Classified PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1945 to help Mrs. Tlmmeran celebrate they visited at the home of Ourtr Deceased. 1st publication, August 30,1945, her birthday. The dinner guest* son for several days. Last publication September 27,1945 Mrs. Joe Siam, Mr and Mrs. Dick1 Mr. and Mrs. Oerrit Stam of Included "grandma" Stam, Mr. and Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests in NOTICE TO CREDITORS Stam. and Mrs. John Stam of Ore- ^ the John Timmerman home, Notice hereby is given to the gon Trail and Mr. and Mrs. John- Mr. and Mrs. Evan Ray and fam- creditors and all other persons in­ rne Timmerman and son. The even- burned to their -home ln Utah, terested in the estate .of Thomas E. ng gu.its were Mr. and Mrs. Lull la l The Rays have been liv- RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. Alter one month one Oreer, deceased, that the under­ Ctam and family and Klaas SUm. , ‘n* on the former Jesse Sugg ranch. signed has been appointed admin­ cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, is 30c. istrator of said estate, and has oeveral families of Newell Heights1 %;r Mario Anderson of Caldwell qualified as such. All persons having attended a picnic dinner on the | 'P“at the week-end with his parents claims against said estate are re- lawn at the Arthur Cartwright , Mr- 111(1 Mrs- Uuane Anderson, er, F 3.5 lense and other equipment. ! QUired to present the same to the home Sunday. i „ . ~ ~ — — ------------------- .— — I undersigned at the office of A. L. wlàCELLANEOUS For Mr and Mrs. J. B. Orentz of Setd i omPan> Ha* picn>c- Sale - Large size oil heater, Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, LoJi, California, have been visiting Employees of the Dessert Seed For Sale in the home of their cousin, Mrs. i company here held a covered dish dining table and DeLaval separa- Oregon, within six months from FOR SALE—108 acres, Excellent J tor. phone 06R4, £ B Worden. i-Ln.c Thursday at the home of 23Atfc. ttle date of the first publication of this notice, which first publica- Mr and Mrs. Matt Scheimer and !Mr and Mrs Joe Sutherland. Fif- location on highway. Two houses I son, of Vancouver, Washington, teen were in attendance. other good outbuildings. This place | FOR SALE- Small stock second i; ’tion u August 16. J. C. Greer, Administrator of spent several days in Che George Attend Ontario Funeral— Is priced right at »9500.00 We can hand good.U nqulre box 97, Ontar- the estate of Thomas E. Greer, arrange to finance part of this for io, Oregon. Scheimer home. 23A3xp. Several Nyssa residents attended deceased. you. Bernard Eastman. , Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson the funeral in Ontario Sunday for I and family were Sunday guests of Mrs. Clarence A. Aston, who with FOR SALE—Baby buggy, play pen, WAN TED NOTICE OF FINAL h ea r in g j relatives near Nyssa. bathinet. Mrs. O. W. Forbes, third .......... . her husband were former owners NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Rath bum of of the Nyssa Furniture company. and Oood Street, across from city W AN TED - Man and Women, ex- ! Margarct M Jense„. administra- Portland spent Iasi week-end in the lhall.- SSlxp. perienced or willing to learn fin- j trix of the estate of Phebe Hunter, I home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. ishing and pressing. Main's Clean- 'deceased, has filed in the County FOR SALE—1936 Ohev. 1*4 ton I K B. Worden. 6 Stfc ICourt of Malheur ounty. Oregon, BILL LANE truck. 7 good tires, practically new ers Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Judd and Mr. her First and Final Account of her bulk wheat rack, ready to run and WANTED—'Unfurnished room with — 1 administration, and that the 1 st day and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet were ! Sunday dinner guests ln the Gor- Auctioneer in good condition. $500. George October, 1945 at the hour of 10:00 | don Judd home in Parma. board for elderly lady. Inquire Nyssa of Webb, Mayvllle, Oregon. A. M. and the County Court Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz and Phone 116J Nyssa Realty company. 30A2xp o'clock Room In Vale, Oregon, have been Bob and Joyce attended a family FOR SALE!—Four room modern j ------ --- dinner ln the park, in Caldwell house, two blocks north of sugar WE PAT HIGHEST PRICES for fixed by the Court as the time and Sunday. The dinner was ln honor of factory. Phone 06J11. 30A2xc live fox feed horses. Phone 8 , Pay- " place for the hearing of said Ac- ette. 12Atfc. | count and any objections thereto, Pfc. Bob Kurtz and Marvin Mc­ Bernard Eastman FOR SALE;-----Seven very good ___ — ---- -- ' when and where any person tnter- Laughlin of Boise, who is moving to guernsey cows, fresh In Sept: T. B. WANTED- Beauly operator. Good ; pated ln sald estate may appear and Moscow. and Bang's tested. Also registered commission. Owyhee Beauty shop. nle ^ t e n objection. Said Account Insurance The Modern Pioneer club met Real Estate guernsey bull. John Low, route 2. 16Atfc. [s for fmal settlement and upon be­ Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Les­ 302xp RHEUMATISM AND ARTHRITIS— ing approved, said estate will be ter Goulet. At tire close of the Phone 64 closed and the administratrix dis­ meeting the hostess served refresh­ FOR SALE OR TRADE—two pure- I suffered for years and am so charged. Nyssa, Oregon payment of these gratuities from many camps in the expectation that ments to 10 ladles and several hereford bulls, two years old. Will thankful that I was cured of this August 28th, 1945. children. The next meeting will be they would be needed when com­ trade for older bulls. Zatk Walker. terrible affliction that I will gladly Margaret M. Jensen, Administratrix the federal treasury. with Mrs. Jake Borge, Sept­ Phone 104 W. 30Atfc. answer anyone writing me for in­ of the Estate of Phebe Hunter, De­ Nevertheless the payment of sub­ pulsory military training had been held ember 25. formation. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P. O. ceased. sidies goes merrily on and it would authorized. Now that this excuse Lamb and FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. Box 825, Vancouver, Washington. be foolish to predict early abolish­ is no longer tenable—compulsory Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Lult Hugh Stam visited in 220 or 440-3 phase motor and 30A4XC. ment of this uneconomic practice. military training having gone with the Maurice Lamb home near Cald­ centrimgal pump, size 3X2*4, speed Manufacturers, producers, processors the BUTCHERING wind—the truth or falsity of the well Sunday. 3600, complete with switch and : 0 * ffäfefSg:- and every group in the United MAY BE COSTLY butchering every Mon­ charge will be determined by future George Scheimer, Oeorge Jr„ and starter. AIro Byron-Jackson cen­ day Custom States when confronted by a cW >- Friday. Beef, sheep and action of the army with respect to Caroline, and Mr. and Mrs. Matt trifugal pump. 200 G. P. M„ speed pork. and A l -¿*rIE advantage situation hastens to these cantonments. Sanitary butchering guaran­ Scheimer and son were dinner guests UNLESS YOU CARRY 1150, complete with 15 horsepower teed. Phone Washington. D. C., with brief case 05R1. All stock must in the George Elfers home in Big Westinghouse 3 phase motor, swit­ come filled with arguments to support a Thursday or Sunday after­ Sunday. ch and starter. City of Nyssa, noon ln between claim for subsidy, and if it is denied FARM 1 o’clock and 7. No Sunset Valley Bend Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patch, Don­ Oregon. lOMtfc. by an administrative agency the ap­ stack accepted on butchering day. nie and David of Burns were din­ peal is carried to congress with con­ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fitland and ner guests in the Marion Kurtz EMPLOYERS STORAGE— Consolidated Freight- One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta fidence that a political sponsor can family of Idaho Falls came last home ways building, First street. See avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc Wednesday evening. be found. Begun in depression days week to look after -business inter­ Mr. and Mrs. M. Packard of Cald­ Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mtfc as a temporary makeshift, the sub­ ests and visit friends here. They LOST and Mrs. Packard's mother, sidy program was expanded as a are stopping at the home of Mr. and well FOR SALE— 160-acre row crop Mrs. Cooley of Arnett, Oklahoma war emergency and now almost Mrs. John Grotveitt. farm, 72 acres Irrigable. $11.500. LOST—Billfold containing checks were guests ln the E. B. Worden seems to have reached the status of On Friday Mrs. Fitland received home 140-s re row crop farm, 98 irri­ and papers. Reward. EMon Barker. Wednesday of last week. - an established government policy. her citizenship papers at Vale. gable. $ 11 , 000 , half cash, balance Rt. 1, Ontario, Box 92 30A2xp Mrs. C. M. Morris and daughter, terms. No one has attempted to compile Tuesday afternoon sixteen ladies Linda Nampa, spent Sunday The rates are low, 105 acres, irrigable, 880 acres the total cost to taxpayers and con- met at the home of Bernice Robb, with Mrs. of Morris’ Legal Advertising s parents. Mr. and compared leased ranee land fenced, also out­ Washlngton, D. C., Sept. 6 —Al- sumers, but the sum is prodigious for a pink and blue shower in to the protec­ Mrs. C. B. Hill. NOTICE TO CREDITORS side permit for cattle. This place NOTICE though opposed to the principal ot and has ewry P^<^pect of being honor of Mrs. Claude Wilson. Mrs. tion afforded. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Timmerman IS HEREBY GIVEN, to has two houses and good stock i the creditors and all other persons subsidy payments, Secretary of Ag­ continuous. Geoige Schwelzer was in charge of and son, Gary spent Sunday ln tails consult— For de­ se -up. $18,000. Eb’en Secretary Anderson hos the program for the afternoon. Caldwell in the’ home of her par­ Clinton P. Anderson has 1 ceased to voice his objections, and Ice liO-ncre row crop and stock i interested ln the estate of Herschel riculture cream, cake, and pink lemon­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. EYed Sweany. yielded to the force of circumstan- far n In B ig"B eni'» miles south I« Johnston, deceased, that the un- „ „ . . so far congress has few members in ade was served by Mrs. Robb. Mrs. Ruben Oraham and Frank T. Moroan of Adrian. $15.000, one-half cash, I dersigned has , been appointed f „ Ad- a I by J him after assuming ! either house or senate who is not Charlie Wilson’s house was plast­ Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. •a# Wesley Piercy were ln iminlstratrix of the estate of Her- .ments , ° ne made ^ cau.;e of any balance easy terms. ered last week. Nyssa on business Friday. Ischel Q. Johnston, deceased and has his new post was that he would connstltuent who feels that the gov- A L. ATKESON WiLson is having his new Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet Nyssa, Oregon qualified as such. All persons h a v - like to abolish all subsidies, but one , ernment ^ oul(S a pro{lt from George plastered this week. A Mr. have returned from Boise where STOVE REPAIRS— Any make»tag claims against said estate are of his first official acts was to an- whatever he wDhes to undertake house range or heater. Order now. HI- j required to present same duly ver- nounce a subsidy on frozen-pack f[p wll, ^ a Uave man ¡„deed who | Wilson work. of Caldwell 1» doing the Way Mdse. Mart. Phone 74J. 26Jtfc 1 ifled as required by law to the un- corn, snapbeans and mixed vege- ^ to demand that the practice i Mra Wilbur Ohapln accompanied um iiiiiitiii tü iirm mm m iihiihiiii iiiiiiitriiinm mn tiiifiniviiiiiiiitiiitiii nri'i mm n im itTn i mi ii i mi t;inrr* Idersigned at the office of A. L tables. This was followed by author- discontinued.' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Louie Davis to Pay FOR SAI E- 3 breeding bucks, 2 Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, Ore lzation of a subsidy on new feed be Political STUDENT FLIGHT commentators who have ette Tuesday. white-face and one black-face. |^on ___, that being the place hereby,wheat to help maintain livestock . ,__ . Among those attending the rodeo ri Phone 10U or 06J1. H. ^ 23AtfC. ^ P *1115-1 designated for ^ transaction of | production, and then early peaches ()' nt ls s ta te d to ri Sunday were: Mr. an d !g all business pertaining to said es­ and lambs were admitted to the by ^ machine in making at Mrs. Ontario Hudd Robb and family, Mr. I g INSTRUCTION within six months from the specially favored class The feed appointments failed to remark on and Mrs. Pete Wilson and family. 1 g FOR SALE— Small modern house, tate, of the first publication of this subsidy which was discontinued selection of Casper W.Ooms a s' Mr and Mrs. Charlie Wilson. Mr completely furnished. Electric range date Aircraft Service 1 to wit: last April cost approximately *250,- colrantasioner of patents. Ooms. a and Mrs. L. E. Newgan, Mr. and g Charter Trips and refrigerator. $4000. See Flank notice, 000 000 for produots largely export- ch . ^ ¡3 a former Mrs. Oce Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. August 30. 1945. T. Morgan. 16Atfc. WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE Hilda L. Tensen, Administratrix, ed under lend-lease during the p art! Rppublican and was chosen over Charlie Schweizer, and Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE- Omega 35mm enlarg- Estate of Herschel Q. Johnston foar y*arS- , , .. , the objection of Mayor Kelly ot and family. Nyssa Airport Another sample of the result ot j chl and wlthout the endorse- Otto Wolfe Tom Trotsel and daughter 1 P. O. Box 896 ubsidy payments is the case of wool. mpnt of Natlonal chairman Robert of Mrs. Telephone 012R1 Homedale visited Mrs. Claude of which Commodity Credit Corp. Hannegan He did, however, have Wilson last week. now holds 270.000,000 priced at 20 ^ approval of Henry A. Wallace, Mrs. Leslie Ditty and children inn i ir a it lililí n m in k m m mmhnmnmnmnhmi M u r a i.. mi in mi..... cents a pound above fleece imported secretary of commerce, who ls per- were shoppers Thursday. from Australia and New Zealand. sonna non grata wlth Kelly and Betty Caldwell Cannon last week end The result is that these two count- n(jne to0 we„ liked by chairman to visit her sister, left who lives near ries are able to dominate the dom­ Hannegan. The office of commiss­ Portland. estic goods market. There 1s scarce­ ioner of patents is nonpartisan and Sunday dinner guests at the Ken­ ly an item in the subsidy list the the Republicans had a strong candi­ neth Lorensen home were Mr. and Order your BEET LOADER now--Have it marketing of which is not handi­ in Maj. Roy Haekley of San Mrs. Don Parker and family and capped by inflated values due to the date when you need It-Keep down expense--Order Francisco. Ooms accepted the pos­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker of Cow ition only after two other men had Hollow. the beet loader that really does the job. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard left i refused the job. Serving 5 Counties BETTER-FASTER-EASIER-CLEANER DEPENDABLE USED UPRIGHT» Report by national poll showing Monday for Burns to look for a From the Largest Stock of 'that AND GRAND PIANOS 60 percent of the American new location. They will visit his DRESS MAKING Tenuine The loader that picks up all the beets {copie believe the recipients of lend- brother Edgar Howard, and fam­ Winter Music Co I lease should be asked to pay for ily at ‘Bates and Mr. and Mrs. REMODELING & ALTERING String but leaves the dirt in the field. and Band Instruments ; what they got was not published. Lloyd Landreth and family at Mad­ 123 12th Ave, So, Box 26 Often every day except Saturday. See or (Phone ¡There was no direct order from the ras before returning home. Nampa, Idaho Naomi L. Buchert to suppress it, but Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reiffett Parts I administration economic administration ad- rpent the week-end at Unity visit­ Over Wilson’s store Orders Shipped Immediately ¡foreign OPTOMETRISTS I vised that publicity was undesir- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John DR. M e J. l all A a n McFALL I able because of the wording of the Reffett. JEWELRY" STORES •See d S ’* B e t t e r ' Me Cluer-Manser • question and the result was not Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Merrick of Phone 85 Ontario, Oregon given to the press. Other samples of Nyssa were afternoon callers in the PAULUS Payette. Idaho 1 ¡public Phone 49 opinion have disclosed dis- O. P. Counsil home August 26. JFWELRY STORE I satisfaction with the manner in Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hite and fam­ Union Pacific Time Inspector ¡which the lend-lease program was ily and Mr. and Mrs. George John­ J EWELRY DIAMONDS administered; the objection was not ston and family of Adrian were WATCHES so much to providing the allies with dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Don M. Graham ETYK 8 IGHT SPECIALIST Main Street at Second war material as to the furnishing of Mrs. Harley Wilson. ONTARIO OREGON goods which might be used for con­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nishl and fam­ Insurance Agency struction and rehabilitation. Crit­ ily attended a birthday dinner WYCKOFF ici m of lend-lease will not cease Sunday at the Gamp in celebration PH ÏSIC1ANS Applications are now being received for em­ r v F l PY STORE ¡with its abolishment and the whole of Miss Agalla Feet's birthday. Miss fft ial rime Inspector for ployment at the Sugar Factory for the coming Is due for an overhauling in peet was a missionary ln Japan Fire and Automobile 'matter SARAZIN CLINIC Union Pactftr ¡ congress when the facts can be used for several years and since return- beet campaign. The work week will consist of ,a-g a FTC* * OREGON J. ,l. ¡¿arazin, M. D. for political advantage. j ing to the homeland has continued Insurance (7) seven 8-hour shifts (56 hours per week), General practice ef medicine In the national capital the charge to work among the Japanese. with time and one-half to be paid after 40 X-ray Physiotherapy is made that one of the reasons Mrs. R. W. Bolitho and daughters, GEORGE JACKSON Rentals Bonds for the lumber Shortage was the In­ Barbara and Lorena Mae, of Nyssa straight time hours have been worked. MODERN WATCH DEPAIRING L. A- Muulding, M.D. sistance of the army in maintaining called on friends ln the valley Mon­ State Licensed Physician and Surge«» If you are interested in work, please make day. Watchmaker Pfs. Jack Reffett left Saturday to Phone *7 application in person at the factory office any report to the hospital base near ONTARIO, OREGON Hmirs U) to 12 «hd 1 to 6 FOR PLUMBING AND time from Monday through Saturday. The cam- San FrancLsico after spending his Gaily- Except Sunday 3*4 blocks N. of City Hall >aign wiil start about September 25 and will furlough visiting here. [ Fry Building PIPE FITTING CALL Mrs. John Grotveitt and Mrs. ast approximately 120 days. HAY BUYER Andrew Fitland visited Mrs. An­ PENTTSTS drew FStanger Sunday ln the hos­ W. F. Jahn pital at Ontario. The Amalgamated J. R. CUNDALL L. E. Newgan Is having a well Dealer in hay and grain drilled on his place. Dentist No. 5, Factory Court Sugar Company Phone 5fl-J NEWELL HEIGHTS Phone 68M Sarazln Clinic OREOON Opposite sugar factory NYSSA Bumall Brown, Supt. Phone Nyssa 95J Several relative* gathered ln the Phone Parma 6J2 John Timmerman home Saturday Advertising W ( e i- 7 ~ t~ I Farm Accidents LIABILITY INSURANCE Professional And Business Directory Beet Loader Kropp & Sons NOTICE J.E. Brower