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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1946)
„ ¡¡¡¿ »i, **v>v ^ r r r r / ^ r v ^ ^ r/ieNYSSA ' y . ÄTTY JOURNAL NYSSÄ', ÔÏÏEÏÏÔiNrrTHrËmX\vrM7\RÜH 7, 1946 Cundall Gives Motor Boat To Hospital Fund 'Resolution To Honor Schools At a meeting of the Nyssa Boat club last Thursday night, the 10 Given Congress members present elected Herman S S C a ER b S o ^ M c E l S b BY Towne commodore, Ed Pruyn, vice commodore and Bert Lienkaemper, secretary-treasurer. The object of the club is to promote interest in boating on Snake river and the Owyhee res ervoir. The club intends to place bouys in the river to mark the channel and also map the river The members are installing a moor age in the river on the Oregon side at the Whitey Scubal place. The small boating park on the Idaho side at the bridge will en large and improved and rest rooms, benches and tables will be install ed. The club which will meet the second Thursday in each month, plans to have some special activity every Sunday afternoon. SOUVENIR EXHIBIT PLACED ON DISPLAY IN SCHOOL BUILDING 4-H ■ Club Week . ■ ■ ■ ■ Is Celebrated HERD IMPROVEMENT GROUP ELECTS FRED Nyssa Bequests b u r g e s s c h a ir m a n County Fund For Fred Burgess of Vale was elected I An outstanding exhibit of souven- j National 4-H club week, March 2 Local Hospital irs collected by servicemen in for- to 10, is being observed In every chairman of the Malheur dairy j eign countries is on display in the county of the state through the Herd improvement association at Petition For $25,000 Pre Nyssa grade school building. j cooperation of scores of organiza- a meeting held In the Boulevard sented To County The public Is invited to view the tions all eager to help Oregon's 30,- Grange hall Tuesday. Court and Friday members continue to make Other board members elected are At the suggeUion of C. C. Har articles this afternoon ... , the best better,” announces H. C. vey of Nyssa, United States Sen morning. The articles, numbering “ Seymour, Another contribution to the'M al „ A group of Nyssa residents pre state club leader at OJ3.C. Clifford Wright of Adrian, Homer ator Wayne Morse has introduced more than 1300, are owned by re-j county club agents are taking Hight of Nyssa, Fred Hawkins of sented a petition to the county heur Memorial hospital financial a resolution in congress proposing latives of the pupils, who took the j this occasion to enlist more boys Ontario and Glen Suiter, director court at its monthly meeting Wed campaign was announced this wee* that the president of the United 'and girls In the program this year at large. Mrs. Charley Grider act nesday asking for $25,000 for the •when the committee in charge sta Stales issue a proclamation design souvenirs to the schoolhouse. ' than ever before, and to let more ed as secretary-protem at the meet proposed Malheur Memorial hos The greater part of the exhibit ted that Dr. J. C. Cundall has ating April 19 as Students and pital, which Is to be built In Nyssa. people know about what the young ing. ,ame from the Pacific, but includes Teachers da? in recognition of the donated a Zimmer inboard boat The petitioners asked the court sters have done and plan to do ir. Miss Workman, represetatlve of part they played in heiping to win money and pictures from 25 coun the many projects they undertake, to place an Item of $25,000 In the and trailer, which will be given the Oregon dairy council spoke on world war II. The resolution is .low tries. The exhibit includes Japan 1946-47 budget for use in con away May 4. ese parachutes, grass skirts, Hawai E. M. Hauser, Malheur county club the advertizing program promoted struction of the hospital. Nyssa has in committee awaiting action. The boat will be placed on dis agent, said. by the Oregon dairymen. Mr. Bur ian hats, flags of most of the enemy In offering the resolution on the play in the Powell service station, Despite the competition of war gess also introduced Miss Miriam started a campaign to raise funds floor pf the senate, the senator countries, light stands made from along with a jeep, which will be jobs and other youth activities, Ore Black of the county agents office. for toe building and equipment. shells and about 15 types of shoes. from Oregon said in part: “Mr. given away under a program spon gon's 4-H program in 1945 set a Miss Black spoke briefly of her .Under an Oregon law passed at president, I ask unanimous consent the 1945 session of the legislature, sored by the Nyssa chamber ol new record in value of projects ai.d work. to introduce a very brief joint re counties are authorized to approp commerce. a near record in numbers enrolled Mr. Mowry, federal vetenarlan, solution and make a few comments I Te motor In the run-about, pow- and percentage of completions, state told the group of the progress made riate up to $25,000 for memorial to in respect thereto. The joint re3ol- I eied by a Hudson 6, has been oper extension service records show. in a county wide disease control world war II veterans. It was in ution reads as follows: ated for oi:y 30 hours. It was val ELECTRICAL LIVING Value of projects reached a new program against Bang's disease and conformity with this law that the SHOW IS SCHEDULED •’Resolved, etc., that the president Nyssa request was made. ued at $1000 last spring. high of $591,873.38, against a cost tuberculosis. is authorized and requested to issue Ontario and Vale are also ask The Worthwhile club of Sunset Formation of a people’s utility ol $362,885.43, leaving a new high The group present approved the a proclamation designating April A complete “Electrical Diving” valley will sponsor an auction sale district in Malheur county would in profit of $228,987.95. Total num- contract being offered on the D.H. ing for the proposed $25,000 approp 19, 1946 as Students and Teachers riation. to be held on the vacant lot next show will be presented in Payette and calling upon the people substitute a “tax-dodger" for a her of clubs last year was 2428, Just I.A. program and a general dis The men presenting the Nyssa to the First National bank Satur-1 Thursday evening, March 14, under day throughout the Utaited “s ta tS T t o 1 tax-paying business without assur- 100 under the previous year's total cussion led by Cliff Cox, former day night, March 9 at 7 o’clock ■ the Joint sponsorship of the West- Malheur county tester, brought sev petition were Albert Heldt H. O. observe the day with appropriate iance of beneflts t0 the P ^P 1 *- ac- 1 whl.e the total number enrolled in for the benefit of the hospital fund. lnghouse Electric corporation and ceremonies honoring students and ' cordlr’S to Frank T. Morgan, chair- Projects was 29,2*9. Total number eral Interesting facts to the at Hopkins, Olean Wells and bernard The women will sell farm pro the Idaho Power company. man of the Malheur county citi- completing projects was 22,160. while tention of new testers. The pro Frost. The show, which will be held in teachers for their contributions in zen’s for the protection the number of clubs with 100 per- gram will be started by the first ducts pastry and fancy work. the Portia club house commencing helping to bring about victory in of taxpayers and private enterprise. cent completion was 1125. of April and interested people are 8 o’clock, is primarily for electric the present war. Morgan made the statement fol- Malheur county reached a new asked to contact Harry Sandqulst, HOLSTEIN BREEDERS at “Mr. president, I think it is part dealers, farm implement dealers, lowing a study of the Oregon hy- high with 1127 enrolled In projects, county agent for contract partic TO HOLD MEETING contractors, architects, and others icularly fitting that such honor ciro-electrlc commission report on and 1017 finishing their work for ulars. should be paid to the students and engaged. in building. Any person \ a 90.2 percentage of projects com- A group of 25 Holsteln-Freslan who Is interested in the advance teachers of America on April 19, the issue. The 1946 boxing tournament of “We are convinced the people do P'e’ed. In over half the clubs or- COLLEGE OF IDAHO breeders met recently to organize a ments of electrical living, however, 1946, because April 19 is a historic toe Malheur county high schools Malheur County Holstein Breeders is invited to attend, L. E. Brainard, day of freedom In America. It is not desire to get into political own-, ganized, all members finished to MAN TO SPEAK TO will be held in the Nyssa gymnas ership and operation of the electric! make a 100 percent club, club. A. E. Hawkins, appointed division manager, for the Idaho Concord and Lexington day. LOCAL CLUBWOMAN ium March 14 and 15. The bouts “In support ol the suggestion I system serving this county," Mor chairman of the organization com Power company said. will be started each evening at should like to quote Mr. C. C. Har gan declared, ‘‘and the report furn mittee, will be assisted by R. A. Albion Aspinwall of the College 7:30. vey, a teacher in the schools of ished by the hydro-electric com Vest George Yturri, and A. F. Boxers representing Adrian, Vale, of Idaho will be the speaker at the Nyssa In my state. He makes the mission gives ample reason for that Sandqulst. Nyssa and Ontario will compete. all clubs annual day program March conviction.” following points: 'Some of the ar This group has called a meeting 16 In the Adrian high school build The winners will battle the win “According to the report, the so- guments in favor of making the to be held in the Boulevard Grange ners on the Idaho side for the project national in scope are: (1) called feasibility of creating a PUD The Nyssa high school band dir ing. hall at 8 p. m„ Monday, March 11. Mr. Asptnwall's subject, “Inter Snake river valley championships. During the war students accepted depends entirely on avoiding fed ected by Lynn J. Lawrence present- A club of this type can accomplish ior Decorating,’’ Is especially timely The number of bouts will depend on A. C. Newsom, formerly of Kan more responsibility than ever before, eral taxes on the part of the pru- a real service for Holtsein breeders posed""districi. The "proposed* PUD i ed an interesting concert in the as many new project families are the entries from the different in the county and for the dairy in sas and Illinois, has purchased a and they deserve to be honored in would not operate as efficiently or I gymnasium last Friday night, building or plan to build new resi schools. The preliminaries will be dustry as a whole, Hawkins stated." half interest in the Nordale furni some appropriate way. (2) By re as economically as the Idaho Power 1 "^le first part of the program dences soon All women are Invited held Thursday night and the finals ‘‘We are interested in the im ture ijore from Thomas B. Nordale cognizing the students, it will in a compariy now operates, because! ‘Catured largely the old familiar Friday night. provement of dairy cows in the who will remain active in the busi sense be recognition for faculty when federal taxes are considered,! ieleptions, followed by other band to ^ttend the meeting, at which the The following boys are practicing Modern Pioneer club will be hostess members, school administrators and county and the enlargement of the ness. for t'he event: Howard Flanary, to the other clubs of the valley. the PUD cost of operation exceeds ,ulmbers and sol° and duet “ <«ct- As a result of the change, the patrons who composed the remaind industry. The Oregon Holstein knatwetght; John Bartholoma end A potluck dinner will be served that of Idaho Power company." I *°™ *’ breeders directory shows that Mal store will hereafter be known as the er of the team which made the ac Therefore, Morgan said, the for. | J h e program was given as follows: at noon. Coffee and hot soils will Qtonn Sclitrej ¿ ¡ . flyweight; Willis complishments of students possible. heur county is the most important Nordale-Newsóm furniture store. Booster March and C h a p e l_____________ . the hostess club. Hiatt, b antan.m ght; ¡Jay By bee be furnished by Mr. Newsom was released from (3) It would have a wholesome in matron of * PUD is no guarantee Holstein county in the state; we ’ ir ne’. band‘ nute duet' ° Sole Musical numbers and readings and and Bill StraSiey featherweight; should as a group let this fact be the United States navy after ser fluence on the morale of students, of lower electric rates, even though Mio, Adrienne Peterson and Norma I ¡.gpo,.^ from the presidents of 25 Don Jensen and kudy Marostlca, ving three .years. 21 months of which teachers and schools at large. (4) it would secure heavily-subsidized Coleman; Military Escort In Four known.’’ r^, • or 30 clubs will comprise the re lightweight, and Bob Wilder, wel ; It will bring public attention to the Bonneville power. Mr. Vickers, western fleldman for he >pent in the Pacific theatre. Ways, band; Stardust, band; clar terweight. part played by the schools during I ° ur citizen s committee is aware inet duet, Ellen McGee and Lola mainder of the program. the association, talked on the act the war, not only in carrying on in i °t the ^act that one public owner Returns Home— ivities of the national association Weeks, Llebestraum and Patlannc, Arrives In Nyssa— Utahans Here— Mrs. W. O. Peterson returned the face of many serious obstacles, ship venture in Malheur county, and exhibited two colored fllttis on Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Flinders Captain John W. Olsen, son-in- the REA unit at Vale, is experienc- band; saxaehone « 0 - Vllla‘ ' W activities of Holstein breeders in home Friday from Salt Lake City | but in doing a superb job and mak- Willlams, Lynn Swensen and Mor and family of Ogden, and Mr. and the west. A. J. Evans, state presi- i where she visited her mother, who ing a vital contribution toward vic- ing financial difficulties,’’ Morgan rell Bunn: a novelty number, law of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Qar- Mrs. Albert Stettler and baby, and rison, arrived In Nyssa Sunday stated. "Its officers undoubtedly dent, explained the workings of has been ill. tory, as well’.’’ ■Three Bears" by the band, w ith , moming. Mr 0 lsen, who spent the Laurence Stettler, all of Ogden, The resolution was read twice by foresee an opportunity to ‘bail out' Adrienne Peterson as narrator, and the state association. A. W. Lindow were house guests at the Leo Child its title and referred to the com by saddling the other citizens of Hall of Fame March and Star last year In the Pacific theatre, home last week. The Stettlers plan of Portland, and Randall Grimes, Returns From Arizona— will receive his discharge from the the county with a PUD. This seems Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Collins mittee on judiciary. secretary-treasurer of the state as on locating In this vicinity. army In the near future. to account for most of the enthus Spangled Banner, band. sociation also talked on various returned to Nyssa Monday after iasm shown by the sponsors. spending the winter in Phoenix, phases of the work. "Then too, the Bonneville admin GEORGE WILSON AND MRS. BYBEE TELLS OF EXPERIENCES All Holtsein breeders, whether Arizon visiting relatives and friends. istration is looking for opportuni SONS BUY BUSINESS ON RECENT TRIP TO OLD MEXICO they are registered breeders or not, ties, no matter how costly, to dis are invited to attend the meeting Arrives Home— By T. Carol Bybee be-llne for toe stores. I really felt pose of its tremendous surplus of Captain Boyd Brown, son of Mr. George M. Wilson and sons have on March 11, Hawkins stated. I know now, how it feels to a like home there. The sign Coca- electricity, the development of leased the former Fox drive-in and Mrs. Buroall Brown, arrived in lonely Mexican In a town of white Cola also meant home, but we Nyssa Saturday. Mr. Brown, who F. W. Bracken and Leo A. Ja r which has been subsidized by the station near the “Y” from the people, staring at you and not being couldn’t buy any. What a relief to spent the last four months in Sai dine of Salt Lake City have pur federal treasury. Thus, they are Eastern Oregon Produce company. able to make yourself understood, shop where I did not have to point, pan, received his discharge from chased the Atkeson clothing store seeking to confiscate the electric The new owners will open the new and wondering aimlessly about. and shrug my shoulders, and feel the qrmy at St. Louis. Mrs. Boyd and have assumed management of | industry which pays tremendous business In about two weeks after Gay, colorful, exciting Mexico. I ! federal taxes. Brown and son of Boise are also the business. remodeling the building. They will finally had arrived at my destina so utterly Insignificant. The good old Mexican chill, was The new owners, who operate handle gasoline, groceries and visiting here. really HOT. Well, I received twice tion. two stores in Utah, will do business Teachers Meet— V. B. Staples, veteran represent meats. It was now, late, very late at as much because with a little more A meeting of social science teach temporarily under the Atkeson ative in the state legislature from Go To San Francisco— George Wilson was employed In Malheur county, announced last Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan left I name. They will handle a general ers of Vale, Ontario and Nyssa was the meat department of Eder's night: I lay In my bed wondering catsup and a half glass of water week that he would not be a can Saturday for San Francisco for a line of merchandise, concentrating held In Ontario Monday and Tues- store for about nine years. He re what all the strange noises were. added, I got twice as much. The on shoes when their stocks arrive. day. It was sponsored by the state cently sold his residence to Mr. and Thinking over the many strange ex young girls certainly know how to didate In the May primary and brief vacation. periences I had gone through that doll-up and use Up stick and Jew They Intend to remodel the build department of education as an in- Mrs. D. L. Anderson. Martin P. Gallagher, Ontario a t - ( day. The room was dark, and a elry. service training course. Frank Parr ing. torney, immediately revealed that Receives Dischargi certain odor prevailed; certainly not Shadows kept stealing across the Mr. Bracken, who will manage and K. E. Keveren attended the he will be a candidate for the pos Jack Church, who received his that of a gardenia. celling, In my room. I was certain meeting. Four prominent Oregon the business, has been in the navy itlon. discharge from the army February The little Mexican children who that some no good Mexican was up for three and one-half years. He educators were In charge of the Rep. Staples said ’‘Fourteen years 24, arrived home Friday. went to school were mostly, very to no good. I lay there breathlessly was discharged three months ago. program. They were Robert Ander In representing the county Is en clean. White shirts dazzled against waiting for the door to open. Had Elizabeth Atkeson, who has been son director of cirriculum and pub ough for one man. It Is hard work Here From Montana— dark skin. Little girls wore brilliant a room on the front street side, and I have definitely made up my Howard Foster of Bridgcr, Mon assisting her mother. Mrs. A. L. At- lications, state department of ed The Watts Motor company has hair ribbons. Teeth looked so white. with a veranda where he could mind to step aside In favor of tana spent the week-end with Mr. Keson, in the store, will remain In ucation; Mrs. MilBred Williams, as climb up, I figured. After 15 min sociate in education, University of been appointed dealer for Wlllys All seemed so happy. the employ of the new firm. some other qualified person." and Mrs. W. W. Foster. Oregon; J. W. Ellison, head of the jeeps, automobiles and trucks In We went Into old Mexico. Some utes of horror and suspense I de Gallagher who served with the of the houses were built of a dirt cided It was shadows caused by the history department, Oregon State Malheur county. Here From Ogden— armed forces for 46 months In From Twin Falls— The company, organized by Alva adobe, brick, with holes for windows auto lights on the street, back of Bishop and Mrs. Leslie Stoker college, and F. G. Macomber, pro- world war II, Is a native of Malheur Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Church county. He attended the University of Twin Falls spent the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. L. Olson of Og- fessor of education, University of Watts of Parma, has opened of and only a curtain, blowing to and the odd-shaped poles th at held up of Oregon, George Washington un with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Church. den were house guests at the home Oregon. Mr. Parr, Miss Virginia fices and display room in a tem- frow for a door. Along a dusty the veranda. I should tell you about going ac iversity at Washington, D. C. and Frederick Church was recently dis- | of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Bybee this Van Slyke and Howard Lovejoy at- i porary location in the former Ten- street, looking very warm, came a tended a health meeting sponsored i sen building at the underpass. Mr. peddler, with a rod over hla back, ross the border. Here goes another Northwestern College of Law in charged from the navy. He is a j week. by the state department of educa-1 Watts plans to erect a garage which supported a basket on either exploration of our suit cases, I Portland. He resumed his practice brother of J. L. Church. building, 55 by 110 feet, at the side, filled with various colored thought. We only had seven, and tion in Salem last week. Attending To Business— of law In Ontario last November comer of Main and First streets trinkets, statues, colored birds, etc. four other boxes. But no, to our Charles Ninemire of Council, Ida upon his release from the army. Nursing Home Notes— They were made of a chalk sub relief, all they asked us was "Were during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Adkins of ho formerly of Nyssa, is attend Meeting Planned— The Interior of the building oc stance. painted to look like real, you all born In the United States?” The L. D. S. Relief society will Receives Discharge— Notus are parents of a boy born ing’ to business here this week. hold an all-day work and sewing cupied by the new Urm has been good Images. We bought two, but Well, we were, so were told to go First Sgt. Thomas C. Holeman March 2. The baby weighed 7 meeting next Tuesday, beginning at remodeled and renovated. Guy Ker- had difficulty In making the mon on. Coming back from Mexico, we Guild To Meet— is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Lloyd pounds. 15 ounces. did not know, th at we would have St. Paul’s guild will meet with 10 a. m. and lasting until 3:30 La by of Nyssa has been appointed as ey change. Lewis and Mrs. Robert Wilson. Mr. A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. We went In to a curio shop to to pay duty on all our purchases. Holman was in the European thea Earl Leach March 3. He weighed Mrs. Hilda Tensen March 13 at dles are requested to provide cov local manager. The company ex pects to receive a carload of Uni buy post cards to mall home, 1 So we went the limit with Jewerly, ered dish lunch. 8 p. m. tre and spent six months of con 10 pounds, 3 ounces. priced a little Mexican doll. The statues, dolls, peek-a-boo blouses versal Jeeps before March 15. stant combat fighting in the in Mr. Watts said ‘T have tried for clerk said, "26 dolla" I raised my etc. The officer said, "Take all toe Sister Dies In Oakland— Visit Here— fantry. He received his discharge In Boise— Mrs. Grant Jones received word four or five years to get a location eye brows as if to say “too much," contents out of your suitcases, de Mrs. Lathrop Crosby of Tacoma last week at Ft. Lews. Mrs. Harriet Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings and Holman is also visiting here at the son. George, spent Saturday in spent Thursday at the A. L. Flet from Oakland that her sister. Thora In Nyssa. I have always felt that a kind fellow standing there, who clare all your purchases and the Anderson, had died. Mr. Jones and j Nyssa has a bright business future.’’ understood English said ‘‘She means total price." I thought oh, oh, cher home. home of her daughters. Boise. where can I hide certain things In 26 cents. I bought the doll. Mrs. Oordon Ray left for Oakland j --------------- — Inquiring about a hotel, the Com the car. (The devil In me I guess) to attend the funeral which was Awarded Trophy— Visit In Nampa— In Twin Falls— j Here From Portland— Oeorge Billings was among the mercial was pointed out to us as Well anyway by the time we found Mrs. Kenneth Pond and son. Bob- Mrs. Emma Quinby visited a few j Dale Lewis of Portland was a held Tuesday, and are expected to members of the 1948 Junior Legion being, "Like the other side’’ mean a place to put our car by an In by, spent the week-end with her days last week in Twin Falls at week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. L return Saturday. baseball club who were awarded ing like toe American ones. We spection table, we decided to declare sister, Mrs. Jack Reynolds, in Nam- home of Mrs. Horace Whittlesey. I A. Maulding. trophles at a ceremony at the Ban looked st toe room, promised to all our purchases, and retain our Lenten Services Planned— pa. ? I ----------------------- Lenten services will be held lr. croft hotel In Payette Monday even come back and went shopping clean conscience and be honest. From Ogden— Dog Taxes Due again. When out upon the street We had one suit case out, and From Montpelier— The city has started collecting j Reed Paulson and Milton Car- the Episcopal church every Friday ing. my eyes caught the sign KRES8 started to tell what we bought and A. M. Poulsen of Montpelier. Ida- dog taxes for 1946. Tags are avail- ver, son and son-in-law of Mr. and evening at 7:30 until Easter. Mem- and on the other side PENNY'S how much when the officer said, ho, has been visiting toe last 10 able at the city hall or from Chief Mrs. George Paulson arrived In bers of all churches in the city are i On Bnsiness Trip— days, at the home of his brother, of Police J. R Dolan. The taxes Nyssa Tuesday. Mr. Carver plans i invited to attend. Rev. Callahan | C. W. Buchner returned Thursday store. Happy, day. I would be able <’Oh, from Oregon eh? T hat’s my on making their home here soon. , will deliver a series of sermons. j from a business trip to Portland. | to understand thsm and made a home state.’’ Oeorge Poulson. ¡were due March 1. Worthwhile Club To Give Auction Sale Satur day Night Proposal Made To Senator Morse By C C. Harvey, Nyssa Morgan Attacks Proposal Of PUD Boxing Tourney Will Be Staged Band Presents Varied Concert A. Newsom Buys Store Interest 2 Utah Men Buy Atkeson Store Staples Quits; Gallagher Files Walts Opening Willys Agency