Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1945)
~ =x4kV JOURNAL rAeNYSSA VÖLÜME XXXX NYS'SÄT"OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 19 45 No. 3F Plans Develop For Meeting of 8 Grid Outfits GARBAGE DISPOSAL CONTRACT GIVEN Finley Shuster of La Grande will arrive here today or Friday to take charge of garbage collection and dis Curtailment of L ZONING cS ,N »cA ORDINANCE ,i™ s W a r Fund Drive —■ , W ill Be Started Farm Building The city council, at Its regular i meeting Tuesday night, passed the The national war fund drive will Program Shown ! proposed zoning ordinance at its FIELDMEN OF SUGAR COM PANY MAKE TRW Twenty-three fteldmen and ag ricultural superintendents, employ ees of tihe Amalgamated Sugar com pany in the Nyssa-Nampa district, made a tour ct Inspection of other districts of the company last week. The men making the trip In a company bus, Inspected fields In the Twin Falls area and Cache valley Utah, and seed processing equipment and seed growing In the Ogden area. The primary purpose of the trip was to give the men an opportunity to study disease and production problems in other producing areas of the company. be started in Malheur county and lirst reading. other parts of Oregon October 1. The council ordeied a street light Bernard Anderson Malheur coun placed at East Second and Lhrgood ty chairmati, has ahnouneed that avenue. Ed Ca e a*ked to have an alley the quota for Malheur county Is $12,000, the same as last year, thus Discontinuance or curtailment of in Block 86 east of highway 20 va making the quota for Nyssa $2600. Plans are developing for the cated . He wants the alley vacated programs through which AAA com eighth annual Snake river valley “The war Is over, but the war ! for a tourist camp. mittees assisted farmers in obtain fund aid must be continued until fool ball jamboree to be held at the ing materials needed for production all our servicemen are home,” the fairgrounds In Ontario Friday, Sept was announced tills week by Glen the chairman said. "Entertainment ember 21 at 8:15 p. m., according L. Hutchinson, chairman o f tilie by the USO and United seasmen’s to Charles Christianson, principal Malheur county A A A committee. sendee Is vital during this period M Mr. Hutchinson said that the ac o f the Ontario junior high school, i e-deployment. Seventy per cent tion follows WiPB policy o f discon- ------- i of the war fund this year will aid who is general chairman of this I tinulng controls and priorities as Albert L. Heldt of Nyssa, who has ! the USO and united seamen’s ser- year's event. sistance as reduced military procure been active in American Legion af-lvice. In addition to this, the war Eight schools cooperate to make | Frederick Snively, operator of ment results in generally Improved lairs lor many years, was elected to I fund will furnish clothing for th» the jamboree the most spectacular ; Snively's springs on the Owyhee supplies o f materials for civilian the executive committee of the de- j Filipinos, medical aid and clothing sports show of the year. Adrian, ¡river, died Friday in the Holy Ros use. partment of Oregon at the annual‘ for Belgium anld medical aid for Emmett. Fiuitland, Nyssa, Ontario. ary hospital in Ontario. He was The copper wire program was convention of the American Legion China, France. Holland, Norway Donald John Knottingham of Fayette, Vale and Weiser are repre 1 taken 'to the hospital Thursday ended September 10, and the county in Portland last week. and Greece. It will also aid seven Nyssa route 2, died Wednesday sented with football teams each committee no longer Is issuing cop Mr. Heldt has also been advanced children's homes in Oregon. night. morning in the Holy Rosary hospital playing a quarter to round out a The co-county chairman for Nyssa In Ontario, where he had received Mr. Snively, who operated the per wire allotment certificates for to the jjosition o f district command full game. springs for about 30 years, had farmstead wiring. Certificates Issued er of district No. 7 which includes and vicinity Is F.ffle Ellen Counsil treatment for two days. Preoeeding the game will be the been in poor health for sometime. before that date must be used with the counties of Malheur, Harney, and chairman for Nyssa Is Betty- Mr. Knottingham was born June colorful parade of the bands with Prior to moving to the springs he in 10 days o f the date of Issuance. Grant, Baker, Wallowa and Union, Tillman. Organization for the rural 30. 1890 In Washington and was their high stepping majorettes, | lived on Reynolds creek In Idaho. The farm lumber program is now comprising one-third of the terri ■area is underway. •uarrled to Lois Moore In that state sparkling instruments and stirring I Mr. Snively was born in Ohio 68 on a curtailed basis, and will be tory of Oregon. He was accompanied In 1913. He had lived In this vic music. The bands will then line up. years ago. He was never married. He discontinued entirely on October 1. to Portland by Donald M. Graham, inity for 31 years and at Nyssa for facing the stands, and the dean of | is survived by a sister, Mrs. E. M. | Until that date, county committees who served on the legislative com 12 years. He was a member of the Snake River valley music masters. .Hyde of Vandcouver, B. C. A niece I will issue farmers’ lumber certifi- mittee; Eugene Seybold, who ser Odd Fellows lodge. Jay Stoner of Payette, will lead the | Maybelle Jackson of Spokane, was ] cates for only maintenance, repair ved on the constitution and by Survivors are hls widow; four assembled pieces in the Star Spang ; here for the funeral, which was : and operating purposes, or in em- laws committee and Arthur Rouse, sons. John and Frank of the navy 1 crgency cases. led Banner alternate. Mr. Heldt served on the , . held Sunday at 2:30 In the Owyhee and Glenn and Paul of Nyssa. and With gas rationing o ff this year, schoolhouse with Rev. J. C. Nevin Also dicontlnued is the Issuance resolutions committee. s ,a ff S ^ a n t LeRoy Bair, for- his father, W. J. Knottingham of the officials expect a capacity of Adrian officiating. Internment of preference rating certificates for The new state commander, Neil ’ mer Prisoner In Gei many, was hon- crowd. The proceeds from the jam was in the Owyhee cemetery. The farm engines. Production controls M orfitt o f Astoria, is also a Mai- ° lcd ®uest at a meetl,1K of r" others Lynd, Washington: two brothers, A. R. Knottingham of Roxboro. boree will be pro-rated among the Nyssa Funeral home was in charge. have been dropped, and ratings are heur county man. having been and Wlves o i L - D S ’ “ ^Icem en Washington and O. E. Knottlng- participating schools. no longer necessary to obtain en born at Malheur City. He is a cousin | Wednesday evening, when they m »t ham of Newport Beach, California, gines. The Snake River valley school o f Julian F. M orfitt of Ontario, !lt the home of Mrs’ Carol Bybee. and three sisters, Eva Knottingham, masters will meet in Ontario F ri O R A N G E R E Q U E S T S W P B ’s construction limitation or Malheur county service officer. Ar,er the business meeting, at Mattie Knottingham and Susie Bur- day night to complete the jamboree R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T der L-41 remains in effect, and The Nyssa delegation was in fav- * hlch work directors Louise Fife geson o f Roxboro. plans, such as selection officials farm applications for construction or of military training, providing alld SelmR Poulson displayed the A short service will be held In the The Oregon T rail Orange passed casting more than $1000 for a farm that the period of military training |coIl>nial do11 qdl,t’ whlc* wU‘ ** for the game, ticket sellers, gate L. D. S. church In Nyssa Friday at keepers, car attendants and ushers. a resolution at its Tuesday night house and $1000 fo r farm service did not Interfere with the education I awartled Saturday even ng a a For the Interest of the public, there meeting asking the state highway buildings will continue to be filed of the young men called into the i dance in the 8ym, the time was 2 p. m. with Nathaniel Ashby, will be special police on the grounds department to rebuild the Nyssa- with the county committee, Mr. service turned over to Mrs. Howard Bair. branch president of the Owyhee district, officiating. Burial will be Adrian highway. to protect the parked cars. Hutchinson said. Approved appli ’ National Commander Edward' President of the young ladies here, at Lynd. Washington. The body Is The Grangers also passed a resol cation» will provide only authority Scheiberling said: |she told «bout the trials of boys In in the Peterson mortuary In On ution authorizing the secretary to to begin construction, and -will carry Speaks In Ontario— "F or 27 years the American Leg- j ,he servlee and “ T * oi lhe tario. Bishop and Mrs. Arvel Child were send a telegram to Oregon’s con no preference ratings for purchase ion has had in its charter a p ro - ‘•'tiers they had written her. in Ontario Sunday evening, when gressional delegation requesting that o f lumber or other materials. hibition against engaging in pol- 1 LeR^ Balr, ° ld some ° f hls Bishop Child was guest speaker at they vote against the bill providing itlcs, a provision which makes lt experiences while being a prisoner, for $25. a week unemployment com the L. D. S. ward meeting. impossible for the legion to sup- He said the people spit on them and ♦ li four cfnrwic of th orn u/han tlhav threw stones at them when they pensation. port a canidate for public office, In Ontario— were taken. He said many times The Grangers voted against com but as far as I can see, there Is they nearly starved in the prison r> o. ,Bvbee and his mechanic pulsory m ilitary training. nothing in the charter, which says „ , . , .. Tud Kelier, were Yn Ontario W ed , . . __’ „ ...„„K i- „ „^ iv a u ip they learned o f the advances Ross McPherson of Portland was that the legion, at a suitable and , ,r _ ' , . . . . Girl Cut By Dish— nesday on business. ____ _ ____ _ . „ ___,, of the Russian army and watched .elected president of the Malheur The Nyssa chamber of commerce proper tune, cannot iefeat a cand- . 1 every move. They could hear them M txlne Brown received painful iCounty Pioneers association at the idate for office.” Visits In Ontario— cuts on both hands last week when passed a resolution at its weekly as they drew closer to the prison 'annual meeting held In Vale. “ We have kept out o f politics, In camp. Interesting is the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure and daugh 1 a dish she was washing broke. She luncheon Wednesday m opposition Other officers are A. 8. Woodcock, fact we have leaned over backwards to the formation of Missouri val after being liberated the men, 10,- ; vice-president; Mrs. Nellie Carrol, ter Doris Gene, spent Sunday even- j was given first aid treatment at to see that we did not become In- ley authority or any other author at the ho*” » of Mr. and Mrs. Grant ! the Nyssa Nursing home and then , , . . .. . .. ... 000 strong, put their weight against volved :n any political activities. ^ barb wlre fenclnf and smashed secretary, and Mrs. Eucebla Beam, Pybep of Ontario. After dinner the was taken to a doctor who took one ity bill. 3ut what is politics? It is the sci- down ,lke toothpf c)[s Balr sald I historian. The resolution said the bills would I stitch in one of the lacerations. group attended a picture show. I Circuit Judge M. A. Biggs, dellveif. “ encroach upon the rights of the nCvr ernmen . the Russians drove in 300 head of “ Nothing can be accomplished in ca.MIe and fpd the prlsoneM. Balr lug the principal address, praised | He is with a casualty company in respective states, especially over the ^ tbe service three years the early pioneers for their re | platoon 3. control and administration of its Washington D. C. without politics. goals and to gain' . . _______„__ . . . _ ,____ .. . sourcefulness. waters and water rights. We be to achieve our ... , v and has now reported to a hospital, i “T o hear old settlers talk about nted wlth , g l ! t from Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crlsmon re lieve that such bills destroy the In a program which means the future Hp Wfls r]ub members Punth and 'the w af_ Fouith of July picnics, box ceived word that their son, Roy. dividual sovereignity of the states -et urlty of America, we must tak e, lhp socials, and dance suppers In the wepe tQ „ arrives In the states September 8. and depart from the democratic political action. Members of con- 1 old days when long tables groaned after being overseas for two years. #ay of life on which the United gre s are just as idealistic as we are. I under great quantities of food, He is now in Oklahoma, where he States government was founded. We but they also are practical men.|Y M A C , M » tt T n should put rationing to shame," rJEi enlisted, awaiting a furlough. A- believe It desluctive of Individual They want to know how many - • - I'lr t o i» l/ \ llj 1 Judge Biggs said. noth.r son of Mr. and Mrs. Cris- initiative and free enterprise and votes are back of a program, how! S E N T T O M E N S O O N “ Vision, courage, perseverance and ______ iron’i, James R. Jr., arrived in we believe it is an experiment in many votes the American Legion j Christmas packages for service- determination were the qualittess September 11 on a 30-day furlough. slate socialism, which would be has when it urges a program.” that enabled the early settlers of __________________ ! men overseas may be sent from He was inducted in September. 1942 destructive of the very foundation m ¡September 15 to October 15, without this western country to build lt Into and following his training hi Texas of our government." a great empire Inspite of hardships T n f i i v p ¡requests, postal employees said. was sent to Salt Lake City as an The Missouri authority bill and F i r p m p n I U U I T C j A package must be not over 36 and reverses,” he said. “Amidst an M. P. In September, 1943 he was the Columbia authority bill have L l i c i t I V I I sent to school in Boston and the been introduced in congress and the H i l l l n w n ’fm | i ; i l l inches In length and girth com- arid land overrun with unfriendly ^ ” L 4. I I M i l l l blued and not more than five Indians, coyotes and jack rabbits, following November was sent over Missouri bill will be given a hear ------- ! pounds in weight. The package must those early settlers had a vision of a Pfc. Martin Sayers is home on a seas. His wife, Virginia, and their ing September 18 ! Plans for the Hullowe’en ball to ^ wed wrapped a strong box. land endowed with fertile and pro son, Michael Lee, arrived in Nyssa “Oregon people feel that if they 30-day furlough with his parents. be given by the Nyssa fire depart- lnslde ^ as well ^ ductive soil, abundant water resour a week ago. can defeat the Missouri bill, spon Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sayers of ces and a climate tn which they sors of such legislation will not even ment the latter part of October sjde wrapping should be addressed, Lincoln Heights. He will return to | T h e bronze star medal has been attempt passage of the Oregon bill,” were outlined at a meeting of the j Christmas parcels for army per- could grow any crop adaptable to a Barnes General hospital at Van awarded to Major Lloyd A. Wilson Frank Morgan said. "W e can devel : firemen Monday night in the city sonnel en route overseas shortly temperate zone. They made that | before or subsequent to October 15 dream come to pass by sweat, toll, couver. Washington. He has been of Nyssa. officer in the army air op the west fast enough through j hall. During part of the meeting the Will be accepted after October 15, and sacrifice.” forces of the United States. the reclamation bureau and the awarded the European theater rib A picnic dinner was served at | The award was given “ for meri- army. The Tennessee valley author I fire fighting equipment and proper ^ l;p (p and Including December 10, bon with two battle stars and the ! torlous achievements in the per- 'attachment of hose to the hydrant 1945 upon presentation by the noon In Riverside park. The day's ity has almost unlimited authority. combat infantryman’s badge. I n j formance of outstanding services They are operating grocery stores, and pumper on the truck was dis- I sender of a change of address not- program was conducted with an cussed. The methods used in Nyssa tfication from the addressee recei old-tim e dance. ducted into the army at Port Lewis. 'from 28 June, 1943 tp8 May, 1945. utilities, fertilizer plants and other are the latest known methods for ved subsequent to September 30. Wa.-hington, he received training at I (when he was a first lieutenant businesses.” fighting fires in a small town. These ¡and captain). M ajor Wilson enter M AN ARRESTED ON Camp Roberts, California, and ser practices have been set up by the p a M r ’ tT 'p P R H P R A M ed the military service in Oregon. W IF E D E N IE S J IM ved in Italy and Germany as mil Oregon state fire marshall. QDU A V PD a n m u n BREAKING CHARGE A. Chadwick donated $25. to the SI LAKER ANNOUNCED itary police. He is a former stu Lawrence Peutz returned to Nyssa K I N G S H O T H I M S E L F John Petrovich of Nyssa was ar department for the splendid work I — — dent of Miami high school in Rush, Saturday after five years In the The cancer program sponsored by es ted by Oh let o f Police J. R. Dolan Mrs. James K ing o f Apple valley of the firemen in extinguishing the Colorado. service. He spent 32 months in the fire at his tourist court on Labor the Nyssa Civic club will be held In early Monday morning on a charge Panama canal zone, and was sta denied this week that her husband of breaking glass In a building not George Rooks tool, son o f Mr. and tioned at Atlanta. Georgia since shot himself Sunday moniing, Sept day. This money has been placed i n ; the Episcopal parish hall September hls own and was sentenced by Mrs. J. C. Rooks tool, route 2, Par 1913 prior to his discharge at Ft. ember 6 and stated that an un the department treasury and will | 19 at 8:15, Instead of in the Nyssa Frank D. Hall, justice of the peace, be used to better tihe department, i theater. identified man shot him with a ma. who has been In the air forces Lewis, Washington recently. He is The program will consist of a to three months In the county jail, since October, 1940. was granted the son of Mr. and Mrs. William 12-gauge shotgun on the back porch officers said. A practice drill has been called 1 sound film and a lecture given by j He was expected to be taken to of their residence. hts rischarge September 8. Rook- Peutz of route 1. Mr. K ing returned home from for next Monday night at 7.39., W C. Sorrnsen. superintendent of Vale by Sh eriff C. W Glenn to stool served in Egypt. Iran, Pales day. Ray Fox. fireman first clasi, Is Nyssa about midnight with some New members will acquaint them- schools at Payette. Mr. Sorensen tine and Italy. T h e officer said Petrovich, known home on leave. He has been in the neighbors. Mrs. King said the man selves with the latest methods of has been engagfd in the work for as “ Pancho” , broke two large plate several years. handling hase. | who did the shooting wore overalls, South Pacific for the last 14 mon Pvt. Delbert Malloy Is here on a The public Is Invited to attend. glass windows and two smaller j but gave no other description of two week furlough and will report ths. Here From Ilarrisville— The civic club will not hold a regu- windowa In the Rosebud pool hall him. Mrs. K ing and other members to Camp Adair, after visiting his about 1 a. m. Monday. Prior to that Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Tayler and lar business meeting that day. Hondo Army Air Field, Texas— ¡o f the family, who were In the parents. Mr. and Mrs. James M al time Dolan said Petrovich entered e d ) ----------------------- Another graduating class, represent j house, heard Mr. K ing fall. They relatives. Howard Pierce and T loy. the Rosebud, ordered a "soft" drink ing nearly every state completed ! called a doctor and he in turn call MtcBride. are here visiting at the Go To Portland— and laid a $20 bill on the bar. He Lt. and Mrs. Raymond Stine- the army air forces' highly technical ed for an ambulance. Mrs. King said home of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ander- | Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Brower and sat down at the rear of the hall and house were in Nyssa Tuesday, while 36-week B-29 flight engineer course the sheriff at Caldwell is Investi son. They are looking for a place ( Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen left Saturday for Portland on a business ¡after finishing hls drink called at to locate. watting for his discharge from the at Hondo army air field, Hondo, gating the case. trip. Mr. Jensen investigated the the counter for hla “change”. The army. They visited his father, Frank Texas, on Monday, September 3, cattle market and Mr. Brower at- attendants had not seen the $20 Speaks Here— Stinehouse, who is In the Samar and at graduation exercises were a- Return Home— bill and so informed Petrovich. Ap Miss Dar They Bybee was one of ; tended to business. Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Oemhardt itan hospital In Nampa. Stinehouse warded the newly-adopted flight parently he laid the bill on the bar ------------------------ engineer wings Which feature a returned Monday from California, the speakers in the L. D. 8. chapel has spent 39 months overseas. without calling It to the clerk's four-bladed propeller for a center- where they visited their son. Frank here Sunday evening. Her topic was i Oedenltes Here— Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith and attention and some one stole tt. He Word has been received by friends ' piece. Second Lt. Paul Heldt of Oemhardt and family at Lancaster •What Ls Your Goal.” Leo Child ls alleged to have broken the win and their daughter and family at and Luther Fife were also speakers.1 daughter of Ogden were here Frl- here that Pvt. Sam C. Park, who Nyssa was one o f the graduates. dows after brooding over the loss Special music was furnished by day with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graduates not previously com- Glnter T h e y also visited Mias K ath has been stationed at Camp Roberts. of the money. Vivian Fife and Helen Anderson. ‘ Jordon of Nampa. ryn Crandall at Corona. (Continued on Page 5) California, has been sent oversaes. Snake river valley jam boree to be held in Ontario Sept. 21 posal in Nyssa. Shuster has been granted an ex clusive contract by the city. The charge by ordinance is $1. a month for weexly collection of garbage at residences. The price of collection from business houses will be arrived at by agreement between Mr Shus ter and the individual merchant. Changes announced this week by chairman of County A A A Heldt Honored At Legion Meet Fred Snively Taken By Death D. Knottingham of Nyssa Passes Former Prisoner Talks To Women C O f C Opposes Authority Bills Our Boys In Lite Service Pioneers Elect New Officers Nyssa To Play Wolverines in 1st. Home Game Bulldogs chalks up victory over Adrian 19 to 0 The Nyssa high school football team chalked up a victory over the Adrian Antelopes on the Adrian field last Friday preparatory to the Bulldog’s first home-coming appear ance of the season—the gridiron appointment with the Weiser W ol verines Friday of this week. The Bulldogs, who registered a 19 to 0 victory over the Adrian eleven will meet the Weiser outfit on the Nyssa field tomorrow at 2:30. The Weiser team should prove to be a strong outfit, one of the tough est in the league. The school has 70 candidates on the field and nearly all o f them were under classmen last year. The blocking and tackling of the Bulldogs was spotty, but lt was good In spots, giving them a de cided advantage over the Antel opes. Moore did a good Job of kick ing. At the opening o f the game Sw it zer kicked o ff to Nyssa, Kowasake received and lateralled to Moore, who took the ball to the 50 yard line, Herren made first and ten. Billings smashed through for an other first and ten. Low made a good end run with perfect defease. Nyssa drew blood as Low made the touchdown. Billings kicked o ff to Adrlun and Church made the tackle. Adrian tried a punt and Herren received the ball. Billings went around left end, then Moore went around rl'jiht end for more gains. In the second quarter Adrian tried a pass which was intercepted by Toombs. Nyssa made yardage and Billings went ov er for the second touchdown. The Bulldogs punted and Zamora of Adrian lost ground, the Antelopes tried a punt. The Bulldogs worked the ball into Adrian’s vital territory and a new-comer. Bob Wilder, went over for the third touch down. Nyssa then tried for the extra point and made it. Adrian really buckled down In the last half. Billings kicked to Ad rian and Zamora received the ball. Nyssa played a beautiful defense and Adrian could not crush lt. In the fourth quarter Coach Lovejoy of Nyssa shifted In new men. The starting Nyssa lineup was as follows: Billings and Moore, ends; Toombs, center: Church and Dimmick. gu ards; Bellon and Rookstool. tackles: Herren, right halfback; Low. left halfback; Kawaiaki. quarterback; and Yagudhi, furbark. State Officers O f V F W Visit Tw o department officers of the Veterans o f Foreign Wars and the president of the V FW auxiliary in Oregon. Mrs. Herbert Dana, at tended a district convention of the VFW and auxiliary In the American Legion hall in Nyssa last Satur day night. Dinner was served at 7:30 by the auxiliary to approximately 40 persons. After the banquet three seperate meetings were held. Mrs. Dana talked to the auxiliary; O. O. Pike of Portland, state service officer held a school of instruction for service officers, and Fred B. Corn of Portland, state quartermaster, talked to the other members of the VFW. Mr. Pike also talked at a general meeting, at which Jake Kollen, dis trict commander, presided. FOOD TO BE CANNED FOR W AR RELIEF The united nations relief and hehabilitation administration has appealed to the Future Farmers of America for cooperation In provid ing canned food for the starving millions In the war devastated countries of Europe. Henry Reuter. F. F. A. Instructor In the Adrian high school, who ls In charge of the canning project, will arrange delivery o f the finished products. Food that Ls canned only under competent supervision In school community canning plants Is de sired. The Adrian cannery will co operate in this work and the only cost will be the price of the cans. Food o f all kinds ls needed. This food must be processed In No. 2. 2*4 or No. 3 tin cans, properly marked.