Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,1945 Church Services Oregon Tr*l! Sunday afternoon el by air into Japan proper. His | The county weed crew will be in I were Mr. and Mrs. Oerrlt Stam. company is at present occupying 'the various districts as fallows: around Koriyama. Farmers In this community are the The area husband Nyssa weed control district, Oct of Nellie Lucero, I ober digging their seed potatoes. 13 to October 24; proposed me 1«HMIJNITV UNITED of Nyssa, Oregon, he was one of PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the firts American doughboys to Adrian weed control district, Oct Kingman Memorial set foot on the enemy homeland ober 25 to November 3; Chalk J. C. Nevin. Pastor. to start the occupation of Japan. Butte weed control district, Nov Ffc. Lucero saw acion with the ember 5 to November 24; Vale 10 a. m„ Bible school. Faithful 27th on Siapan. He was employed weed control district, November (Continued from Page 1) by G. Wells company before enter 26 to December ness Is blessed of Ood. 6; Cairo weed Detroit. 1hV country is quite like the army on August 23, 1944. control district, December 11 a. m„ morning worship. Ser it is at home only there's no ing 7 to mon: “Isaac: Choosing a Wife." mountains to look at. The weather He has been overseas eight months. December 17; and Oregon Slope control district, December 8 p. m , evening worship, Inspir Is wet and cold. Ronald Schoen of Ft. Doug weed 18 to December 28. new duties aren't much, but las, Pvt. Utah, ation through song, instruction I “My son of Mr. and Mrs. W. working at my rate. Schoen, has been re-assigned to Weed patches to be treated through discussion: Adult: “What I’m am on finally be stakes around each patch check; that means I G. about War Marriage Now?” led by work at night Field, Texas. He is now should three feet from the last plant on for a few hours, Sheppard Caroline Schiemer; closing thought checking nights training with a P-51. ¡the outside edge. If this is not done, radio transmitters and by our pastor. I treatment will have to be postponed receivers from our planes and get Tuesday, young people's Hallow ting them in shape for the next because the weed patch cannot e'en box social, (see Sunday bul day's flights. When we have all | te located after the foilage has letin for time and place). j disappeared. the radio gear in shape we go Wednesday. 7:45 p. m., adult ashore | A limited amount of assistance until the next night." group studying the Old Testament can be given to individual farms. meets at the parsonage, 8:30 p. m., S/Sgt. Dewey D. Thomason, who Requests will be filled in the order Malheur County's quota in the choir practice at same place. serving on Guadalcanal, told his’ victory loan drive set to start Oct they are received at the county Friday, 10 a. m„ prayer group at is aunt. Mrs. M. A. Thomason of 29 will be $370,000, of which agent's office. Kingman Kolony. Nyssa route 1, in a recent letter ober $220,000 will be E's. that he hopes to be home for The quota on other sales to in GIRL SERVES ON T in M ETH O D IST COM M UNITY Easter. dividuals will $50,000 with sales CHURCH “The only thing different is to corporations be quoted at $100,000. COLLEGE GROUP II. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. that I have a new job. You see, Oregon's quota for the I was working with the colonel on loan will be $69,500,000 with victory Col'ege of Idaho, Oct. 15 (Spec Sunday school, 10 a. m. the strenght reports, but now I'm 500,000 in E's, $17,000,000 other $22,- is ial)—Ruth Eastman of Adrian ser "Temperance Sunday." Melvin working on distribution within the on the food committee for the Spitze presiding at opening devo headquarters. I get all the mail sues to individuals and $30,000,000 ved annual steak fry at the College to corporations. tions. that comes in and read it over Bonds available for the campaign of Idaho. This affair is sponsored Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. and it to a section for addition to the regular E. F, and by the Philotech. science club on ‘The Growing and expanding action. then I'll send have five or sic fellows in will include 2-14 ’s, 2-Vi’s the campus and is open to all Kingdom." working under me so you see it is G and series 7/8'c C treasury students interested in the out-of- Youth fellowship, 7 p. m. better job, but most of all I savings notes. and All series the special issues doors. This first field trip for the Young adult fellowship, 7 p, m, a would like to have a job at home. possess unusual investment features group was held last Wednesday Lord’s day vespers, 8 p. m. Still no word as to when I'll get and may be used as collateral for evening at the mesa above the Bible Study and prayer, Wed back, but I imagine if I make it The 2-Vs and 2-V s alkali springs near Marsing. Other nesday. 8 p. m. for Easter I'll be lucky. One of bank be loans. dated November 15 and the contemplated trips are to Brunea these days they are going to break 'will Canyon and Leslie Canyon. up this island and when that 7/8’s December 3. COLUMBIA AVENUE co»es I'll be on my way home. Miss Norma Jensen of Boise was There is some talk that it will SODIUM CHLORATE MALHEUR COUNTY a week-end visitor at the home of come the last of the year.” MEN TAKE EXAMS IS DISTRIBUTED her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dennis Fife returned to his sta The distribution of sodium chlor Several Malheur county men re Jensen. Mrs. Gerrit Stam, Mrs. Dick tion at Amerilla, Texas, after a ate for the control of noxious weeds ported to Boise October 15 for pre Groot and Mrs. John Broad at two-weeks furlough at home. is under way in the county at the induction physical examinations. tended the civic club meeting and The men are: time. annual fall flower show in Nyssa Frank J. Pike left Monday for present An extensive weed eradication Norman Carroll Cole. Robert Port Douglas, Utah, for further program Wednesday. along the reclamation Masayuki Yamamoto. Tom Kam- Mrs. Dick Groot spent the week assignment in the service. canals and ditch banks has beer, ihlra, Albert Manning Parker, end in Boise with her “daughter, adopted by the Bureau of reclam Clarence Dean Dickson. William No word has as yet been received ation. Mrs. Marjorie Fields. Approximately 11,000 pounds Levean Clemons, Owen Gerald Mrs. Pete Tensen and Mrs. John from Keith Bybee, who is station of chlorate has been alloted Lind, Richard Lon Joidon. Wil Broad shopped in Ontario Thurs ed at Okinawa, since the typhoon to sodium treat the noxious weeds along liam Gerald Johnson, Frederick which occured October 9. day. H. Jackson, Thomas Ross Smith, these areas. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson men have been employed and Tosh Umemoto. were business visitors in Payette Morton Robert Wixon of Nyssa, by Two county agent to treat nox painter third class, has been dis ious the weeds Monday. along the county roads, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot of charged from the navy. state highway and railroad right- B e rn a rd E astm a n Apple valley and their house guests These men will be working Mr. and Mrs. Jacob De Long of With The 27th Infantry Division of-way. the various weed districts Real Estate Perrydale, Oregon, who are visit In Honshu, Japan—Pfc. Stanley in Insurance throughout the year. Farmers who ing friends and relatives here, call Lucero of company B, 105 infantry have noxious weed infestations ad ed on Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot regiment is serving with the occu journing Phone 64 their property should noti pation forces of the 27th infantry Tuesday afternoon. fy the county agent’ s . Nyssa, Oregon division, the first AGF unit to trav Callers at the Dick Stam home at Our Boys Bond Quota Of County Revealed i Another PAGE FIVE CARD OF THANK*» thickens, household goods, some Legal A dvertiaem ent We w. n ¡o thank wui n a a n and farm equipment. Ruth J. Taylor, ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE TO netgaoors for their kmoness and jwner, A. C. Penike, clerk; W. H. CREDITORS Uoral offerings uuru.g oui . .cent Welty, auctioneer. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF j PUBLIC FARM SALE—10 miles THE STATE OF OREGON FOR uereavtment. Mrs. Ida 13. Ward ! northwest of Vale on John Day THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Mr. and Mrs. Auurey Ward .highway, or 1 3/4 mile* southeas: In the Matter of the Estate of FRED SNIVLEY, Deceaesd. I of Wiilowcreek store. Sale starts and family Mr. and Mrs. Flunk Ward at 1 p. m., Saturday. November 3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 2-Horses, 19-Cattle, Machinery, that the undersigned. Dollie F. Mc Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ward 1 Hay, Dairy Equipment. Chickens, Creary, has been appointed ad and family Miscellaneous. E. B. Metcalf, ministratrix of the estate of Fred 8r.ivley, deceased, by the County owner Mr. and Mrs. Wil'lsm Coleman iol. Bert Anderson, auct., L. H Court of Malheur County, Oregon and family land has qualified. Frltts, Celrk. NOW. THEREFORE, all persons PUBLIC FARM SALE—12 miles having claims against the estate lorthwest of Vale on John Day of Fred Snivley, deceased, are here highway to Wiilowcreek. then 1 w by notified and required to present FARM SALE— Monday. October miles w st of schoolhouse on grav the same, with proper vouchers, eled road. Sale starts at 1 pan- duly verified, within six months 29. starting at 1 p, m, at the John Thursday, 1 . from the date of this Notice, to Oster ranch, 5 mile N. E. Payette 2-Horse., November la-Cattle, Miscellaneous the undersigned, Dollie F. McCrea or 11 miles S. E. Weiser on the Items, Floyd Anderson, owner. ry, at the law office of Lytle, Kil- Idaho side near airline beacon on Col. Bert Anderson, Auct., L H patrick Rementeria, Vale, Oregon, which place the undersigned sel hill road. Lunch served on the Fritts, Clerk. as her place of business in grounds. Stock machinery, house FARM SALE.—Friday. November 2, ects connected with said estate. hold goods. John Oster and C. M. at 1 p. m.: six miles west and matters and first published October Jayne, owners. Col. Bert Anderson, south of Ontario; 1 % miles south 25, Dated 1946. auctioneer and L. H. Fritts, clerk. of Cairo Junction or 6 miles north Date last publication Novem Nyssa on Ed Ingram ranch. 4- ber 22. of 1945. FARM SALE—Sixth Avenue South of 41- Cattle, Farm Machinery F. McCreary 12th Street, south of Payette city Hores, Ed Ingram, owner; Col. Bert Administratrix Dollie of the Estate of imits on old highway across from 1 Hay,. Fred Snivley, Deceased. Payette Greenhouse. Tuesday, Oct Anderson, Auct. ober 30th starting at 1 p. — m. .— Cow, 1 h :.i in a ni ni i l i:i in ni ni m m m w min m m m« m u m m i M n ,¡| M a m ¡m um u M mm H iim m tiim lililí!» SALE CALENDAR C lo sin g O u t DAIRY RATION Solti and recommended Ny3sa by Elevator FIO IN < I * 0 C P t NDMUU Ford To make room for new merchandise Army Pack Sacks $2.95 Counter Scales $10.00 & up Play Pens $6.95 & up Baby Buggies $8.50 * up. Log chain 14 inches; Axes, Shovels, Wedges, picks, mauls, hickory handles, crosscut saws, 6 and 7 feet; tire spreader, Bowes vulcanizer, | Anti-freeze tester, Battery tester, Hand grease guns, air pressure grease guns, transmission lubsters and many other small items and tools. | More room is needed so this merchandise must be cleaned out. Shop now for those articles you can use. Ed Case’s HI-WAY MERCHANDISE MART 1 North of Y on U. S. 20. Phone 74-J 111 will II! n i III linn III III III Hi HMD III i m min iitm iu h u m mm hi h i h i hi mm mm m ii : h : ii : hi hi hi hi if First See The ON New 1946 Car DISPLAY AT Herriman Motor Company Garage “There’s A Ford In Your Future”