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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL Mart. No. of Y, phone 74J. INtfc. Classified MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate cai . and cylinder lock keys made. Oam- ' We store. 250afc. THURSDAY, JA N U A R Y 24, 1946 EARLY HISTORY OF MALHEUR AREA DISCUSSED BY J. K. GREGG, EX-RESIDENT (Continued from last weeki. I shall now open the preliminar BUTCHERING ies with a brief review of the first Custom butchering every M on settlement in this locality at the day and Friday Beei. sheep anu time of the coming of the railroad RATES: Tw o cents per word for each Issue. After one month one | pork. Sanitary butchering guaran and the founding of the City of cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. teed. Phone 05R1. A ll stock must Ontario. All a u t h o r i t i e s o n j come In Thursday or Sunday after ancient Malheur County history are noon between 1 o’clock and 7. No cordially invited to pick flaws and slock accepted on butchering day. correct any misstatements I may One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta l.USi MISCELLANEOUS make in the review leafing up to avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc the founding of the city of Ontar For Sale LO ST—Black and brown Boston io. This brief summary of events Legal Advertising FO R SA LE —Birddog pups $10. Guy bulldog, lemale. blind in right eye. and conditions in the fertile Snake Moore, Kingman Kolony. 24J2xp. Reward. Edward C. Larsson. Two River valley is here given in order NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to the to mo:e fully familiarize present miles northwest of Nyssa. 24J2xp. FO R SALE— Boy's bicycle, new tir creditors and all other persons day residents with existing con es, new paint, new seat cover. In LO ST—Tarpaulin, between Nyssa interested in the estate of William ditions in the Snake River valley quire at Jake's F ix-it shop. 24J2xp. and Huntington. $10 reward. Nyssa A. Mettlen, deceased: That the and the surrounding territory at undersigned Rhoda L. Mettlen has the time o f the advent of the rail FOR SALE— Ivory enameled wood Lumber Co. 17J2xc. been appointed Administratrix of road. The year 18.13 is one of the and coal range, practically new. J. the estate of William A. Mettien. most memorable years in the his H. Kirkland. M ile west Ole’s cor WANTED deceased, and has qualified as such. tory of this entire section. For it ner. 24J2xp. W ANTED —Chicken feed horses. All persons having claims against was in June, IU63. that Major Pick- FO R SALE —Central Oregon ranch, Dixie Kinkade. Chadwick’s cabin 3. said estate are hereby notified and ney Lugenbeel arrived from Fort required to present same with Walla Walla with a company ol 520A, 54A alfalfa, 69A waterright, 17J4xp. proirer vouchers duly verified, with United States cavalry to establish buildings, *7500, part terms. Write to Fisher C. Logan, Terrebonne, W ANTE D TO B U Y —Used disc har in six months of the date of this the new Fort Boise, following which • Oregon. 24J2xp, row, 6 to 8 feet, single or tandem, notice to the undersigned at the the city of Boi; e was laid out. office of A L. Fletcher in Nyssa. Some of the officers at the fort FO R SALE— Assortment of guitar horse or tractor type. Also a two Oregon, which place is hereby des were among the organizers of the and violin strings; also clarinet or three-action spike-tooth harrow. ignated as the place of business in Boise townsite. A t the time the 24J2xp. reeds. Nyssa Furniture company. Q. C. Lytle, route 2. all matters pertaining to said es Boise barracks was built there were 17Jtfc. only two small log huts and a small WE P A Y H I..H E S T PRICES lui tate. Rhoda L. Mettlen stone house on the site of the FO R SA LE --W rite for circular and live fox feed horses. Phone 8, Pay Administrât! ix of the estate ql i present city of Boise. I believe this 12Atfc. prices on garden seeds, flower seeds, ette. William A. Mettlen, Deceased. j little stone house is still standing, field seeds, Watts Seed company. First publication, Dec. 27, 1945. j It was also during the year 1863 For Rent Parma, Idaho. 17J8xc. Last publication, January 24, 1946 j that the first three settlements we.e started in what is now Mal FO R SALE —Locust pasts, Stanley FOR n F N T —Ray K eller farm for 1946. See Nyssa Realty company. IN THE COUNTY C O URT OF heur County. After gold was dis Hill, two miles west of Adrian. 17J2xc. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR covered near Elk Creek in what is 17J2xp. THE C O U NTY OF M ALHEUR now Baker County in 1881, and the FOR R E N T—Thirty-three acres, FO R SALE O R TR AD E —For cat N O TICE OF SALE OF REAL town of Alburn was founded there cash rent. Pat Sweaney, 4 H miles tle, a 15 H. P. Century motor. New PR O PE R T Y in 1862 a . prospecting party from west on Enterprise ave. 17J3xp. ly reconditioned. First house east IN TH E M A T T E R O F T H E ES Auburn discovered the first gold Kingman Kolony schoolhouse. G. T A T E OF LOVENA GLASCOCK, a found in Malheur County in Mor MISCELLANEOUS W. D « Haven. 17Jexp. Minor. mon basin. The same year two N O TICE HEREBY is given, that stock ranches—one a sheep ranch M ISCELLANEOUS—Custom haul FO R SALE—Truck box. Can be in pursuance of an order o f the and the other a cattle and horse seen at A1 Thompson lot. Finley ing, anything, any time, any place. Honorable Irwin Troxell, County ranch— were located in Jordan val Shuster phone 23W. 17tfc. Stanley Reffett. Call me at 76, Pow ell Service. 17J4xp. Judge of Malheur County, Oregon, ley in August, 1863, Jonathan Keen made on the 15th day of January ey, John B. McLoughlin and John FO R SA LE — Three-room house, •with bath, Furnished or unfurnish B U S I N E S S O P P O R T U N ITIE S — 1946, authorizing and directing the Duval put In a ferry across Snake ed. T o be moved from lot. Bernard Wanted: A live-wire agent to Guardian of the person and estate River at the former site of old Eastman. lOJtfc. represent the State Farm Insur of Lovena Glascock, to sell the Fort Boise a short distance below ance Co.’s in and around Nyssa and right, title and interest of said the moufhs of the Boise and Owy FO R SALE— Quality baby chicks Adrian. State Farm Mutual Auto minor in and to the following des hee Rivers, which was patronized from blood tested flocks, bred for mobile Ins. Co. is the largest auto cribed real estate, to wit: One- by emigrants coming over the Ore egg producing qualities. Order early mobile insurance company in the sixth interest in common and un gon Trail. In the fall of 1863 Jona to insure getting what you want world and gives unexcelled service divided in and to the West Half of than Keeney built a small log cabin when you want it. Phone 111J. Lem to its policyholders. Contract Earl the Northeast quarter and the at the hot springs near the M al on’s hatchery. lOJtfc. M. Browne, district manager, Roxy Southeast quarter of the Northeast heur River ford, across the river theatre building, Ontario, Oregon. quarter, of Section Five (5), Town from the present city of Vale and FOR SA LE —Several matched work 24J4xp. ship 21, South, Range 46 E. W. M. in opened a wayside inn for the ac- teams. Dixie Kinkade, Chadwick's Malheur C.ounty, Oregon, said O. commadation of emigrants and for cabin 3. 17J4xp. STO R AG E — Consolidated Freight- R. Hite, Guardian, will offer for miners traveling between the Ore ways building. First street. See sale and sell to the highest bidder gon and Idaho mines. Later J. B. FO R SALE— New grates and re Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mtic for cash all of the right, title and McLoughlin settled on the Malheur pairs for any make of stove. Also stove pipe, dampers, flue stops, M ISCELLANEOUS—Sewing mach- interest of said Lovena Glascock in above Vale and became one of the pokers. Nyssa Furniture Co. 29Ntfc. ijje repairing. Reconditioned mach and to said described real estate, first settlers. Following the discovery of gold ine bargains. F. “ Lète” Sackett, such Interest being one-sixth in FO R SALE—Farms ranging from Ontario. 8Ntfc. common and undivided. Said sale in Boise basin in 1863 a road was 30 acres up to 200 acres. Prices will be made on and after Febru located between that locality and lange from $100 to $25G an acre. HAVE T H A T STO VE O VE R H AU L ary 25th 1946, and written bids the town of Auburn. This road went A. L. Atkeson. 20StfC- ED—A t Ed Case’s Highway Mdse. may be received at the office of by way of Emmett, which came A. L. Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, into existence about that time. The Oregon, or to the Guardian at his Washoe and Olds Ferries were both place of residence up to and in Installed about the time the River cluding said February 25th, 1946 side Ferry was installed at old Fort Bidds must be accompanied by a Boise, about half way between the | payment of twenty per cent of the present towns of Nyssa and Parma. amount bid, the balance to be paid The Washoe Ferry was located a upon delivery of deed. Such sale short distance below the mouth of shall be subject to confirmation by the Malheur River and the Olds the court. The Guardian reserves Ferry between Weiser and Hunting- the right to reject all bids and to ton. Ferry cable.1? were not avail proceed to sell said interest in real able at that time and these fer estate at private sale, after said ries were manned by about six men February 25, 1946. who used oars to paddle the ferry O. R. Hite, Guardian boats across Snake River. When the of the person and estate of Lovena Washoe Ferry was first installed AU C TIO N EERS I O PTO M ETRISTS Glascock, a minor. it was said to have been the ren dezvous of a band of horsethleves. DK. J. A. McFALL M A R IO N OSBORN This gang was broken up by mem MITCHELL BUTTE Livestock and General “ See McFatl and See Better” bers of a vigilantes committee from Auctioneer Mrs. Mayes has returned from Falk store. William Packwood came Nebraska after visiting her mother into passession of the ferry by pur chasing it at sheriff sale after the for a month. Mr. Olp, who has been chopping outlaws had been driven away. W. hay, had some trouble with his W. Em iron later bought the ferry from Packwood and later sold it to machinery. E Y E S IG H T S P E C IA L IS T Mr. Dunaway has had some cat G. W. Brinnon. Capt. W. W. Paine O N T A R IO OREGON bought the ferry in 1885 and moved tle trucked out. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe shop it up the river about a half mile JEWELRY STOKES above the railroad bridges where it ped at Nyssa Saturday. Four inches of snow fell here was in a more direct line between PAULUS Monday, interrputing the outside the new towns of Ontario and Pay ette that had but recently been activities of the farmers. JEWELRY STORE Advertising Professional And Business Directory i Union Pacific Time Inspector JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS W ATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Tim e Inspector for Union Pacific O N TA R IO OREGON Rt. 2, Ontario, Oregon GEORGE JACKSON Phone 354-J-4 MODERN W A TC H R E P A IR IN O PHYSICIANS S A R A Z IN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. K. E. Kerby, M. D. State Licensed Watchmaker O N TA R IO . OREGON 3 >4 blocks N. of City Hall HAY BUYER W . J. Jahn ” Dealer in hay and grain L. A. Maulding, M. D. No. 5, Factory Court Physician and Surgeon Phone 68M Phone 37 Opposite Sugar Factory Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Sales Service Supplies ' w DENTISTS J. R. C U N D A LL Dentist • Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic N YS SA OREGON - - ” FAM O US" ELECTROLUX Cleaner & A ir Purifier * E. R. Anderson Rt. No. 3 Sunnvside, , Weiser, Idaho o rld Glass OWYHEE Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and Mrs Martha Klingback were hostesses to the Owyhee Community club Thursday. Mrs. Jesse Gregg, Mrs. Lynn Kygar and Mrs. Gerald Slip py were prize winners in a game. Rcfre. hments o f vegetable salad, wafers, potato chips, coffee and cake were served. Seaman First Class K eith T ail- man of the U. S. S. Wayne, Brem erton, spent last week with his wife and other relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Tallman j spent from Wednesday until F ri day in Madras. Hugh Glenn sustained a bad ankle sprain last week. Mrs. E. H. Strickland is ill. Mr and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow had as dinner guests Friday Rev. Mort- more. Rev. George Whipple, Mrs. Roy Warren. Mrs. Quigley and Mrs. Moreland, all o f Nyssa. Guests in the Hugh Glenn home Sunday were Mrs. I-aurence Krea- ger of Kingman Kolony and Mr. and Mrs. Tracy M efford of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nicholson ar rived home Sunday evening from a trip through Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters and Jack Waters were week-end guests of relatives in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn K ygar and Maxine were dinner guests of Mr. End Mrs. Kenneth McDonald W ed nesday evening. Evangelistic services will be start ed at the Owyhee schoolhouse Sunday evening, February 3. Rev. Hovda will be in charge. Benson Glass Shop 165 S. W. First Avenue Telephone 17 One block west o f Moore hotel, Ontario, Oregon Auto glass installed while you wait Window glass installed. Furniture tops and mirrors made to order. Public Farm Sale Two miles up Cow Hollow from Ole’s corner and Jap labor camp or 11 miles south and west of Nys- sa. Wed., Jan. 30 Sale Starts at 12 O’clock Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs.’ Leslie T op liff were in Payette. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sage and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jamison were Sunday dinner guests at the W illis Bertram home. Mr and Mrs. Alva Goodell were in Ontario Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings received word that their daughter, Mrs Orren Hendry, underwent a serious operation at Salt Lake City the past week. Alva Goodell and E. L. Jamison spent two days the past week rid ing for cattle west of Vale. Those attending the Oregon Trail Grange card party from this dis trict were Mr. and Mrs. W illis Ber tram, Mrs. Robert Bigelow and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell. Mr and Mrs. H. L. Day and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day ana daugh ters were dinner guuits at the Claude Day home Sunday evening. Mrs. S. B Hoffman left for N e braska Snturday to visit her mother, For Sale Utah Certified W hite and Yellow Spanish Onion Seed Lettuce Seed Great Lakes and 847 Varieties EASTERN OREGON PRODUCE CO. Phone 120 or 133W who i* ill. Sunday afternoon. S. B. Hoffman received word Sat- The members of the Out Our . Way clnb and their families sur uiday of the death of his brother, Philip Hoffman of Denver e te bUshed following the budding prised Mr. end Mrs. Loyd Cleaver Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver end of the railroad through the valley. at a house warming Sunday even- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver were The town oi Emmett became a I ing. The evening was spent in in Boise Saturday evening. trading post and postoffi. e on the | playing games and visiting. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day were main route between Walla Walla Those attending were Mr. and in Ontario Tuesday. and the Boise basin. The place was [ Mr». Leslie Topliff, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Celaver and originally called M artini ille, for the ! H. L. Day, Mr and Mrs. Lester Linda, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester first postmaster, Nathaniel Martin. Cleaver, Mr and Mrs. Olenn H o ff Cleaver and family were dinner In 1870 the named was changed to man, M r and Mrs. G riffith, Mr. guests at the Don Parker home Emmettville for the oldest son of and Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening. Thomas D. Callahan, who was ap | Alva Ooodell and Donna Belle and pointed postmaster that jear In ' Aiva Jr., and Leonard Cleaver. Re In Boise— 1885 the nam e,of Emmettville was freshments of sandwiches pie. Mr. and Mrs. W ilford A. Bybee shortened to the present name of pickles and coffee were served. were in Boise Saturday to get a Emmett. Mrs. Ethel Goodell and family load of large tanks for the Inland A stage station on the Auburn- railed at the Leslie T op liff home Oil company. Boise wagon road was established on the north bank of the Payette River about twelve mllbs from the mouth in August 1863, that took the name of Payetteville. Later Get Your Falk's store was built near there on the south side o f the river. Falk's store was a trading place for many resdients on the lower Malheur until about 1884, when the towns o f Ontario and Payette came into exlstance, and soon thereafter Falk store was aband oned and tile building allowed to From go to decay. tContinued next week) General practice o f medicine X -ra y Physiotherapy Daily— Except Sunday PAGE THREE Lunch will be served by L. D. S. Relief society HORSES 5 Head o f work horses. 1 Colt, 7 months old. 3 Sets o f work harness and collars CATTLE 24 Good dairy cows, including 20 head of choice milk cows, mostly Holsteins, a few Jerseys and Guernseys and two Durhams. W e guarantee the test o f these cows. Some springers; rest to freshen later; 17 head milking now. Information on these cows given at sale. 8 H eifer calves. 1 Holstein bull, 3 years old. 1 Bull, two years old. - 2 Bull calves. FARM MACHINERY 1 McCormick-Deering tractor, 22-36 mounted on rubber, ready for work. 1 John Deere 12-inch hand plow. 1 Tandem disc. 2 Two-section harrows. 1 International potato digger, horse-drawn. 1 Two-way plow. 1 Valley Mound corrugator. 1 Beet cultivator. 1 Potato and corn cultivator. 1 Mowing machine, John Deere, Big 4. 1 W eeder or pulverizer. 1 Beet puller, horse-drawn. 1 Case nine-loot hay rake. 1 International electric-fencer, new. 1 Gamble battery fencer. 1 Co-op Universal, portable two-unit milker. 1 International % ton pick-up. 1 Hand garden weeder and cultivator. MISCELLANEOUS Pitchforks, shovels, hay chains and other small items. 12 Good 16-foot panels. I Milk stand. 1 Milk cart. 26 Ten-gallon cans. 1 Good rubber-tired wagon. Some household goods TERMS: CASH William Moyes . And Sons, Owners Col: Bert Anderson, auct. L. H. Fritts, clerk