THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 PAGE SIX honora went to M tó Eva Bovdell I In Ontaria— Mrs Bernard Prost and children and second hl*h to Mrs. Orant aere In Ontano Saturday on bus- Her* From Minnesota— Rinehart. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Randall ol Minnesota, who arm ed In Nyssa 1 LOCAL NEW S "S ■£T“r ^ HAVE SUNDAY QUESTS Mrs. O. A Gossett of Payette and Mrs. W. O. Bailey were Sunday din­ ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bailey. GARDEN CLUB MH&T The A. N. K. Garden Club met last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. C. Crandall. The pro­ gram for the afternoon consisted of a talk by Mrs. Albert Pheiler on The Training of Cascade Chrysan- them urns." Members of the club donated a- bout $25.00 toward the fund for the war memorial at Adrian. The next meeting wrlll be held Sunday September 9, at Mrs. Phei- ler's home In the form of a picnic for members and their families. " e— H V " Wilhelmina Hoffman Ny ssa Theatre to visit until Sunday. 1 p y Roads and the PUD were I Have Window D isplay- Here From Walla ’ Valla— Ai Thompson and Son have a regular meeting of the Mrs. C. M. Reitenbough of Walla window display of a number of Grange Tuesday nlght Walla, arrived here Monday to German souvenlers sent to Mrs. spend several days at the home of „ ,h Library To Be Closed— Kygar by her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Shodgrass. I*“ The Malheur county library Sgt. Kygar. ...os long as your heart j throbs to the magic spell of romance ...a s long as your pulse pounds to the excitement of intrigue ..a s long as your soul is bewitched "v /k iT i y / i i i by beauty . . . . TUU WILL | REMEMBER THIS PICTURE CeiUMIIA riCIMEY presents f ,;■/ jU ru j léatÂmjn J'/xJiuium in T E C H N IC O L O R ' ^0um jumrn m i U v % •in CORNEL WILDE NINA F0CH ■ GEORGE C0U10URIS ( Screen Play by Sidney Buchman Directed ky CHARLES VIDOR ^ •Kv* (J SEPTEMBER 5th AND Gth Discharge From Army— Go To Salt Lake— V. F Reitenbough has received his . Mrs. Letha Jeffrey left Saturday discharge from the army after ser- ^ ^ Lak ^ for a ww,k.. ving four years and five month in the Pacific theatre as a member of Vls the 41st division. He and his wife Here From Aberdeen- . arrived ln Nyssa Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Holly Smith of Ab- 'from Pacific Grove California. to 1 ^rdeen"“ldaho’ ¿ ¿ n t ¡he w eik-ind visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. in Nyssa. L Snodgrass. The couple plan on locating here, if possible. Returns From Visit— Phone 108 PRO GRAM TH EATR E FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUG.31, SEPT. 1. Heroes in Love! Beery in action! A smashing salute to the daredevils who man the navy’s blimps, and the women they love. Wallace Beeiy, Tom Drake, James Gleason, and Noah Beery, Sr., in “THIS MAN’S N AV Y” Color Cartoon Mat., Sat.. 2:*U A im . 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, SEPT.,2-3 An unforgettable story— a great emotional adventure! Emil Bagnold’s “ NATIONAL VELVET” In Technicolor with Mickey Rooney, Donald Crisp, Elizabeth Taylor, and Anne Revere As enchanting as anything ever screened! The simple, joyous story o f a boy, a girl, and a horse! Color Carton Mat., Sun.. 1:30 Adm., 30c-Sc, Inc. Tux Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, SEPT. 4 Tom Conway, Jean Brooks in “ NIGHT OF ADVENTURE” Also Bob Mitehum, Barbara Hale in “WEST OF THE PECOS” Adm. As long as your heart throbs to the magic spell o f romance— as long as your soul is be­ witched by beauty you will remember this pic­ ture! Paul Muni and Merle Oberon in “A SONG TO REMEMBER” In Technicolor News and Carton Adm. Eyenlagi. 4*e-Se. Including Tax evening until 9 o'clock instead — °-* — l— ------ 1— — ------ 1 Accidents MAY BE COSTLY UNLESS YOU CARRY FARM EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE The rates are low, compared to the protec­ tion afforded. For de­ tails consult— Frank T. Morgan Nyssa, Oregon Sci lool Day S A re H ere, Kids! We wish you lu ck through out the year NYSSA P ACKII NG CO. ^ tu rn e d as folows: Week days. » aj m' *° 6 * '” • an^ on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturday from 9 a m. to 9 p. m. i Mrs. Oscar Pike went to Salt Lake City to visit her brother, who Child Is Scalded— Marvin Orr, small son of Mr. and was on a short furlough from the Mrs. David Orr, was badly scalded service. Wednesday when he fell into a hot — spring on the family farm n*ar At Gooding— Mrs. A. C. Sallee spent the week Mitchell butte. He was given med­ end at Gooding with her parents ical! treatment in Nyssa. SINCE THESE COOL MORNINGS MAKE STARTING HARDER YOU SHOULD HAVE A Genuine Ford Battery Herriman Motor Company Ration Release SH O ES Mr. and Mrs. E. Holmes. Lucille Sallee is expected home September Buys Stock, Bonds— Eighty-three persons have pur­ 4 by plane after spending the sum­ chased bonds and stock of the mer ln Ogden. • Owyhee Riding club. Inc., of Nyssa to help pay for the grounds and Go To Portland— Mrs. Clarence Mull and three buildings. One hundred and fifty children, Pete. Phyllis, and John­ shares have been sold. Anyone may ny left Wednesday for Portland to buy shares regardless of Whether make their home for the benefit of he is a member of the club or owns a horse. Further information may be Pete's health. secured from Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass. Parents of Girl— CARD OF THANKS A daughter was bom Friday ln We wish to thank our neighbor? the Brittlngham Nursing home ln who assisted us ln saving our barn Ontario to Mr. and Mrs. Merlin and corn crib from the fire that Fagan of Nyssa. The baby weighed destroyed a hay stack on our farm. six and a half pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Hickman Return From Washington— BUILDING POIMITS Mrs. Dale Garrison and children A Chadwick, construction build­ have returned from a week's visit ing. 88 by 80 feet, masonry. Sixth I with relatives in Spokans and Pull- and Main. $12.000. WOMEN’S PUMPS TIES AND OXFORDS These all leather, regularly rationed shoes, but recently released for a limited time only, are from our regular stock but we do not have a complete run o f sizes in all numbers. Priced $2.98 and $3.50 Too Late to Clasaifv The Nyssa Livestock Commission Co. Needs a lot more livestock for the sale next Friday, August 31. Cattle and hogs will bring you top market prices. Top hogs $15.15. For this sale we have a milking shorthorn bull, 18 months old, a good one. t&c-Sc, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, SEPT. 5-6 day holiday at 6 Parents of Daughter— A daughter was bom to Sgt. and . _ .. .. Mrs. E. K. Burton has returned ^ ,f !u ,n v ,u ‘ ‘on- ^ . from a visit with her son, Master Mrs. R. W. La i t . sen at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario Wed­ The drtn team of the Owyhee jSe t John Burton and ^ nesday, August 29. Riding club has accepted an lnvit- l t>nver ^ t Burton wlll ^ ation from H. E. Brooks, coun y ag- dlsc ed from the riculture agentJo participate in the next few days and planil w Lieutenant Honored— Lt. Phillip D. Clowers was the parades and rodeo functions of the re_enWr thf Unlverslty of Oregon to Malheur county fair on the after- ,mlsh hL, cours(f in archltecture honored guest at a fried chicken noons of the 2 and 3. For further dinner Sunday at the home of his information, members will contact Visit Relatives— sister, Mrs. Lawrence Bailey. Other Nora Snodgrass, secretary, or "Doc' L. W. Marshall and family of guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall for particulars. Forest Grove visited Mr Marshall’s Clowers and Allen and Tommie parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mar­ Clowers. Lt. Clowers left for Lin­ Go To Coeur d' Alene— shall for three days last week. He coln. Nebraska, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pike left for is superintendent of schools at For­ Coeur d' Alene to attend to bus­ Royal Neighbors Will Meet— est Grove. iness. The Royal Neighbors will hold a social metting at the Rebekah hail Arrives Hunt From Boulder— Goes To Portland— Don Eldridge, son of Mr. and Thursday, September 6, at 3 p. m. Postmaster Lloyd Lewis left Tues- Mrs. Tom Eldridge, arrived home Iday for Portland, where he will at­ from Boulder where he has been Moves to Council— tend to business and also visit re­ attending summer school. He plans Mrs. Charlie Ninemire left today latives. to be here until September 15, to Join her husband at Council. | Idaho, where they will make their when he will go to Corvallis. | home. Mrs. Edith Cordely has pur- i chased the Ninemire residence. I Visits Brother— Farm NYSSA drying line. Use it Indoors or out­ doors. Fine for drying clothing, blankets and baby things. Nyssa Furniture Co . one block south of the underpass. 30Alxp -d FOR SALE—«00 bushels good fall [sons of Bridger. Montana, spent three days here this were with Mr j RetBrns . . T_ _ FOR SALE—1941 Plymouth Deluxe seed barley SU miles north on Nys­ BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN Poster s parents. | Mrs George Bear returned home | five passenger coupe. SpotUght. sa-Ontario highway and 1 V» miles Returns Home— west on King Ave. Melvin Spine. Ml»». Ross Brown entertained 12 j R j Larson of Turin I ‘ Monday from a trip to Spokane, heater and radio. D. O. Bybee 30A2xp 30Alxp young boys at a birthday party for IdahQ returned to their home Return From Lookout— and lone, Washington and Priest. and The Misses Marie S e b u r n -----^ Idjiho her son. Oarry. on his seventh birth- aft„ weeks vRU *tth Dr. Grace PoBter returned home Thurs- . FOR SALE—Elberta. Hale and El- FOR SALE—Airline radio. Table day Saturday The boys were served ^ Mrs j j £aradn and family, day from a lookout on Baldy moun- y u u |n P#rtland_ berta cling peaches. First house model. Mrs. Earl Leach. Second 0ftrrtaon teft south of Apple Valley school house. street. birthday cake, with ice cream and ^ were accompanied home by tain, where they had been for the, I Mf gnd Mre ^ 30A2xp 30Alxp. pink lemonade After refreshments ^ ^ Kranddalighter. Lorraine, past two months, to re-enter high today for Portland to spend the Mrs. Ura Robinson. WANTED—Truck hauling. Vera were served the boys attended the . , school. week-end. I matmee Sgt. Warren Uurson of Florida has |. _______ Randall. Inquire at Shell station. FOR SALE—Collapsible dryer, 30A2xp Those present were Richard and also been a guest at the Sarazin j visit In B o is e — feet In diameter, gives 24 feet Return to Nyssa— Miss Prancis Poster was ln Boise Philip Sweet. Ben Rust. Henry Ton- home the past week Several former Nyssa residents Friday visiting at the home of Miss ¡h ave'^ retu ^ d' to Nyssa to make ning. Jimmy Webster. Errol Jensen. ___________ Clara bel Wright. D o^ id . and Dennis Salvage. Recelves |lu n ora ble Discharge— their home. They Include Mr. and Marvin Wenchetsky. Gordon Smith, Lester D Mitchell has Mrs. Pete Shaw and son, Bobby. Camp Over Night— and Larry Mull. j *” * , Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pullmer. Mr. and i girls of Scout troop 3 s p e n t ,.. _ __ . . ._ Garry received many nice gifts, been honorably discharged from . . Six . * . . , | Mrs. Sweeney, Drew Anderson. Mr night camping on the banks ; ____ ____ , Pianist and Teacher — j the army after serving five years, Friday __ . _. _ _ _ _ .and Mrs. Fred Osterkamp. and Mr River. With them were| HAVE BRIDGE PARTY j w i ( i l y j m o n t h s overseas duty. He of Snake a, . » I / , i o n i n . ian<* Mrs. Dale Blngman Some of Member National Guild of Piano Teachers Mrs. Douglas McDonald and Mrs. ^ ' ext>ecMKi ^ arriVe home today Mrs. Bud Wilson and Mrs. G run- those returning have been employ­ Merritt Greeling Jr., were hostess- fr(jm p on Lewis. He recently visited kin. State Accredited Teacher of Piano ed ln defense plants on the coast. es at three tables of bridge at the (n<.nds ln Pendleton. Fullmer has been in the merchant Arrives Home— ¡McDonald home Wednesday. High ‘ ___________ . Phone 121 or 41 marines and Mrs. Fullmer has been | John Norris of Camp Walters. " Spends Week-End At Lakes— living in California. Mrs. Bingham Texas, arrived in Nyssa today to __ ____ | Mr and Mrs. Prank Morgan spent visit hU father and other relatives. living with her parents. the week-end at Payette lakes. Mr. and Mrs. while her husband served Go To Twin Falls— Sisters Here From Weiser— seabees. Bingham, who Is i Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wera lek and leave, was with the seabees w c ^ r ^ n T V h u r s 8 family went t0 T » “ Sunday ’ to make their home. Mr Weraick ^ Guadalcanal day 'V Dal* . ’"‘J, * .’«mained here Sug- »Grange I Wieneke. Martin remained here ernP1 * °>'i ■ . . A n*w forai of enter­ tainment projected for tl.e first tisi; on thè scucili with nearly an acre of ground. Good 1-room house on same prop­ erty $2000 Bernard Eaaiman. 30Alfc ________ pQR SALE—193# cab-over truck. 30A2xp W d -n . J r . N » „ Remember, all dairy cows have to be tested if they weigh over 400 pounds or are over five months old. If you have stock to sell let us have them at this auction. The more you bring the more buy­ ers we will have. Bill Lane, Auctioneer-Manager Phone 116 J or 25 R FOR SALE—22 Calibre Mossberg bolt action, repeating rifle with tele­ scope sight. See H. C. Dwight at Nyssa Produce. 30Alxp FOR SALE—Four room modern house, two blocks north of sugar factory. Phone 06J11 30A2xc RHEUMATISM AND ARTHRITIS — I suffered for years and am so thankful that I was cured of this terrible affliction that I arill gladly answer anyone writing me for In­ formation. Mrs. Anna Pautx. P. O. Box 825. Vancouver. Washington. 30A4xc. LOST—Billfold containing checks and papers. Reward. Eldon Barker. Rt. 1, Ontario. Box 92 30A2xp LOST—Man's billfold. Lost on Main | street. Earl Kygar. Leave at Journal office. SOAlxp POR SALE—193« Plymouth. 4 door 9edan. motor fair, excellant rubber, and upholstry. $450. 45 1 4th St.. Nyssa. SOAlxp FOR SALE—Good 4-room house MEN’S OXFORDS AND WORK SHOES Several Styles in both black and brown, and nearly all sizes. Sell $3.50 Golden Rule Nyssa, Oregon