THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1945 Blue Flowering Lettuce (Lactuca! and nuts were served. The girls pulchella) presented the Christinas basket IN THE COUNTY COI RT OF And any other weeds which may I HE STATE OF OREGON FOR be declared noxious during the o Mrs. Maude Pe.k THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR time this district remains estab Mrs. Don Boren a id daughter, Donna, of Nampa were overnight CITATION lished. guests of Mrs. Boren’s ->lste., Mrs. .N THE MATTER OF THE ES- This shall constitute official no- Gayde Martin. TATE OF LOVENA GLASCOCK, \ tice of the creation and establish- Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb A Minor TO: zinnia Hite, Viola ment of said weed conrol disrict RATES: Two cei>t6 per word for each Issue. After one month one Fields. Thelma Anderson, Gloria and is served upon any and all were Ontario shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Martin were cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. Glascock, LaVerne L. Thomas a n d ; persons interested therein, by au O. R. Hite, and all other persons thority of the said County Court overnight guests Saturday In the O. J. English home in Roswell. interested in said estate: for said County and State by publi Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman In the name of the State of cheli Butte. Cash Turner, Rt. 2 cation thereof In the Gate City and Donna were Sunday evening viioc ELLANEOUS Nyssa. 27Dlxp. Oregon, you are hereby cited and Journal, a weekly newspaper of dinner guests in the L. W. Dlerking required to appear before the , general circulation within said Sale FOR SALE—Six foot Servel Elect- Judge of the County Court of the County and State, for a period of home. The evening was spent play FOR SALE—Three registered here I rolux refi igerator, kerosene burner. County of Malheur, in the City of two successive weeks, and that Im ing pinochle. Miss Frances Eastman arrived ford bulls, 18 months old, four Clifford S. Wr.ght, mile north and Vale. Oregon, within ten (10) days mediately following the last public home Sunday from Seattle to spend from the date of the service of this ation of this official notice the pro registered hereford cows, and two 14 east of Adrian. 27D2xp citation, If served within Malheur the holidays with her parens, Mr. visions of this act shall be enforced 18-month-old hellers. E. W. Spang County, and within twenty (20) in accordance with the purpose and and Mrs. E. E. Eastman She Is taking cadet nurse's training In ler, 303 Eleventh avenue, north, days, if served In any other county intent of said act. Seattle. phone, 1055, Nampa, Idaho. 13D4xp. LOST—Anyone knowing of cattle of the state, or within twenty-eight H. S. Sackett, County Clerk The Napon school gave an inter (28) days from the date of the branded with pitchfork on right esting Christmas program Friday FOR SALE—Quality baby chicks first publication of this citation, evening. Mrs. C. E. Witty has been hatching every week after January hip or back notify Zack Walker. Re if served by publication, and show substituting for her husband, who 1. Buy in Nyssa and you buy the ward. 180tfc. cause, if any you have, why a li best. Lemon’s hatchery. Phone 111J, cense should not be granted to the Elmer Sparks left Monday morn has been quite ill of pneumonia. Nyssa, Oregon. WANTED said O. R. Hite, as guardian of ing for Buhl, Idaho to get a load He is now recovering. Young people of the Community FOR SALE—New dinette set, table WANTED—Automobile salesman, the person and estate of Loveni j of cattle. United Presbyterian church did Glascock, a minor, for the sale j A bridal shower was given at the 4 chairs, sideboard and lamp table. Nyssa territory, consider able war | of said minor’s one-sixth (l/6th) I Adr ian American Legion hall Christmas caroling in the comm Mary Query at Charles Ditty ranch, Interest in common and undivided Thursday afternoon, December 20 unity Sunday evening. Refresh- route 2, Sunset valley. 6Dtfc. veteran. Box 51, Parma, Idaho. nens were served to the group at 27D2xc. of the following land and premises for Mrs. Robert Hamilton, former he parsonage late in the evening. The West one-half (WV4> of the ly Donna Ashcraft. The bride re FOR SALE—Brand new flat rack The Bible school children of the for 114 ton truck. Call Charles WANTED—To care for children. northeast quarter (NEVi) and the ceived many lovely and useful gifts Schweiler. 03R6. 20D2xp. House in back of New Tile Plant. southeast quarter <SE14) of the After the preents were opened hurch presented an interesting Christmas program Sunday morn- 20D2xp. northeast quarter ( NEV,), both in refreshments were served. FOR SALE—1934 Ford V-8 coupe. Helen Gonnason. Section five (5), Township twenty- Mr. and Mrs, Ira Richards and ng, with a good-sized congrega- Excellent motor and tires. Phone WANTED TO REN T-Farm up to one (21), South Range forty-six Connie Lee were visitors in Adrian ion in attendance. Christmas eve andlelighing worship service and 03J4. 13D3xp. 80 acres with living quarters. Or (46), E. W. M. Thursday. i cantata "The Choir of Bethle Dated this 20th day of November Mrs. J. C. Nevin’s seventh and hem” FOR SALE—New grates and re would like work on farm that can were presented by the choir eighth graders gave their Christ pays for any make of stove. Also furnish housing for family of four. 1945. The Adrian Free Mehodist church H. S. Sackett, County Clerk mas program Friday morning ai stove pipe, dampers, flue stops, Write Joe Wilson, in care of By Johanna Smit, Deputy, Clerk the grade school building in Adrian held its Christmas program and pokers. Nyssa Furniture Co. 29Ntfc. Journal Office. 20D5xp. of the County Court. so th at many of the mothers could ■antata Sunday evening, with a FOR SALE!—Good 4 room house WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for attend he Kingman Kolony pro arge congregation in attendance Adrian high school held its an- 100 by 120 lot, Cash or terms. live fox feed horses. Phone 8, Pay IN THE COUNTY OF THE STATE gram in the afternoon. lual Christmas party Friday after- OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Bernard Eastman. 13Dtfc. ette. The junior play, "Mama’s Baby " 12Atfc. O F MALHEUR Boy”, given Thursday evening in loon. A pep rally was held and four numbers were sung by the FOR SALE—Farms ranging from CITATION the high school auditorium was MISCELLANEOUS 30 acres up to 200 acres. Prices IN THE MATTER OF THE ES well attended. iange from $100 to $25C an acre. MISCELLANEOUS—Custom haul TATE OF THOMAS E. GREER, John Peck was taken to the A. L. Atkeson. 20Stfe. ing, anything, any time, any place DECEASED. Nyssa Nursing home last week IN THE NAME OF THE STATE seriously ill with heart trouble. 20D4xp. FOR SALE—Used trash burner. Al Stanley Reffett. Several parents of Adrian att most like new. Nordale Furniture MISCELLANEOUS—Taken up, one OF OREGON: TO THE HEIRS store. 22Ntfc. yearling steer October 12. Owner AND NEXT OF KIN OF THOMAS ended the Kingman Kolony school E. GREER. DECEASED AND ALL Christmans program Friday af FOR SALE;—1939 Buick, good rub may have by identifying and pay PERSONS INTERETED IN SAID ternoon. The welcome speech was ing for keep. Wolfe Brothers ranch, ESTATE—GREETING. ber. Inquire at Towne’s garage. given by Allen Haney. Miss Es WHEREAS, J. C. Greer, the Ad ther Fogleman's first and second 20D2xp 14 miles southwest of Nyssa. 13D3xp. ministrator of the estate of Thomas grades gave a short play entitled FOR SALE—Eureka vacuum sweep STORAGE— Consolidated Freight- E. Greer, deceased has filed in this "The House of Christmas ". Sever er and attachments, excellent con ways * building, First street. See court and cause his verified pet al readings were given by different 24Mtfc dition. Phone 013R5. 20Dtfc. Jake at the Fix-it shop. ition, praying for an order of pupils of the fifth and sixth grad MISCELLANEOUS—Sewing mach sale of the following described real es. Miss Mary Weir's third and FOR SALE;—1938 Dodge pick-up. Excellent condition. Stanley Reff ine repairing. Reconditioned mach estate, belonging to said deceased, fourth graders gave group read ings and songs under the title ett. 27D4xp ine bargains. F. “Lete" Sackett, to wit: "Christmas Times”. Mrs. Maude Ontario. 8Ntfc. Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block FOR SALE—Good stove gas. Signal Peck’s fifth and sixth graders gave 90 of Westfield Addition to Service. 20D3xc. HAVE THAT STOVE OVERHAUL several skits, "Youthful Presents", the City of Nyssa, Malheur ED—At Ed Case’s Highway Mdse. "Don’t Open Until Christmas”, County, Oregon for the rea FOR SALE—The equipment of the Mart. No. of Y, phone 74J. INtfc. son that the personal property be "Jack Frost and the Nosers,” “Dick’s home laundry. Anyone having longing to said estate has been Joke”, "Christmas Kindness" and laundry here please call for it be MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate car exhausted and the proceeds there “Mother Decides". Presents were . fore January 1. 27Dlxp. and cylinder lock keys made. Gam from are insufficient to pay the distributed and treats given to the ★ The New Year is ble store. 250afc. debts of said deceased and ex school children and pre-school chil- ' FOR SALE—Boy’s bicycle, with like a ship coming in, BUTCHERING penses of last sickness and of ad Iren by the P. T. A. balloon tires and kick-up stand. In its hold crammed with Miss Arlene Peterson arrived Custom bt ’chering ever:' Mon ministration an that it is necess good condition. Inquire Journal office. 27Dlxp. day and El-iday. Beef, sheep and ary that the whole of said real es home Sunday to spend the Christ- j a precious cargo from nas holidays with her parents, Mr. tate be sold for such purposes: pork. Sanitary butchering guaran ports unknown. For Sale— Two jersey cows, extra Now, therefore in the name of and Mrs. K. I. Peterson. good. Fresh middle February. 12ft teed. Phone OftRl. All stock must the State of Oregon, you are here Miss Emily Otis arrived home It is our earnest and 110. Guy Moore, Kingman Kol- come in Thursday or Sunday after by cited and required to be and Saturday to spend the holidays ony, Rt. 1, Nyssa. 27D3xp. hope that its arrival with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. appear before the County Court noon between 1 o’clock and 7. No Harvey Otis. will mean for you much FOR SALE;—One good Chester stock accepted on butchering day. of Malheur County, Oregon, with Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis White boar, 1 year old, 16 miles One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta in 28 days from the date of the and family arrived here Saturday that was unexpected in first publication of this citation, to southwest of Nyssa, north of Mit- avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc show cause why a license should afternoon from California to spend both material and spir not be granted for the sale of Christmas vacation with relatives. itual blessings. Adrian Girl Scout troop No. 2 such real estate as prayed for. WITNESS, the seal of the County met at the home of Norma Jean Court of Malheur County, Oregon Dierking and held their Christ E. W. PRUYN mas party. Mrs. J. C. Nevin, their this 17th day of December, 1945. former leader, was a guest and H. S. Sackett, County Clerk was presented with a potted flower. NOTICE OF ESTABLISHING After games were played and a SPECIAL WEED CONTROL D IS Christmas basket prepared refresh ments of jello, cake, cocoa, candy I TRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That under and by virtue of Chapter 5, Title 35 of Oregon Com piled Laws Annotated the County Court of the State of Oregon for AUCTIONEERS OPTOMETRISTS Malheur County did on the 5th day of December, 1945, by resolution MARION OSBORN duly and regularly passed and ad DR. J. A. McFALL opted, create and establish a Weed Livestock and General "See McFall and See B etter” Control District within said County Auctioneer and State, the boundaries of which are more particularly described as follows: Starting at a point at the inter- 30, Twp 20 S, R 47 E, and Oregon Idaho Boundary line, thence, west EYESIGHT SPECIALIST along the north side of Section 30, ONTARIO OREGON Twp 20 S, R 47 E, Section 25, 26, 17, 28, 29, to the Northeast sec tion corner of Sec. 29, Twp 20, 1 46 E, to the west bank of the PAULUS Owyhee River, thence in a south westerly direction along the west JEWELRY STORE >ank of the Owyhee River to- its Union Pacific Time Inspector Intersection of the west line of JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Section 23, Twp 21 S, R 45 E, WATCHES thence south along the west line of Main Street at Second 3ection 23. to the southwest sec tion corner of Section 23, Twp 21, WYCKOFF R 45 E, thence east along the JEWELRY STORE outh line of Sections 23 and 24, Official Time Inspector for Twp 21, R 45 E and south line of Union Pacific Section 19, 20. 21, 22 Twp 21, R OREGON 16 E, to the Snake River, thence Kt. 2, Ontario, Oregon ONTARIO n a northeasterly direction along Phone 354-J-4 GEORGE JACKSON ’he Snake River to the Oregon MODERN WATCH REPAIRING Idaho boundary line, thence north PHYSICIANS along the Oregon Idaho boundary State Licensed line to point of beginning. Watchmaker SARAZIN CLINIC That the purpose of said Weed ONTARIO, OREGON Control District Is to prevent the J. J. Sarazin, M. D. 3*4 blocks N. nf city Hall spreading and development of nox K. E. Kerby, M. D. ious weeds hereinafter described General practice of medicine DENTISTS and to prevent and destroy the X-ray Physiotherapy blooms, reseeding and reproduction J. R. CUNDALE of the following noxious weeds: White Top (Lepidium draba) * Dentist Physician and Surgeon Canada Thistle (Carduus arven- Phone 56-J 5 IS) Phone 37 Sarazin Clinic Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Russian Knapweed (Centaurla Daily—Except Sunday NYSSA OREGON pieria) Morning Glory (Convolvulus ar- vensls) Classified I.etfal A d v e rtu in g Advertising PAGE THREE glee club. Olfts were distributed The W. E. Plercy family were Sunday evening dinner gueuts in the William Toomb home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch of Centralia, Washington were cai.ers In the Veinon Parker home Sun day evening. Kenneth Parker of Elgin, Oregon Is visiting in the E. E. Parker home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Pounds were business callers in Welser the past week. To Give Dance— The Eagles lodge will give a New Year's eve dance December 31 for members. They will also hold their regular Saturday night dance December 29. For L.Oál t)EW YEAR. Adrian NEW YEAR GREETINGS Professional And Business Directory .JEWELRY STOKES \ 7ICTORY does not only apply to nations at war. We can win victories over our selves, too, and over the problems which lay in our path. As 1946 sweeps in upon us we wish for each of you an unbroken series of victories over any and all circumstances that may tend to retard your progress towards every individual’s cherished goals — health and happiness. Good luck to you every step of the way! L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gamble Store greetings Our wish for 1946: . .. that our hopes for you of today will be realized tomorrow and on all the succeeding tomorrows of the year that lies ahead. ^Jieafth . . . ^Happiness ¡Prosperity To you . . . and you .. . and you Freeman’s Machine Shop Public Farm Sale Two miles east of Nyssa at Howard’s Corner at Junction. Six miles northwest of Parma, 10 miles south of Fruitland on 95 highway. Saturday, December 29 Sale Will Start At 1 P. M. Lunch Served 5 HEAD i HORSES • ) 1 Roan saddle horse, 8 years old. 1 Bay horse, good cultivating horse, 9 years old. 1 Smooth mouth bay mare, work or ride 1 Team, bay horses, light, age 7 and 9 years. 14 HEAD CATTLE 2 Guernsey cows, 3 yrs. old, freshen soon. 1 Jersey cow 1 Jersey, 4 yrs. old. 1 Guernsey and Jersey cow, 6 yrs. old. 2 Mixed heifers, good. 7 Mixed calves, last spring calves. MACHINERY 1 Horse disc. 1 Corrugatorj 1 Walking plow. 1 Set harness and collars. Some used pipe. 1 Wide machine trailer axle. Some fence posts. About 80 poles. 1 Hay rake. 1 Good mower. 1 Studebaker pick-up. Some new and used lumber. 1 Wheel barrow. 1 Garden cultivator 1 Milk cart, 2-10 gal. milk cans. 1 Float. 1 Light stock trailor. HAY AND GRAIN 13 Tons hay. Some Barley. 6 HOGS 2 Barrows, 200 lbs. 2 Hereford bred gilts, 250 pounds, farrow in Jan. 2 Chester White bred gilts, 250 lbs. farrow in Jan. MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous articles suck as forks, shovels, etc. some canned fruit and jars. 50 White rock pullets. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2 Bed springs and mattresses. 1 Clothes closet. 1 Dining room set, table, chairs, buffet. 1 Chest drawers. 1 Electric radio. 1 Davenport. 1 Platform rocker. 2 Arm chairs. Stands 1 Oil heater. 1 Cook stove. Dishes. 2 Kitchen tables and chairs. 2 Linoleum rugs. 1 New electric hot water tank. Singer sewing machine. TERMS; CASH J. T. Howard, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Auct. L. H. Fritts, Clerk Other property may be brought in not mentioned on this bill by Community.