, * v ► Z— r - *V V>l ' • - *- — t * i \ , • 7Vie NYSSA V(>LLMË XXXX------ Ñ TTT7 Lions Object To Prostitution In Nyssa Vicinity WASH CLOTHS FOR SERVICEMEN NEEDED JOURNAL 22, 194C NYSSA, OREÖON7 Football Value Is Stressed At Annual Banquet FATHER OF TED POMEROY DIES IN IDAHO HOSPITAL Malheur’s AAA Elections To Be Held Next Week AUTOMOBILES ARE Harris-Voeller STOLEN AND THREE ; MEXICANS ARRESTED« W ill Erect New Mrs. W. E. Schireman, production chairman of the Red Cross, issued Two automobiles were stolen in O. S. Pomeroy of Kimberly, Ida­ an appeal this week for wash cloths Nvssa and were recovered soon af ho, father of L. W. (Ted* Pomeroy Federal Agent Says Cities for servicemen m government hos- j pr0gram Sponsored By of Nyssa, died in the Twin Falls Farmers To Help Formu­ terwards and three Mexicans were Lots Purchased At Second pita Is arrested in one case on a charge of hospital at 12:45 p. m., November Lions For School late Conservation And Bower From Mrs. Now Responsible Women are asked to make thej grand larceny over the week-end. 19. Squad Program Hoxie For Problem wash cloths from old blankets, tow­ An automobile owned by B. Snow Funeral services were held in the Farmers attending the annual el ends or other suitable mater­ of Nyssa was stolen Saturday night The Harrls-Voeller Theater corn- Following a talk by a field repre- ials and send them to Mrs. Sc lure- J Talks by members of the Lions Methodist church at Kimberly Wednesday afternoon at 2:110 with AAA community elections next week few hours pany, operator of the Nyssa theater, sentative of the federal security j man immediately. The cloths should club and the Nyssa high school will help formulate Mat.ieur county's I and was recovered a football squad indicated that the Rev. M. H. Greenlee, former Nyssa 1946 agriculture conservation pro-1 later at the Nyssa airport across has purchased six lots in block 9 agency, division of social protection, be 10 by 12 or 12 by 12 inches, officiating. Interment was in speakers received about as much pastor, at Second and Bower streets from the Nyssa Lions club passed a re- i the Sunset Memorial park at Twin ; *ram - 113 wel1 “ selecUa* committee I snake river. good from the banquet given by ! Falls under the direction of the men to administer this and other C. C. Patterson's automobile was Mrs. Lula Hoxie for construction solution at its luncheon Monday the Lions club for the gridsters White mortuary. i farm Programs during the year. stolen from Nyssa Sunday night, of a new theater building, A. O. noon calling upon the city council Tuesday night as they did from Mr. Pomeroy had made his home G!en L- Hutchinson, chairman of football. However, some of the ex- to enforce the law prohibiting pros­ in Twin Falls county for the past ^ county AAA committee, said Chief of Police J. R. Dolan said Wells, manager ef the local theater football players emphasized the 35 years. He is survived by his that EOme 47 conservation practices he caught three Mexicans in the announced. titution. fact that the game is a great x H Harris of Burley and c c Representatives of the city coun­ widow, Alice, seven grandchildren are included in the 1946 state hand- car as they were leaving town. The cil attending the meeting expressed, Approximately . 400 . adults , and developer of character as well as and the following sons and daugh- boolE’ bot * • » “ »** <™ "tys all^ a- Mexican nationals, Manuel L. Sal­ Voeller of Buhl were here last week .. , . inas, Abel Z. Torris and Porfinio A. themselves as . being in favor of . I i chi dren attended the building fund physique. . . ' banquet sponsored by the L. D. S. R. G. Whitaker led the group in ters. Mrs. O. D. Tilley of Hansen, Uon oi funds wbl ,,ot ** enough 10 Martinez, waived preliminary hear- 40 make arrangements for the pur- Idaho, Ml's. Lester Bockstahler of pay for a11 oi the practices that BarTnt Burhans of San Francisco ¡“ in the school gymnasium last singing one verse of "America” and Lvanston, Illinois, Mrs. C. R. Es- local farmers and ranchers will i ing in Judge Frank D. Hall’s Jus- chase of the property. They intend tlce court and were placed in the to erect a modern theatre on the said that federal pressure for con- . evf alnB’ , Coach Howard Lovejoy introduced tensen of Tacoma. Marcus A. Pom- waat perform next year' 30 the county Jail. Sheriff C. W. Glenn lots when building materials are trol of venereal diseases is "now 1 During the program Bishop Arvel the members of the squad. Reed eroy of Han ,en, Idaho and Ted ielection Practices which will re­ took the prisoners into custody available. Tentative plans call for ceive first priority on the county off" and that "it is up to cities and Child expressed satisfaction with the Ray played two accordian solos. Tom Moore, co-captain of the Pomeroy of Nyssa. funds will be referred to operators Wednesday. a theatre 50 by 135 feet, with seat­ towns to handle the problem.” The success of the affair and thanked ing capacity sufficient to take care for their recommendations at the federal worker said the army and all those who in any way contribut­ 1945 team, said “football has meant a lot to all of us this year.” community meetings. of the anticipated business in Nyssa navy discharges their men without ed to it. The Relief society women, with Toastmaster G rant Rinehart paid The job of "rationing" conserva­ for several years to come. It will any trace of venereal disease and tion funds so as to promote the probably be constructed of white that the responsibility for keeping Arvilla Swensen, Selma Poulsen and tribute to Laverle Toombs as the ■ practices that will have the highesi cement blocks. them that way now lies with the Ann Beus in charge, did the cook­ best football player that Nyssa ever ing. Hostesses were Mrs. Sherman produced. Toombs, playing center j value to the farmers in conserving Both Mr. Harris and Mr. Vieller civilians. ) Bybee, Mrs. Dave .Mitchell, Mrs. on the team, was co-captain with .. . _ _ . were impressed with the way Nyssa A 4-H achievement program was roil and water was cited by Mr. Hut- There Is at least one house of IdMio Power Company has pur- has since t Gilbert Kesler and Mrs. John Moore. He was unable to attend held and officers were elected at a chinson as only one of the reasons prostitution in Nyssa, but the fed­ 4-H assembly held in the Adrian j why the best man available should chased the electric power plant and theatre buslness from Mr Lel h eral government has received no Schenk. The dinner was served by i the banquet. lines of the Jordan Valley Electric severaI They aUo express_ complaint from this vicinity for a girls of the junior and Gleaner I Bob Church reported th at Nyssa high school building last Friday be elected to committeemen posts Cooperative. Inc. Transfer of own- ed ln future * Ny. ages. | made 85 points against 35 points The committeemen chosen to the everting. year, Mr. Burhans said. «JW P oocurro^November tt. fol- ^ by thelr wllllngness to make . William J. Beus, master of cere- ; made by opponents. Moore was the “board of directors” of the county The new officer : were elected :is "Venereal disease was the great­ lowlng action taken by the luuuws. n President w m u of ui the u.c girls, ( m e Do- i ^ j - agriculture conservation association, . mem- . . large investment in the town to est saboteur of manpower in the monies, presented a program of ; greatest point-maker with 36 points, follows: accomodate theatre patrons. first world war,” Mr. Burhans sta­ talks and musical numbers. After ( or six touchdowns. George Billings lores Salter, and vice-president, I will have charge of local o p e r a tio n s ,* « 0/ “" W » ' ’lv*; wbo If conditions warrant, the com­ ted. “Before world war 2 .officials community singing led by Mrs. W, was the second best scorer with 18 Ilea Kreager; president of the boys, | of government price support pro- L - lfl Nov *. O. Peterson, the following pro­ points. The Bulldogs were handed Donald Elliot; and vice-president, grams—which promise to become in - 1 * 7 10 i*11 electric pany will operate both the new and decided something must be done. system. gram was presented: Accordian their worst defeat, 21 to 0, by Ivan Jensen, and joint secretary for cieasingly important to every far- the present Nyssa theatre. Commercial prostitution is the prin­ “It is our plan to extend our solo, Reed Ray; reading, Mrs. Vil- Vale. both groups, Arlene Herey. I >**cr dining agriculture’s transition cipal cause of venefeal disease.” transmission system into Jordan George Billings said one of the During* the achievement program ! from war to peacetime production, The United States May law out­ bert Kesler; two violin selections, Valley as soon as materials can be ANN BRADY MEMBER lawing prostitution will not be ef­ Lynn Lawrence, school music in­ things that the boys look forward reports wei e given by club members I "If these and other programs, secured, thereby making available structor, accompanied by Mrs. C. W. OF SPEAKING GROUP to as much as anything during the on their trip to summer camp at : such as the federal crop Insurance fective after May, 1946. In Jordan valley and the contiguous Mr. Burhans discussed the re­ Buchner, and an amusing magician's football season is the annual ban­ Payette lakes, 4-H club summer program, are to be truly farmers’ territory electric service from the UNIVERSITY OF OREOON, Eu­ quet given by the Lions club. school, and Pacific International programs, then they must be ad- pression of prostitution in Seattle, act, Tom Moore. (Special)—Ann The remainder of the evening "On behalf of the football squad at Portland. Ellen Judd gave a re- | ministered by able men who are Idaho Power company inter-con­ gene, November where a well organized underworld I thank you very much." port on her trip to Salem, where | representatives of all farmers in the nected system," C. J. Strike, pre­ Brady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. is now in operation. After action was spent in dancing. The aim of the Lions club is to she entered the canning contest county,” Mr. Hutchinson declared. sident and general manager of the James I. Brady of Nyssa, has been had been taken under duress, the named on the university symposium help develop the community, said in state-%ide completion. "Unless farmers accept the respon­ Idaho Power company, said. chief of police and mayor learned V. P. Laca, president of the Jor­ squad. president Bernard Frost. ADRIAN TO HAVE sibility of helping to administer A first | aid demonstration was that the houses of prostitution were Consisting of 30 members, the “Athletics are one of the main given by ' firee 4-H health club ¡these programs by electing their own dan Valley Electric cooperative, said headquarters for the underworld. FREIGHT DEPOT subject things in high school that develop members from the Adrian health eaders, then they will cease to be that the residents of Jordan Valley |4squad 4s divided » to Under the new regime, petty crime organized the Jordan Valley Electric groups: Columbia valley authority Plans have been announced for young boys and girls. Football es- club, Donald Newbill, Everette Aus- farmer;,' programs." was reduced 50 per cent. (Continued from page 2) Hutchinson urged full attendance cooperative in 1940 and installed a and Pan-American relations. They man and Fred Deffer. "Law enforcement officers can the establishment of a freight depot ( local diesel generating plant. will study during the current term Blue ribbon winners were recog­ at the community meetings, which only reflect the will of the people,” j in Adrian. "Service has been supplied to the nized. They were Diane Jones, Ar­ include Kingman Kolony, Kingman community by this system at rates and starting winter term in Janu­ Burhan said. “The federal govern-1 Two officials of the Union Pac- ary, members in groups of two or lene Piercy, Delora Salter, Ruby kolony sohoolhouse, and Big Bend, approximately 30 per cent above ment is vitally interested in the ific company recently investigated Lou Hite, Donald Patch, Myrna Wade schoolhouse, Tuesday, Novem­ the Idaho Power company rates. three will be prepared to speak by communities in the U. S.. b u t1 the Adrian situation. The building request before any group in Ore­ Lane, Elaine Stokes. Joyce Fancher, ber 27, and Nyssa, Nyssa high After more than five years of oper­ gon. there is no federal law against pros- will be erected on the railroad Mildred Sparks, Patsy De Haven, school building, Wednesday, Nov­ ation the cumulative results show titution. However, Nevada is the \ right-of-way near the Thompson Organizations Interested ln sched­ ember 28. only state in which prostitution is ' Oil company plant, The 1945 sale of Christmas seals Ilea Kreager and Ellen Judd. that the association has not had uling the speakers are asked to not illegal. \ Clyde Steelman will be the was started November 17, Mrs. Jes­ E. M. Hauser, county club agent, sufficient earnings to take care of contact Robert D. Clark, assistant “The veneral disease rate w ent, freight agent. sie Fraser, Malheur county seal sale mentioned those who had won its loan payments after operating professor of speech ln the university. chairman, announced this week grand champion awards, most of down in the towns where repress- I -------- —------------- expenses, without allowing anything ion was undertaken during tne Vi- it At Wilder— Her committee of 36 community whom were winners in county-wide for depreciation or replacement of war. You can control the person* Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear chairmen placed 5000 letters into national contests and will therefore the property," Laca said. to a certain extent, but you can't visited at the Earl Snow home near the mail Monday, for as in form­ receive scholarships to 4-H summer “The directors came to the con­ er years, the sale will be conducted school. They are as follows: Cook­ control the disease." i Wilder Sunday. The fourth quarterly meeting of clusion that the continued opera­ largely by mail. The proceeds are ing, Arlene Piercy; and canning the Malheur County Pomona G ran­ tion of the property was not econ­ Sgt. Sink wears the Asiatic-Pac­ used for public health work and and vegetable garden, Ellen Judd. ge will be held Saturday, November omically feasible and could only re­ (Continued on Page 5) 24, in the Willowcreek Grange hall, sult in further losses under the A farm program conference will ific ribbon with two campaign stars, 75 per cent of the returns remain in the county. eight miles north of Vale, with the I present _ . V O V 44V V M !• UIIIOMSilWOi 1, 11C JT 1 circumstances. They re C" be held ln Malheur County during the Philippine liberation ribbon Miss Mary Ellen Powell is chair­ Brogan Orange acting as co-host. I quested and obtalned from Idaho February, members of the county with one star, the victory ribbon, man for Vale, Mrs. Sara Hull for VALE DEFEATED IN The morning session is scheduled to Power company an offer to pur­ agriculture committee decided a t a the American defense ribbon and Ontario and Mrs. Dick Tensen, DISTRICT PLAY-OFF begin at 10 o’clock. chase and take over the system at meeting in Ontario last week. Pete the good conduct ribbon. He was Nyssa. Other communities are re­ Due to the resignation of Erie a price which would enable the Tensen, chairman of the agriculture in the signal aircraft warning ser­ presented by Mrs. G. Y. Chester, The Hood River high school de­ H. Parker, Pomona master, who re­ planning committee presided wjtn vice before V-J day, and since then Harper; Mrs. Lloyd Edmunson, feated the Vale football team by a signed to go to Corvallis to do Jordan Valley Electric Cooperative, 24 persons present. Inc., to pay its loan ln full to the has been in a heavy construction Westfall; Mrs. J. C. Stacey, Grove; scort of 41 to 0 last Friday on the post graduate work at Oregon State The purpose of this conference battalion doing heavy line work. He Mrs. Arthur Antrim, Brogan; Mrs. Hood River field to take the dis­ college in the Smith-Hughes field, rural electrification administration will be to analyze all available and all other Indebtedness. was in the signal corps. Lenore Brown, Jamieson; Mrs. Earl trict gridiron championship an election will be held at the "In that Idaho Power company facts relating to the present agrl- As a result of the victory, Hood meeting to choose a master for Lofton, Ironside; Mrs. Charles Coutz I cuture production and marketing Pvt. Robert Heldt left Tuesday Riverside; Mrs. William Allen, Jun- River will play Cottage Grove at Parker’s unexpired term. Dale G ar­ has agreed to extend rural lines with view to charting the most morning for Greensboro, North tura; Mrs. James McDonald, Beu­ Hood River in the semi-finals. The rison, Pomona overseer, Is acting both to the west and southwest of desirabie crops for the future. Carolina after spending a furlough lah; Mrs. F. G. Holmes, Oregon victor in that game will play the master until his successor has been Jordan Valley and to make service “Agriculture Is Just emerging from with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trail; Mrs. Martha Klingback, Owy winner of the contest between Med­ chosen and qualified. Garrison, available at the uniform Idaho a period of war-time capacity pro­ Power company rates, we feel that Albert L. Heldt, and other relatives, hee; Mrs. Earl Weaver, Cairo; Mrs. ford and G rant high school of himself, has been mentioned as a duction to a perlad when they will Pharmacist's mate first class Lt. Paul W. Heldt arrived Monday J. T. Downs, Valley View; Mrs. Portland, which will be played at candidate for the position. William we have made the proper decision be producing for a peace-time pro­ for ln the final analysis what we Frank Calvert told his parents, Mr. from Hondo, Texas to yisit his Jessie B. Marquis, White Settle­ Medford. Ross, master of the Boulevard desire is adequate and reliable duction.” stated William L. Teutsch, and Mrs. Ben F. Calvert of Nyssa, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. ment; Mrs. Wesley Blanton, Lin­ The championship game will be subordinate Grange, and William electric service to meet the growing assistant director, who attended the in a letter written last month that Heldt, for a few days. coln; Mrs. Dora Vincent, Park; played December 1. Jacobson, past master of the Vale demand of the territory,” Laca said. meeting. “There will be many ad­ he expected to reach Okinawa the Mrs. W. L. Stevens, Pioneer; Mrs. Grange have also been favorably In commenting further on the justments necessary," he stated. Capt. Boyd Brown has arrived in Maurice L. Judd, Adrian; Miss Here From College— next day. mentioned for the place. In the purchases, Mr. Strike pointed out Farmers and home-makers who Miss Claudine Tomlinson, stu­ event of Garrison's election to the “They had a big typhoon up here Honolulu, according to word re­ Kistie Patch, Annex; Mrs. Claude were In attendance were in agree­ that the company now serves all a few days ago, the second in about ceived by his parents. First Lt. Ogilvie, Porter’s Flat; Mrs. F. L. dent at San Jose Bible college, is master’s Chair, It will be necessary ment that adjustments for war. two weeks, so we may get another Sidney rown was In Shanghai for Stearns, Jordan Valley; Miss Jesusa spending the Thanksgiving vacation to elect a new overseer to take his Incorporated communities ln its ter­ so far as agriculture is concerned, ritory and approximately 90 per cent several days while his airplane was Achabal, McDermitt; Mrs. Joseph with her mother, Mrs. Cora Tom­ place ln that office. one soon," Calvert said. of all occupied fvm a within the were less difficult than will be ad­ “Joe Maurice (a cousin) pulled being repaired. He then left for King, Big Bend; Mrs. M. B. Woods, linson. Mrs. Tomlinson and daugh­ Mrs. Blaine Girvin, lecturer will company’s service area, which is justments for peace. Committees of ter spent Wednesday shopping in into Centivetok. The day we left Korea and China. Jefferson; Mrs. Otis Bullard, Arcad­ have charge of the afternoon's pro­ more than twice the national aver- local iarm people will be used to he got to come over Just before gram. ia; Mrs. Fred Haw, Mountainview; Boise. study our farm enterprise for pro­ age. we got underway and we got to PROVO—Raymond Hashitanl, of Mrs. Bernice Antrim, Danner; Mrs. viding major source of Income as “Idaho Power company assumes talk about 15 minutes. He's on his Nyssa, former student at Brigham Joseph Wilcox, Willowcreek; Mrs. well as major agriculture problems the responsibility of completely ser­ way to the states. j Young university, who has been John Lanning, Arock. ving the territory and is ln the of the county. These committees in­ "From the way things are going i serving with the office of price process of completing its rural elect­ clude one on farm crops, truck now I expect to be out here administration in Washington, D. C. Council Holds Meeting— ric service development to the end gardens and horticulture, livestock, another six months at least. B u t \ has received appointment as cap- The executive council of the th at all farms which are within ec­ dairying, weed control, soils, irri­ these typhoons may change things tain in the U. S. army, according Young Adult fellowship of the onomic distance will be served with gation, and drainage, home and some. I believe we are headed for to word received at B. Y. U. He is western district of te Idaho con­ electric service from the Idaho rural life, farm labor, land use and China, though. We should know in to serve in Japan in connection ference of the Methodist church Power system. In extending our sys­ veterans advisory committee. a few days.” with statistical studies of the food met Sunday afternoon, November 18 Members of the various commit­ tem Into Jordan Valley, we assume situation. at Caldwell. Effie Ellen Counsil, this same responsibility of complete­ tees will be named soon, according Relatives of Pvt. Delbert Cleaver Captain Hashitani has been serv­ Irma Hamlin, Irwin Topliff, Mer- ly serving this new territory," Strike to Pete Tensen and County Agent have received word that he is now ing during the war as a statistician ridean Robbins, Chester Counsil and Harry Sandqulst. said. stationed in Japan. in the foods department of the Rev. H. J. Gernhardt of the Nyssa Norris of Newell Heights is sta­ Methodist church attended. Plans Here From Ogden— Lt. John Brown left last week for tioned in northern Japan with the were outlined at the meeting for DR. KERBY ELECTED Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton of California for further army orders. 77th infantry division. a mid-winter rally to be held at STAFF PRESIDENT Ogden were here on business over His wife is with her parents, Mr. Caldwell January 20. the week-end. They were house and Mrs. Jack Pettet of Lincoln Mrs. Alfred Evans received word At the regular monthly staff guests at the Sherman Bybee Heights. this week from her husband who Bishop In Utah— meeting of the Holy Rosary hospital home. Mr. Burton Is in the ice is stationed at Camp Chaffee.Ar- Bishop Arvel Child left Monday officers for the coming year were business. Mr. and Mrs. Barker were Sgt. Martin J. Sink, son of M r.! kansas, saying he had been pro- for Utah to attend to business elected. 1 also guests and returned to their and Mrs. H. B. Sink of Lincoln | moted from private to private first concerning the new L. D. S. church Dr K. E. Kerby of Nyssa was home Monday. Mrs. Barker Is Mrs Heights, arrived home Wednesday | class, and recreation hall which is to be elected president, Dr R. R. Belknap Virginia Bybee’s sister. morning from Ft. Lewis, where he erected here soon. of Ontario, vice-president; and Dr. I _______________ _ had received his discharge. He en­ Discharged. November 16, from G. E. Evans of New Plymouth sec- H e re F ro m B oise__ tered the army April 15. 1942 and the army at the Fort Douglas separ­ From Woods Cross— retary-treasurer. | Mrs. Louise McOaven of Boise has served overseas 30 months in ation center, under the adjusted Miss Carol Bair, daughter if R. A Tacke gave an Informative arrived here Monday night to spend E s te r M re c h , 17, of B eloit, W is., show n w ith h e r 243-pounri p u re b red New Guinea, the Philippines and service rating plan was T/Sgt. Le- Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bair, returned H am p sh ire, w hich w a s a d ju d g e d the b e s t h og a t th e S ixth A nnual C hicago paper on The Rh Factor" in its I the week with her son-in-law Japan. He plans to make his home Roy D. Bair, son of Eugene Bair, from a three-weeks visit at Woods J u n io r M a rk e t show . relation to blood transfusions and and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Joe here. (Continued on page 5) Crass, Utah. pregnacles. | Maughan Nyssa Theatre 400 Attend LDS Building Dinner Officers Named By 4-H Groups Ida. Power Buys J.V. Cooperative Christmas Seal Sale Is Started Grangers Will Select Master Our Boys In The Service vr- Best Hog at Livestock Show Conference For Farmers Planned