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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1945 PAGE FOUR NEWELL HEIGHTS held with Mrs. K. I Peterson. The Influenza Is «till confining Mr. and Mrs. Jake Borg* left older folks as well as younger folks Wednesday for Sacramento, where to their homes. The Fldalea Arnica girls met they will spend the winter visiting with Patty DeHaven Thursday ev relatives. ening. The Newell Heights club, Modern Mrs. Carl Hill's daughter's hus Pioneers, will postpone Its Tuesday band Is seriously 111 at his home In nfgh* party because of Illness. Colorado. The Mary and Martha missionary meeting was held at the Hill home Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Tog- gleman as assistant hostess. Mrs. Lealand H. Wagner, son of Mr. DeHaven led devotions, Mrs. Earl Parker, prayer cycle, and Mrs. and Mrs. J M. Wagner, who for Hurst the program on uprooted the past three years has served with the AAF will revert to In Americans. The next month’s meeting will be active status January 22. Mr. Wag- Arcadia Wanted To Buy HAY Chopped, baled or loose Saunders Mills ,Inc. Phone 49 B R IN 4 I N 4 B E S T W IS H E S FO R A MERRY CHRISTMAS catlon, enrollment rees can be ner will return to Ontario to spend were held. The annual party given for the paid under provisions of the Q I hD terminal leave, and then re- contest will be held at the Glenn bill of rights. Courses offered by -ume his work with the Union Hoffman home December 31 by the extension division Includes all F -c lfh railroad. Jie losers. The next meeting will The Arcadia Sunshine club met be held at the Loyd Cleaver home the required high school subjects In English, science, mathematics, at the school house December 13. January 10 . and social studies, in addition to A polluck dinner was served and pre-flight aeronautics, accounting the Sua-hlne Sisters exchanged | and business English, mechanical gifts. Election of officers was held. drawing, and high school Latin and Mrs. Amy Stradley was elected president, Mrs. Betty Oarren, vice- Two units toward high school Spanish. 3. A combination of correspon pi esldent .and, Mrs. Viola Pryor, graduation will be allotted all Ore ecretary-treasurer. gon veterans returning from ser dence and regular school work, if Mrs. Ellis Warner Is working at vice, Hugh E. Rosson, director of his principal approves. I f the vet a tailor shop in Ontario. the state department of veterans' eran needs, say, five units to grad E. M. Hauser county 4-H club affairs, pointed out this week In uate, he can clear four of these agent organized a cooking and a outlining a program whereby service by one year of high school, and ewing club at the schoolhouse last men and women may complete their he may also complete his fifth | unit by taking a correspondence week. Mrs. Clyde Bowers is the secondary educations. i-ewing leader and Mrs. Fred Shil A unit Is the equivalent of one course on the side. Principals and ling cooking leader. school year of study in one subject , high school teachers have been Miss Clarabel Wright o f Boise and 16 units are required in Ore asked by State Superintendent Rex visited at the home of Mr. and gon for high school graduation. Putnam to assist the veteran In Mrs. George Moeller. The awarding of two units for a his correspondence study problems. 4. Night school classes conducted Mr. and Mrs. Shilling of Sterling, veteran's basic training has been Colorado, returned to their home announced by the state départent In Salem and Portland. 5. Part-tim e attendance In regu last week after a visit here with of education. their son, Fred Shilling and family In addition, high schools may al lar high school, to fulfill individual and heir daughter, Mrs. Benedict low credits for training received In graduation requirements. The vet and family. army or navy service schools, based eran can get his best Information Several of the school children upon an evaluation guide prepared on this from his high school prin have been absent due to sickness. by the American council of educa cipal, or from a veterans' organi There was no school Friday. The tion. Here are further steps the zation In his home town. teachers attended a meeting In veteran may take to secure the Ontario on health and physical necessary credits for graduation. education. 1. Enrollment In full-tim e high Mrs. George Moeller gave a party school classes. He will be received Mrs. Dick Oroot spent the week December 15, for her daughter, the same as any other student, but end In Boise visiting her daughter, Joretta, who celebrated her 8tn if over 21 years of age may be Mrs. Marjorie Fields. birthday. Those present were M ar subject to the rules covering pay Mr. and Mrs. George Smit of garet Bates, Janice Dowers, An ment of tuition as they apply in his Nu-Acres called on friends in this nette Stradley, Joan Matherly, I particular school district. community Sunday afternoon. Margaret Butler, Kimako Fujita, 2. High school correspondence Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen and Jean Moeller and Mrs. Glen Dow courses. Information, and applica Verla were Boise visitors Saturday. ers. Ice cream, cake and cocoa tion, may be obtained by writing Miss Norma Jensen accompanied were served. the general extension division, Ore her parents home to spend the Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dowers and gon state system of higher educa week-end. family were business visitors in tion, Eugene. These courses are ac Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson Caldwell Friday. cepted by any standard high school and Dale were Nampa visitors Sat Mrs. Louise Pryor was taken to in Oregon for credit toward gradu urday afternoon. the hospital In Ontario last week ation. The veteran is advised to for observation. consult his principal first, however, Reports T o Bremerton— Miss Clarabel Wright of Boise to avoid duplicating courses he may S 1/c (A M M i Jack McKee left visited Mrs. Dail at the Otis Bull have taken before entering the ser Friday for Bremerton, Washington ard home Thursday evening. vice. ifte r a visit with his wife and Otis Bullard, Vern Butler and Because these courses are ap on and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller attended a school proved by the department of edu- George McKee. meeting In Nyssa last Thursday evening. HIGH SCHOOL WORK OFFERED VETERANS COLUMBIA AVENUE TO OLD FRIENDS AND NEW W e are quite old-fashioned over here — old-fashioned enough to know that to merit the confidence of the entire community every transaction w e make must rest upon the solid foundation of full value given. M ay good old-fashioned Christ mas cheer brighten for you the hours of this glorious Yuletide season. Nyssa Lumber Company John E. Ostrom S of snow on the roof, and firelight, the lovely litter of Christ mas on the living room floor. Certainly there’s a Santa Claus, and ns we wish you a M erry Christmas we add this wish for good m easure: M ay good old St. Nicholas come laden, this Christ mas of 1945, with more of the good things of life for you than you have ever before enjoyed. INLAND OIL COMPANY m mm i mi in ut hi in in in in in in limi in in in in ni in ira hi in n mm mm m HiHimiramiiiiiraraiiimiiriiiiM) To One And All J.E. Brower fhone Nyssa 95J Phone Parma 6J2 H I L D R E N looking out o f the window at a des olate landscape try to catch a glimpse o f a mythical sleigh drawn by mythical reindeer. But there it naught that it mythical about the eplrit o f Chriitmae that traniform s the commonplace. That Chriitmae o f 1945 may be fo r you the happieit Chriitmae o f all ie our ein- cere with. C Benefit Dance Sponsored By The Owyhee Riding Club Saturday, December 22 Nyssa Gymnasium Six Turkeys Given Away Proceeds for benefit of rodeo grounds fund. Kenneth Pound’s orchestra will furnish music. Adm. $1.00, including tax Qßappie^t- *•> ,, O. VO': HOLIDAY SEASO N e s one and a ii BLANKET . peace and stillness and warmth FOR PLUMBING AND PIPE FITTING CALL Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and daughters of Grand Island, Nebras ka arrived at the H. L. Day home for a visit. Mr. Day has recently been discharged from the armed forces. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topllff, Ro- maine Jennings, J. W. Jennings, Ralph Qlenn and Jean G riffith have been 111 with Influenza. Alva Goodell left Friday for Hale, Missouri to be with his mother, who Is 111. S. B. Hoffman spent Thursday at Huntington. Glenn Hoffman, Ray G riffith and H. L. Day attended a sale 111 Kingman Kolony Thursday. S. B. Hoffman has returned from a visit In Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and Leonard and Mrs. Alva Good ell were in Ontario Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram left Tuesday for South Dakota, where Mr, Bertram will visit his parents. Garnet Belle and Robert Ritchie have been ill with chicken pox. David Highland spent Thursday with Donnie Share. Mrs. S. B. Hoffman entertained the Out Our Way club at her home. A potluck dinner was ser ved at noon, with husbands of members attending. Mrs. Glenn Hoffman and Mrs. Alva Ooodell gave a reading. Games were played with Mrs. George Cleaver winning high prize. Exchange of Christmas gifts and drawing names for the who's who A T5 f i Q» Nyssa Furniture Company « hi m in mm www 11 muh «nom hi hi hi hi h : w F irmi miirawimiiim hi um iiriiiiiiiiHiiniwin . b Q to aM S YU1ÉÎIM THE QUEST OF HAPPINESS has ever been the ultimate goal o f human beings. A Salute to our friends and a big, hearty Christ inas wish to you all, this merry, merry Christmas season. Looking hack over the year calls to mind our greatest source of pleasure has been our contact with folks like you. Some find happiness in one w ay; some in another; and man)- never find it at all. W h atever road you As the Shadows may have been taking in your pursuit o f happiness, I fall on the close o f an may your fondest hopes be realized during this other year, we desire to express our deep O ne other thought: w e want every one o f you of your know that w e deeply appreciate everything you have appreciation good w ill and frien d done fo r us during the past year. ship, and to wish fo r you during the Christ mas season o f 1945 all the better things that life affords. Eder Hardware Co. “Let not one heart be sad today, May every child be glad and gay, God bless thy children, gicat and small, In lowly hut or castle hall. And may each soul keep festival At Christmastime ” Christmas season o f 194?. Frank T. Morgan Insure In Sure Insurance HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. J. L. Herriman Owen Gann Doug. Bateman Clifford Ashby Edwin Werderman W alt Looney Hank Briscoe Cecil Florea Wayne Ptercy Marcella Lowe Mrs. J. L. Herriman Ii We wish oN of our friends a •riERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS Brownie’s Cafe