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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1945)
r/ieNYSSA V ö l ü m K X x X x J7ÖT32 JOURNAL "NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1945C OF HIGH MR. AND MRS. CLIFF Nyssa Expected Coroner's Jury I I VACATION Purebred Jersey Armistice Day Christians Plan FERGUSON SCHOOL CONCLUDED INJURED Observance In States Brother Heifers Bought Special Service, M , u — Students of the Nyssa high _______ Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ferguson of To Become Large resumed their studies M on-| Twenty-three purebred Jersey Nyssa Announced Special services celebrating the Nvssa were lnJured ln an aut°mo- Shipping Center Kills W.L. Boyer school day after a two-week vacation. heifers from one of the wollu’s out- . T r\ , . . . . . . fifth anniversary of the Christian bile accident on highway 30 be- Tntornrota V o r r lie f ! Most of the "vacationing" stu- \ standing herds have been received Rev. H. J. Gemhardt Will Deliver Principal Address ,.,___ _ tween Frultland and the Nyssa- church in Nyssa will be held in parma JuucUon 8unday nlght. Prediction Made By U. P. the church building Sunday, Nov- Mr. Ferguson was blinded by the Official; Alfalfa Mill packing sheds. A few of them did !Tren Jones and Lawrence Cleverly ember 4. lights of an approaching automo- not return to school Monday, but joi Nyiii>a' Dust Discussed __ . . . _. . . . The anniversary services will be blle al‘d drove his car off the enrollment in classes was about! *^^e heifers, all of them heavy ------------- preliminary plans for the ob- heId at 2:30 p m when ^ c p highway and against an embank- : Kay Johnson, general agent of 1 with calf, came -------- from — the ------------- farm of ONTARIO (Special I—A Malheur j normal Wednesday, \ li. H. Bull and Sons of Ontario, sefvance of Armistice day, Sun- «wander, secretary of the mission- mer>t. Mrs. Ferguson was cut on county coroner’s jury found Tues the Union Pacific railroad, pre- ¡Canada. Bull and Sons, the largest day, November 11 under the spon- ary society of the Christian church- the right arm and on the le»s day night that Wilmer L. Boyer, importers of cattle from the Island forship of the veterans organlza-1 es of Oregon, will be the speaker. and he was cut on the face and dlcted a t tbe weekly luncheon of 55-year-old Ontario businessman, of jersey, have been breeding cat- tions of Nyssa were announced to- ; The other services durlnv the day le*s- They were taken to the Nyssa the Nyssa chamber of commerce died last Sunday as the result of a tie for more th a n 25 years. They day. | will be of a special nature. Attend- Nursing home for treatment. Wednesday noon that Nyssa will furnish breeding stock to the best Dev H. J. G em hardt of the ance at tbe Bible school at lb a. Mr. Ferguson received word Mon- become the largest shipping center skull fracture suffered in a fall jersey breeders in the world. Methodist Community church will j m ^ expected to exceed all attend- day morning that his mother was on the Union Pacific between Boise during a fight with his brother and Bull and Sons own the world’s deliver the principal address at a ance records with more than 125 seriously ill at Lusk, Wyoming and and Weiser. Funeral services were held Sun business partner, Ray Boyer. j Shipments from the territory day at 2:30 in the Methodist Com record cow, Basilua. The cow made program to be sponsored by the present. Rev. George Whipple, pas- he left Tuesday to be with her. The jurors, all six of Whom munity church in Nyssa for Wil more b utterfat th an any other American Legion post in the Nyssa ] tori will deliver an a n n i v e r a s r y ------------------------ have already reached 21,000 cars signed the verdict, pointed out that liam Alexander Mettlen, who died cow in th e world in one year, 1313 gym nasium at 2:30 p. m. P re se n t- m e sage a t th e morning worship - _ . ___ this'year and are expected to climb the injury resulted in cerebral hem October 25 at the home of his pounds. S h e is the dam of the bull, tation of patrio’ic m usical num bers ho u r n a . m _ on the subject "On- JV'J M 1 * 1 0 1 1 W S W i l l * 1 1 1 10 24'000 cars by 0,6 end of tn e orrhage and that “death resulted daughter, Mrs. Jessie Chard of Ny- Basiluas. P a rt of th e heifers re- will^be ^arranged. | ward a n d u p w a rd ." A potluck din- _ * _ _ year. Nyssa, which shipped only a through misfortune in the heat of sa. ceived h e re a re bred to B asiluas. ‘ The Veterans M of Foreign Wars ner wjn he served in the church I n T V IvQ C ik *ew hundred cars a few years ago, LF1C& 111 1 1 ^ » S e t ls cred,ted w ith m uch ot ^ m . passion." and auxiliary will arange a parade basement at 1:30 p. m. The Christ- Rev. H. J. Gemhardt officiated District Attorney Otis Smith. • the service. A duet composed of whioh will be held shortly before ¡an Endeavor societies will hold ----------- crease. who questioned about a dozen wit Mrs. Lloyd Pounds and Mrs. Gil Marlon Walter Swarm died at Mr j ^ m o n complimented Nyssa the program. The parade will form meetings at 7:30 and the choir nesses, most of whom saw the bert Klinkenberg sang three songs, on First street at 1:30 p. m. and ! wm present a program of sacred his home in Nyssa Saturday, Octo- on lls development and also com fight, Interpreted the Jury's verdict “The City Four Square,” "Beau march west on Main street to the music at 8 o'clock. The other ber n after an Illness of five p]imented Frank T. Morgan, cham- schoolhouse. as excusable homicide” and said tiful Garden of Prayer" and “Whis- ber of commerce secretary, for his hoolhouse. | Christian churches of the valley years- n . . . . Any he did not contemplate action ( perir.g Hope," accompanied by Mrs. Any servic servicemen home from the ; have been invited to send d elega-,MMr t * “™ ’ activity in promoting the business —■— or — discharged —<-------| —. ------- of | tions to“ th e‘ servic«. The general • 'Nancy Swarm, was bom November and industrial growth of this com against Ray Boyer on the basis of ! Carlos Buchner. Interment was in Interest in high school basketball service veterans 14, 1883 near St. Elmo, Illinois munity. revived following a rather now-existing circumstances. I the Owyhee cemetery with the Ny- has ‘* been -- --- ------------------------- - world war 2 are af*ed to enter pUbllo Is also Invited to attend. successful, though short football the parade wearing their uniforms. Smith added, however, that if,&sa Funeral home in charge, o n e year agQ the church pur- and was married to Annette Garn H. E. Romwebber of the Saunders anyone wishes to press charges, he [ Pallbearers were C. C. and A. L. season. Other groups who will be invited chased a parsonage on the property ett in Yandalia, Illinois. Mr. and Mills of Toledo, Ohio stated in re Mrs. Swarm came to Nyssa in 1935. In an election recently held by to participate in the parade are ad|olnlng the church property at may appear before the grand jury collinsworth, Roy H. Warren, Hub sponse to complaints about the dust Mr. Swartn, a blacksmith, was a from the alfalfa meal mill south convening in January and request, Robb, Pete Wilson and Clint Sny- the football squad the boys elected the high school band, Boy and , Plfth and Ennis streets, making a member of the Baptist church. Laverele Toombs and Tom More an indictment. der. Girl Scouts, Campfire Girls, C ub, down payment of $1,000. During of town that he ls as anxious as Survivors are his widow, Annette; anyone else to correct the dust Most complete testimony in re- j Mr. Mettlen was born in Macon as honorary co-captains. Toombs Scouts, American I c io n and aux- the year improvements have been i 1 i o r v o n H tWo n i i m W o o D1 J i n » ! two daughters, Mrs. Helen Zucco condition. gard to the fatal fight was offered | county, Decatur, Illinois, May 29 and Moore each received the same iliary, and the Owyhee Riding (Continued from page 2) of Canon City, Colorado and Mrs. club. by Delbert Boyer, a nephew of j 1876, a son of John P. and Lillie number of votes. Mr. Romwebber said that opera Alta Williams of Colorado Springs; tors of Freeman’s machine shop Coach Howard Lovejoy announ The Veterans of Foreign Wars both principals and employed in | Jane Mettlen. When he was two three sons, Vernle of the navy, Al are making a temporary unit to the Boyer Brothers wholesale groc-1 years 0ld his parents moved to ced that an Intramural basketball will sponsor an Armistice dance in vin of Vancouver, Washington, and arrest the dust. The concern has ery firm in which four brothers I Kansas in a covered wagon and tournament was started Wednesday the Nyssa gymnasium Saturday Eugene of Portland; four sisters ordered a complete dust recovery have been partners. I located at Delphos. They lived there night, and will be completed next night, November 10. living in Illinois, and lb grand unit, which will be Installed as soon De.bert Boyer told the Jury that I for a year and then moved to Lin- week. Regular practice of the Var children. A fourth son, Woodrow as It arrives. Recently the mill has the two brothers had been bicker- | coin county, Kansas, where William sity squad will be started the fol FSA RECORD IN ing "about the way Ray had been Mettlen grew to manhood. He was lowing week. P A T T W T V ID The Nyssa school board has em- Swarm, was killed ln Italy May 19, been closed on days on which the The inter-class games will be ™ driving the company car." He said married to Rhoda L. Gllllspie of ffi f iv! , ployed Spencer P. Lane of Knob 1944 while serving with the armed wind has been blowing toward The county office of the farm Knoster Missourl as one of ^ forces of the United States. that Wilmer attacked Ray in the Lucas, Kansas, July 29 1896 and the played during sixth period, which security administration ».» v., w Funeral services will be held at town. latter's office and that after the couple lived in Lincoln county for starts at 2:45 p. m. '____ , _ __ , has an un- , English teachers in the Nyssa high usual record of service to low in- | lch0ol 2 p. m. Friday ln the Baptist two men went outdoors the ’argu a number of years. They moved to ELK SEASON WILL come. farmers in this area, accord- Mr ,, . . ment resumed on the sidewalk. Hamllnton county, Nebraska ln 1921 WHEN DEER HUNTS , „ . „ ,T _ _ . 1 Mr Lane will succeed Mrs. Ada church with Rev. E. J. Wilson of mg to Rosel H. Hunter, senior FSA ... . . , the Nazarene church officiating. OREN NOVEMBER 3 Delbert said he did not see a blow and to Nyssa in January, 1937. , , ', Haworth, who is on leave of ab- MAN THAT MAKES superviaor who recently returned , eliCe untll the , of the Interment will be ln the Parma struck. After the death of their young The opening day for. the elk sea Another witness, Russell Under est son, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Met NEWS FOR EVERYONE rom a district county committee second semester. which will start cemetery. The body is in the Nyssa training m atin g at La Grande. I ln January In j anUary Mrs. Ha- Funeral home. son ln Oregon this year ls Satur wood, asserted that Wilmer Boyer tlen lived on a farm in Sunset day, November 3, as listed in the ONTARIO ARGUS fell while attempting to dodge and valley for a few years. When Mr. . J ^ worttl will replace Miss TT Doris Betty , 1000 have received FSA as- . official synopsis of hunting regula When a deer hunts a man, that's over that a blow actually was not struck. | Mcttlen’s health failed, he and his . . _, ... . . who will attend the University of KEITH BYBEE TELLS sistance. This means that almost __ w „ _ ' * tions published by the Oregon state news. Just as much as in the case Other witnesses included H. C. 'wlfe moved to Nyssa. . , Washington. Mrs. Haworth will OF DAMAGE DONE BY game commission. Some question one out of every two families have ■ . .__. . , Boyer, a brother of the two p rln -1 The deceased is survived by his oi "man bites d°8 " And when you ... . .. . teach English, orientation and Jour- receivec U n tfits oi the government Dallam has arisen as a result of a typo OKINAWA TYHOON cipJs; Mrs. -Elsi» Stephens, employ- widow, Rohda; five daughters, Mrs read about a deer a man graphical error on the elk tags ed ln the store; Firman Schols, Ola Chard of Boise, Mrs. Jessie the first remark that comes to loaning and rehabilitation program, The new instructors was recently In a letter to his parents, Mr. stating the opening date ls Nov- Mrs. J. H. Halcom, Ed Ingraham. Chard of Nyssa, Mrs. Jennie Ben mind is "Fair enough!" But that’s Hunter said. This figure compares discharged from the navy. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee, Keith D .1 ember 12. W. T. Downs, D. O. McCosh, Char nett of Nyssa, Mrs. Lovella Smith not the appropriate rejoinder if favorably with a national figure i Bybee. S 1/c, tells of the damage In the area east of the Cascade les Christenson, Dr. Lester Emmett of Nyssa and Mrs. Faye McGinnie the man wasn't a deer hunter, but of one in six and one in eight for TEACHERS TO MEET ) wrought ____________ ___________ Oregon as a whole. by a typhoon at Okinawa, range and in eastern Lane county and Dr. Joseph Beeman. of Adrian; a son Clyde Mettlen of a farmer going about his business. Repayments on loans have been IN MALHEUR COUNTY .October 9. He said “There were the season extends until November Dr. Emmett, who attended the Lucas, Kansas; 30 grandchildren, And there’s a serious side to the very good, especially during the ' hundred of men drowned and 25. The bag is one bull elk having victim, stated that Boyer died at four great grandchildren; a sister, story. Malheur county will be host to thousands had to swim to the antlers except that ln southern This particular deer, a three- war period. Our office is proud of about 2 a. m. Sunday in Holy Ros Mrs. Amy Williams of Hunter, our record of assistance to worthy the eastern Oregon conference of shores after their ships crashed Oregon the bag limit ls one elk of ary hospital. The fight had taken Kansas, and two brother, Fran k year-old buck, had been picked up place about 4 p. m. and Dr. Emmett and John Mettlen of Lucas, Kan as a fawn and raised as pet in the families. It is our desire to continue the state teachers’ association next against the beach. One of the lar- either sex. Van district. Not long ago he at our service to families unable to year if present plans are carried gest quanset huts, (circle roofed was called between 6 and 6:30 p. m. sas. tacked a fisherman, tearing his obtain adequate financing from out. Mrs. Kathym Claypool, county buildings) turned completely over, Nursing Home Notes— to the Wilmer Boyer residence. The superintendent said, upon return- Everything was damaged. A large Mr. and Mrs. George Werder- physician previously had stated Nyssa Nurse At Idaho F a lls - trousers and hooking him in the other credit sources. Anyone interested in loans for ing from the 1945 conference at theater; church and mess hall re- mann are parents of a son born that Boyer did not regain consci Verla Paulson, former Nyssa nur- a™ ' farming operations, for purchase of La Grande. There were 158 teachers cently constructed were blown to October 20. The baby weighed 8 ousness from the time he entered >e is now working in a hospital ln To avold furLher trouble’ the Idaho Falls | owners had the deer brought to the additional stock and machinery or there from Malheur county, Mrs. bits, movie projectors damaged and pounds, 4 ounces. (Continued on page 2) half of the telephone poles blown An 8 pound. 15 ounce boy was __________ I______________ _______ _ I state pheasant farm where he got for development of water supply Claypool said. Tentative plans call for the 1946 over, bom October 23 to Mr. and Mrs. area. ! along without trouble for a while. should contact the office in the meeting at Ontario with the pro- | “I see now why the Japs lived ln W. E. Willis. -------- | It was assumed that he could not Wilson building, Ontario. I vision that neighboring towns ln caves. Caves are a protection from M /S Roy E. Osbofne wired h is ' Jump the game farm fence—but Study Club Organized— A Catholic Adult Study club was Malheur county and in Idaho help the typhoons. Most of the men ln parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Osborn,! the other morning he did, and Wednesday that he has arrived in wandered over to the nearby Barnes organized by Father Gaire of On- ' with the housing problem by open- our group, hit out for caves, but the states from Okinawa. He h a s , farmhouse, where he acted so tario Monday evening at the home ir*K private homes to the teachers, we could only make about 100 yards been discharged after serving fou r ' threateningly that the family re of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne. IThis was done in LaGrande this in half an hour. A large branch years li: the service. He was in a mained indoors. The purpose of the club is to pro- year- I blown from a tree barely missed me typhoon at Okinawa. Finally the deer went around mote true Christian doctrine. T h e1 New county officers include by a hair. The rain hit down Just behind the house and Mr. Barnes meetings will continue each Mon- Charles Christenson, Ontario, pre like nails. I finally found a cave Edited by Pvt. Joe Recla has been hororably seized the opportunity to leave and day night at 8 o’clock at the homes -'’¡dent, Mrs. Harriet Brumbach, Ad- with less than 10 of our men ln, T. CAROL BYBEE * 1 discharged form the army. He has inform Harold Sevey at the gam e1 of members. The next meeting will rian- vice-president; Miss Hope besides the dead Japs. Stayed HOME been overseas for 14 months. He I farm, who went over and shot the be held at the home of Mrs. H. E. Mayfield, Ontario, secretary, and there about three hours, and the By Mrs. Lucille Lathum James was awarded the purple heart, good deer. The vension was given to Collins Monday evening, November Walter McPartland, Nyssa, treasur cave being pretty crowded, the lice Forrest Grove, Oregon and bugs and dead Japs, got to conduct metal and three bronze Mrs. Dorothy Burgher of the coun 5. All persons interested are in er. Dedicated to a Sailor smelling pretty bad, so thought stars. Recla is now with his fam ty welfare office, to be distributed vited to attend. To Meet Husband— I’d chance It to my tent again. When you're far away from home ily at the home of his mother, Mrs. among needy families. You think of the days gone by. Mrs. Helen Thompson left last (His tent was one of the very few Lonis Recla. The serious side of the story is, Here From Portland— that something of the sort is like Ercel Goodell of the U. S. army Mr. and Mrs. W. Eldridge and week for Portland to meet her hus that pulled through the 100 mile You wish you didn't sail on the sea Or shoot or fight or fly. F/O John Pennington and Mrs. ly to happen every time a fawn is Mrs. H. Robinson of Portland are band Harold A. Thompson, CM 1/c, wind). The rain came right has arrived home to visit his mo ther, Mrs. Ethel Goodell of Lin Pennington are spending several picked up and raised as a pet. visiting their mother, Mrs. Betty who was recently discharged from through the tent and I slept in a “Leave that fawn where its Forbes Wheeler. Other guests of the service at Bremerton. They will pool of water all night, and once You'd like to be home by the fire. coln Heights. He has served three days furlough at the home of his Or out ln a car with your gal, and one-half years in the Pacific. parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pen mother can find it," is Mr. Sevey's Mrs. Wheeler are Cecil Manning of return to Nyssa before going to again barely missed being killed when so many things were flying Or eatln' your mom’s chocolate cake. nington. advice. "Fawns are cute while they Salem and Eddie Phifer and Eric Bridgeport, Nebraska to locate. Or talkin’ with a pal. around, the roof of the photo lab are small, but and deer, buck or Bellerby of Portland. The men are Wade Harris, U. S. navy, plans Appointed Secretary— blew off and stripped two tents, After more than four years in doe will make trouble when it gets hunting in the valley. to leave this week for further Mrs. Charlie Grider has been ap missing mine; tore the top off the You think of the night you had to service after spending 30-days with the military service Sgt. Wilson to be a year and a half or two pointed secretary of the Malheur third and flatened the fourth." leave, his mother, Mrs. Annie Harris and Keck, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. years old. When a deer loses its Move To Nyssa— Of what you tried to say— Bybee sent some plstures of Ok Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Browne, Jersey Cattle club replacing Carl Clifford. Harris has served seven Keck of Route 1, Nyssa has been fear of man, it becomes vicious.” honorably discharged for the army former Nyssa residents, have re Coad. who has moved to Redmond, inawa and Its Inhabitants and 25 You see her bright and smiling eyes years in the navy. You remember her that way. air forces. pieces of paper money from var turned from Vancouver. Mr. Browne ! Oregon to make his home Move Here From Utah— ious countries. Souveniers includ Sgt Keck enter the army in Oct. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones and who is employed at the sugar Pfc Leonard Goodell, son of Mrs. ed a 100 marks from Germany; “Home ls where the heart is." daughter have moved here from ' factory, has purchased the Joe | Returns From Business Trip— Ethel Goodell expects to be on his 1941. It's a thing of which you dream. Ed Case, operator of the Hl-way 100 francs from France; green He was last assigned as a B-29 Ogden. Mr. Jones will assist Mr. Sutherland residence southwest of way home soon after having spent Mdse. Mart has returned from Salt backs from Japan, Jap war bonds, Then suddenly you're awakened. an extensive time in Germany. engine specialist at RAAF. Ros Ray in the Gordon Drive-in Mar Nyssa. Lake City, where he secured franc and a large certificate awarded to By ‘Sailor, get on the beam.' Goodell was wounded during the well, N. M., a B-29 transition ket. hises for the sale of Admiral re him for being a C. B., having school of the western flying train Kills Burk— European campaign. ing command. * Attend Meeting— Rolland Whitman killed a seven- frigerators, radios, ranges and home croased the equator. Bybee enlisted Yes, you’re far away from home. You’ve got a Job to do. A. L. Heldt, district commander point buck that dressed 230 pounds freezing paints and Automatic nearly a year ago when he was 17 Maurice Judd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Hight, S. T. M. 2/c of the American Legion, will leave at Sisters October 22. He went to washing machines. and has been stationed In Okinawa But nothing can really go very M. L. Judd of Adrian, has left for wrong for the past six months. He was re Japan. He took his training for reached Okinawa October 14 after Friday for Portland to attend a Madras from Nyssa to deliver a For God ls helping you. cently advanced to rank of Yeoman the infantry in Texas. After a leaving Panama September 10. state executive meeting with the truck load of machinery to his Discharged From Service— Sgt. Charles E. Sweany, who was ln the navy and has been working furlough home he was ordered to Hight's ship was in a typhoon for delegates who will leave soon for father, H. H. Whitman. discharged from the army October in an office, typing release certifl- Things look pretty grim right now. five days. He said the crew thought the national convention. Mr. Heldt I Camp Adair, Oregon. But He Is by your side. 22 at Ft. Lewis, Washington, has'cates for the men coming home, every minute would be the last. Will be accompanied by his son ,; Arcepts Position— Miss Marge Kyburg of North returned to Nyssa to make his "All we have to look forward to Is You’ll be home ln no time at all CMOMM Oswald Forbes arrived His address is Francis M. Hight, Albert Heldt, Jr. ------------------------- Dakota has accepted a position as home. j letters from home and very few ’Cause look who ls your guide. home Friday after being discharged. S. T. M. 2/c, S. S. The Cabins, j beauty operator at the Owyhee , of them seem to be coming through, Forbes served one and half years Barber Asphalt S. S. Co., % fleet Visit At Homedale— The folks at home are still the same we sure get lonesome.” Mr. and Mrs. George Bear visit- 1 Beauty Shop. Miss Kyburg has To Ixtcate At Ogden— on the Atlantic and six months in post office, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Elden Stringfellow, who has And now that war ls won ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert been visiting the past three weeks the Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes You can look back with pride been living in Nyssa, left Friday Has Heart Trouble— Dale Wilson, S 1/c, has written Adams of Owyhee Heights near; at the home of Mrs. Max Long. plan to locate in Portland. On the Job that you have done. from Ogden for Washington, D. C. to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Homedale, Idaho. I ------------------------- Mrs. Howard Bair has been oon- to meet her husband, radioman fined to her bed the past three ________________ To Show Pictures— T/5 Harold S. Osborne, son of Wilson, stating that his condition j The St. 8t. Paul’s Paul's Episcopal church first class, who will be discharged weeks on account of heart trouble We'll keep the letters coming Mr. and Mrs. Dale Osborn, arrived is good except that he is still in To Sell Bonds— As long as it be your will. The American Legion auxiliary' will show the picture "Thy Will Be from the navy. They plan to spend She Is president of the M. I. A. home Sunday. He was recently dis Panama. “I don't exactly know which is will sell war bonds Friday, Novem- Done” at the parish hall November a few weeks ln the east before ladies group here and has written And when you're coming home at charged from the army. He left last Nyssa in April, 1942 and spent 41 the worst, here or New Orleans," ber 2 at a booth in the First Na- 7 at 7:30 p. m. The pubile ls ih- returing to Ogden, where they will over 200 letters to local boys who make their home. We'll be waiting for you still. tional bank. .vited to attend the meeting. (Continued on Page 5) are in the service. months overseas in the Pacific Qrm'tVi b m itn in t e r p r e is v e i a i c i dent As Excusable Homicide worked m ^ ileWs a n d ' by Olenn Peterson. Howard Bair. William Mettlen Of Nyssa Passes Hoopmen Nudge Gridsters Out J Teacher Hired For High School Our Boys In T h e Serv ice Sr POETS CORNER