peck and Adrian to make his home. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Korman and Mrs. John Nevin. The home beautl- Nyssa, Oregon Lcatlon and poultry clubs have no Khristine were Boise visitors the leaders at the present time, but past week. ACROSS FROM U. S. POST OFFICE a:e in hopes of having some one The Adrian high school band and soon. Phone 144M several car loads of students went Yes, your Tuition up E. M. Hauser was in Adrian and to North Powder with the basket­ L surrounding districts Wednesday ball team to attend the tournament to $500 per ordinary showing some health films to the Adrian placed third in the tourna­ ment and won the sportsmanship school year paid for 48 various schools. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Hatch left cup. Mrs. L. L. Kreager and Mrs. Sunday for their home In San George De Haven were chaperones. months of college, bus­ iranclsco after visiting several Most of the group returned home by Saturday noon, but a few stayed weeks with relatives and friends. iness or trade school. Mr. and Mrs. William Ashcraft over for the consolation game S at­ urday evening. returned to their home In Adrian And—you also receive Mrs. Clyde Whittle of Ontario after visiting several days with Mr. We will sell all kinds of dairy cattle Ashcraft's sister, Mrs. J. A. Nelson, was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. $65 per month living al- in Nampa. Lois Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman were lQwance— $90 if you are Mr. and Mrs. A. C Henderson of Emmett spent the week-end in Ad­ hosts to relatives over the week-end. rian visiting their daughters, Mrs. .Glenwood Pounds was a business married. This is the op­ Elmer Sparks and Mrs. Bill Looney. caller In Ontario Monday afternoon. Bring your cows in early so that they may be portunity open, upon Karen and Melvin Sparks of Boise visited In the home of Elmer Sparks tested. Plenty of buyers for all kinds. Sale starts their discharge, to men over the week-end. Buena Vista Mrs. Elmer Sparks and Wayne at 1 o’clock. 17 and over who enlist and Mrs. BUI Looney and children Those who attended the Oregon pent Thursday In Emmett with Trail Orange benefit card party in the new peacetime I he women’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. from this district were Mr. and Mrs. Then on Friday, March 15 we will hold an­ A. C. Henderson. George Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. WUUs other horse sale for the benefit of anyone who Regular Army for 3 Mr. and Mrs. Arch Parker and Bertram and Mr. and Mrs. Alva dues not have horses yet or if you have to sell daughter, Carlene, left Tuesday Goodell. morning for Redmond, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Ardeq Newsom and years. Get all the facts this will be the time to have them here. This Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parker ar­ son of Kansas arrived at the Geo- horse sale is in connection with our regular rived In Adrian Tuesday morning ge Cleaver home Thursday. Mrs. at your nearest U. S. livestock auction. from Elgin. They have moved to Nesom is a sister of Mr. Cleaver. the Dick Wyatt place In Kingman Mrs. Ray Griffiths entertained Army Recruiting Sta­ Kolony, where they will farm this the Out Our Way club at her home tion. Clayton Tschirgi, Bill Lane, Mgr. and year. Thursday afternoon with eight Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker en­ members attending Mrs. Howard Phone 116J 25 U. S. Post Office Bldg. tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ness Hatt Day became a new member. and son, Donald, at Sunday dinner. Year books were worked on. Re­ We Have Tracks The young people of the com­ freshments of ice cream, cookies Baker, Oregon munity United Presbyterian church and coffee were served. Th next will sponsor a movie night program meeting will be held at th George to raise money for a special ob- Cleaver home March 14. pect, Sudan Christian Training Linda Cleaver has been ill the school, on March 14 at 8 o’clock past week. p. m. In the high school building. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell spent The main feature will be ‘'Schu­ several days the past week at Walla bert, the Melody Master,'' with two Walla. •shorts. “Artie Thrills," and “Head­ The members of the Out Our less Horseman." Way club and their families gave Mrs. J. W. Baker of Portland, a surprise house warming for Mr. Mrs. Ethel Parks, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Howard Day Sunday even­ Hall Parks of Jordan Valley, Jim ing. A gift was given by the club. Parks of Klamath Falls, and Guy Games were played. Refreshments Answer: Parks of Portland were Sunday of fruit salad, rolles and coffee were dinner guests In the BUI Loney served. home. Mrs. Baker Is the mother of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram en­ A PUD is a People’s Utility District that is owned and man­ Bill Looney. tertained with four tables of pin­ aged by the People of that district. The district is a public agency Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bott and Mrs. ochle Saturday evening. Those at­ John Thacker and daughter. San­ tending were Mr. and Mrs. Roy the same as municipality, school district or irrigation district, ex­ dra Jo, and Miss Lottie, Reynolds Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jam i­ cept that they are formed for the purpose of supplying electric visited the Bill Looney and Elmer son, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell. power to the people at the lowest possible cost. Sparks families Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Grider. Mr. Mrs. Ed Bott and Mrs. John and Mrs. Chet Sage and Mr. and Thacker and daughter were dinner Mrs. George Cleaver. Mrs. Jamison guests of Mrs. Elmer Sparks Tues­ and George Cleaver won high and day. Mrs. Goodell and Charlie Grider Mr. and Mrs. John King and low. Refreshments were served by family have bought a farm on the hostess. • Franklin Lane near Boise and Peggy Winters Is staying at the have moved there. Willis Bertram home. Ruth Eastman and a college J. W. Jennings has bought an chum, Annette Skellar spent the acreage In Apple Valley. We pay ca$h for good Used Cars and Trucks WHAT HAVE YOU? WATTS MOTOR COMPANY Nyssa Livestock Commission Co. Friday, March 8 auct. oP office What Is A PUD? — Captured from Western Sun and What A PUD Does- Reduces electric rates. For the convenience of our customers we are now maintaining a phone in Nyssa No. 102w • Quick and easy • Use brush or roller • Dries in an hour Please keep this number in mind when • Washes fresh and dean • No unpleasant odor you have a dead or worthless animal to dispose of. Also phones in Payette, Fruitland, and Nampa. fsoduct . will furnish transportation. [ Just lilte old times—to have the gang back and cuttin* a rug at the Smart’s. Here I am, just one *J day home, and Tom Smart — that’s the guy making like a “hot rock” pilot — says, "Better come over tonight. . . the gang wants to celebrate your return, ‘Mr. Smith.” ’ And right away I says, "RogerI” because we've always had fun at the Smart's— plus milk shakes, cola punches . . . ard FOOD I And boy—that always means a HIGH TIME with never a hangover. Yes, sir — fun time at the Smart family is one of those things I marked up to do when I got back home. --------- 1 — r .A day evening in the school audi­ torium. Dancing will follow. Those MARRIAGE LICENSES Leadership Meeting Held— desiring tickets should contact Bis­ Fred Lester Sheppard and Lavera Presidents and leaders of the var­ hop Arvel Child. Celia Frltts, both ol Ontario. 2/25/ ious organizations of the L. D. S. 46. James Linden Burns and Hepsa- Nyssa ward met Monday evening Invited To Party— All high priests and their wives beth Pearl Robinson, both ol O n­ at 8 o’clock, to discuss plans for tario. 2/26/46. | further developing the welfare of •re Invited to a special party to be held at the Emmett L.DB. church COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT church members. tonight. Program, lunch and danc­ A banquet and program will b« Iris B. Case vs Francis O. Case. ing will be the diversion. sponsored by the L D 8. church Fri­ 2/27/46 Divorce. Catharine Odell vs Ben Odell. 2/27/46. Divorce. NEWS OF RECORD WITH YOUR TUITION PAID T H E S M A R T 1 FA M V * Sun and sea and desert sand... mountain haze and forest green ...h e r e are soft new colors, fresh and c le a n ... borrowed from the outdoor West to add sparkle to the walls of western hom es. You’ll like them , as you'll like this fresh new wall fin ish ... a one-toai finish that goes on in a jiffy, dries in an hour, makes it easy to enjoy a whole new scheme of indoor color harmonies at surprisingly little cost. Plan now to renew your rooms with "Velduro”... the quick-and-easy wall finish. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946 ' f. * "N e w W estern Tones for W estern Hom es" Nyssa Furniture Company Across From Reclamation Office Idaho Animal Products Co. Gives better and more dependable service. PAYS FOR ITSELF OUT OF EARNINGS Pays its full share of taxes. Helps business. Develops industries and draws new ones. Provides labor with more jobs at better pay. Helps farmers with low cost power. Makes house work easier for the women. Makes electric house heating and air conditioning possible. Lower cost of lighting of streets, schools and public buildings. Nyssa Electrical Educational Club auct