Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE THREE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1943 lN2xc. IJ. Knottingham, deceased, and has Harry Duserth. Mrs. Warner was a High school pupils returned to mother, who underwent an opera» qualified as such; all persons hav- graduated from the Ontario high Adrian Monday alter a two*week tion in a hospital that day. WANTED TO RENT—House with u.g claims against said estate are school in 1941. She was employed harvest vacation. ) Mrs. H. R. Hatch and Helen 4, 5, or 6 rooms by Dec. !, E. K. Mrs. Charles Christiansen a n d 1 shopped In Nampa Monday. notified to present same with the lr the United States Bank, Ontario Burton, City manager, phone 13SM. proper vouchers verified as required branch, before her marriage. Mr. Ruth Cox of Ontario railed Sun- i A large number of ladies at- lHOtfc. by law. to the undersigned at the Wagner, who attended high school dsv with Mrs. Lewis King. tended Wade P. T. A. meeting WANTED—We will pay 5 cents for oifice of A. L. Fletcher in the City in Satus, Washington, operates a Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brumbach at the home of Mrs. F. A. Miller of Nyssa, Oregon, such being the, term near Ontario with his mother November 1 issues of the Gate City RATE3: Two cents per word for each issue. Alter one month one p ate lor the transaction of all bus- i and two brothers. transacted business in Caldwell, Friday afternoon. An enjoyable af Journal delivered at the Journal ternoon was spent discussing cur 8N*lxp"' lness pertaining to said estate, w ith -; The young couple have Just re- Thursday. cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. office. ______________________________ | in six months of the first publica- turned from a wedding trip through I Mrs. Boyce Van de Water and rent events and reports of the WANTED—Women to care for two- I tion of this notice, to wit: Oct. 11, Nevada, Arizona and California. 'daughters shopped In Nyssa Sat- county council meeting. Lunch was year-old girl. Inquire at Journal 1945. | Lt. and Mrs. J. W. Brown left urday. served at the close of the meet FOR SALE OR TRADE—two pure- office. 8Nlxp. First publication, October 11, 19451 Monday for several days visit at i Mrs. John Bishop and children vilhCELLANEOUS ing. herelord bulls, two years old. Will Last publication, November 8. 1945. | the home of his parents. of Nyssa were Sunday visitors I < . __ ________ For Sale H. J. Sloan of Ontario transacted trade for older bulls. Zack Walker. WE PAT HIGHEST PRICES for Lois Knottingham Mr and Mrs. Emil Frank and ¡in the Brumbach home. live fox feed horses. Phone 8, Pay Administratrix of the estate ot Leslie Frank spent Sunday at the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Matson of business In Bend last Wednesday. Phone 104 W. 30Atfc. FOR SALE—Modern home in Ny- ette. 12Atfc. D. J. Knottingham. Deceased. home of Mr and Mrs. Beryl Mus- \ Milton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Tom Martin and ssa. Arthur Wilson, 8916 N. E. Web FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. ick of Meridian. Irrigation District Johnanson of Arena Valley called brother transacted business in Cald ster, Portland 13, Oregon. lN3xp. 220 or 410-3 phase motor and Members of the Lincoln Sunday on Bend friends Friday. Date of first publication Nov. 2, well and Nampa Thursday. MISCELLANEOUS school met at the home ot Mr. and 1945. centrnugal pump, size 3X2(4, speed Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee of Mr. and Mrs. Estell Putman and FOR SALE—Two 50-foot lots, with j 3600, complete with switch and HAVE THAT STOVE OVERHAUL Date of last publication, Nov. 23, Mrs. Harvey Halton, Monday even daughter Alice o f Kuna were din Ontario called on Bend friends good basement, 16 by 20 feet, 8 starter. Also Byron-Jackson cen ED—At Ed Case's Highway Mdse. 1915. ing for a farewell party honoring ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Saturday. They reported Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Nielson, who Van de Water Saturday evening. feet deep. H. E. Collins, phone 122J. trifugal pump. 200 G. P. M., speed Mart. No. of Y, phone 74J. INtfc. S. Phelan left the hospital Friday have sold their farm and are mov IN tic. 1150, complete with 15 horsepower A1 Leucks and Roland Hardmond but would have to remain in bed ing to McMinnville, Oregon. They of Salem spent Wednesday and for another month. Westlnghouse 3 phase motor, swit MISCELLANEOUS—Service on all FOR SALE—Registered Jersey bull. ch and starter. City of Nyssa, makes of washing machines and were presented with a gift from Thursday visiting In the Joe King Fred Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. By Leona Anderson the Sunday school. Mrs. Nielson, home While here their car caught Wiley and sons of Arcadia, Call- Sire classified excellant. Dam class Oregon. vacuum cleaners. C. E. Zemp, % lOMtfc. Idaho Power Co. who has been the primary teacher file, causing considerable damage! fornla are guests In the Walt Bis Golden Rule store, Caldwell, Idaho. ified very good. Priced reasonable. STORAGE— Consolidated Freight- for several years, has been replaced and suffocated King's little pet hop home, 2504xp Barry Wride, Rte. 2, Parma. hi mile ways building, First street. See by Mrs. George Barnes. dog, Skippy. "FLAVORED PEPPED TUNA" south Apple Valley schoolhouse. MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate! car Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mtfc Mr. and Mrs. Verdo Harris and j Bill Van de Water was honor A dish with real personality for and cylinder lock keys made. Gam lN2xp. Carolyn are now located at Me- guest at a family dinner at the Sister Here— ble store. 250afs. November days is Noodle Crumble. MinnviUe. Oregon, where they h ave' home of his sister, Mrs. Carl Tog Mrs. Stanley Brown of Balck- LOST A bit of nippy cheese adds much FOR SALE—1 stock trailer, 2 four- foot was here visiting for three to a noodle dish, to say nothing purchased a home. Mrs. Harris is leman of Newell Heights Sunday. MISCELLANEOUS—Will do small LOST—Brown and white female wheel trailers. Wyatt Smith, Box Other guests Included Mr. and days at the home of her brother, jt favorable mushroom soup. Ser- Mr. and Mrs. Nielson’s daughter. 914, Nyssa. lN2xp. pointer. Scar above left eye. Answ washings in my home. Mrs. John George and Ralph Barnes went Mrs. Boyce Van de Water and Bernard Frost. e this with a cooked green veg ers to the name of Lady. Reward. Murphy, 321 Ennis Ave., city. 8Nlxp etable. a crisp salad, rolls and fruit to the mountains Thursday. Sev- children. lN2xc. FOR SALE—Linderman beet loader, Hersehel Thompson. Shop In Boise— BUTCHERING Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bunch and auce for an A No. 1 luncheon. It’s tral members of the grazing as practically new. William M. De- LOST—Man's billfold, containing Mrs. Joe Sutherland, Mrs. Ed Custom butchering every Mon equally accepted by guests, hus sociation were business callers in children of Adrian were dinner Grofft, phone 010R3. lN2xp. important papers and cash. Reward. day and Friday. Beef, sheep and bands, boys or girls. They'll all Vale Tuesday. guests In the Harvey Hatch home Frost and Mrs. Bernard Frost were In Boise Monday on a shopping A few from here attended the pork. Sanitary butchering guaran , FOR SALE—8 piece dining room Box 460, Nyssa. G. E. Bellerby. lN2x teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must ask, “When are you going to serve Malheur state conference at the Sunday. tour. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden of Roswell this again?" 4^ set. Call Sutherland, phone 132. LOST—Baby carriage on highway come in Thursday or Sunday after Boulevard Grange hall last Wed called on friends here Sunday. NOODLE CRUMBLE 250tfc. 20 at Morgan avenue. E. H. Barker, noon between 1 o ’clock and 7. No nesday afternoon and evening. Joe King and Bill Van de Water 1 tablespoon salt. route 1, Ontario. lN2xp. stock accepted on butchering day. Rev. R. G. Chandler of Cald were Boise business visitors Mon- 1 FOR SALE!—Chevrolet 2-door se 3 quarts boiling water. Don M. Graham One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta well and Rev. Robert Hess of Sea day. Bill left Tuesday morning for dan. Good condition. G. H. Horn, LOST—Anyone knowing of cattle 4 oz. fine noodles. 29Mtfc north 7th street. 2502xp. branded with pitchfork on right avenue. Jake Fischer. 1 hi cups condensed mushroom ttle conducted services at the school Axbell, Kansas, where he will be house Tuesday evening. Insurance Agency married. He plans on returning soup. hip or back notify Zack Walker. Re HELP WANTED FOR SALE—Five room house. Hot Mrs. Ellen Sproul planned to here later to make his home. 1 hi cups milk. ward. 180tfc. water heater, stoker automatic visit her son and family, Mr. and A special meeting of the Jolly 3/4 t. salt. Legal Advertising heating. Lloyd W. Lewis, 451 Fourth FOR SALE—One iron wheel Ford- Mrs. Jerome Sproul and children, Janes was held at the home of Mrs. 3/4 cup flaked tuna fish. Fire and Automobile St. 250tfc. son tractor with extension rims, . hi cup grated American cheese. I b€iore leavln& for Battleground Joe King Tuesday afternoon to NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■ A cup buttered bread crumbs. ¡Washington, where she wUl make complete plans for the dinner to NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, to Insurance FOR SALE or trade—1935 Chevrolet belt pulley, corrugating attachment, Add _ 1 ______ tablespoon ss. lt . 1 to _______ actively has moved her be at Adrian high school Thursday ___ ..._______ , 1 ^er ^ome- truck. Zack Walker. 6Stfc. two-bottom Ferguson plow and 5 the creditors of George A. Knotting- evening. foot disc. L. E. Fry, route 2, Nyssa. ham, deceased, and all other persons | boiling water. Gradually add nood- househoM^goods there, Rentals Bonds A number of interested workers 8Nlxp. interested in said estate, that Lois'ies and let boil until noodles are Mrs. Darrell English went to FOR SALE—Farms ranging from Knottingham has been appointed j tender, about 4 mimites. Combine j met a^ the park site Saturday and Nampa Tuesday to be with her 30 acres up to 200 acres. Prices FOR SALE—Six registered Hamp Administratrix of the estate of Geo- | soup, milk, and 3/4 teaspoon salt. |cleared brush and dug holes for lange from $100 to $250 an acre. shire 4-H club ewes and a buck. rge A. Knottingham, deceased, and j Drain and rinse noodles. Spread ‘ ¡reps t0 be planted A ^tree is to nun «1 «1 tit mm nimmi". ¡urn turn n mm mm dm t m mmiiii m m m mm mmrm m min i hit . A. L. Atkeson. 20Stfc. See Deane Hunter, by Arcadia has qualified as such; all persons half the noodles on bottom o f , he planted in 1 ememberance of 8Nlxp. FOR SALE— 108 acres, Excellent school, route 2, Nyssa. having claims against said estate greased quart casserole. Arrange each boy from the community who location on highway. Two houses are notified aqd required to present tuna fish on noodles. Sprinkle participated in world war 2. A pot ~W A N TE D other good outbuildings. This place same with the proper vouchers, ver cheese on fish and cover with re luck dinner was served at noon. Ed Johnson has a sale scheduled g is priced right at $9500.00 We can WANTED—Will pay 10c a pound ified as required by law, to the maining noodles. Pour mushroom arrange to finance part of this for for clean cotton rags. Herriman undersigned at the office o f A. L. soup mixture over noodles. Sprinkle for next Friday. Ernest Smith, who g you. Bernard Easiman. H Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, Ore with bread crumbs. Bake in mod expects to leave this community g Charter Trips Aircraft Service I gon, such being the place for the erate oven <350) degress 25 min will also sell some stock at the 3 sale. - transaction of all business pertain utes. Mrs. Wesley Blanton assisted in s WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE ing to said estate, within six months the program when the Baptist 3 of the first publication of this not Nyssa Airport Mission circle met at the home 53 ice, to wit, October 11, 1945. of Mrs. W. J. Weese in Ontario g Lois Knottingham I P. 0 . Box 396 Telephone 012R1 | Mrs. Gregory Ross and Kag last Thursday. She, along with sev- 2 Administratrix of the estate of eral other ladies was attired in mn min George A. Knottingham, Deceased. Louise, and Mrs. Vern Smith vis costume to represent workers in First publication, October 11, 1945 ited the primary room of the Lin Last publication, November 8, 1945. coln school, of which Mrs. Iven the home mission field. Marion Percy, son of Mr. and Findley is teacher, Tusday morn ing. Mrs. Clyde Whittle was a vis Mrs. Derrell Percy, was ill and un able to attend school several days | ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE TO itor in the afternoon. The primary intermediate and last week. CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT O F 1 upper grades each enjoyed a Hal- AUCTIONEERS j THE STATE OF OREGON FOR lowe'en party at the schoolhouse If you can’t stop, iion’t start until you have OPTOMETRISTS THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR j Wednesday afternoon. M \RION OSBORN In the Matter of the Estate of Drexal Barnes and Harry Smith Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop and Booster brakes installed on your trucks. We McFÁLL FRED SNIVLEY, Deceaesd. 'helped Joel Barnes celebrate his children arrived home Sunday a f Livestock and General “ See McFall and See Better” 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN‘ second birthday Tuesday evening, ter a month's visit with their have them in stock. Do it now and play safe. Auctioneer that the undersigned, Dollie F. Me- Mrs. Amelia Hone died Sunday parents at Osage, Kansas. Creary, has been appointed ad-1 afternoon at the George Buchanan Bill Van de Water, who spent ministratrix of the estate of Fred ¡home after having suffered several the past two years in the Pacific Snivley, deceased, by the County strokes. Mrs. Hone, who was 77 theater of v ', received his hon Court of Malheur County, Oregon ¡years old, was born September 7, orable dts£hh.„e and arrived here 11873. She is survived by three sons, xhursday and has qualified. _______ v for ___ _ a visit ___ with his u HoHo T T l I f f P n P '. .. — . . . <•___ Ford Tractor Dealers NOW, THEREFORE, all persons ■r> Ralph of Blackfoot, T Idaho, Eugene brother Boyce, and family, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST having claims against the estate: of Preston, Idaho, and Lee of 1 j^rs Morgan, principal of Wade ONTARIO OREGON Phone 85 Ontario, Oregon of Fred Snivley, deceased, are here-j Lincoln Heights, Ontario, Oregon, I school_ was |j| and missed two , by notified and required to present ¡and three daughters, Mrs. Vera days Qf school last week i the same, with proper vouchers, Scott of Fil th, Idaho, Mrs. 1 PHYSICIANS duly verified, within six months: Dorothy Buchanan, Lincoln Heights from the date of this Notice, to Ontario, Oregon and Mrs. Reho the undersigned, Dollie F. McCrea Smale of Compton, California. SARAZ1N CLINIC Peterson of Ontario had charge ry, at the law office of Lytle, Kil patrick Rementeria, Vale, Oregon, of arrangements. Services were con J. J. Sarazin, M. D. which place the undersigned sel- ducted at Beleko, Idaho. General practice of medicine Mr. and Mrs. Orien Hainline en i ects as her place of business In matters connected with said estate. tertained at dinner Saturday in X-ray Physiotherapy Fully spring-filled, nicely tailored with swing rocker to match. Dated and first published October honor of F/O John Pennington and L ■ _ .. _J_________ Jill* »■ ^ - J - V 1 ~ Leslie Pennington, who were re 25, 1945. L. A. Muulding, M.D. Date of last publication Novem cently discharged from the navy. Physician and Surgeon Their families were also present. ber 22, 1945. Dollie F. McCreary Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Phone 37 Kt. 2, Ontario, Oregon Administratrix of the Estate of George Pennington and Helen Hours: 10 to 12 and I to 5 Phone 354-J-4 Pennington of Payette. Fred Snivley, Deceased. Dally- Except Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wilson of COL. Floyd A. Randall With Terms To Suit Fry Building Salem visited at the George Penn NOTICE OF EQUALIZATION EVERYBODY'S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to ington and Orien Hainline home; These are fine quality and made to sell much higher. AUCTIONEER all land owners, assessment payers Thursday. DENTISTS " " Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Duncan, or other interested parties, within Perfection is no trifle, yet of the ONTARIO-NYSSA IRRIGA who live near Jordan Valley, are trifles is it made, I am care J. R. CUNDALL TION DISTRICT, in Malheur visiting Mrs. Duncan's mother, Mrs ful about all of the little things County, Oregon, that the Board of Ethel Goodell, and family. Dentist that are necessary to make your Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watterson spent Director's of said district will meet sale a success. Phone 56-J at the office of the district, in On Thursday in Nampa. My success depends upon the Sarazin Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Merle Pette spent tario, Oregon, at 1:30 o’clock P. M., success of your auction. I be NYSSA OREGON on Monday the 3rd day of Decem Saturday In Nampa. lieve that "He profits most who Coffee, Cocktail, Radio and Occasional Tables. All eastern Mr. and Mrs. Merle Pettet, Mr. ber, 1945, to sit as a board of serves best.” equalization, for the purpose of and Mrs. Tom Pettet, Mr. and My advertising and selling JEWELRY STORES hardwood. reviewing and correcting the asses Mrs. Jack Pettet and Cleone, Otis service doesn't cast you any sment and apportionment of taxes, King and Artena Stohler went PAULUS thing, it pays for itself with ex covering the expenses of the dis deer hunting Sunday. They return tra dollars you get on the day JEWELRY STORE ed with two deer. trict, for the year 1945. of your sale. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy McDale and Union Pacific Time Inspector Any complaint concering the as PAYETTE. IDAHO sessment. must be entered with the Mrs. Alma Terrel received third JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Secretary of the district, on or be and fourth degrees when the Boul H A Y BUYER WATCHES fore the date above named, in or- evard Grange met in regular sess Select yours now for Christmas j Main Street at Second ider to receive proper consideration ion Thursday evening. W . F. Jahn “ Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Anderson of of the board. ------------ WYCKOFF I The 1945 assessment roll may be 1 Outlook. Washington visited their Dealer in hay and grain Several rebuilt coal circulating heaters (seen at the office of the Secretary son. Lyle Anderson, and Mrs. An JEWELRY STORE No. 5, Factory Court of the district, in Ontario. Ore derson, this week. Official Time Inspector for Phone 68M Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fifer of gon. Shop for furniture built to serve at Union Pacific Opposite sugar factory By order of the Board of Dir Vale are parents of a son bom ONTARIO_________ OREGON at Brittingham's nursing home in ector’s. Ed Case’s Ontario. Thursday, November 1. Pianos Thomas Jones Mrs. Fifer was a teacher In Lin Secretary, Ontario-Nyssa GEORGE JACKSON coln school last term. Mr. and Mrs. DEPEND ABLE USED UPRIGHTS MODERN WATCH DEPAIRING Fifer also have an older daughter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND GRAND PIANOS State Licensed Miss Mildred Anderson, daughter NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN, to Winter Music Co Watchmaker the creditors of D. J. Knottingham, of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Anderson, String and Band Instruments North of Y on U. S. 20. Phone 74-J deceased, and all other persons In and Fred Wagner, son of Mrs Sa ONTARIO, OREGON 123 12th Ave, So, Box 26 terested in said estate, that Lois rah Wagner, were united in mar 314 blocks N. of City Hall Nampa, Idaho Knottingham has been appointed riage in Reno, Nevada. Monday, Administratrix of the estate of D. October 8, by Justice of the Peace. Motor Co. Kitchen Chats Í Professional And Business Directory Lincoln Heights in ni in in STUDENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTION i M nt in in mm in wummitim mminm ctwiiinimTim mu in mnmi in in nun in m urn mm im m i ” You Must Not! Don’t Do It! Too Dangerous! Big Bend DR-J-Àr J | Kropp & Sons Post-War Davenos Both Pieces Only $11950 Tables Priced at $695 to ^15 75 HI-WAY MERCHANDISE MART