Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1945)
PAGE EIGHT THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1945 mim CHRISTMAS MEETING HEED The Christmas meeting of the ANK Garden club was held at the home of Mrs. W. L. McPartland last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. C. C. Hunt as co-hostess Mrs. W. H. Bunch of Adrian gave an Interesting talk on Christmas decorations. She showed a large uuap book, which featured Christ mas arrangements for doorways, mantels, tables and trees. She then demonstrated the making of several hovel and interesting table arrange ments. The members exchanged Christ- A JOYOUS SEASON With many good wishes for your health and happiness. Pol ar Cold Storage mas gifts, after which refreshments for the Sunday school Christmas were served by the hostess. program. Mrs. Robert Crummett of Ontario, -5 - GIVE BIRTHDAY DINNER other of Mrs. McPartland, was a Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman itest. entertained at dinner Sunday for - 5 - Sl'NDAY DINNER GUESTS Mr and Mrs. Wayne Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borgman daughter, the occasion being Mrs. entertained Sunday at dinner for General and Mrs. L. D. Patch and Morris’ birthday. - 5 - Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Patch of Pay GIVES PARTY ette. Mrs. W. R. Campbell entertained -5 - WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETS the Tuesday evening club at a Mrs. Harry Miner was hostess to Christmas party this week. Miss the Wednesday evening bridge club last week. Ouests of the club were Eva Boydell was winner of high Mrs. Emma Quimby, Mrs. Tom core and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin second Eldredge and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher. high. Mrs. Burnall Brown and Mrs. Prizes were won by Mrs. Quimby, John Bishop were guests of the Mrs L. A. Moulding and Mrs club. Eldredge. -s- - 5 - ENTERTAINS SUNDAY TUESDAY CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Whitaker The Tuesday afternoon bridge . ub held its annual Christmas were hosts to the Sunday evening party at the home of Mrs. Joe aridge club. Mr. and Mrs. George Sutherland. High score winners in 3allee and Mr and Mrs. John bridge for the past year enter Bishop, former members of the tained the other members of the club, wene guests. Prizes were club. A 1 o’clock lunch was served. awarded to Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Har ry Miner and George Henneman. -5 - GUILD ENTERTAINED LADIES COUNCIL MEETS The St. Paul’s Guild was enter The ladies council of the Christ tained at the home of Mrs. Artie Roberson. The annual election of ian church held a missionary meet officers were held. Mrs. Hilda Ten- ing at the home of Mrs. Ralph sen was elected president, Mrs. Ar Curry December 13. Devotions were tie Roberson, vice-president, and -ed by Mrs Warren and the miss- Mrs. Bernard Eastman secretary- ionary program was conducted by treasurer. Plans were completed Mrs Whipple. Refreshments were ________________________ ______ served by the hostess. The next meetin* 1Q w111 at ** the held January home Thursday, Qf Mrs able. Steel will be short on account of the diversion of material to automobile manufac turers. For Sale May the holiday season be rich in blessings 1 Steel dump body and one 8 by 18 stake rack for truck. SIGNAL SERVICE GIVES DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown en- ertalned at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and their son, Lt. and Mrs. Sid Brown, who returned from Tacoma, where Lt. Brown received his discharge from the army. Too Late to Classify Freeman's Machine Shop WANTED—To care for children. House in back of New Tile Plant Helen Gonnason. 20D2xp. ;3 H e rrt) hrfetnwiÿ THEATRE Special Christmas tjid in g /s o f J o y ' SHOW Monday, Dec. 24 2:30 P. M. Seven cartoons and two comedies Admission 30c and 9c, Inc. Tax Special Free Cowboy Show Starring Red Ryder and Little Beaver Christmas morning at 10 o’clock FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DEC 21-22 Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “TARZAN AND THE AMAZONS” Johnny Weissmuller, Brenda Joyce, Johnny Sheffield In “This Is America” and Flickerflashbacks Features Saturday 8, 8 and 10 P. M. Mat., Sat., 8:50 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax ft! ^ 1^2» 1 o ? Winebrenner Flying Service One© m ore w© a sse m b le in h a p p y reu n io n to c eleb rate the age-old tradition of C hrist m as. Short though the d a y s, lo n g though the nights, the g lo w in g b a c k g ro u n d oi C hrist m a s m ak es a ll h e a rts light. mas Happy To You From All of Us. CURRY PRODUCE I May you all have a Very Merry Christ mas And a Happy New Year. ABBOTT SHOE SHOP BEST WISHES For a Christmas day filled with happiness and a New Years that is filled with blessings. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE your every every hour filled with happiness, and good cheer be yours Best and very mas New R ecalling now the h a p p y re la tio n sh ip s oi 1945 w e w ish y o u the choicest b le ssin g s this ho ly sea so n c a n bestow . Nyssa Sanitation Service wishes yours Merry and a Year. to you for a Christ Happy RONALD’S SHOE SHOP INTER-STATE OIL COMPANY at Christmas and throughout the new year ahead. Œ ililniai , J W ~ !2 T > GORDON’S DRIVE-IN Get Your It will make you sigh a little, cry a little and laugh your heads off! Peggy Ann Garner 165 S. W. First Avenue “JUNIOR MISS” Telephone 17 Adm. 8Sc-Bc, Inc. Tax One block west of Moore hotel, Adm. Evenings, 40c-Sc. Including Tax And New Year. YULTIDE GREETINGS And Best Wishes Benson Glass Shop “YOU CAME ALONG” Merry, Merry Christ- wish be granted, TUESDAY, DEC. 25 CHRISTMAS DAY Cartoon and Sports Subject Just an old fashioned May From A flyer’s story of three great guys and a won derful girl ! It zooms with gaiety and heart-soar ing romance. Robert Cummings, Elizabeth Scott, and Don De Fore In Nyssa Packing Co. During this happy Holiday season Special Prices Friday and Saturday Features Sunday 6, 8 and 10 P. M. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, DEC. 26-27 MERRY CH RISTM AS 'HARK THE HERALD ANGELS SING' Mat., Son., 8:30 Adm.. 30c -9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax Featurea Tuesday 6, 8 and 10 P. M. HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY MEETING NOTICE—The regular meeting of Nu-Acres Grange Dec ember 28 will be devoted to install ation of officers. Mr. Howard will Glass — BARGAIN NIGHT— On Hand, 600-16 and 4.75-19. Certificates Required CHRISTMAS JOY FOR SALE]—1940 Chrysler Traveler, fluid drive, heater and radio. Good tires, good condition. Half mile east of O'.e’s corner. Howard Day, j on Fred Province place. 20Dlxp. Cartoon and Passing Parade “KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY” << FOR SALE—1939 Bulck, good rub ber. Inquire at Towne’s garage. 20D2xp SUNDAY AND MONDAY, DEC. 23-24 Here come the G. I. Jills! It tells of three lus cious lovelies who go for a guy named Sam— Uncle Sam! Lana Turner, Laraine Day, Susan Peters and Bill Johnson In TIRES WANTED—To buy phonograph in FOR SALE—Eureka vacuum sweep er and attachments, excellent con- • dition. Phone 013R5. 20Dtlc. PROGRAM All-Cartoon and Comedy FOR SALE—Pre-war electric train, FOR SALE—Floor lamps *18.75 good heavy-duty construction. Price and up, with assorted pleated white $10. R. G. Hawley, Nyssa-Parma shades and bases of onyx, bronze junction, 20Dlxp. SCOUTS MEET Girl Scout troop number 4 met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Bernard Eastman, Monday after noon. A Christmas padty plan ned and given by the girls con sisted of a play and Christmas songs. The St. Paul’s guild, spon sor of the troop, presented the girls with a troop flag. Twelve members, were present. Should be done at once while time is avail Phone IOÔ MISCELLANEOUS—Custom haul bred weaner pigs. James W. Steph ing, anything, any time, any place. ens, Rt. 2, the Bennett ranch. Stanley Reffett. 20D4xp 20Dlxp. FOR SALE—1938 Dodge pick-up. FOR SALE—White enamel Mon Excellent condition. 20D4xp. arch range. In good condition and FOR SALE—Good stove gas. Signal kitchen cabinet. Mrs. Ray Huff 20Dlxp. Service. 20D3xc. man, Box 723, Nyssa. Whipple. Machinery Overhauling NYSSA be installing officer. Members please good condition, Inquire at Journal and Ivory. This fine assortment bring a cake. 20Dlxp office. 20D1XC. arrived today. Nyssa Furniture 20Dlxp. rOH SALE—Ice skates. Outside FOR SALE—Two room house. 12 Store. tree lighting sets with colored light feet by 24 feet. See Mrs. Virgil globes. Metal mail boxes. Hl-way 20Dlxp Mdse. Mart, north of Y on high Seward at Skier’s. NEW FIRESTONE way 20. 20Dlxc. FOR SALE—Chester White pure Ontario, Oregon Auto glass installed while you wait Santa Claus would never get down the chimney with our load of good wishes for a M e r r y C h ris tm a s to the people of this community, because he just couldn't squeeze through. You've been m iyity good to us and we appreciate it beyond words. VVe want you to enjoy Christmas this sea son of 1945 as never before. Window’ glass installed. Furniture tops and mirrors made to order. A n d y M c G in n is December 21 and 22 Wooden toys, regular price $1.89 Sale Price $1.29 Dolls and animals 20 per cent off A few dresser sets 10 per cent off Christmas cards greatly reduced VVE ALSO HAVE A FEW PARKER PENS GIFTS OF QUALITY Owyhee Drug Company