PAG E FIVE THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L TH U R SD AY, DECEMBER 20, 1945 also assisting. Raymond Whittle, son of Mrs. A hot lunch program wan start Florlne Whittle, has chicken pox. ed at Lincoln school Monday, Dec- I Lincoln school pupils were dls- ember 3. It Is being sponsored by mi: ed from sc hool Friday so that the P. T. A. Mrs. Orien Hainllne the teachers, Mrs Findley, Mrs. Is hot lunch chairman and Mrs. Be.mal, and Miss Schultz might Austin Robbins, the cook. Mrs. attend a teachers meeting In On Jule Houston, R. T. A. president, is tario. I lncoln school pupils will present a Christmas program Friday even ing. December 21. BILL LANE Roscoe Bianom left Tuesday for Douglas, Wyoming after visiting his Auctioneer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frank for a week He will visit his sister Phone 116J Nyssa in Douglas and then will go to Chicago, where he will reside. Lincoln Heights Your Ford Tractor may need a tune up— It may need a general going over— Whatever it may need— BRING IT IN! W e do a better job— W e do it for less— W e have genuine Ford Tractor parts in stock— W e know the Ford-Ferguson Hydraulic System— Putting it in tip top shape is our business— BRING IT IN! KROPP & SONS Ford Tractor Dealers N 0 E L BRING IT IN! Phone 85 Branom was employed there before ing for a location. entertained at a family dinner this week visiting In the Ellis Wal- Smuckal of Walla Walla, and Fred Klingback. Only two candles were Johnny Hickey underwent an op parly last Sunday in honor of Lt. tare home. he entered military service three eration Saturday night. He is re- Ralph Bennett and family. Mrs. Earl Province returned to placed on a ' beautifully decorated years ago. Mr. and Mrs. joe Brock and her home from the Ontario has- | birthday cake. Lincoln district has reported co.eting satisfactorily. Delno were guests ca t Wednesday pltal Wednesday and is doing well. | _______________________________ Vincent Phillips of Boise visited evening of Mr. and Mrs. Letter Chiistmas seal sales amounting to l ittle Be'-ky Lou Gregg was hon- H I.55 thus far. Mrs. Wesley Blan over the week-end at the Tom Murray of Roswell, who entertain or guest at a birthday dinner at ton is this district's chairman. ed at a Christmas party honoring the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Pettet home. Mrs. Ida M. Kielhorn of Portland Mrs. Fred Trenkel has received their son. Seaman 2/c Leon Mur- j Martha Klingback. Guests were the j announces the marriage of her word that Lt. LeRoy Fuller has ray, who is enjoying a furlough. George and Jesse Gregg families,; daughter, Dorette Louise Kielhorn, landed in New York after spend Mr. and Mrs. Kem eth McDonald to John Bllxt, Jr., son of John Blixt, ing 15 months in France. Belgium, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sr. of Molalla, Oregon. The cere and Germany. He expects to be dis Owyhee Item? mony was performed by the Rev. charged soon and plans to meet Mrs. Anna Larson is quite ill Donald MacCleur Saturday, Nov his wife in Kansas City. He will re ember 24 at 2:30 at the home of main in the east to complete his of pneumonia. Her daughters, Mrs the bride's mother. The bride’s college work. He was a student Jennie Brown of Los An teles and grandfather, Fred Menneke, gave at Oregon State College before en Mrs. Esther Cottengin of Kem- m b in u t i her in marriage. White chryanthe- tering the service. He formerly , ville, Oregon, are here to be with mums and candles over the fire- made his home with the Trenkel her. Her sister. Mrs. Carrie Vllbet, and son, Noah, of Gateway, Oregon I place were used to decorate where family. were week-end guests in the Lar the ceremony took place. Harold Trenkel, son of Mr. and son home. I The birde was attired in a white Mrs. Fred Trenkel of Lincoln, left Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smuckal of gown with satin bodice and tulle Tuesday morning for New York, skirt, with satin flowers appliqued where plans are being made for Walla Walla were week-end guests Sing out the glad Wishes for you on the skirt and a long tulle veil his marriage this month to Miss of their aunt. Mrs. Martha Kling- falling from a headdress of seed Aranke Macsicska. Mr. Trenkel has back. and other relatives. story The George and Jesse Gregg I irearls. She carried a bouquet of been discharged from military duty Happiness families were business visitors in white roses and bouvardia. after service overseas in Germany O f a Christmas long The bride's attendant was her and his bride-elect has been re Boise Tuesday. F 2/c Donald Brewer of Nor Prosperity only sister. Miss Helen Kielhorn. leaf ed from service in the Pacific ago folk, Virginia is home on an 18- She wore a dress of blue net with area with a WAC detachment. day leave. a crown of red roses in her hair Mr. and Mrs. Derrel Percy are In the town of Beth Good Health The Sunday school Christmas and carried an arm bouquet of red parents of a son born Tuesday, roses. The flower girl, Janet Mat- December 4 at the Ontario hos program will be given Sunday lehem. morning in conjunction with the son, wore a dress of pink marquis pital. Lasting Peace Sunday school. Rev. Kriner will ette. She carried a nose-gay of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Domby of also deliver a message. for-get-me-nots and bouvardia. Maiheur City visited at the home Prayer meeting will be held Wed Robert S. Bonn was best man. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill nesday evening, December 26 at BERNARD EASTMAN About fifty guests were present Leavitt several days last w»eek. the home of Mr. and Mrs. William at the ceremony. A reception follow Miss Velva Neal of Payette is Gregg. George Gregg will be the ed the rites at the bride's home. staying at the Buel Hi. key home. leader. The Misses Anna Wauters and Mrs. Fred Weldon of Vale has Mrs. Byrd Walters has returned Frances Bonn and Mrs. Clifford A. been visiting at the Derrel Percy from Alameda, California and Is Matson and Mrs. Robert Bonn as home. She is Mrs. Percy’s mother. sisted. Mr. and Mrs. Alien Hainllne vis The couple left on a wedding ited at the home of his brother, trip to California following the Orien Hainllne, Saturday night be ceremony. The bride chose a blue fore leaving for Spokane. After a street dress as a going-away cos week's visit with Carl Hainllne and tume. She also wore a corsage family in Spokane they will make of yellow roses. their home in Boise. They have The bride lived in Lincoln Heights been farming in the Vale vicinity. several years and was a graduate Ralph Barnes has an infected of the Ontario high school with finger and is under the doctor's the class of 1940. care. The groorn has recently been re Leslie Frank, who has spent the leased from the medical corps of past few weeks with his parents, the army after service in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frank, has They will make their home in gone to California, where he will Ontario after January. be employed. He is a world war II Dolores Blanton will be installed veteran. as inner guard of Bethel No. 25, Order of Job's Daughters, at the installation services held next Wed nesday evening at 7:30 a t the Both Bend schools will hold their Masonic hall in Ontario. Mrs. Ida Kielhorn of Portland Christmas programs Wednesday TOWERING ABOVE A CARE-BOUND WORLD IS THE her father, Fred Menneke and her evening, and Christmas vacation son-in-law, John Blixt, Jr. spent will start Friday. CAREFREE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. INDEPENDENT OF Corp. Jim Miller arrived hom e! a few days last week in this com from his marine base at San Diego, munity transacting business. TIME, INDEPENDENT OF PLACE. INDEPENDENT OF Mrs. Wesley Blanton entertained Monday to spend his holiday fur the Rebekah Friendship circle with lough with his parents, Mr. and CIRCUMSTANCE. IT EMBRACES ALL. NONE CAN -fr One o f the biggest a Christmas party at her home Mrs. F. A. Miller. items in your Christmas Wednesday afternoon, with six Mrs. Della Bunne’l of Boise ar ESCAPE ITS M AG IC SPELL teen members present. Mrs. Hester rived Sunday for a visit in the stocking this Yule season Lang was co-hostess. Camqron home. of 1945 will be our note FOR YOUR MANY EVIDENCES OF GOOD WILL IN Christmas games, a gift exchange The grade teachers of Bend and a song festival formed the af schools attended a special meeting of thanks to you and our ternoon's entertainment. Mrs. Eve at Ontario Friday at which all 1945 WE SINCERELY THANK YOU. wish for the biggest, lyn Keasling and Mrs. Joe Hamil the teachers from this county were in attendance. ton were prize winners. merriest, happiest Christ Refreshments of plum pudding Miss Letty Bronson returned mas you have ever had. and carmel sauce were served. from Holy Rosary hospital in On- I The Lincoln Heights Grazing as tario, Wednesday, where she un- sociation held a meeting at the j derwent an appendectomy the pre- Claude Page home Friday evening. | ceding week. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Goodell and Mrs. Reno returned home Sat- | family of Nyssa and Miss Lois urday morning from Pas Robles, Brooks of Payette were Sunday din California where she spent the ner guests at the home of Mrs. past five weeks caring for her Ethel Goodell and family. mother, who was suffering from Levi Johnson left last Monday a broken leg. for Edison, Nebraska, where he The Jolly Janes are holding their was called because of the serious Christmas party at the home of illness of his mother. Mrs. Harvey Hatch, Tuesday, Dec- Mr. and Mrs. Merle Forbes of i ember 18. Loramie, Wyoming, and Mr. and Charles Witty, who was a patient Mrs. Young of Scotts Bluff, Ne in Holy Rosary hospital, was able J braska, spent Thursday at the For to return home Wednesday. rest Sayers home. They are look Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett Ontario Nordale Furn. Store Amimos am ti to A ll tTU HOLIDAY R fB E T I N G S T oday’s grow nups are only yes terd ay ’s children who once stood before a fireplace on the Christm as Eves of the past, or who, ju st before Christmas, were as good as they could be. The h eart of the Christmas season is friendship and eternal youth, and we could not ask for finer friends than ours. I t makes us happy to greet all our friends th is Christm as season of 1945 w ith the best of Y uletide wishes. N yssa Funeral H om e Big Bend Time To Hang Up Youz Stocking Towne’s Garage ~ Olson- Stratford- Hartley Produce Co. ____ - ..... .. J CHRISTMAS IS THE TIME o f ^ , A N Y T IM E Çl y Et V ^ e v itía u t fie tta fa f a w uy fiupfiy for friendliness, for fhe HRISTMAS open house and the open heart To each o f us the word Christmas summons many happy memories. To some if recalls a ride over the frozen countryside to grandma's, sleigh- bells tinkling all the while. To others it recalls happy reunions in mirth- filled living rooms, gay banquets and glowing Christmas trees. But to all it recalls days o f charm and endear ment, the hafticst days o f our fives. May you know this happiness in all its dullness once again, dear fr'm d s, this Christmas season o f 1<H5. IR K 9MC MK It is the time, too, for us to greet our friends, to thank them for their c o n sid e ra tio n of us, and to wish them all a ATTRACTIVE INTEREST RATES very Happy Christmas. First National charges NO brokerage— NO commission FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOLLINGSWORTH HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT CO. OF PORTLAND M EN SE* FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Farmers' Supply Co-op