THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1945 PAGE FOUR Christmas gift suggestions. Mr. and Mrs. A. M Qoodson and daughters of Notus were Sunday Mrs McKay Hunter and famUy allers at the p 0 Holmes home moved to Boise last week to live. ' Mr and Mrs. F. S. Byers enter- Mr. Hunter will stay here until ¡ained at dinner Thursday even- his crop is gathered and business ln* celebrating the 8th birthday has been completed. |of thelr son' Stanley. Guests were Other Mrs. Irvin Callahan and baby Mr. M r . and and Mrs. M rs. F. r G. u - Holmfes. other lea Dawn, are visiting visitina Mrs. Mrs Call- * “ «*ts were Mr and Mrs Rolland Clea ahan's parents at Ontario Heights. 1 and chlldren Mr and Mrs The L D. S. R elief society of Holmes and daughters, Mr. Cow Hollow was at a French port awaiting transportation home, has been re- turned to Germany, according to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Willis. Pvt Willis is on railroad Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ditty and Robert and Tressa and Sharon | tguery were Nyssa and Ontario visitors Sunday. Andrew Titland began excavation guard duty ln Nuremberg last week prepartory to building a Mrs. Harold Chambers and sons fbasement house on his farm. of Pueblo, Colorado, have returned Charlie Wilson home after visiting her sisters, Mrs. „ Mrs LnarUe WU“ " “ and “ son, ln | James gtephena % and Harley' were bu3meS!‘ VU,UO" Ontario Saturday. i Mrs Carl H111 of Newell Heights. Rlchard poun Boy Ho*mes andJ f ° " nie the week-end as a guest of Richard terly conference, November 11. a t ! Kleasley 0ames were plByed dur‘ 1 Dlven. 8 p. m. Stake visitors will be pre- j mg tbe evening. Refreshments w e re , Mlss Mlldred Adams has been Mrs. Lily Dement and Mr. and £ent j served. Stanley received a number 1 quite ill the past week. Mrs. Moonman of Myrtle Point, The young people of the L. D. S. oi nlce glits Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Grider have Oregon arrived at the home of F. C. Fry is ill. church of Owyhee enjoyed a roller returned to Sumpter after spend­ Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen shop­ skating party at Ptuitland Satur­ ing the week-end at the Charley day for a visit. ped in Ontario Thursday. day night I Grider home Mr Grider has pur- Those who left last week to hunt Mr and Mrs Ollbert Holmes and Irvin Callahan brought ln 14 | chased some abandon houses ln elk were Otis and Charles Bull­ daughter were Sunday dinner guests Mexicans from Ontario to finish ' Sumpter and is wrecking them. ard. Tho Matherly and Vern But­ the beet harvest ln this vicinity of Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks of jThe material will be used to con- ler. Nyssa. this month. I struct more buildings on his farm Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Garren and Mr and Mrs. Roy Holmes, Bon­ Sgt. Ray Porter has been released j here. family returned last week from from the army and is now with nie Kressley and Mr and yrs. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sweeney are Miami, Oklahoma, where they vis­ his wife and baby. At present th ey , * „8 ‘ ^ 1 w " ' I building an addition to their re- ited relatives for two weeks. are visiting friends and relatives ln day dlnner guests of Mr. and Mrs. silence on Enterprise avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dowers and F. G. Holmes. Utah. Howard Bair and Glen Peterson Mrs. Dowers' father, Mr. Ross, George Cassell Callahan has been of Nyssa Heights were at the went to Caldewll Sunday after released from the navy at San Grider home Sunday Patty and Janice Dowers who Diego and is with his wife and spent the week-end with their family at Chula Vista, California. Mr and Mrs. George Knowles Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ Mr. Callahan will enter business and Jack are making a trip to old Eidenmiller. Mr. Ross remain­ there. Colorado and Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. ed for a longer visit with Mr. and Cash Turner received medical at­ Hiatt are staying on their place Mrs. Eidenmiller. tention ln Nyssa last week after while they are away. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail and sons being bitten on the hand by a Lloyd Adams harvested his po­ of Nyssa were dinner guests Sun­ black widow spider. tatoes this week and hauled them day at the Otis Bullard home. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Titland and The Merry Matrons club met at to . the dehydrator ln New Pdy- Mrs. Ted Bates accepted the Mrs. Lynn K ygar and Mrs. Jess daughter, Judith, and Anton My her the home of Alberta Bowen W ed­ mouth. position of the upper grade teach­ Kygar will be hostes .es to the Owy- nesday afternoon, October 31, with George Galleys of the famlous attended services ln Nampa one er, that was vacated by Mr. Grubs. ee Community club Thursday after­ Marie Holmes as co-hostess. The Galley polls, notified Mrs. Charley night last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Lay of Nyssa noon, November 15 at the Lynn Charlie Wilson was a visitor in afternoon was spent sewing and | Grider that she has been chosen to visited at the Olen Lay home Sun­ ,-ygar home. visiting. Six members and two serve on the committee to choose the Graton Eason home ln Wilder day. Mrs. Bell Harlow, who has been visitors, Mary June Whitman and the next book for the People's Book Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louise Pryor left a house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Strictland has been hauling Opal Holmes were present. club The book to be reviewed is by train last week for Missouri,! Hugh Glenn, left for Pasco, W ed­ The club will meet with Oladys "The Country Mouse,” by Louise sand and gravel to his place on where they will visit Mr. Pryor's nesday. Mrs. Harlow and Mr. Glenn the Chalk Butte road prior to Byers, November 14, with Alice Andrews Kent. mother and other relatives. are cousins. electing a building. Holmes assisting. Roll call will be Mrs. Lloyd Adams, Mrs. Clifford There were 29 present at Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Derrick were Mr. and Mrs. John Grotveltt Nielson, Mrs. Charley Grider and school Sunday. Sgt. Brightwell of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rice Mildred Adams were in Caldwell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A n­ Nyssa gave a message after classes. Sunday. Mr. Derrick has drew Titland in Nyssa Sunday. on business, Thursday. Classes will be held at 10 o'clock been discharged from the army. Mrs. Robert Ditty received word O. L. Willis is doing the finish­ next Sunday. Mrs. Richard Brown and child­ ing work on his new home. Ray last week that her brother, Hal- The school and Sunday school ren, Patsy and Mike, are visiting Willis has been helping him dur­ mut Hintz of Bellingham. Washing- gave a party at the school house Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ing the construction of the build­ on, was ill of arthritis and was October 31. Lynn Kygar of Boise. ln the hospital there. ing. M ajor and Mrs. J. Ross were din­ Prayer meeting will be held at Mrs. Johnston and children and Mrs. H. A. Diven left last week ner guests last week at the home the Ed Corfield home Tuesday Get Ready For Mrs. Jim Hite and children of for Seattle to visit her daughter, of Mr. Ross's sister, Mrs. Glen evening, November 13. Wallace I Newell Heights were Friday visitors Mrs. Chuck Landreth. Dowers. M ajor Ross has just re- i Gregg will be the leader. Charley Grider was in Ontario on in the Harley Wilson heme. turned from overseas. He brought I Mrs. Martha Klmgback and son, I Winter Now! Mrs. George Wilson and children many souveniers from Jerusalem. business, Monday. Fred, and Mrs. Russell R. Woll Robert Florea stayed at the L. A. were Sunday visitors ln Nyssa. Wilford Gilbert has received his McDowell home while Mr. McDow­ ell was in Madras on business. Mr. discharge from the army and Is and Mrs. McDowell plans on mov­ visiting in the L. E. Newgan home. His future plans are indefinite. ing to Madras this fall. Mrs. E. H. Strictland is im ­ Many sugar beet growers of this district have been collecting their proved sufficiently to be out of bonus sugar at the Amalgamated bed Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and sugar company factory this week. Charley Grider represented the family of Cow Hollow were din­ Oregon Trail Grange at the con- ner guests Sunday of Mr. and densery promotion meeting held in Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen and helped Nyssa last week. Dairymen from her father celebrate his birthday over the valley met with Nyssa anniversary. Dinner guests Friday of Mr. and business men to attempt to bring Check your home for new Mrs. L. E. Newgan were Mr. and milk outlets to this area. fire hazards and Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of Mrs A1 Kropp of Ontario tect yourself with ade­ Caldwell were guests at the Loyd Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zurcher of Adams home Wednesday of last Homedale spent Monday in the quate insurance. home of her parents, Mr and Mrs we A . Mrs. James Stephens has been Charlie Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Zur- canvassing this district on behalf cher have just returned from a of the war chest fund. Those who week’s visit ln Washington re- j have not contributed yet are urged turning via Madras. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner were Insure In Sure Insurance to contact Mrs. Stephen before all day visitors with his brother November 15. Pvt. James Willis, who last month Bert Turner, and sons in Vale RICHLAND Sunset Valley OWYHEE Oregon Trail NO GETTING AROUND IT! Water Conditioners Make Every Drop as Soft as Rain ation of the various water conditioning units. NORCO Household W ater Conditioners re­ present a new departure in domestic water treatment. The tanks themselves are heavy sheet steel, hydro-statically tested at 150 pounds pressure. All-welded construction, with heavy heads. Tanks are lined with black bitumastic tank solution which is resistant to sodium chloride brine, thus assuring a long-lived product. NORCO WATER CONDITIONERS WILL WORK ON ANY WATER PRESSURE HOLLINGSWORTH HDWE. AND IMPLEMENT CO. pro­ Frank T. Morgan Veterans Of Foreign Wars Of The United States Owyhee Post No. 3506 Nyssa, Oregon ARMISTICE DAY DANCE Saturday Evening, November 10 Nyssa School Gymnasium GOOD MUSIC All proceeds to be used for needy veterans and local service work for veterans. Everyone welcome and assured a good time Admission 83c Tax 17c Total $1.00 to lead in ÎB&ut/ÿ to lead in 'fèijÿrtm astce, /S u tá s to lead in cS&fumy Outstanding appearance feature» o f the new 1946 Chevrolet in­ clude: new Beautv-I^ader Styling; luxurious Body by Fisher; new Wide-Wing radiator grille; new hood ornamentation; new two-tone color harmonies; distinctive new instrument panel; and massive new "Car-Saver” bumpers both front and rear. " F,RSF Notable engineering features include: Chevrolet’s proved Valve- in-IIead Thrift-Master F.ngine for performance with economy; the famous Unitized Knee-Action Bide for comfort; Extra-Easy Vacuum- Power Shift and Shockproof Steering for driving ease; and Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes for smooth, safe, positive stops. For years, Chevrolet has been the most economical o f all largest- selling low-priced cars, from the all-round standpoint o f gas, oil, tires and upkeep; and the new Chevrolet for 1946 is designed and built to maintain this reputation for highest quality at low coat. Be sure to see this beautiful new car at your Chevrolet dealer’s. f 1 ¿Sw c/gaUet'- CHEVROLET Cable’s Chevrolet Company Ontario, Oregon /*