Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1945)
THE NVSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1945 PAGE SIX has received his discharge from | John Olsen, was honored guest at ! the army after three years of ser- j a party given in celebration of her vice in Africa and Europe. i first birthday at her home on The couple will make their home Hallowe en. There were 18 guest*, in Coqullle, where Mr. Ewen is Favors of masks, gum, horns and employed in the game department tootsie rolls were given the child ren. Place cards were made of of the Oregon state police force pumpkins. The cake was trimmed - I - In white with black and yellow OAR N ER —S Y M E N U P TIA LS N YS 3A G IR L WEDS giound for tall baskets of large Mrs June Garner of Vale be candles and a large candle In the Miss Clarlsso Tillman, daughter untie, bronze and pale orchid chy- came the bride of Kenneth Syme center. Refreshments of Ice cream of Mrs. C. V. Tillman, and Orvllie santheinums. Mrs. Slromqulst at- of Fruitland Saturday, October 3 and angel food and gold cake were S. McEwen, sun of Mr. and M rs.: tended the bride and Mrs. Slrom- at 10 a. m. served. W. M. McEwen, were united in | quist acted as best man. Following The ceremony was performed by — 8 — ___________ marriage Wednesday. October 24. at the ceremony. The wedding cake Rev. Paul Felthouse at his home A U X IL IA R Y MEETS 8 p. m. in a ceremony performed was served, after which the bride In Payette In the presence of both The American Legion auxiliary, by the Rev. Robert L. Oreene at and groom left on a trip to Ban- the immediate families. meeting November I, cut slippers the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold don. Oregon. disabled veterans hospitals. The bride is the daughter of for Stromqulst, in Coquille. Oregon, Mrs. McEwen, before her mar- Mrs. George Ball and the late Ben Plans were outlined for the pheas The bride wore a wine velvet rlage, was empolyed as a telegraph Franklin of Vale and was the wid ant dinner to be served November afternoon frock with a gardeniaj operator at Parma. Mr. McEwen ow of the late Ralph Garner. She 15. Thirty-six war bonds were re corsage. The couple stood before and small son have been living in ported to have been sold by the a fireplace which was the back- Boise, where she has been employ auxiliary. ed. They have recently been resid - 8 - B AZA AR D ATE SET ing with her mother and step Servine: 5 Counties The date for the bazaar spon father. Real Estate From the Largest Stock of Insurance j Mr. Syme, youngest son of Mrs. sored by the ladles of the L. D. S. Genuine | Johanna Syme of Fruitland. is a church has been set for November Phone 64 I graduate of Payette high school 30. Mrs. Swensen, president of the j and the Caldwell College of Ida- women’s organization, requested all Nyssa, Oregon women to finish their sewing for ■ ho. the bazaar as soon as possible. I The bride wore a powder blue Parts dress, with brown accessories and - - Orders Shipped Immediately E N TE R TAIN S CLUB carried a bouquet o f white roses. Mrs. Joe Maughan entertained her Immediately following the cere mony a bridal dinner was held at club last ednesday night. Mrs. Har «Cr «Cr -Cr T R A C E D «Cr «Cr «Cr the home of the bride’s parents, ry Miner won high score, Mrs. Payette. Idahi Phone 49 Raymond DeLano and Associates after which the couple left for a Kenneth Renstrom, second, and Mrs. Ed Frost, the traveling prize. 15*4 ICE. ft* As*. BE 6171 Partmrt U. Or*. wedding trip to Mexico. \ Bernard Eastman HISSING PERSONS Me Cluer-Manser I will sell at the N yssa Livestock Com m ission Co. SALE FRIDAY, NOV. 9 13 Good Guernsey and Jersey milk cows, 20 head o f young dairy cattle, 1 yearling and 2 calves. GEORGE WHIPPLE Keep Your Medicine Covered With a suitable medicine cab inet. Three-shelf metal chest with mirror, 14 by 20, in the door. N yssa Furniture Co. Across Street from Reclamation Office NYSSA PROGRAM Phone IO Ô 8 THEATRE Buy Victory Bonds FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. 9-10 DOUBLE FEATURE The color and adventure o f ZA N E GREY’S west unfolds in “WEST OF THE PECOS” With Bob Mitchum and Barbara Hale Also Kay Francis and Bruce Cabot In “DIVORCE” Mat., Sat., Z:S0 Adm. 2Sc-5e Inc. Tax Adm. Evruing«, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, NOV. 11-12 Judy Garland and Robert Walker In "THE CLOCK” Highly entertaining, delightful romantic drama. It’s the tender story o f a soldier on a 48-hour leave and o f his heart-warming ro mance with a lovely girl. Cartoon and Special: “ Last Installment.” They will make their home on - 8 - V-CLUB MEETS a ranch three miles south o f Fruit The V-club met October 24 at land and will bft home after Dec the Henry EspUn home on Alberta ember 1. avenue. Refreshments of Ice cream and cake were served. The next CONFERENCE HELD The Relief society conference was meeting will be held at the Harry held last Sunday at 8 p. m. In the Gahan home November 7 at 2 p. m. L. D. S. church, with President Mrs. James Olln will be the pro Swensen conducting. The singing gram leader. — 8 — ______ mothers sang two numbers, under CLUB HOLDS M EETING the direction of Mildred Williams. Miss Miriam Black, emergency Mrs. Irving Duffin and Mrs. D. O. Bybee sang a vocal duet. Mrs. assistant in home demonstration Ersel Beus gave the principal talk. work, gave a demonstration on "su Two board members from Weiser gar stretchers” at a meeting of the stake were sisters, alders and coun Home Economics club of the O re sellor. Each one gave a short talk. gon Trail Grange at the home of The officers of the orgamiaaon Mrs. Roy Holmes, November 1. Mrs. Mable Mack, home man were presented with a corsage, prior to the meeting. After the agement specialist, Oregon State meeting, the visiting guests and o f college, gave an interesting talk on ficers and their partners were en club projects and also outlined pro tertained at the home of counselor jects for the coming year. Officers were elected at a short Selma Poulsen. Refreshments were business meeting. Marie Holmes served to 12. was re-elected president; Erls Bert- tram, vice president; Le Orma FELLOW SHIP MEETS and The members of he Youth fellow Goodell, secretary-treasurer; ship of the Methodist Community Helen Hoffman, news reporter. A fter the election Miss Black church enjoyed a costume Hallowe' en party Wednesday. October 31 served a lunch of sugar-saving In the church social room. Games were played and refreshments were served. —8— PROGRESSIVE P A R T Y HELD The Episcopal church sponsored a very successful progressive bridge party last Thursday night. Seven teen tables were in play. Pinochle was played at the Artie Robertson. A. H. Boydell and J. L. Church homes and bridge at the J. J. Sar- azln, W. E. Cohireman, Glea Bill ings and J. L. Church homes. Prize winners were Mrs. Frank T. Morgan and Joe Sutherland in bridge and Mrs. John Ostrum and Jake Simmons In pinochle. W. W. Deus won the door prize. A fter play, the group gathered at the church for refreshments. -5 - QROUF IS E NTE R TAIN E D The Women's Society of Christ- I Ian Service of the Methodist Com- i munlty church was entertained 1 Wednesday, October 31 at the home I of Mrs. Barney Wilson. Mrs. Wal- I ter McPartland and Mrs. Kinsey I Keveren assisted. j A large crowd of Nyssa women and visitors from Apple valley lis tened to an address given by Miss Mildred Slmonds, a missionary with 37 years of service in Hyderbad State. India. — 8 — G E T 6 P O IN T E LK Herman King and Delbert Oar- ner returned home Sunday even ing after a successful hunting trip to the south fork of Burnt river, with a 6 point elk weighing 1.00C pounds. Several weeks ago King was hunting with De Orr Waters and Rulan King and Dean Dixon, returning with a buck deer. - - I - — B A R G A IN N IG H T— BRONCHIAL COUGHS! BLONDE FEVER” Also Smilev Burnette and Sunset Carson In “CODE OF THE PRAIRIE” Adm. ZSc-9c. Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, NOV. 14-15 Frisco! Boisterous with the razzle-dazzle of its wildest and most colorful era! In delightful Technicolor. George Raft and Joan Bennett In “NOB HILL” News and Color Cartoon Adm. Evening«. 40c-9c. Including Ta« o r B ro n c h ia l Irrita tio n s D m to C o ld s B u c k lo y ’s F a m o u s “ C A N A D I O L ” M ix t o r o A c t s L ik a a Flash Sr en d a fe w cents to da y at any Rood drug: store fo r a bottle o f Ru ck ley 'a C A N A D I O L Mix ture (triple acting). T a k e a couple o f alps at bedtime. Fe e l Its Instant p o w e r f u l ef fe c t i v e action spread thru throat, head and bronchial tubes. It sta rts at once to loosen up thick, c h o k i n g phlegm, soothe r a w m e m branes and make b r e a t h i n g easier. Su fferers fr o m those persistent, na sty I r r i t a t i n g coug hs or bronchial Ir ri ta tio n s due to colds And Buck- ley's b r in g s quick and ef fe c t i v e r e lief. Don't w a i t — g e t B u c kl e y s Can- adlol today. You get r e l i e f Instant'y. NYSSA t ; t • , 612 S. W. 3rd 8t. — Ontario Phone 596-W Day or Night Commercial and Household Repair Washing Machine Repair Gates V Belts “ Chop" T u r n e r-T o n ,” Fischer Your Service Men for 20 Years Attends Opening— D. L. Anderson went to Boise Sunday to attend the opening of the Gem State Wholesale Drug company. The company served a buffet dinner to a large crowd of druggists. PHARMACY 118, between Roy Hashltani’s and Owyhee achoolhouse. T. H. Brewer, route 1. Nyssa. 8Nlxp. FOR SALE— Ideal stock /arm In Apple valley. 84 acres with spring water for stock. Free water for Irrigation besides water In farmer’s ditch. 20 »c-es in hay, oalance in I o o L a t e to C lasaifv poster* and grain. Six room house, W ANTE D —T o trade 1939 three- hot and cold water. 200-feet cased quarter ton International pick-up. well, barn, chicken house, granery, in first class condition, for 1939 or machine shed. A good buy if taken later passenger car In same condi this fall. J. W. Poage, Parma. Ida 8N2xp. tion. Call at Dority Welding Ser ho. In Emmett— vice 8 N 1xc. i ■ — ■— _______________________________I MISCELLANEOUS— Sewing mach- Mr. and Mrs. Merl Lee and fam ily were In Emmett Sunday, visit FOR SALE— 1940 Oldsmobile club hue repairing. Reconditioned mach- ----- ------ — ■ — 1 lne bargains. F. "Lete” Sackett, 8Ntfc. Ontario. Benefit Dance Sponsored By The O w yh e e R id in g C lu b Saturday, Novem ber 24> Nyssa Gymnasium A calf will be given away Proceeds for benefit of rodeo grounds fund. Adm. $1.00, Including Tax MEN NEEDED! Sugar Factory A t The Time and one-half paid after 40 straight-time hours have been worked, plus 7 Y> cents per hour bonus for all hours worked. A man on the lowest pay rate can earn $210 per 30-day month. The Amalgamated Sugar Company Thank You Nyssa FOR TH E M A N Y NICE THINGS Y O U ARE S A Y IN G AB O U T THE NEW 1946 FORD - B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y A T OLSEN’S Mary K. Olsen, daughter of Mrs. Philij) Dorn In * Refrigeration Service - I - Folks Here Attend Concert— Many of the music loving resi dents of Nyssa attended the Mon day concert at Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence attended. Mr. Laurence, music Instructor of the Nyssa school Is a personal friend of the violinist featured In the concert. Others at tending were Miss Virginia Van Slyke. Velma Fox. Mrs. A1 Kuehn, H^rs. Herbert Fischer, Mrs. Glea Billings and Mrs. Crandall and Jerry. 8 1IAS TU E SD AY B RID G E Mrs. A. H. Boydell entertained her bridge club Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Henry Hartley winning high score and Mrs. Tom Eldredge. second. Guests were Mrs. Burnal Brown. Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell, Mrs Tom Eldredge. and Mrs. John Beckham. Mat., San., I:J0 Adm., .'I0c-9c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evening«, 40c 9c, Including Tax TUESDAY, NOV. 13 TURNER ing with their brother Pfc. Oral coupe. Good condition, very good Lee, who was recently discharged Ores. Call 157J or call evenings at from the army. He spent three Wilbur Foster* F LA N PH EASANT FEED 8Nlxp. Nyssa post No. 79. American Leg years In the Philippines. r u n j A L n — lurkeys at Fred Krat- ion. and auxiliary will serve their annual pheasant feed In the Leg Here From Oklahoi zberg farm, route 1, Nyssa. Dressed ion hall Thursday. November 15 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fry and son, whUe you wait or delivered at Thomas. Oklahoma, at 8 p. m. Music will be provided George, of store of your choice In Nyssa. 8N2xp. on the program. Each person at spent last week visiting Mr and tending Is asked to give a humorous Mrs. F. C. Fry of route 2, Parma. W ANTED —Pasture for cattle. W il war story or anecdote. Returned Idaho. They were en route to Port liam Petuz. Phone 010J2. 8N2xc. veterans and their wives are Invited land to visit their daughter, Mrs. to attend. Bill Clark. LO ST—Oldsmobile wheel and tire foods. So That Everyone Can See The Beautiful New 1946 FORD Its Now On Display Obviously there will not be enough cars to go around for awhile, but we are now booking orders for the earliest possible delivery. Herriman Motor Co. Public Sale! A* I am leaving the state. I will sell at Public Auction, the follow ing property, located 3 miles south and west of Parma, on the island, the first house south of the Island school, beginning at 12:00 noon, on— Friday, Nov. 16 3« HEAD OF C ATTLE 15 Milk Cows 1 Guernsey cow. 8 years old, milk ing now. 1 Guernsey cow. a years old. milk ing now. 1 Guernsey cow, 2 years old, milk ing now. 1 Guernsey cow. 2 years old, milk ing now. 1 Red cow. 2 years old, milking now. 1 Jersey cow. 2 years old. milking now. 1 Guernsey cow, 3 years old, just freah. 1 Holstein cow, 3 years old, springer. 1 Holstein cow, 3 years old. just fresh. 1 Jersey cow. 3 years old. dry, freshen last of December. 1 Jersey cow, 6 years old. just fresh. 1 Red cow, 6 years old, springer. I Guernsey cow, 6 years old, milk ing now. 1 Jerspy cow, 5 years old, milking. 1 Jersey cow, 9 years old, milking. 6 Mixed bred heifers, 18 months old. 3 2-year-old steers. 3 Yearling heifers; 8 spring calves. 1 Roan-Durham bull, 2 years old. Tests, production and freshening dates will be given day of sale. HORSES. HOGS. CHICKENS 1 Team good work horses, weight, 3200. 1 Set harness and collars. 2 White sows and 13 pigs. About 90 White Leghorn pullets. M AC H IN E R Y < 1 M IS (\ 1 Rubber tired wagon; 1 John Deere rake; 1 McCormick-Deering mower; i 14-inch walking plow; 1 com cul tivator; 1 2-section harrow; 1 home made cultipacker; 1 Rose corugator; 1 beam; l John Deere manure spreader; 2 garden cultivators; 1 chopped hay bunk; 1/3 horse motor; 1 500-chick kerosene brooder; 1 3-horse gas engine: 1 roll chicken wire; 1 roll hog wire; some barb wire; 200 cedar posts; 1 hog feeder; 16 panels; 1 2-horse fresno; 1 scraper: l Jackson fork; 175 feet of derrick cable; 1 Farm Master 2 single unit milking machine, used 1 year; 12 10-gallon milk cans; 1 milk cart; 1 John Deere beet lifter; chicken feeder; lawn mower; small tools to numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: 1 dining table and 4 chairs; 1 rocker; 1 oc casional chair; 1 desk; 2 congoleum rugs; 1 dresser. Mr. Homer Cate« Will Sell— 1 White bull. 2 years old; 5 white faced heifers, 2 years old; 1 Hol stein heifer, 2 years old; 1 white bull, 1 year old; 1 Roan bull, 1 year old; 1 black whitefaced bull, 1 year old; 1 Guernsey bull, 1 year old, 2 Guernsey steers, 2 years old; 2 Holstein heifers, 2 years old; 1 red steer, 2 years old; 1 red spot ted steer, 2 years old; 1 holstein bull calf; 1 roan steer. 1 year old; I blue roan heifer, 6 months old; 1 white bull calf, 6 months old; 1 red bull. 1 year old; 3 whitefaced bull calves; 1 Guernsey cow, fresh soon. 4 years old; 1 red cow, 4 years old, fresh soon; 1 holstein bull calf; 1 roan heifer, 2 years old; 1 red heifer, coming 2 years old. TERM S ; CASH No property to be removed until settled for. SALE S T A R T S A T 12:00 O ’CLO CK NOON. Lunch by ladles— free coffee. L D. Wagner O W NER B. W. AVERS. Auctioneer M RS AVERS. Clerk For sale dates phone 520-J, Caldwell