Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1915 PAGE SIX IP mm » M ARRIED IN C A LIF O R N IA The bride is a daughter o f Mr. Paul Osterkamp, former Nyssa and Mrs. Ray Schwartz of Van resident and Miss Rosalie Schwartz Nuys. Mr. and Mrs. Osterkamp will of VanNuys, California, were mar ried in the Central Christian church make their home at Caldwell. In VanNuys, California, August 3 I - «” H IG H L A N D 4-H MEETS One hundred relatives and friends The Highland 4-H dairy club met attended the ceremony. The wedding march was played at the home of the leader, Glenn by Mrs. Betty Freeman, formerly Peterson Friday evening with eight of Nyssa. Mr. Osterkamp, a son of boys present. Adults attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ostericamp of Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Child, Mr. and Vancouver, Washington former Mrs. Howard Bair, and Mr. and Nyssa residents, is a graduate of Mrs. O. P. Williams. Ice cream and the Parma hlglh school. He was ,cake were served to sixteen. Tw o c Lseharged from the army recently : toys had their stock on exhibit after serving in the South Pacific. I Sunday at the Ontario fair. Far- i Get Ready For Winter With A Circulating Heater We have several new circulating oil heaters and circulating coal heaters. W e also have a stock of used coal heaters and several used ranges, and also modern floor-base automatic, white-enameled Monarch electric range, slightly used. NORDALE FURNITURE STORE STOVE OIL FO R SALE f » f- * Phone 11 THOMPSON OIL COMPANY NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPT. 7-8 DOUBLE FEATURE William Gargan, Ann Savage in “MIDNIGHT MANHUNT” Also Gene Antrv, Smiley Burnette In “OH SUSANNA” Mat, Sat., 2:3V Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, SEPT. 9-10 Hail! The new great lover o f the screen! He couldn’t say no to either o f them, so he married them both! William Bendix, Joan Blondell, Phil Silvers, and Anne Revere in “DON JUAN QUILLIGAN” Cartoon and Sports Mat., Sun., 2:3V Ad,n., 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, SEPT. 11 Jean Sullivan and Philip Dorn in “ESCAPE IN THE DESERT” Bugs Bunny Cartoon and Sports Adm. 2Se-9c. Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, SEPT. 12-13 The heart-warming story o f a fam ily! The globe-sweeping drama of an era and a nation! In Technicolor, D A R R Y L F. Z A N U C K ’S • “WILSON” News Please note this is a three-hour show. Shows will start at 6:00 and 9:00. Adas. Evenings, 40c-»c. Including Tax I fell Peterson won second place with uatlon wilt prevail, but as long as will permit them to handle coal his registered Jersey call and Jerry | it does, meat buying by points must faster and more economically. The Williams won fourth with his hol- continue so that all may gtt their machinery includes a dump truck and a coal conveyor for unloading ¡fair share. steine calf. Steaks and roasts are from two to cars. | CELEBRATES F IR S T B IR T H D A Y three points less a pound, hambur I Roger Allen Maulding was honor- ger a two-point per pound bargain, Go To Boise— Mrs. Virginia Bybee and mother, led guest at a birthday party given down from 4. and reductions for | Wt dnesday in celebration of his cuts of lamb and veal range from Mrs. Chamberlain, were in Boise first birthday. He is the son of Dr. two to three points. Pork steak, Friday to visit Mrs. Chamberlain's end Mrs. L. A. Maulding. A pink and chops and roasts are down one to brother, E. L. Jensen. 1 white birthday cake, with one large two points, all bacon is down two j candle in the center, ice cream and points, and sparertbs down three Home From Corvallis— ‘ Miss Barbara Larson, daughter of | punch were served to 10 guests. points. Nearly all meat that now Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Larson, arrived have a value of two or three points .home Sunday from Corvallis for TU E SD AY BRIDGE a pound are reduced one point. one month's vacation before re Mrs. Bernard Frost was hostess to The new point value for creamery ■ two tables of bridge Tuesday after | butter is I t i points a pound, the turning to school. ------------------------ noon. Mrs. Inez Mitchell won high four-point reduction being made be I i score and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle sec cause with firm supply prospects Ogdenites Here— ! Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bybee of ond. Mrs. Ed Frost was a guest. OPA believes that good distribution Ontario were here Saturday, bring can be continued with the lower - » - ing with them Mrs. Bybee's two RENSTROM 'S E NTE R TAIN point value. The department of ag Mr. and Mrs. Renstrom enter riculture’s allocation ' of creamery sisters from Ogden. tained Thursday in 'honor of R. B. | butter Is the same as for August. Dessert and Mrs. Russell Wagner Margarine Is down from 14 to 12 Here From Burley— Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker, Mr. and ol El Centro. points a pound as the result of Mrs. George Kessler and Mr. and - 1 - better distribution. Mrs. Wilson, all of Burlev, were here HONORS C ALIFO R N IAN S Saturday visiting friends and re Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland en latives. tertained Friday in honor of R. B. Dessert and Mrs. Russell Wagner Returns To Ogden— of El Centro, California. Two tables Mrs. Chamberlain returned to her of bridge were in play, with Mrs. home in Ogden after visiting with Tom Eldridge winning high score Guests Here— Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison had as her daughter, Mrs. Sherman P. By and Mrs. Henry Hartley second. ; guests over the Labor day holidays. bee. -5 — 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hursey and SHOWER HONORS BRID E Mrs. Kenneth Reece and Mrs. daughter, and Glenn Hursey of Spends Day At Lakes— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost and Mr. i Thane Langford were hostesses at a , Yakima, Lt. and Mrs. Robert F. I miscellanlous shower given Friday Doyle of Corpus Chrlsti, Texas and and Mrs. Campbell spent Labor day at the home of their mother, Mrs. Lt. and Mrs. Paul Dailey of Mt. at Payette Lakes. W. P. Hendricks, in honor of their Home, Idaho. The two army offic sister Pauline, who was married re- ers were classmates of the late Lt. Attend Boise Fair— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maughan a t ] cently to Archy Jennings. Mrs. Jen Jack H. Brodie of Nyssa in Instruc nings, mother of the groom, won tors school at Mather Field, C alif tended the fair at Boise Saturday. Mrs. F. L. McOaven, Mrs. Maug- first prize In a "memory" game. ornia. han's mother, returned with them Lunch, consisting of ice cream and to spend several days. 'cake, was served to 18 guests. The Recovering From Operation— | Mrs. C. K. Olson was operated on bride received many lovely gifts. In the Holy Rosary hospital in On Return From Visit— Jake Kraal and family returned E N T E R T A IN FOR SOLDIER ta r io a few days ago. She is ex j Pic. George Stoops, operator of a pected home next week after spend Tuesday evening from a visit with relatives at Kennewick, Washington. walkie talkie radio, was honored ing a month in the hospital. LOCAL NEWS guest at dinner Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Randal Stethopolus. Stoops was flown to Fort Lewis on a 60-day furlough I for medical attention after being | wounded by a Jap sniper, while loperating his radio in Europe. GIVES BRE AK FAST I Mrs. H. O. Hopkins entertained | members of the American Legion | j auxiliary at a 9 o’clock breakfast | Thursday morning at her home. [ Places were laid for 12 guests. A social hour was enjoyed after the breakfast. ANNOUNCES ENGAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lucero an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Annie, to Gordon Jones, son o f Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jones of Weiser Idaho. The date of the wedding has not been set. T H U R S D A Y CLUB MEETS The Thursday afternoon bridge club met last week at the home of Mrs. Artie Robinson. A guest of the club was Mrs. W. R. Campbell. Prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. Campbell. Red Points On Food Reduced Wins Fair Prize— Norvelle Robbins, who received the F. F. A. guernsey heifer from the Nyssa chapter, was awarded first prize on the animal at the Malheur county fair. He also won first on his 4-H baby beef and second on showmanship. Robbins is Here From Enterprise— Week-end visitors at the home a sophomore in the Nyssa high of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rinehart school. were his mother, Mrs. Fred Rine hart, and his sister, Mrs. J. H. Examiner Coming— A traveling examiner of operators Moore of Enterprise. and chauffeurs will be In the Nyssa _ity hall September 12 from 9 a. m. Will Visit Relatives— Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dlmmick of to 12, noon. Quilt On Display— A colonial doll quilt, hand made by Morman women, Is on display at the Graham Real estate office. All proceeds from this quilt will go to aid wounded servicemen. Yakima are expected to arrive here today to visit at the home of their Visits Boise— Mrs. Arvel Child, Mrs. William son, Neil Dlmmick. The visitors, who expect to be here about a week J. Beus, Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and Mrs. will be accompanied by their daugh John Schenk spent Saturday in Boise. ter, Miss Wilma Dlmmick. visits In Portland— Orin Sumner manager of the Nyssa Pharmacy, spent the Labor day holidays In Portland. He re turned home Wednesday. Here From Portland— Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Overstreet of Portland, Oregon, former Nyssa res idents, visited at the Clyde Long home Labor day. Opens Service Shop— K. D. Beasley of Wilder has open ed the Nyssa Appliance company Shop at 329 Main street. The con cern will repair refrigerators, wash ing machines, and other electrical appliances. Here From Caldwell— M arl Anderson of Caldwell spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Anderson. He was accompanied to Caldwell by his brother, Merlin, who spent Labor day in Caldwell. Short, former Nyssa resident who west of Nyssa near the river. J. H are in charge of a power plant at Benedict, Rt. I, Nyssa. 6S2xp. Granite. FOR SALE or trade— 1935 Chevrolet Spend Wednesday In Ontario— truck. Zack Walker. 68tfc. Mrs Floyd Lewis and baby spent Wednesday in Ontario at the home W ANTED —To rent 40 acres or more of her brother, Robert Holman. with improvements. I have stock and equipment. V. J. LaPlante, Rt. Return From Fishing Trip— 2, Nyssa. 883xp. Warren T. Fenn and daughter-in law, Mrs. E. J. Fenn of Homedale, LOST—Campaign bar with purple have returned from a week's fish heart and three battle stars. R e ing trip to Donnelly, Idaho. ward. Pvt. John Reffett. Leave at Journal office. 6Slxp. On Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Swensen left this week on a vacation. They will visit friends In several Idaho cities. l o o Late to Classify W ANTED — Chicken feed horses. Dixie Kinkade, Inland Oil Co. 6Slxc. FO R SALE—Tent, 12x14. Jake's Fix- it Shop. 6Slxp. W A N T E D -S ch ool girl for light house work for one women. Good pay, write Box 187, Nyssa. 632xp. FO R SAL®—Fryers, 3 to 5 pounds, live weight $1 to »1.60. W ill maxe seme deliveries Friday evenings. G. Lytle, route 2, two miles west Vest's j corner. 6S2xp. i FO R SALE— 800 lb. electric cream separator, good condition. Priced to sell. Nyssa Produce Co. buyers, poultry, cream and eggs. 6S2xp. ' IO R SALE—Canning peaches. One mile south of Nyssa. »1 bushel. You pick them. Bring your own con tainers. John Prati. 6S2xp. W ANTED —Two mechanics. man Motor Co. IC'wHMMEAL^ Sold and recommended by Hern- 6Stfc LO ST or STR AYE D —A small yearl- ing guerensey bull. Last seen about a week or ten days ago. south and Nyssa Elevator CONFIDENCE ★ DEPENDABILITY I W ANTED To lease row crop land. Cash or on shares in Nyssa vicinity. Chester Tsuda Ontario, Oregon or Phone 351-R-4 Ill III III Ili u m IIHIliH li Mimmi nuil min ni km ni ni mm uni n ni ni ni ni ni u ni ni in i li The Nyssa Livestock Commission Co. t f „ In connection with our regular sale we will sell 14 Good Dairy Cows fo r Mr. M os 3 o f New Plymouth, Idaho. Also some white-face stock calves and other stock To Trap Beaver— Firemen To Meet— steers and cows. C. W. Long of Nyssa has started Points values for nearly all meats, The Nyssa fire department will all cheeses, creamery butter, and neet Monday evening September 10_ trapping beaver for the state. An y I f you have livestock to sell have them at our one having complaints about dam margarine will be reduced sharply at 7:30 in the city hall. age caused by beavers may contact and canned ,mllk will be point-free auction Friday. Plenty o f buyers for all kinds of Mr. Long. After December 1, farm during the rationing period begin Visitors Here— ning September 2 and ending Sept Mrs. Naomi Buchert had as house ers will receive one-third of the livestock. ember 29, Administrator Chester guests last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. pelts taken from their farms. Bowles of the office of price admin McNaught of Napa, California, Mr. Here From Utah— istration announced. and Mrs. Lester Fifer, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams Bill Lane, Auctioneer-Manager “The reductions are the result of Owen Coons and Pete Fifer and lirger allocations by the Department Wanda Arnold of Vale. The party of Salt Lake City arrived Saturday Phone 116 J or 25 R | of agriculture and Improved distrl- spent the week-end at Strawberry to visit at the home of D. L. Ander son. brother of Mrs. Williams, and ! button." Mr. Bowles said. “Only In lake on a fishing trip. .inwiii m i i lit u mm iumcmim minim u hi hi u hi hi inn m u m t;i nun u mm m in in n m n mmnun murium to look for fanning property. the case of fats and oils is there a tighter situation than In August. The demand for these items Is still high. We have exceedingly small supply, and the department of ag riculture tells us that there are no indications of early Improvement. "W ith an average decrease of a- bout 29 per cent In the point value of meats, both housewife and res- ¡taurants find that their supply of i red points will buy more meat than at any time during the period of extreme scarcity which began In March and continued through the spring and summer months. "However, because supplies con tinue to be tight in many places over the country, meat rationing will continue. I t Is impossible at this time to tell how long this slt- Move To Nyssa— Recovering From Operation— Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bair Mrs. Barbar Smith is recovering moved to Nyssa and plan on work from a surgical operation at her ing for the sugar company this home on Fourth street. She under fall. went the operation recently in the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. Here From Oakland— Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McClure of Goes To Portland— Oakland, California, former opera Prank Morgann went to Portland tors of the Nyssa bakery are visit Wednesday night to attend a meet ing friends and relatives. They ing of the Oregon Reclamation spent Monday evening at the Bob Congress directors today. He will re Thompsonn home. They also are turn home Saturday morning. visiting their relatives at Caldwell. III In Hospital— New Equipment Secured— Mrs. Letha Jeffrey of Nyssa is til New coal handling equipment has in St. Mark's hospital in Salt Lake been purchased by A1 Thompson City. and Son local coal f and feed and seed dealers. The new equipment Here From Huntington— Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ward of Huntington and family were dinner guests Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost. The Wards were enroute to Boise •to spend the week-end. Ernest Day Hunsaker, M. D. Announces The Opening O f New Offices For The Practice O f EYE-EAR-NOSE AND THROAT August 13, 1945 In The B. And B. Building Phone 141 1207 First Street South Nampa, Idaho Here From Weiser— Mrs. Tracy Sherridan and Mrs. Tom Bean and Mrs. N. L. Kimble of Weiser were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wienke Thursday. Mrs. Kimble. Mrs. Wlen- eke’s mother, is staying here for a week. a At Olive Lake Labor Day— Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster and three children spent the week-end at the C. C. W yohoff ranch 25 miles from Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W yohoff were also there During Labor day the group took a picnic lunch to Olive lake. On their way ? H ow to keep y o u r D ie se l out of the shop A m e r ic a ’s far-ran gin g submarines have proved D iesel engines run cleaner, smoother, lubricated with RPM DELO Diesel Engine Lubricating O il! Y o u r home front Diesel also deserves this great oil. Stops ring-sticking, cuts deposits, banishes bearing corrosion! O ften reduces repairs 50 % and doubles the time between Diesel overhauls. Order RPM DELO O il now ! W . E. “ Bill” Schireman Phone 61 Your locol r e p r e s e n t a t i v e for S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A