THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1945 PAGE TWO FAMILY DINNERS SLRVED Christmas observance In Nyssa on Christmas day was featured by family gatherings. A family dinner Christmas eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Purvis was held for 33 relatives. Five sons and three daughters were present. Those attending from Ny­ ssa were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Flet­ cher, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Holton and son and Marjorie Jean McCrea. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell and family entertained at dinner Christmas for Mr and Mrs. Ed Frost and Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Lane were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. H J. Gernhardt, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Poster were hosts at a family dinner Christmas day at their hortie for Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Sager and family. Plac- e* were laid for 10 guests. Christmas dinner at the Bernard Eastman home was enjoyed by Mrs. Eastman s sister ana husband. Mr and Mrs. H. M. Garnder of Boise, and her mother, Mrs. Ada Hewitt of Payette. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Bumall Brown Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Wayner Talbot and fam­ ily and Mr and Mrs. Sidney Brown and Omer Dorman and son. Dale Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin enter­ tained Christmas day for Mr and Mrs. Frank Hall, Mrs. Lucille Nor- cott and daughter, Merry, Miss Eve Boydell, Mrs. John Beckham and children and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell. Mr. and Mrs George Mitchell spent Christmas at Caldwell as guests of Mrs Mitchell’s nephew. Oorcey Donalley, and family. Attention! Eagles We will have a New Year’s eve dance Mon- ! day night, besides our regular Saturday night dance, December 29. Let’s dance the old year out and the new year in. We wish you all a prosperous and happy new year. Dance Committee New Closing Hours Store Open From 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. on week days. From 8:30 a m. to 6 p m. on Saturdays. Until Further Notice Closed all day December 31 Eder Hardware Co. NYSSA PRO G RAM THEATRE New Year’s Eve SHOW Monday, December 31 At 12, MIDNIGHT Phone 108 Feature will be “CAPTAIN KIDD” Admission 40c and 9c, Inc. Tax FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DEC. 28-29 Pearl Buck’s Sensational Novel “CHINA SKY” With Randolph Scott and Ruth Warrick The spectacular story of China at war—told only as Pearl Buck would dare write it. Pete Smith Specialty and Crime Does Not Pay subject. Features Saturday 6, o and 10 P. M Mat., Sat, 2:30 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, DEC. 30-31 The story the headlines didn’t dare reveal— about the protection of the Atomic Bomb! “THE HOUSE ON 92ND STREET’ With William Eythe and Lloyd Nolan Cartoon and “MARCH OF TIME” Features Sunday 6. 8 and 10 P. M. Mat., 8an„ 2:30 Adm., tOc-Sc. Ine. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 New Year’s day Feature “CAPTAIN KIDD Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott and Barbara Britton Admission 40c-9c, Inc. Tax Features Tuesday 8, 8 and 10 P. M. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JAN. 2-3 “CAPTAIN EDDIE” The story of Rickenbacker—with Fred MacMurray, Lvnn Bari. Thomas Mitchell and Lloyd Nolan As the panorama of this amazing life unfolds before your eyes, you’ll realize that life can be more thrilling than fiction—and this man’s was. News Adm. Even tags. 40e-9c, Including Tax Mr and Mrs. John Bishop en­ tertained Christmas at a dinner for members of ihe.r immediate fam­ ily, which included Mrs. Bishop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brum- bach and brother, J. P Brumbach of Parma, and Mr Bishop's mother of Lyons, New York, who Is visit­ ing here. Later In the day Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee of Ontario were guests at the Bishop home. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis were hosts at a family dinner Chrlsi- nas for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hol­ man and family of Ontario. Mrs. Harriet Holman of Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson in­ vited members of their family to Christmas dinner at their home. Those present were their daughter, and granddaughter. Mrs. Verna Jeutier and Sharon of Twin Falls, 'daho. Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Thom­ ason and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and family, and VIr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Flndllng en- ertained for their family Christmas it dinner Those attending were Mr. ind Mrs. Willis Flndllng and fam- ly, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Find­ ing, Miss Verna Ruth Flndllng and «Valter Obenroff. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bellon and family spent the day Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrington of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldredge and two sons, Donald and Robert, were guests of Mrs. Eldredge’s sister, Mrs. William Carpenter, and family of New Plymouth Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbidge en­ tertained 15 guests at dinner at their home on Christmas day. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray of Twin Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Day of Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robertson of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rambaud, Pete Rambaud and Mrs. Stella Butler. CHATTERBOX CLUB MEETS Mrs. Harlan Maw entertained the Chatterbox club at her home with Mrs. John Ridder co-hostess. Seventeen members enjoyed the annual Christmas exchange of gifts. The annual Christmas party for members and families will be held January 4. Refreshments of salad, cookies and coffee «etc served. The next meeting will be held at the But ten home January 17. i - DINNER GDEBTS - AT Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton ard Linda were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Big Bend. GIVE DINNER Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocke gave a dinner Christmas day for Mrs Mary E. Coulter, Mr. and Mrs Rus­ sell Patton. Jr„ and Leslie Dell, Mr. and Mrs.. Lewis Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cook and daugh­ ters of Nyssa. GIVE DINNER Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Patton were hosts at dinner Christmas eve to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton and Linda and Mr and Mrs. Russell Paton, Jr., and Leslie Dell. - I - ENTERTAINS FOR SISTER Mr. and Mrs. A. Chadwick enter­ tained for Mrs. Chadwick's sister, Mis. Marlon Stephenson, In obser­ vance of her birthday. Quests were Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson and fam­ ily and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chad­ wick and family. -» - CIVIC CLUB SEWS The Nyssa Civic club met last Wednesday at the Parish hall to sew for the local chapter of the Red Cross. The meeting was wel. attended by the ladles of Nyssa. Mrs. James Spofford and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper were hostesses. Tea was served. 8 ANNDAL PARTY HELD The annual Christmas party of the Thursday evening bridge club was held last week at the home of Mrs. L. A. Maulding, with Mrs. Sylvester Heiner as co-hostess. The husbands of the members were «uests. was served and an exchange of Christmas gifts was held. In the card game prizes were won by Mrs. R. O. Whitaker, high ^core for the ladies, and Harry Rice high f<5r the men. Mrs. Wil­ liam Walhert received the traveling prize. Mr. and Mrs. Rice of On­ tario were out-of-town guests. i'll à METHODIST COMMUNITY ChURCH Sunday school, 10 a. m. — — World service Sunday. Worship and sermon. 11 a. m. Young adult fellowship, 7 p. m. Youth fellowship. 7 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Bible study and prayer, Wednes­ day at the parsonage, 8 p. m. PUBLIC FARM SALE—1» mile north, H mile east of Frultland or 1 mile east and mile south of Oala Gardens on the old Boll­ inger place. Friday, Jan. 4 start­ ing at 11:30 a. m. Horses, cattle, hay and grain, household goods and machinery. Lunch served. O. O. Bollinger, owner; Col. Bert Ander­ son and Col Joe Church, auction­ eers and L. H. Fritts, clerk. creditors and all other persons Administratrix of the estate of Interested In the estate of William William A. Mettlen. Deceased A. Mettlen. deceased: That the First publication. Dec. 27, 1046. undersigned Rhode L. Mettlen has Last publication, January 24. 1046. been appointed Administratrix of the estate of William A. Mettlen, deceased, and has qualified as such. NEW FIRESTONE All persons having claims against TIRES said estate are hereby notified end required to present same with proper vouchers duly verified, with­ On Hand, 600-16 and in six months of the date of this 14.75-19. notice to the undersigned at the office of A. L. Fletcher In Nyssa. Certificates Required Oregon, which place Is hereby des­ ignated as the place of business in HERRIMAN MOTOR all matters pertaining to said es­ tate. COMPANY Rhoda L. Mettlen l.OST—10 month old Scotch oollie. sheared on both sides and at tip of tail. Reward. Evelyn McEwen. route 1, Nyssa. 27D2xc. FOR SALE—Team of horses, set of harness, dump hay rake, side delivery rake, hay derrick, four hay slips, tandem disc, cow and calf and other property. Jesse Nishl on Henry Terra place. 27Dlxp. FOR SALE—Wood pipes suitable for culverts. 15 Inch diameter. Frank Sherwood. 27Dtfc. LOST—Purebred holsteln heifer calf, six months old. About half black and half white. J. G. Lane, phone 02J2. 27D2xp. LOST—Women's cameo pin in Ny­ ssa. Was Christmas present. Re­ ward. Leave at Journal office. 27Dlxp. Second Annual Meeting Too Late to Classify Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given to the TO WISH YOU HAPPY NEWL.YEAR Election of Officers Malheur Game League Boulevard Grange Hall Tuesday, January 8 8 P. M. Important Discussion. Refreshments. THE SEASON'S BEST TO ALL OUR FRIENDS GREETINGS YOUR DEALER FOR: Vest Wishes an Admiral- Refrigerators Electric ranges Home freezers Radios and radio phonographs Automatic & Horton- Washing machines Cadillac- I e IE W Y E A R ’S bells * ^ are ringing— ring­ ing out the old, ring­ ing in the new. W e look forward hopefully, with you, to the future, end wish you all the blessings the New Year can bring. Vacuum cleaners OWYHEE DRUG CO Ed Case’s HI-WAY MDSE. MART bright Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and board the magic carpet for the Land of Better Days. There are 36f of them “in the bag" for you in 1946—if we have our way about it—and every day will be better than the one preceding. A thousand thanks for past favor« - a n d HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! Atkeson’s Clothing Store liMiMfimHiuticmiHuwit trui m tri hum mi Farm Sale 2 i/L. miles west of New Plymouth bank build­ ing, 5 miles southeast Fruitland, opposite old Sunnyside schoolhousc. Thursday, January 3 Sale Stalls at 1 P. M. New Plymouth Grange will^serve lunch 2 Horses, extra good team, weight 1400. 9 Guernsey cows, 1 bred hog, and 9 pigs. 4 dozen New Hampshire Red hens, laying. All kinds farm machinery, 1 hay wagon, 1 gravel dump wagon, 1 McCormick mower, Big 4; 1 hay rake, 2 Steel corrugators, 1 Walking corn cultivator, one 5-tooth garden cultivator, 200 apple and locust and caltapa posts, 150 rods of 32 inch hog wire, about 15 tons of good al­ falfa hay, 150 bushels mixed grain, barley, oats and rye. Nice household goods including refrigeratQr and all-enamel stove, good as new. BEST WISHES fin t6e COMING YEAR ANOTHER D A Y ... ANOTHER YEARI AAAAAAAAA * Step aslt&, 1946, and let's peer into the future for a mo­ ment We see, for certain, a much more hopeful year than was 1945—a year of promise and erf destiny. We believe you see this, too. It Is our hope that the New Year will open for you a path­ way to your most cherished desires. AAAAAAAAA TERMS: CASH H. C. Vogt, Owner Col Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Auctioneers L. H Fritts, Clerk Nyssa Sanitation Ser. For the day, all the joy and glad­ ness that the New Year holiday can possibly bring. For the year, all the blessings that can be treasured up for you in 363 golden days. Come in and see us so we can wish you a H A PPY N EW Y E A R with a friendly shake of the hand. Owyhee Truck & Impl. Co / f