THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1945 Lincoln Heights Miss LaVeUe Sproul. spent last week-end In the Hyline district vis­ iting her cousin. Miss Barbara Jane Sproul. Other week-end guests were Misses Arlene Lard and Joan­ na Hale of Payette. Sunday evening a motion picture film entitled "The Christmas Story” will be shown at the schoolhouse by Rev R. a . Chandler of Caldwell. Treats will be served by the Sun­ day school to all who attend. Every­ one is cordially Invited. Merlin Percy, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Derrel Percy, has been quite 111 and under a doctor's ob­ servation. i business meeting a grab bag was A school board meeting was held enjoyed. Refreshments were served at the schoolhouse Thursday even­ by Pauline Ross. The club voted ing. 1 to sell lunches at the Emil Frank Terresa Watterson, eldeit daugh- sale Wednesday January 16. The er of Mr and Mrs. Joe Watter- program committee will meet at on. submitted to an operation In the Florence Pettet home January the Ontario hospital last week. ! 3 to outline the program for the Levi Johnson, who has spent the year. New officers are: President. ast two weeks lr Nebraska with Neva Barnes; vice-president. Flor­ tils mother, who has been very ill. ence Pettet; Treasurer. Pauline has sent word that the latter’s Findley, and secretary, Clarice Ross. condition is critical. | Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mainline re­ The Patch and Chat club held its turned to the Orien Hainline home December meeting and Christmas Thursday after spending a week in party at the Ralph Enevoldsen Spokane visiting relatives. They home Thursday alternoon. For roll will go to Boise soon to make their call each person stated what pro­ I home. vision he furnished that would be distributed to the needy. After a Su n se t Valley M achinery O ve rh au lin g Should be done at once while time is avail­ able. Steel will be short on account of the diversion of material to automobile manufac­ turers. For Sale 1 Steel dump body and one 8 by 18 stake rack for truck. F re e m a n ’s M a c h in e S h o p HE spirit of 1946 is Progress. So let us all determine right now to do every­ thing a little bit better than last year, to take advantage of every available oppor­ tunity for im provem ent, and in this way assure for ourselves a happier community of happier hom es. T As for ourselves, w e will leave no stone unturned to give you still better values and a still higher grade of service in the year to com e. And so, wishing you all a very Happy New Year, we jo> . with you in giving a royal w elcom e to 1946. INLAND OIL COMPANY! Twelve members of the Worth­ while club met Thursday after­ noon at the home of Pearl Schwei- zer for their Christmas gathering. Two visitors were present. Gifts were exchanged before the beauti­ fully decorated Christmas tree. Re­ freshments of sandwiches, salad, angel and fruit cake, coffee and hot chocolate were served by the hostesses. The January meeting will be held at the home of Frances Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Fillingsness accompanied Anton Myhr to the west coast Thursday to spend the holidays visiting friends and rel­ atives. Carl Funk of Richland was a dinner guest in the Charles Ditty home last week. Grover Cooper held a public sale Thursday. Mrs. Annie Gregg Is caring for her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Hershel Gregg, who is seriously ill in Wash­ ington. Dick Wyatt of Big Bend has rented the Henry Terra place for the coming year. Joe Hobson left Wednesday for Washington on business. Mrs. Joe Hobson spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Herring, and family of Nyssa. Leslie Ditty trucked cattle to the Ontario sale Tuesday for Ted Pomeroy and the Knottingham brothers. Mable Roberts, who is teaching school in western Oregon, came Saturday to spend her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa R. Roberts, Sr. Sunday evening callers in the Wilbur Chapin home were Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and family of Cow Hollow. Joe Counsil has received his dis­ charge from the army and came Wednesday to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Coun­ sil. Charles Ditty and Mary Query were Nampa shoppers Monday. Several from this section attend­ ed the Junior play "Mamma's Baby Boy" at Adrian Thursday evening. Effie El.en Counsil returned to her work at Nyssa the last of the week after spending several days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil, because of illness. Hugh and Tom McConnell of Kingman Kolony were callers in the Robert Ditty home Sunday. Mrs. Lois Knottingham and sons, Glen and Paul are visiting friends and relatives in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen returned home Thursday morning after spending several weeks visit­ ing relatives in Nebraska and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pomeroy spent from Thursday until Sunday visit­ ing his mother, Mrs. Pomeroy at Twin Falls. Mrs. Betty Parker and children of Elgin came Wednesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schwei- zer. Wednesday evening visitors in the Robert Ditty home were Adolph Schneider of Fruitland and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Beck of Great Falls, Montana, who were on their way to Lodi, California to visit re­ latives. Mrs. Beck is a sister of Henry Hintz, wiio formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zurcher of Homedale visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson, Thurs­ day. Rex Langley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley, was taken to a Nampa hospital last week for treatment. Marlene Bergam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bergam, who was injured recently when a horse stepped on her, is improving. Harry Counsil left Sunday even­ ing for San Diego after spending his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil. Buena Vista day party given * . ' .nna Jean Cheldelm FTiaay evening. Word was receiveu bare of the the death of Mr:,. C F. Goodell Wednesday. Mrs. Goodell is the mott'er of Mrs. Topliff and Alva Uoouell of this community. Edward Topliff injured his arm Thursday when a tractor he was attempting to crank "kicked ’ him. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and Eugene. Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and HAPPY N EW ..a r c d .. to L’jei:yane f f 'i'e send you every good wish fo r a Happy IVew Year, anil for health, happiness and prosperity throughout 1916. It has been a pleasure to serve you, and we highly appre­ ciate your loyalty to us. Towne’s Garage Nyssa Theatre Management and Staff □ I- JAKE’S FIX-IT SHOP lifetime in their lobs. They can tell you that providing electric service is no lob lor an amateur IDAHO VPOWER A SELF-SUPPORT!NO, TAX PAYING BUSINE33 ' ssi Stunz Lumber Co □ to handle—that It takes a lot of experience to learn it fully. S ' P o u n d s1 G rocery □ dation stone of good electric service is Idaho Power people. Many of them have spent their 19*46 AND ALL HAIL % In Malheur County, the foun­ L With firm faith in the future, we enter the year 1946 heartened by your constant considcrat'on for us, and hoping that the N ew Year will be rich in good cheer and blessings for you. Drop in and see us any time. You are always wel­ come here. the skill that comes with many years of experience. People with a sense of duty, so keen it sends them out in the worst eastern 4 Oregon storms to repair service. Phone 49 Yes, friends, all hail to the New Year! ir W a hope 1946 will be a year of many EX T R A S for you. Extra o p p o r t u n it ie s , extra go od health, and extra happiness. The irre p la c e a b le element that makes your electric service good Is — PEOPLE. People with Saunders Mills ,Inc. • The m cla.’glu hour strikes— and, presto! W e shed our worried old selves and enter a new world of I g!.t, merr.ment, flood cheer and hope. id In w is h in g o u r fr ie n d s a H a p p y New Year wa want to add this thought: G o o d E lectric S erv ice Chopped, baled or loose Day after day, wec*c rriter week, and month after month, we want things to get better for you. That’s our order for New Year 1946. Again we say Happy New Y ea r to our friends and patrons. May 1946 bring you more health, happi­ ness and prosperity than you have ever before enjoyed. are the key to your HAY AT THE STROKE OF 1 2 - A h v u . 1 9 *6 / eople with "Know How” Wanted To Buy END ycur ear for thirty sec* ■J onds! Hear that band! Every note trumpets “ Happy New Year T o You,” from all of us over here. t x T * A /# NEW Y EA R . Y E A R Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver were in Boise Monday. Mrs. Alva Goodell was in Pay­ ette Saturday. June Webster and Merreldean Robbins called at the Leslie Top- liff home Sunday. Alva Goodell, Jr., was in Cald­ well Thursday. Cpl. Eugene Cleaver arrived home Wednesday after spending over two years in Hawaai. He has an hon­ orable discharge from the army. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Irvin were in Ontario Wednesday. Ileen Griffith attended a birth­ I Linda and Mrs. Lesar Cleaver were I discharged from the army at Fort In Ontario Saturday. [ Douglas separation center under J. W. Jennings has rheumtlsm. the adjusted service rating plan. Earl Jennings, who has been In Pfc. Carlson, who served for 14 the navy, returned home Sunday I months In Germany and Austria With a discharge. : With the 11th armored division. Is authorized to wear the European Discharged From Army— libooii, good conduct medal, Amer­ Pic. Leland K. Carlson has been ican theatre ribbon, victory ribbon and purple heart. HAPPI e s t N EW YEAR mi mm Min in in nnii in in m u ni.iinii m m in in in mui in urn m in in in in in m i in in in 111:111:111 inniiinin iiiih ininnn ttl« PAGE FIVE