THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL T H U R S D A Y . OCTOBER 25, 1945 PAGE THREE Loretta Seaman, Route 1, Nyssa, I West line of Sixth Street to the Lorraine Farley, a resident of Lin- Oregon. 1803xp ! Easterly line of the State Highway toln _ _ ira | of way. WANTED—To buy straw. Jake J.l The time for the hearing on the I G(rallin e Pettet, daughter of Mr 404xp. j alley vacation of above closing is and Mrs. J. W. Pettet of Lincoln Qroot, Alberta avenue. Bob Rice and Mrs. Anna Larsor. ln Bend for the war fund. Sunday. Rev. Dooley of Payette visited ln Mrs Jennie Brown, who has Bend Monday. been visiting for several weeks with _ _ mother. _ Mrs. «*...*» ,._l wll Mrs. Darrell English will enter her Anna Larson. 1 W ANTrn Tn rant in tn 1'ereby rixtd for the 13lh day 01 7 ^ . 7 . ^ 7 1 , J ° 7 \ 7 ' ®rown' left for h e r ' home ftt Los Angeles tain Group B of the Roswell Pres WANTED—To rent from 30 to 801 Nov,.m0,.ri 1945, at the hour of 8.00 son of Mr rtnd Mre- Wl Jam Brown by way of The where she byterian aid society at her home acres, only extra good for on.oiu, | o'clock P. M. at the Council Room of Mesa. Idaho, were n.arried Sun- i p"lans t0 vljlt fQJ. g we^k wUh her Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Blake Lowell will be assistant hostess. and lettuce, with buildings. M. Fur- in the City Hall in Nyssa. Oregon, day’ October 14, at 1 o’clock in a daughter RATES: Two cents per word for each issue. Alter one month one The Jolly Janes will meet Tues .yanta, route 2, Box 312, Ontario, at which time interested „arsons “ " “ “ f rmg ceremony at the home j Mr and Mrs Kennetih McDon- cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. Oregon. 404xp may appear and file objections o r ; ° f “ >e brides parents. The Rev, ald and son Raymond, visited day afternoon with Mrs. Myrtle Jones. ------------------- ----- — —— ----------------. remonstrances in writing. c D- Honeyford of the Baptist friends ln Homedale Sunday WANTED—Chicken feed horses. I 1 Adopted this 9th day of October, church o t Ontario performed the , _________________ Mrs. Dyre Roberts and daughter | ceremony. visited from Monday until Thurs tange from $100 to $25C an acre. also have some saddle horses and ¡945 _________ _______ j The bride wore a rose dress with , 20Stfc. I w0lk horses for sale or trade. Dixie day with Mrs. Robert's parents in A. L. AUtson. llòcELLANEOUS ____ _ j Kinkade, Chadwick's camp cabin Nampa. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i a corsage of white carnations. Dun- For Sale FOR SAI E—108 acres, Excellent 1 No. 3. 404xc. The Jolly Janes will serve lunch NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, to na Winslow, maid of honor, wore FOR SALE OR RENT—Eleven acres location 0:1 highway. Two houses a blue dress with a corsage of t . Corp. Ercll Goodell called or at the Hopkins sale in east Ros the creditors of D. J. Knottingham, WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for deceased, and all other persons in white carnations. Orley Hart of relatives in the district Sunday. He well Wednesday. in Apple Valley suitable for row ° th" ^ . is priced right at $9600.00 We can live fox feed horses. Phone 8. Pay terested in said estate, that Lois Mesa. Idaho was best man Pfc. Ezra Brumbach left Tuesday returned from the Pacific last week 12Atfc. ciops or hay. Lottie Phillips, Box arrange finance part of this for ette. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. C. j receiving a discharge from the morning for Rupert, Idaho, where Knottingham has been appointed 85, Nyssa. 2601xp. j you. Bernard Eastman. Administratrix of the estate of D. D. Honeyford, pianist, played Lo-1 army. He entered the armed forces he will serve as guard in a prisoner HELP WANTED hengren s wedding march. Xmmed- j March. 1942 and went overseas of war camp. FOR SALE—Collapsible baby bug- FOR SALE OR TRADE!—two pure- WANTED— Beauty operator. Good J. Knottingham, deceased, and has lately following the ceremony a ln June of the same year Mrs. Virginia White of Texas Is qualified as such; all persons hav- gy, $8. Phone 5J. 2502xp. hereford bulls, two years old. Will commission. Owyhee Beauty shop. .iig claims against said estate are buffet lunch was served. Those who attended the char visiting in the Nielson home. --------------------------- -------------------------- trade for older bulls. Zack Walker. 16Atfc. notified to present same with the The young couple left on a wed ivari at the EM Henderson home Miss Mary Weir visited Ironside FOR SALE—Team and extra horse. Phone 104 W. 30Atfc. proper vouchers verified as required ding trip, after which the groom for Mr and Mrs. Jerry Davidson friends on her way home from 1700 pounds. Pat Sweaney, 4 1, j r o R sALE—AlliTohalmer» IS H.P. MISCELLANEOUS oy law, to the undersigned at the will report to an army camp in from this district were Mr. and La Grande. California. miles southwest of Nyssa. 2502xp. 1 220 or 440. 3 motor and Nyssa and Adrian high sch ool Mrs. H. L. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Wil MISCELLANEOUS—Service on all office of A. L. Fletcher in the City Lt. Brown has served five years lis Bertram, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie are closed for two weeks for har j centruugai pump, size 3X2 V i, speed makes of washing machines and of Nyssa, Oregon, such being the in the United States army, and Topliff, Edward and Irvin Topllff vest vacation. FOR SALE—Two bulls, holstein; 1 | 3600, complete with switch and vacuum cleaners. G. E. Zemp, % oiace for the transaction of all bus- E. H. Brumbach and Joe went to year, and herford, 2 years; good | starter. Also Byron-Jackson cen- Golden Rule store, Caldwell, Idaho ness pertaining to said estate, with- has Just returned from Germany, and Donna and Alva Goodell Jr. where he had ben stationed for Vale Monday on business. bulls. J. O. Lane. 14 mile south trifugal pump. 200 G. P. M„ speed 2504xp n six months of the first publica- 4 months. ion of this notice, to wit: Oct. 11, Kingman Kolony schoolhouse. H&0 complete with 15 horsepower Mrs. Jule Houston and Mrs. Anna r | Westmghouse 3 phase motor, swit- BUTCHERINO 1945. B ig B e n d Phone 02-J2. Custom butchering every Mon First publication, October 11, 1945 •farkham accompanied Mrs. Wes- 2502xp’ | ch and starter. City of Nyssa, ey Blanton to Adrian last Satur- day and Friday. Beef, sheep ario I Oregon. lOMtfc. Last publication, November 8, 1945 Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Htckox of By Leona Anderson lay to attend the county P. T. A. FOR SALE!—20 head of Weiner pork. Sanitary butchering guaran Lois Knottingham Woodburn, Oregon former residents Idaho Power Co. meeting. pigs, 2 months old, Cash T im er. STORAGE— Consolidated Freight- teed. ______________________ Phone 05R1. All stock mus. Administratrix of the estate o: . ,, _ _ . . , of this vicinity were callers in the Mr. and Mrs. George Rookstool „ . J' „ 16 miles southwest of Nyssa, north ways building, First street. See come in Thursday or Sunday after- D. J. Knottingham, Deceased. , _ _ ... F. A. Miller home Tuesday, 'HALLOWE’EN ANTICS" f Parma called at the Vern Smith , L of Mitchell butte. 2501xp. dake at the Fix-It shop. 24Mtfc noon between 1 o ’clock and 7. Nc I Schools were closed Thursday Hallowe’en parties for the young- stock accepted on butchering day NOTICE OF ESTABISHING rm d“ oLingeT d e e r from the ld“ y t0 ^ m l t teachers to sters are always fun and very little FOR SALE!—1937 tw..-ton Stude- F or Rent One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta SPECIAL WEED CONROL DIS Malheur countv game farm was att'end the r'“K‘onal teachers ta- work There are favorite stunts like baker truck. Excellant condition, avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc TRICT ound on the George Barnes' farm stltut® at ^ Grande' Bend teachers pinning the tail on the donkey and good tires. New beet l ed. $875. E. FOR RENT—160 acres, a good row NOICE IS HEREBY GIVEN crop farm on the Owyhee. Adress: NOTICE TO CREDITORS R. Norman, one mile South NysSa * b» ™ “ “ “ 7 b“ bbl ™ •» That under and by virtue of Chap 113xp. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, to bridge. 2501xp. H. Terra, Box 912, Nyssa. be shot The meat was donated * lr„ “ “ S w “ 7 7 I [7 corr) sh,ocks and grinning ter 5, Title 35 of Oregon Complied to tn th„ hnsnital red Handley- Mrs. Jo* Brumbach, pumpkins, and festoons of orange the creditors of George A. Knotting- Laws Annotated the County Court FOR SALE!—8 piece dining room LOST ham, deceased, and all other persons Mrs Wesley Blanton attended and * nd bla<* pap6r App*“ ’ ™ ts. of the State of Oregon for Malheur set. Call Sutherland, phone 132. the wedding of Doris Bonser and Ch wltty- doughnuts and cider are favorite interested in said estate, that Lois 250tfc. LOST—Office keys, No. 1240 and Knottingham has been appointed County did on the 5th day of Sept C l a m ^ HUls in B ol^ aL idT y M ta Vlrglnla MUler retuhned to | refreshments. Children and grown- 1054, on ring. Reward. Leave at ember 1945, by resolution duly and ™ 1U* a snort 7 * Wef.neiday 7?°™ par- ™ lowe'en UP alllte WlI‘ U's the 1)651 Hal‘ FOR SALE—Omaha Standard Journal office. 2502xp. Administratrix of the estate of Geo- regularly passed and adopted, Mrs, 1» Ora , Bonser , t u r , i n o and . i c . r a f Dorothy', . t h * o ° after visit with her ever. n nH A f r Vge A. Knottingham, deceased, and mother and twin sister of the stock rack, 13 feet. See Tad Inouye, create and establish a Weed Con ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller. Here is a recipe for Pumpkin Adrian F. S. A. Camp. 1803xp. LOST—Anyone knowing of cattle has qualified as such; all persons trol District within said County and bride, returned to the Blanton Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott and F'aoe Cookies to start your plan branded with pitchfork on right having claims against said estate home with Mrs. Blanton and were State, the boundaries of which are son, Donald of Glendale, Callforn- ning. FOR SALE!—1930 model A truck, hip or back notify Jack Walker, Re are notified and required to present her father. more particularly described as fol overnight guests there They were la ' who are vlsiUn "PUMPKIN COOKIES” 1 Vi tons. Stake body, gotd rubber, ward. 180tfc. same with the proper vouchers, ver honored with a waffle and fried charles Adrlan> spent lows: TIME: Until ified as required by law, to the 720 duals on rear, 620 on front. pheasant breakfast before leaving ... ____ __ _____ . . ,, 36 , . . to 48 _ cookies. _ _ __ Starting at the norteast corner of Glenn H. Salter, 1V4 miles north LOST OR STRAYED—Three bay undersigned at the office of A. L. for their home at Vancouver, Wash- Sun:lay Callln8 ° n irlen8d ln thiS. llght brown TEMP: 375 de*re' s- Section 7, Township 20 South, Ran vlsinlty. Cecil has served the past ¡ 1. Cream together-1 cup butter or of Adrian on highway. 1802xc. work horses, one pinto saddle mare Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, Ore ington. and one Shetland. C. J. Fox. 1103xc. gon, such being the place for the ge 46. E!ast of Willamette Meridian, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pettet and honorably discharged two weeks SU“ e’, * c u p ,su*ar thence South on the east line of 2. Add-1 egg yolk. FOR SALE!—10 room modern house transaction of all business pertain Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pettet of Van ago. He was formerly employed by Sections 7, 18, 19, 30, and 31, Town 3. Sift and measure-1 Vi cups flour with full basement. Two bath WANTED ing to said estate, within six months couver, Washington and Mrs. Les the reclamation bureau. ship 20 South, Range 46, and the V4 tsp baking powder. 1/8 tsp salt. looms. 18 acres of row crop. Lu of the first publication of this not ter Langer and baby and Miss East line of Section 6, Township 21 Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts a n d ! 4. Mlx-3 tbsp milk, few drops ther Fife. Alberta Ave. 1802xc. WANTED—Furnished room ln pri ice, to wit, October 11, 1945. Ruth Langer of Vancouver arrived vate home for mother and daugh chlluren were Sunday guests of orange coloring. South, Range 46, to its intersection Lois Knottingham for a week’s visit at the homes of 2501np. PCR SALE—One new Oliver two- ter. Call Journal Office. Mrs. Robert’s parents,, Mr. and 5. Add milk, and dry Ingredients Administratrix of the estate of of the Owyhee River, thence in a Merle Jackson and Tom Pettet. row beet lifter. Stunz Lumber Co. Mrs. Hinberllder in Nampa. southwestedly direction along the alternately. Roll ln wax paper and WANTED—Saddle horses to break. George A. Knottingham, Deceased. Mrs. George Pennington, F O and 1802xc. Mrs. Joe Brock attended a fain- store in refrigerator for several First publication, October 11, 1945 west bank of the Owyhee River to Mrs. John Pennington and Mrs. Mile north and V4 mile west of home in Boise Sunday. She accom- hours. Slice and decorate like its Intersection of the west line of STOVE RE!PAIRS—Any make, any Apple Valley schoolhouse. Elmer Last publication, November 8, 1945. Orien Hainlain left last Monday ily dinner at the Arnold Skelton pumpkin faces. For eyes and nose. Section 23, Township 21, South, 2502xp. stove. We are getting excellant ser Shaul. for Lind, Washington to visit at j ,ed Mr and Mrg chaHes ske,_ use currants; and for mouth use Range 45, thence North on the vice. Order now. Hi-Way. Mdse. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert to n . of Legal Advertising red marshlno cherries. West line of Sections 23, 14, 11, and WANTED TO RENT—House with Mart. Phone 74-J. 27Stfc. Huber and family. Mrs. Huber will Mrs. Darrell English accompanied 6. Bake. 2, Township 21 South, Range 45. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING 4, 5, or 6 rooms by Dec. 1, E. K. submit to an operation while her her mother, Mrs. Clary of Roswell, NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN, That and the West line of Sections 35. mother, Mrs. George Pennington FOR SALE or trade—1935 Chevrolet Burton, City manager, phone 135M. on a shopping trip to Nampa Tues COL. Floyd A. Randall 180tfC. O. R. Hite, Administrator of the Range 45, to the Northwest corner is there. truck. Zack Walker. 6 Stfc. day. estate of Anna J. Glascock Hite, de of Section 23. Thence West on tht EVERYBODY’S Mr. and Mrs. Art Whitsell and EDR SALE!—Farms ranging from WANTED—Someone to care for ceased. has filed in the County South line of Section 15, Township Martha Clary of Roswell was a 30 acres up to 200 acres. Prices children by the week or month. QOUr^ o2 Malheur County, Oregon. 20 South, Range 45, to the South Mr. and Mrs. McKuen of McNinn- week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. ville, Oregon visited several days his first and final account of his west corner of Section 15, thence at the Ray Whitsell home and en Darrell English. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson re administration and that Wednes North on the West line of Sections joyed pheasant hunting. ceived word that their son. Bob, day, November 7, 1945, and the 15 and 10, Township 20 South, Mrs. Tom Whillock and daugh has arrived in the States after a hour o f-11 o ’clock A. M. of said day Range 45, to the Nortwest corner ter, Charlotte, arrived home Thurs and the County Court Room in of Section 10, thence East on the day from San Delgo, where they long stay ln the Pacific area. EYed Gibson, who returned home the City of Vale, Oregon, have been North line of Sections 10, 11, 12, have resided while her husband two weeks ago from Germany, be fixed by the Court as the time and Township 20 South, Range 45, and was stationed at a naval base. gan work for Alton Welch ln Cald i place for the hearing of said ao- the North line of Section 7, Town Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hainline of I count and any person interested ir. ship 20 . South, Range 46, to the . Vale were Sunday guests at the well Monday. I Lee Johnson of Boise was a vis said estate may appear, file object point of beginning, containing ar.|0rlen Hainline home, ions in writing thereto, and be area of approximately 23 sections | Mr and Mr§ MarshaU Greene itor ln the Van de Water home Sunday. or 14,720 acres. heard thereon. ! of Laramie, Wyoming and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Holly and 1 Said account is for final settle That the purpose of said W eed, n4rS- y Greene of Minnesota, ar- ment and upon being approved said Control District is to prevent the rlved Saturday Ior a visit at the son, who were guests of Mr. and estate will be closed, a distribution spreading and develpoment of n o x -' home o{ Mr and Mrs Porrest Mrs. F. A. Miller, left for LaOrande AUCTIONEERS made of the assets in the hands of ious weeds hereinafter described Sayers, Mrs. M. Greene and Mrs. Wednesday to visit her parents. William Ashcraft of Adrian sel OPTOMETRISTS the Administrator, and said admin “ • »J f F.Tevel7 and destr° y tb® ¡Sayers are sisters. ected Mrs. Dyre Robeits to solicit MARION OSBORN istration brought to a close and blooms, reseeding and reproduction The monthly P. T. A. meeting will OR I A McFAl 1 said Administrator discharged. of the following noxious weeds; be held Friday evening at the Livestock and General ! “ See McFall and See Better” White Top (Lepidium draba) schoolhouse O. R Hite Administrator of the Estate of Canada Thistle (Carduus arvensis) The members of the Lincoln Auctioneer Anna J. Glascock Hite, deceased. Russian Knayweed (Centauria plc- Heights Cattle association met at from common colds * I 1st publication, October 4, 1945. ris) the Claude Page home Friday I Last publication, November 1, 1945. Blue Flowering Lettuce (Lactuca evening for a business meeting — pulchella) Miss Frances Page is spending ! NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING And any other weeds which may a two weeks visit with relatives Chronic bronchitis may develop If EYESIGHT SPECIALIST your cough, chest cold, or acute bron i NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, be declared noxious during the at Salem. Perfection is no trifle, yet of chitis is not treated and you cannot That Anges C. Eastman, the Admin time this district remains establish ONTARIO OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and afford to take a chance with any medi trifles Is lt made, I am care istratrix of the estate of Archie ed. sons. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smith and cine less potent than Creomulslon ful about all of the little things C. Eastman, receased, has filed In This shall constitute official no Harry were entertained at Sunday which goes right t j the seat of the that are necessary to make your PHYSICIANS the County Court of Malheur tice of the creation and establish dinner at the Lee Smith home. trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to sale a success. County, Oregon, her first and final ment of said weed control district The occassion was in observance soothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed My success depends upon the account of her administration and and Is served upon any and all of Lee Smith’s 64th birthday. bronchial mucous membranes. SARAZIN CLINIC success of your auction. I be Creomulslon blends beech w ood that Saturday October 27. 1945, and persons Interested therein, by au J. J. Sarazin, M. D. lieve that "He profits most who creosote by special process with other the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of said thority of the said County Court time tested medicines for coughs. General practice of medicine serves best." day and the County Court Room for said County and State by pub OWYHEE It contains no narcotics. X-ray Physiotherapy My advertising and selling in the City of Vale, Oregon, have lication thereof ln the Gate City No matter how many medicines service doesn't cost you any been fixed by the Court as the Journal, a weekly newspaper of Della Lee Kygar, daughter ol you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with thing. lt pays for Itself with ex L. A. Maulding, M.D. time and place for the hearing of ;eneral circulation within said Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar of Owy the understanding you must like the tra dollars you get on the day Physician and Surgeon said account and any objections aid County and State, for a per hee, and Donald Ray Franklin were way lt quickly allays the cough, per of your sale. that may be filed thereto, when and iod of two successive weeks, and married in Payette Saturday, Oct mitting rest and sleep, or you are to Phone 87 PAYETTE. IDAHO where any person interested ln said hat immediately following the last ober 20. Mrs. Franklin was a grad- have your monrv e ick. (Adv.i Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 estât may appear, file objections publication of this official notice I uate of the Adrian high school ln Dally— ILxcept Sunday m M M niM iM M M nra.M km « m m m m iH im iiim iii him him mm mm m i i mm i i m in m m mt . in writing thereto, and be heard the provisions of this act shall be j class of 1944, and has spent all Fry Building thereon. nforced in accordance with the 1 her life in this community. Mr. Rt. 2, Ontario, Oregon Said account Is for final settle purpose and intent of said act. Franklin is to leave shortly for DENTISTS ment and upon being approved said H. S. Sackett service in the armed forces. Phone 354-J-4 estate will be closed, a distribution County Clerk The Owyhee Community club J. R. CUNDALL made of the assets ln the hands of met with Mrs. Blanch Hite in JEWELRY STORES the Administratrix, and said admin Nyssa Thursday, October 18. Ten Dentist istration brought to a close and said members and three guests were I C h a r te r Trips Aircraft Service ^ Phone 56-J Administratrix discharged. PAULUS present. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Sarazin Clinic Agnes C. Elastman Regina Simmons has returned became a member. Refreshments WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE JEWELRY STORE NYSSA OREGON Administratrix of the Estate of to school, having recovered from were served by the hostess. The I 5 Union Pacific Time Inspector Archie C. Eastman, deceased. injuries she received when she next meeting will be with Mrs. Nyssa Airport JEWELRY — DIAMONDS 1st publication, September 27, 1945. fell from a car. Lynn Kygar with Mrs. Jess Kygar Pianos WATCHES I P. 0 . Box 396 Telephone 012R1 § Last publication, October 25,1945. Rev, R. L, Krlner and family as assistant. Main Street at Second spent Thursday in Nampa on bus- Walter Rhodes of Portland was «run nmuM n i i n:«mm nun «m m m hi m hi nriti iirnt rriii ri hi nun hi in m hi hi run hi m m m mm hi m in S DEPENDABLE USED UPRIGHTS RESOLUTION iness. a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. AND ORAND PIANOS WYCKOFF A Resolution Declaring Intention j The Patch and Chat club met at Louis Skinner. Mr. Rhodes and Winter Music Co to and Commencing Proceedings for the home of Grace Houston Thurs Mr. Skinner are cousins. IEWELRY STORE String and Band Instruments ! Vacation of a certain alley Where- day afternoon. Co-hostesses were Charles Culbertson Is in the Ny- Official Time Inspector for 123 12th Ave. So. Box 26 1 as, the following described portior. Mrs. Anna Markham. Mrs. Annie ssa Nursing home for observation. Union Pacific Nampa, Idaho of an alley In the City of Nyssa, Johnson and Mrs. Mae Ward. Roll Rev. Kriner of Lincoln district ONTARIO OREGON Malheur County, State of Oregon, call was a magazine exchange. The will preach after Sunday school on j To lease row crop land. Cash or on shares in HAY BUYER at this time is not used or needed afternoon was spent making Hal Sunday, October 28. Nyssa vicinity. for purposes of public travel or lowe'en hats that will be sold Fri GEORGE JACKSON Mrs. Margaret Wolf and daugh-1 W. F. Jahn convlenience, and the area thereof day night at the P. T. A. meeting. ter, E31en. spent several days with r MODERN WATCH DEPAIRINO is valuable for purposes of the ad Refreshments consisting of sand her sister, Mrs. Jess Gregg, ln the Dealer in hay and grain State Licensed jacent owners, and it Is deemed ln wiches pumpkin pie and coffee were Buena Vista district last week. No. 5, Factory Court Watchmaker the best Interests of the City of served. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson o f : Phone 68M ONTARIO, OREGON Nyssa that such ally be closed, to- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gamer of & n- Caldwell with their son. Pvt. Les- I mett are the parents o f a son ter Larson, who Is home on fur- 1 3 % blocks N. of City Hall Opposite sugar factory ¡wit: Ontario, Oregon or Phone 351-R-4 j All of the alley ln Block 18, Teu- born October 17 at Brlttlngham’s ln ¡lough, and Mrs. Lester Larson and 1 tsch Addition, extending from the Ontario. Mrs. Oamer Is the former | son were guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 Classified Advertising B u e n a V is ta K ü c h e n C h a ts Z ’ Z AUCTIONEER Professional And Business Directory Beware Coughs That Hang On j STUDENT FLIGH T I INSTRUCTION Lincoln Heights W AN TE D Chester Tsuda j