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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE SIX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1945 SALE CALENDAR many lovely gifts there. The couple day at the home of Mr and Mrs. home Friday from Eugene, where. Attend Anniversary Celebration— then met many friends In the Ho Ray C. Lewis In honor of Richard she was called because o f the | Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings at- tel Utah, where the bride was pre- H Lewis. S. C. 2/c, and Mrs. Lewis serlous Illness of her father W W. tended the golden wedding celebra- FO R SALE—Thursday. October 18, ented with a gardenia corsage and Captain and Mrs. Clifford T. Calklns. Mrs. Morgan’s son, C lay,■tion of M r and Mrs. M. Thode of Ashby. Places were set for 20. Mem accompanied her to Eugene to enter Frultland at the Payette Country 1 p. m., mountain time, on B. L. prior to their departure for Nyssa. , club Sunday evening. bers of the Immediate family in Ward place, Jamieson, across from They were accompanied home by attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie the university. Mr. Calkins, who is Coleman store, 20 foot electric re Mrs. Oscar Pike. Lewis and family. Invited guests some Improved In health, returned O PA GIVES W A R N IN G frigerator cabinet. 7 Jersey cows, A reception will be given In honor were Mr. and Mrs Fred Kratzburg with his daughter for a visit. D AR TH E L B YB E E yF R A N K P IK E supper was given In honor of the TO SEED GROWERS farm machinery, household goods, of Mr. and Mrs. Pike Monday even and family. M AR R IE D IN TE M PLE ! newlyweds at the home of Mr. and ing in the Nyssa gymnasium, with 4-wheel drive car, Here From Washington— Richard Lewis Is home on leave Miss Dar Thel Bybee, daughter Mrs. Don Moss at Salt Lake City O PA enforcement attorneys Is the "4 Harmonies" of Nampa, ra after serving 17 months In the Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Johnson of sued today to alfalfa and clover and well-drilling machine. Col Bert of Mr. and Mrs. Dart O. Bybee, a n d . with 14 present. Table decorations dio artists, furnishing the music. South Pacific. Mrs. Lewis arrived Frank J. Pike, son of Mr. and Mrs. consisted of a white wedding cake, Admission will be by Invitation. Puyallup, Washington visited T h u rs-' seed growers and dealers an urgent Anderson, auctioneer. here from Ogden, September 30. Oscar D. Pike were married Octo with minature bride and groom ad The couple plan to make their Captain and Mrs ¿.shby came last day with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. John- ! reminder about observing pricing ber 3, In the Mormon Temple at orning the top, white candies at lo o Late to Claaaity regulations during the present har- home In Nyssa. where Mr Pike is Wednesday from Portland, Salt Lake City by Charles R. Jones, each end of the table, and a crystal employed by the Amalgamated sug- j vesting and cleaning of the 1945 __. __ FO R SALE—Or trade 1940 G. M. C. president of the L. D. 8. Arizona, bowl of talisman and orange-pink crop. Last year several treble dam ar company. He is expecting a c a ll; C IV IC CLUB TO MEET Go To Boise— 1 H ton long-wheel base truck. temple. The wedding party consist' rose buds on a circle mirror. Mrs age action and injunction suits were to the service soon. p ians have been completed for | Mrs. Joe Sutherland and boys ed of the bride's mother and the Dale Moss was co-hostess. The filed against growers and dealers Good condition. Sylvester Myers, groom's mother and his grandmoth couple stayed at the home o f Mr. Hi-vQ-riMis AT p a r t y I ttle Nyssa Civlc clubs annual ,a l‘ and Mrs. Harry Miner spent Tues- for failure to make the necessary j 2 15 miles west of Nyssa on high HOSTEBS A T P A R T Y flower show and library meeting, . . _ . er, Mrs. Schaffer of Salt Lake City. and Mrs. LeRoy Burninghain while deductions for "quality-cleaning" of way 30. Mrs. O. A. Billings was hostess at whlch wllI ^ held ln the parish day m 1102xp. After the ceremony a wedding In Salt Lake City. They received! seed in 1944. I two bridge parties Tuesday of this ha;,_ October 17 at 2:30 p. m. The O P A price regulations covering iXJST O R S TR A Y E D —Three bay week. In the afternoon Mrs. R. O . . f]ower ¡¡how will be especially lor Here From Enterprise— Mrs. Jack Dixon and daughter of grass and legume seeds provide that work horses, one pinto saddle mare Larson and Mrs. G. J. Mitchell won ; chrysanthemums. Flower exhibitors the prizes. A special prize w as. are aajced t0 provlde their own con- Enterprise, Oregon, are here visit- a deduction for cleaning charges and one Shetland. C. J. Fox. 1103xc. ing Mrs. Eldle Wilson and Mrs. must be made from the ceiling price awarded to Mrs. T . H. Eldrldge.! tajners to the grower when the seed Is sold FO R SALE)— Moline beet puller, Evening prize winners were Mrs. j M lu u lh an NlsbeW of Ontario, Frank Ward. on a "quality-cleaned" basis. Clean horse drawn. Hugh Glenn, route 1, Artie Robertson and Mrs. A. H. ! county librarian, will be the prln- ing the seed free of charge, in add Phone 03R11. llOlxc. Boydell. Mrs. J. L. Church won a c[pa] speaker on the library pro- Arrlves From California— Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bates and ition to paying the grower the ceil- special prize. gram, which will include music fur ng price for cleaned seed. Is actually W ANTED —T o buy 1000 pounds of nished by Lynn Lawrence, music Mrs. Jack Wood of Riverside, Cal- I ifornla, and Mrs. C. H. Bowman of paying over the legal ceiling price wheat, ca&h. E. A. Dewey, route 2, STUDENTS A T C. O F I. Instructor In the Nyssa schools. Nyssa. Oregon. San Bruno, California, arrived Mon for the seed. College of Idaho, Sept. 29 iSpec- - 5 - I day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert ial>—Seven students from Nyssa are H A P P Y E IG H T MEET (Hllinil lll M l m ill MUM »111:111 III III »1 III III III III M ill MM III M.M.M III III »1 III Mitt III lil.lll.lll III lll lll lil lll III III M ill enrolled at the College o f Idaho for The Happy Eight Pinochle club Thompson and family. the fall term. They are: Shirley met at the home of Mrs. Emil Stunz $25 REW ARD Price, freshman; Mary Atagi, soph Friday afternoon. Prizes in the In Boise— m s E Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Morris and E omore; Masako Endow, senior; W il card game were won by Mrs. Tom will be paid to anyone who can give me infor- | daughter attended to business ln S liam Fry, freshman; Tala Iwasaki, Eldredge and Mrs. S. P. Bybee. Boise Wednesday. junior; Ernest Maze, freshman; and | mation as to the whereabouts o f my dog before 1 Chlyo Yamada, senior. 8:30 | hunting season. g In Hospital— -5 — Mrs. Holly Smith underwent a M AR R IE D IN VALE White and brown pointer, name Jake. Bump Everybody Invited major operation at the Holy Rosary ~ Mrs. Berdie Birdwell o f St. Angelo, on tail from fracture. hospital ln Ontario Monday even Texas, and Jim Kirkland were ing. married at Vale Monday. Mrs. K irk land has been a house guest of Drill Team To Meet— i N Y S S A LUMBER CO. Mrs. Letha Jeffrey for the past All members of the Owyhee Rld- Parents Of S o n - : few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland ing club are requested to meet Sun Lt. (J. O .) Edward B oydell and W WMIIIHIM'M'MIW'MM»mil'HIMMMTIM»1 ttim W WttttlttMMttWMM■ 'ttMttttNBttWnWBttM will make their home on a farm ' any at 2 p. m. at the rodeo grounds Mrs. B oydell are parents o f a son near Nyssa. west of the Nyssa Livestock grounds born Tuesday at Salem. The baby for drill practice. The club has weighing seven pounds, has been G IR L SCOUTS HEAR T A L K accepted an Invitation to attend a named James EJdward. Lt. Boydell, Some folks seem determined to be sick, so Girl Scout troop No. 4 and their ( barbecue at the rodeo at Marslng, who Is stationed at San Diego, is leader, Mrs. Bernard Eastman, were ¡Idaho, October 21 at I f a. m. All the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boy here are a few suggestions to help speed the dell. guests of Mrs. Garret Stam Monday members of the club are Invited. afternoon. Mrs. Stam gave a talk process: Go To Boise— to the girls on “The Netherlands,” On Vacation— Mrs. Henry Borgman and Mrs. her native land. Mrs. Richard Pigg and son, K en Stay in the sun until you are overheated. neth Dean, will leave Friday for Helen Tonning and son visited in -5 - HONORED ON B IR T H D A Y California and Oklahoma to visit Boise over the week-end at the W ill be re-opened Don’t pay any attention to what you eat. Mrs. Eldon Jenson honored her relatives. Mrs. Plgg will be accom home of Mr. and Mrs. George Sum son, Errol, on his seventh birthday panied to Brentwood, California, by pter. They returned to Nyssa with Let minor infections alone; they don’t look Saturday afternoon at a party given her brother. Pvt. Willard Manning, Mr. Borgman, who went to Boise at her home. The 15 Invited guests who is visiting here while on fur Junday. bad. attended the matinee at the Nyssa lough before going overseas. Mrs. Shoe and harness repairing. W ork guaran theatre, later returning to Errol's Pigg will visit her parents at Quin fere From Weiser— Let your system get clogged. Mrs. T. Paul Joseph and Mrs. home for refreshments, which con ton, Oklahoma. teed. Old and new Customers welcome. Sam Hill of Weiser visited Monday sisted o f a large birthday cake and Why Sleep? You might miss something. afternoon at the home of Mrs. ice cream. Goes To Washington— The Methodist mission board and lohn Bishop. the Japanese provisional conference E N TE R TAIN S A T BRIDGE Mrs. Nick Rudelick entertained have appointed Miss Azalia E. Peet Go Deer Hunting— Kenneth Renstrom, Eddie Powell her bridge club Wednesday night. to the Wapato Methodist church for Mrs. Lucille Norcott, a guest, won Japanese to open a hostel ln the Herman Towne and Joe Maughan first prize; Mrs. Sid Burbrldge, church building for the Japanese second, and Mrs. Aden Wilson, the people returning to that area. Miss Don’t let any minor ache or pain go un-no- traveling prize. I Peet, who has been stationed at the with a deer. —8— Adrian camp, said ‘‘X have much en- ticed. Use common sense. W e have all the home E N T E R T A IN S A T BRID G E j Joyed my three years and four Cannery To Cli Mrs. Wayne Morris' home was the months In the Nysf^i area." remedies you need. scene of two bridge supper parties last Thursday and Friday. She was Visiting In Salem— assisted by her mother, Mrs. Ethel Miss Gale McCoy left Sunday for ICrowford, and her sister, Mrs. Os- Salem for a few days' visit with have their food at the cannery be X U J L l J B O a fore that date. I wald Forbes. Prizes Thursday were her mother, Mrs. Don McBaln. won by Mrs. Harry Miner. Mrs. D. L. Anderson, Prop. Attending Meeting— Alberta Bowman, Mrs. Bernard Visit Here— and have purchased the Signal Service Station Frost and Mrs. L. A. Mauldlng. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hendry and Friday prize winners were Mrs. Ed- daughters of Glenns Ferry are Idle Powell, Mrs. EM Frost, Mrs. War spending the week at the home of school principal, business formerly operated by Cecil Florea. ren Larson and Mrs. Grant Rine Mrs. Hendry's parents, Mr. and Partland, grade school hart. Mrs. J. W. Jennings. administrators meeting. W e are handling all types of i —8— F A M IL Y D INN ER G IVEN Returns Hume- A fam ily dinner was given Sun- Morgan returned Visits Brother— Mrs. Frank SIGNAL PRODUCTS Staff Sergeant Eddie Wells, has been discharged from the army, Is visiting his brother, Olean Wells, manager of the Nyssa theater, Sgt. Wells returned to the states Sept FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 12-13 ember 29. He fought through the Philippine campaign. DOUBLE FEATURE J Stag Party Eagles Hall Wed. Night, Oct. 17 LOCAL NEWS How To Get Sick! A b b o t t ’s S h o e R e p a ir Shop Monday, October 15 D. W. Abbott If You Want to Stay Well IH ave Returned TVu TVTxroo« Owyhee Drug Company NYSSA Phone IQÒ PROGRAM THEATRE The East Side Kids “COME OUT FIGHTING” Bill Elliott, George “ Gabby” Hayes “TUSCON RAIDERS” Mat., Sat., 2:30 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUND AY AND M ONDAY, OCT. 14-15 Kathryn Grayson, Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, “ Rags” Ragland, and Jose Iturbi at the Piano In “ANCHORS A W E IG H ” Passing Parade Please Note: Evening shows will start at 7 :00 and 9:25. Please come early. Mat., San., 2:30 Adm.,‘sOc-Oc, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax Optometrist Eyes Examined 70G Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho Notice The City has entered into a contract with Mr. — B A R G A IN N IG H T — Finley Shuster giving him the exclusive privi TUESDAY, OCT. 16 lege to haul garbage, refuse, etc., for hire with Ralph Bellamy, Jane Powell In “DELIGHTFULLY DANGEROUS” Special: ‘Now the Peace’ and Color Cartoon in the City Limits of Nyssa. This was done to Adm. 25e-9c, Inc. Tax W EDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, OCT. 17-18 It’s a miracle of a musical— Starring the “ Wonder Man” o f merriment. Danny Kaye, Virgina Mayo In “W ONDER M AN ” The glitter and glow show o f the year— a wonder o f laughs, love and lovelies- all in Beautiful Technicolor. latest News and Specialty Adn Im. Evenings, 40e-»c. Including Tax ] Etoy Bibbey Hunters Dr. G. W. Graves secure for the People of Nyssa efficient garbage service and we hope for their cooperation. People wishing service may phone or leave word for Mr. Shuster at the City Hall. Common Council Nyssa To Play— The Nyssa Bulldogs will play Payette on the Payette field Friday IM'III II HI III III lllilllltt II II II Mill III III III III III III Mill III of this week in their last football I game of the season. Payette lost to Emmett 21 to 0 and defeated A d rian 31 to 0. Living In Nyssa— Mrs. Julian Johnson. Sr. has ! moved to Nyssa from Mountain Home, Idaho, to spend the winter with her son and daughfer-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Johnson. She ; will return to her home ln Parma , in the spring. Here From Boise— | Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pigg of Bouse visited at the home o f their son, Richard Pigg. Wednesday. Re-Opens Repair Shop— D. W. Abbott will re-open the j Abbott shoe repair shop M onday,f October 15. He will do shoe and harness repair work. Buys Service Station— Roy Blbbey has purchased the Signal service station business from Cecil Florea. Mr. Blbbey. who has been employed ln the shipyards in Bremerton. Washington, oper ated the station, located at Third and Main streets, ln 1942. He has renovated and repainted the sta tion. Mr. Florea Is not ready to announce his plans. Visits In Ontario— Mrs A1 Kuehn. Mrs Ward Wten- eke. Mrs. John Olson and Mrs. John Bishop visited Mrs. Robert Me Curdy and Infant daughter. Janet Sue. at the Holy Rosary hospital ln Ontario Saturday afternoon. FOR A KM M III III m ill III III III III 11111111111111:1111111111111:1111111.1111111111:111 IIK IS YOUR DOG READY FOR HIS BUSY PERIOD? Pheasant Season Opens October 13 Our Dog Food W ill Help Your Dog And You To Bag The Limit.