Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNALTHURSDAY, AUGUST 30,1945 NEWELL HEIGHTS Oregon Trail The Merry Matrons’ club met at M ’ Merle Kurt3 haa declded t0 the home of Alice Holmes. August \ remaln ln rhe Army for " nother 22, with Gladys Byers co-hostess. three months. He Is now at Luke The afternoon was spent work- ' Field, Arizoi a for a six wevks re- Ing on scrap books and embroider- | fresher cour e. Kurtz, a son of Mr. In*. Six members were present. The and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz was a German club will meet at the home of Con- prisoner. Another son, Harcld, left nie Chord September 5, with Olive Sunday evening for Portland and Hoke assisting. A white elephant! Ft. Lewis af*er a 30 day furlough, sale will be held at this meeting. ! He will go tc a camp in Indiana. Lunch was served by the hostess. j Mrs. M. I Kurtz gave a dinner Pvt. Thurman Hill, who spent a Sunday honoring her sons, Bob and 30 day furlough at home left Sun- Harold, who are home on furloughs, day for Ft. Lewis, Washington, for The guests were Misses Delores re-assignment. ¡Hurst. Emily Otis, Arlene Peterson, The Oregon Trail Sunday school and Jewell Wilson of this comunity, attended group Sunday school meet- Mr. and Mr?. Glen Osborn and Mr. ing at Arcadia Sunday. Sunday and Mrs. Rex Beebe of Ridgeview. school services were followed by a Mr. and Mrs. Omar Dorman of pot luck dinned at noon. In the Nyssa were Sunday guests in the afternoon Chaplain Sauders of Gow- Earl Parker home, en Field gave a talk. Other Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pratt of New- day schools attending were Owyhee, ell Heights, Anelta, and Frankie Lincoln, and Arcadia. were Sunday dinner guests in the Another Shipment of nger Rollers For All Makes of Washers Also Va IF P- Electric Motor K ingm an Memorial J. C. Nevln. Pastor. JAKE’S FIX-IT SHOP £1 iW .V .V A '/.V S p te u f fo ro Hey BOSS! ^ W ITH The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Church services at 4 o’clock. KILLING PO W ER PURINA FLY SPRAY PURINA LIVESTOCK SPRAY K ills flies, m o s q u i to e s, g n a ts , m o th s, b e d b u g s , a n ts , w a t e r b u g s , s ilv e r fish. P le a s a n t o d o r, s ta in le s s , m a d e for h o m e u se . Now-v Y es, s e e u s fo r y o u r s e a s o n 's s u p p ly o f th e fa m o u s P u r in a L ive sto ck S p r a y . . . H a s 2 3 % m o re k illin g p o w e r t h a n o ffic ia l tests r e q u ir e fo r A A q u a lity . . . k ills a n d re p e ls . E fficien cy la b o r a to r y a n d b a r n te ste d . G e t y o u r s u p p ly n o w - fig u re a g a llo n p e r co w for th e s e a s o n . AA Al Thompson and Son ¡a ■ ■ 10 a. m„ Bible school, 11 a. m„ morning worship. Sermon: “The New Nobility of Sweat.” 8 p. ,m„ evening worship. Hymn singing with your favorite gospel songs. Discussions for adults and young people that give you an op- ortunlty for expression and instruc tion. Closing thought by our pastor. Monday, 8 p. m„ no scout meet ing—Troop 36 will meet on the sec- and fourth Mondays of each mon th. Wednesday, 8 p. m„ choir prac tice at the parsonage. Friday, 10 a. m., prayer group in Newell Heights. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL M ISSION S i THEY HAVE PLENTY OF CH RISTIA N CHURCH C H l k t H O F THE N A /.A K L M George Whipple, Pastor. 10:a. m.. Sunday school. Bible school, 10 a. m. Bring your 11 :a. m„ Song service and sermon. llbles. 7:p. m. Pre-prayer service. 7:16 p. m., Young people, inter Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com . mediates and junior meetings. nunion and sermon. 8.p. m. evangelistic service. Eveuing services, p. m. Adult discussion group, and Cnristlan ADRIAN FREE M ETHOD IST Endeavor for juniors and seniors, CHURCH A drian, Oregon 8:30, preauhing and song service. Rev. P. H. Reiman. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Class L. D. 8. CHURCH meeting, II a. m„ led by Clarence Sunday 9:18 am . Priesthood Nelson. Evening services, 7:30 p. jn. aieeung Tuesday, September 4, we will have Sunday 10:30 Sundav school. lour regular all-day Malheur county Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament holiness meeting in the Ridgeview meeting. f iends church with services at 10:30, Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society 2:30, and 7:30, with basket lunch at nee ting. I noon. Our speaker will be Rev. Penn First Tuesday of each montn at ¡of the Nazerene church of Parma, i p.m. Primary for children bet who is a missionary from Africa, ween ages of 4 and 12. and his son, *who is soon to go to B A PTIST CHURCH Africa as a missionary. Rev Hauf- Second S treet i fman of the Free Methodict church E. T. I< rson, M issionary Pastor ! in Wilder, Idaho, will speak at the ¡7:30 service. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Everyone welcome. Come and en Morning worship, 11 a. m. joy all these services. Training union, 7:45. Evening service, 8:00. 1HE COMMUNITY UNITED Mid-week prayer service Thurs PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH day at 8 o’clock. IB ASSEMBLY O F GOD C. L. Snider, pastor PAGE FIVE 1 ed was "Saint Gervais-Les-Balns,, Ingham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. week-end. Mr. Hiner was transier- j about 60 miles from Geneva Swit- ' Robert Hlllhouse. They returned red temporarily to the Ogden office i zerland. The little town where I Wednesday. by the Amalgamated Sugar com- ¡stayed is at the foot of Mt. Blaine, 1 pany. | _____ I climbed up to 10,000 feet on Mt. R etu rn From F ayette Lakes— Mr an* Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and galt La!;(f_ Blane. Coming down we slid down a glacier. There were some good son, Lyle, and Mrs. Eldon Strut«- ***' and ^*rs' ®ar* Burningham cable rides. One that I was on cros fellow returned Sunday after spend- in« two weeks vacationing at Pay- *nd two children have moved here sed a canyon over 2,000 feet deep. ^rom Salt Lake City. They have "We came back by plane. It was a ette lakes. been guests at the home of Mary two hour ride. We flew over Lake Visiting G ran d m o th er— Geneva. Boy that's a big lake.’’ | Bybee. while their home is b^lng re Miss Delma Ward is here for a modeled. Camp Fannin. T exas-Pvt George h*r *randm<* her' Funatake, whose home address is s n *wby. Visit Short Tim e— Nyssa Ore., has been awarded an From y ^ Btton_ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buchanan Expert Rifleman badge for marks- Mrs. Ira Ure returned Saturday stopped in Nyssa for a short visit mansj,ip at the infantry replace- ment training center here. Pvt. Pun- from a week's visit at Richland. this week a t the home of her par atake is the son of L. Funatake of Washington, where she visited her ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cornell. They were en route to Boise from Port Nyssa, Oregon. He is learning the sister, Mrs. Leavitt Karren. land. where he was employed in a art of soldiering in company A. 59 defense plant for four years. Spend W eek-end In Boise— battalion, 12th training regiment. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borgman spent the week-end ln Boise visit Son Arrives—— A son was bom to Pfc, and Mrs. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Buneo, August 2, ln the Nyssa George Sumpter. Nursing home. The baby, named Victor Jess, weighed 7 pounds, 12 Here From Ogden Office— Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hiner. who ¡ounces. Pfc. Buneo is stationed ln C hurch O fficers In sta lle d — have been in Ogden since March, China. Mrs. Buneo is living with her New officers of the L. D. S. returned to their home here last parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lucero. church representing scverV differ ent organizations, were Installed *' l * 1111111111111 1111111 n |, 1111 n n 11111111111111 1111111 | Mil HI III HI mm HI HI 11 i.i Ill III mill Sunday evening with stake officials officiating. Wiliam J. Beuw was in stalled as counselor to Bishop Arvel Child, replacing Lorin Goates, who Ians on moving to Parma soon. The Mutal Improvement association in stalled two new presidents. Leon Child, representing the young men, and Mrs. Howard Bair, represent ing the young ladies. Their coun selors are Melvin Jensen. Lloyd Lewis, and Mrs. S. W. Abersold and Mrs. Twyla Schnell. H ie Relief soc Two shipments and some of the market’s fin iety installed a new president, Mrs. est. Felted and semi-felted, all new cotton. R. C. Swensen, replacing Mrs. Leo Child. Mrs. George Poulson is coun selor. Priced From LOCAL NEWS New Mattresses Sunday school, 10 a m Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser vice 8 p.m Thursday, 8 pm., prayer for boys in armed forces. Come, worship with us and pray with us for your Song Accepted— The studio Music Center of Hol boy and some other mother’s boy. lywood has accepted for publication, distribution and exploitation, “Home T R IN IT Y LUTHERAN Safe at Last" song written by T. P a rm a, Idaho Carol Bybee. Rev. Jo h n E. Simon, P astor Church School: 11 a.m. Club Plays Bridge— Service: 10 a.m. Mrs. George Sallee was hostess THE M ETH O D IST COMMUNITY to the Tuesday bridge club. Mrs. A. C. Sallee received high and Mrs. CHURCH Burnall Brown second prize. Guests H. J . G e rn h ard t, P astor. were Mrs. Ed Frost, Mrs. R. G. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Larson and Mrs. J. B. Giezentan- Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. ler of Emmett. Fellowship meetings, 7:30. Prayer meeting announced. _ j Fly To S alt Lake— $15.75 Up You will find these fine mattresses priced very low. Remember we own our building and stock, free and clear and we do the work. That’s why we sell for less. Furniture, hardware and tools. Priced to sell at Ed Case’s HI-WAY MERCHANDISE MART .. . „ . . I Mrs. Tom Burningham and dau- Hugh Lamb home. er here, will teach the second grade gh(er Mer,e ^ ^ ^ ^ city i Otis Kurtz of Middleton, Mr. and hi the La Grande school this year [0 spend two weeks with Mrs. Bum- 1|| Mrs. William Gobley and Mrs. I. C. and her daughter, Marjorie, will at Durnil of Ten Davis, Idaho were tend Eastern Oregon College. guests In the M. L. Kurtz home Charlie Bowers suffered a deep Saturday. cut below his knee Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright of a sycle fell, hitting him. _..w. Big Bend and Clyde Cartwright were Mrs. M. L. Kurtz and Harold, Bob, dinner guests in the Arthur C art and Joyce visited in the I. C. Dur wright home Sunday evening. nil home In Ten Davis, Idaho, Fri Mr. and Mrs. S. Overstreet and day. son, Bobbie, and Mr. and Mrs. Hu Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanson, Joy- bert Stewert of Boise were over- ^ and Wavne of Viking, Mlnnisota. night guests in the R. R. Overstreet' and Mrs. Gordon Judd and home. Mr. and Mrs. Overstreet, Sr. Mrs Qllie j udd 0f parma, were d ill went to Boise with them for a visit. | FTiday evening dlnner guests ln the Mrs, Threma Elliot of Adrian and M. L. Judd home. Mr. Judd has re- Mrs. Mildred Hite of Owyhee were centIy purchased a ranch near Par- I Sunday dinner guests In the M. L. ma and Mrs. Judd will return as 'Judd home. Mrs. Hite, former teach- principal of the grade school there. Mrs. Charlie Bowers Is receiving treatment from a Boise doctor for eye trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goulet and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goulet and family spent several days vacationing at Payette Lakes last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Askcraft and family have moved in the Me Der- We are happy mltt house. North of Nyssa Y, Phone 74J lllil M III ¡HUM * W t V * ' foot U4 2nd Anniversary Sale Friday and Saturday August 31 and Sept. 1 On our second anniversary we wish to thank the many friends and cus tomers who helped to make o\ir business a success and extend an invit ation to them to call during our anniversary sale 5 r-\ DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR 5 lbs. 32c 10 lbs. 59c 25 lbs. • $1.25 50 lbs. $2.49 2-50 lb. bags $4.95 GROCERIES Pork and Beans, Phillips, 2 cans 25c Peanut Butter, Sunny Jim, 2 lb. jar 55c Jello pudding, Assorted flavors, pkg. 7c Peas, Happy Vale, can 11c Peas, Dinnerette, fancy, can 16c Hershey’s cocoa, lb pkg. 10c Tuna fish, Priority, can 29c YO U ’LL LIKE I I I Top-Crvtt Barry Pi* UTTY CROCK!R RICIPI IN SACKS Of G O LD . jo lb M ED AL ” K itc h e n -ta tte d ” IN R IC H K D 62 C FLOUR. 5 pounds 33c 10 pounds 62c 25 pounds $1.30 50 pounds $2.59 2-50 lb. bags $5.15 MEAT Ground Beef Steaks, B grade, all cuts, Pot roast, any cut, Rib b’oil, Weiners lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 27c 35c 27c 19c 32c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Canteloupes Celery Tomatoes Yams Lettuce Oranges, Medium, lb. 7c lb. 15c 3 lbs. 17c 2 lbs. 25c 2 heads 25c Doz. 35c n’s Drive-In Our Boys has been selected to sell the full line of (Continued from Page 1) | said: j "Red Arrow doughfeet celebrated— ¡up to yesterday—607 days combat In World War 2. On the basis of of ficial records, this represents are highest total combat time amassed by any U. S. division in any U,. S. war. “By July 20. MaJ. Gen. William Gill's veterans had 14.494 hours of Pacific combat to their credit. Now in the fourth year overseas, the 32nd has fought from Buna to Aparrl, the whole story of the "road back’’ from Australia to the Philippines. The 32nd, has killed more than 32.000 Japs in its three years of bloody fighting. In flying north from Australia to help .stem the Japan ese near Port Moresby in Septem ber, 1942, the 32nd became the first U. S. troops to be airborne into com bat. After bloody Buna the Red Arrow was in at Salder. Aitape, the 128th Regimental Combat Team a t Mor- otai, and November the division was together again on Leyte for the Ormoc Corridor campaign that an nihilated the mighty Japanese Im perial First division. After Leyte, the 32nd doughs went into action again on Luzon, driving from Lingayen plain up along villa Verde Trail. It took 119 consecutive days uphill fighting for th a t job.” John Laurence, who Is serving with the Army in Germany has written to hLs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Laurence of Nyssa stating that he had Just returned from a trip to the French Alps. He said the place where he vLslt- i i to announce that our store Westingho.use W ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES mm. Already we are m iking our plans for the A* ■ proper display and demonstration of these well-known products the minute they are u a " * ___ available—which we hope will be coon. THOMPSON OIL COMPANY ADRIAN OIL COMPANY mm