THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1945 PAGE TWO , Oee In Roswell, Wednesday after- ] noon The Gate City Journal Mrs. Vlrl Bishop and Mrs. Har vey Bennett asaisted in the cantata Editor and Publisher ^resented by members of the Ad KLASS V. POWELL rian Presbyerlan church Monday evening. ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Martin 35c gave a Christmas party for their $2.00 Open rate, per Inch pupils at the Wade school Friday *1.25 National, per inch ..... 35c afternoon. Single Copies ___________.06 Classifieds, per word... ....2c J. L. Raney of Parma was a bus Minimum ... 30c (Strictly in Advance) iness visitor In Bend Sunday. Pvt. Donald Gibson, who Is at a military school In Den Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon tending ver. arrived home Sunday to spend Entered at the postofflces at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission his visiting his parents, through the United States Malts, as second class matter, under Mr. furltugh and Mrs. Will Gibson. the act of March 3, 1879 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van de Water arrived from Kansas Saturday and staying at the Haworth home. lty, among both adults and young are Ralph Haworth left Sunday morn Big Bend people. ing from Caldwell for Pittsburg, Charles Witty suffered a heart California to spend the holidays A number of severe cases of In attack last Wednesday and was at the home of his daughter, Eve fluenza are reported In this vlcln- taken back to Holy Rosary hospi lyn, and see the new grand Mrs. Haworth has been tal. He had been a patient there daughter. there for the past month. | two weeks before suffering from a Mrs. Joe Brumbach left Monday W HY PAY pneumonia attack, for Salt Lake City to spend the Mr, and Mrs. Leland Shipley left holidays with her parents, Mr. and for Los Angeles Wednesday to Mrs. W. S. Ahesrn. ,'per.d a few weeks visiting rela Fred Gibson, who has been ser SUPRIMI tives. iously ill for several months passed WUey and Mr. Wolf return away early Monday morning at the COLD W AVE ed Mr. to their homes in Arcadia, Cal home of his cousin Will Gibson, HOME KIT ifornia Wednesday after a month’s where he has been cared for since Bach kit contains 3 full visit in the Bishop homes. ounces o f Salon-type he was taken 111. Mr. and Mrs. Will solution with Kmrlium, Corp. Jim Miller and Mr. Ray Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe 6 0 C u r le r s , 60 en d » , mond Holly spent Thursday shop Brock went to Caldwell Monday tissues, cotton a p p li ping in Boise. cator, neutraliser and afternoon to make funeral ar 7«Jr«f only 2 to 3 com plete instructions. H our» at H om o Mrs. Darrell English attended a rangements. Christmas party for members of Miss Virginia Miller, who is a the Ladies aid of the Presbyterian Red Cross worker at the USN hos O w y h e e D r u g Co church held at the home of Mrs. pital at Corvallis will arrive home Wednesday for a 10-day vacation at the ohme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Miller. Many Bend people are entertain ing at Christmas dinners, while a number of others are to be guests of relatives or friends in near by towns. Both Bend schools held their Christmas programs Wednesday evening and parents and friends enjoyed the entertainments, alter which Santa appeared and pre sented a generous treat. In district 47 the following pro gram was given: "Welcome Time," by all; Christmas Story by all pu pils; piano solo, Creta Baldwin; "In Santa's Sleigh." primary pupils; IIAPPY piano solo. Louise Nielson; “Christ mas In Santa’s Toy Shop,” lower SEW YEAR room; "Two Little Stockings,” Ber nice Finn; "Their Christmas Stock ings," Lois Nielson, Johnnie Witty. Betty Jones and Donald Jones. Christmas star and bell drill, Phy CORDIAL GOOD WISHES llis Curtis as star, all girls In drill. In district 46 the primary pupils TO ALL OUR FRIENDS gave a number of recitations, and pre-school children contributed al so. The poems by Allan Bennett, *1» Karen and Sharon Roberts and Time waits for no man, and 1946 Phillip Hatch were greatly enjoy ed. Mrs. Hatch accompanied pupils Is no exception. That is why we when they sang “Jingle Bells.” hasten to send our New Year's Other numbers on the program were ’’Welcome,” Dick Bennett; Merry wishes to you good folks In town Christmas Bells song, “Thoughts ol and all around town. Christmas. Eva Mecham; recitation. "Carol Joyfully,” Donna Ricks; IT'S GOING TO CE A song, "Jingle Bells,” by all prim ary pupils; "Christmas Land,” Al lan Bennett; "The Reindeer Know,” by Lawrence Handler; "If I Were Santa,” Barbara Baker; Santa Claus drill by 10 pupils; "Christmas Time Is Here,” by Albert Sillonis; candle drill by eight pupils; “Thoughts of Christmas," Mary Lou Ricks; Christmas question, Jimmie Packwood; “Cold Decem ber,” Barbara Peterson; "Christ mas Spirit," four pupils; “Christ mas Again," Dwayne Bennett; "Christmas Comes," Maryan Hand ler; "My Secret,” Elma Gene Hand ler; "A Letted To Santa,” Christine Handler; "How Christmas Comes," by four boys; closing number, "Merry Christmas,” Richard Lee. Roy Mecham, then appeared as Santa and delivered gifts and treats. Both schools and high school %¿u/ pupils are enjoying a vacation. Mrs. Martin surprised pupils of (W uvi both ro.vms with a teat of pop com balls. Nyssa Lumber Company Mrs. Truman Wagner of Eugene and Leo of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wagner returned to Eu gene Monday evening and Leo re turned to Portland Tuesday. Several of'the children has been absent from school because of In fluenza. Ted Bates was a business visitor In Boise last week. The Sunday school gave a short program Sunday morning. Election of officers will be held next Sun day after classes. gram Friday night, Dec. 21 The school will be closed until Jan uary 2 for ths holiday vacation. Mrs. Solon Miner of Vale spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Lalri Pry on, who has been 111. Mrs. Harry Thurman of Med ford Is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Zittercob and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wagner en tertained their three sons at a pre-Christmas dinner Sunday, In cluding Lealand. who has Just re turned from the Pacific, Mr. and H A P P Y NEW YEAR- 1946 • • WE SALUTE YOU AS THE NEW YEAR DAWNS 4.15 Ironing boards, good ones Mail boxes, U. S. postmaster-approved 1.45 4.50 Crosscut saws, 6 and 7 foot $1. to 2.40 Stove boards 22.50 Zenith bicycle, good tires 9.95 Wheelbarrow Handles for hammers, axes and picks. » Ed Case’s HI-WAY MDSE. MART "Glorious the yeor that for you wcil:, Eeyund Tomorrow’s mystit gates" * Nyssa Funeral Home 30 one arid all and cBedt(lÛiiltes ★ Now, when the hopeful New Year is about to take its place on the world stage, we salute the brave men and women who have so splendidly guarded America’s precious heritage of freedom. We salute you, too, good friends and neighbors. Our» is a debt of gratitude we can hardly repay. Better days are ahead for all of us, we are reasonably sure, and we want you to know how deeply we appreciate your friendship. it H APPY NEW YEA R * . . . a year relieved o f the tensions and w or ries that have marked the past few tw elve SYMBOL OF STRENGTH IS THE OAK. W H ICH EXTENDS ITS LIMBS HORIZONTALLY IN DEFIANCE OF GRAVITY. months . . . a year in which you w ill know again the unfettered freedom and the " w i l l MAY SUCH STRENGTH AND STURDINESS BE YOURS to d o” o f the good old days— that is our IN 1946 AND IN THE YEARS TO COME— STRENGTH TO wish for you as w e are about to enter 1946. May it be, indeed, a glorious year for you. WEATHER EVERY STORM AND CROSS-CURRENT THAT LIFE MAY BRING. GOOD LUCK TO YOU. GOOD FRIENDS. AND MANY Nyssa Elevator HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Olson-Stratford- Hartley Produce Co. John E. Ostrom %pw ShftBWsSlKS iodjou- Gfi££TMG$ HAPPY NEW YEA R . "ftest Wishes * Arcadia cutd Miss Wilma Bullard, who Is at tending the Multomah Bible school In Portland Is spending the holi days with her parents. Mi and Mrs. Otis Bullard, and family. Bob Lay of Okonogan. Washing ton arrived Saturday to visit his brother. OUn Lay and family and his father, who makes his home with Olin Lay. The Arcadia school gave a pro- Home* aglow everywhere. It'» New Year'», and the latch-atring it out! As w« are about to turn over a new, and—we hope— much brighter page for 1946, | we thank you far your gen- eroui support during the past Beware Coughs year, with the hope that Di from common colds vine Providence will bless your home in many unex That Hang On pected ways. Best wishes for a very Happy New Year! Chronic bronchitis may develop If 1» U‘ ‘1* Nyssa Furniture Company Across Street from h o l id a y Reclamation office. trita j-our cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis Is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulslon which goes light to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulslon blends beechwood creosote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the understanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you «19 to hays your money back, .CM » Jbrthe NEW YEAR A good beginning for the N e w Year, w e believe, is a good wish — and a good resolution. Our good w ish is for you — PnxuUcoHat' 4 T i 0 4 t We hereby proclaim that we are resolved to give our friends and patrons the supe rior kind of service that will keep them wearing a path to our door. We furthermore proclaim that our friends are the finest in all the world, and we wish them loads of good luck, good efieer and good health for the year 1946. more health, more happiness and. prosperity! And our resolution— resolved to 19 4 6 Brownie’s Cafe g iv e you s t ill better service in Lynn Snodgrass