THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE TWO THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 lng completed “boot" camp at San Mrs Wesley Plercy and family. and marketing State and county AMALGAMATED WILL under the direction of the Oregon Dleago. I Lone Scout Troop No. 2 enjoyed farmer committees become part of POTATO PLANT State Game commission, and are being released at the instigation of Mr and Mrs Leonard Smith and an overnight hike (by auto) to the field services branch of the ______ baby daughter of Olenna Perry vis- Snlvely's on Friday. Slim« Stain new production and marketing a<j- The Burley factory erf the Amal- the Game League, he said. lted Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGinnis Patsy De Haven, Caroline Schelmer. mfrustration, and as such will con- gamated Sugar company, which has One hundred fifty birds will be KLAS8 V. POWKI L ................................Edl .or and Publisher Thursday. | Ada West, Loretta Van De Water. tlnue as the means through which been used since 1943 to dehydrate let out at Jordon Valley. 250 at Mr and Mrs. James Me Oinnls Donna Peterson, Donna Lee Steel- federal farm programs are put Into potatoes. Is opening early at govern- Juntura. and the remaining 600 and children left for their home “ V™* and Laura action on the farm, Taylor ex- j ment request In order to handle divided between Nyssa, Vale, and ADVERTI • INO RATES B in B P C R IP T IO N HATES in California on Thursday after vis- N*vlnn did some advance work be plained. I surplus potatoes from the northwest Ontario. lting for a few days In the Alvon ^ t r y m g t o j ^ m Open rate, per Inch..........66c One Year............... .......... 43.M U ntil re-organisation reaches the A. Banning, president of the com Mrs. M. L. Kurt* has been ap- National, per Inch............. 36c Six Month«.......... .............|1 J I Me Oinnls and Harvey Hatch homes Mr and Mrs William Toomb and P°in,ed * «*» Presbyterian World Mate and county levels, we will still announced, the ptant will Visit* Parents— Ciassllieds, per word ------ Jr Single Copies.................. 06 Mrs. Wanda Dunlap of Carlton f a î S y ^ X ^ wide^ChrUUan advance ^ m m l t ^ P»*.bly open August 30, 20 days Minimum........ 80c (Strictly In Advance) Oregon, who had been visiting her day evening for the M. L. Kurtz r ev " 6 1 are made. It appears that not o n l y . ^ e r than the normal opening. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mc- S r t ¿ i r t z arwho ^ John Jarvis returned from Pasco, wUl farmer committees be contln- “TO» * the last year the factory Olnnis left Monday for her home. Published every Thursday at Nysaa. Malheur County, Oregon and Pic. Robert Kurtz who are WaJjjhl n Wednesday He took ued. but they may have added re-1 will operate as a processor of de Entered at the postofilce at Nysaa, Oregon for transmission home on furlough alter returning ^ apd ^ ^ enry s „ sponsibimies and authority for hydrated potatoes as the govem- She was accompanied to Carlton by her mother, who will spend her va through the l.ilted States Malls as second class natter, under i‘' Z S Z £ 7 E £ and*family 'vis- * sit their seder. Mrs Don Lin- , dealing with production and mark- ment wUl ^Probably have no more cation at the Dunlap home. the act of March 3. 1879 need for this product after 1946,” jlted in rhe Alvon Me Oinnls home v‘Ue W‘U ren“ “' wlth_ ^ Mr. Benning said, "and in the fall Thursday. She Is moving from New sLster whlle her 8011 has another COUNTY RECEIVES of 1946 the Burley plant will again Meadows, where the family spent operation on his eye SODIUM CHLORATE be used exclusively for the manu SANTA CLAUS IS GOING HOME the summer, so that her children ! Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Hatch came facture of sugar." can enter school. ^ tu r d a y night from Prosser Wash- Well, here it is almost September, so Santa Malheur county has just received Decision to operate the plant be Friday, September 7. two miles Mrs. Andrew Me Oinnls of Nyssa' toJ a ,ew daya *“ 40 000 pounds of sodium chlorate fore September 20, was necessary Claus has returned to the North Pole to prepare north of Vale, on John Day high and her daughter, Mrs. Kendrick jth* Howard Hatch home. for weed control purposes this fall In order to help avert a spoilage for the “real Christmas for the kiddies in De Dunlap of Oarlton, Oregon, visited Mr- and **rs- Howard HaWh were and winter. An additional four car of some 500 cars of surplus pota way, then 3/4 miles West on Crusen Mrs. Alvon Me Glnnis Thursday. | ln Caldwell °n buslness Saturday loads are on order and will be dis to«, mostly from the Yakima val Ranch. cember. Two horses, 12 cattle, 36 chickens, Mrs. Vernon Parker and children ¡evf " in?- _ tributed through the co-ops You know, for several months of each year ley, Washington. During the last farm machinery. H. L. Flower, own and Mrs. Clyde Steedman and her | Mr8 E D WJ™«-. Mrs Margaret Last year 59,900 pounds of sod year, Mr, Benning pointed out, the during the last decade Santa Claus has been niece. Miss Ailene Nichols, spent Wr* h t’ and “ «■ Jessie Edmunson ium chlorate was applied on farms Burley factory has processed 21646 er. Auot. Col. Bert Anderson. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard wearing a red and white plug hat with a blue Friday shopping In Nampa. In the county and a greater amount tons of potatoes, or the equivalent Dorothy Toomb and Marjorie Hatch Friday evening. is expected to be used during the of approximately 650,000 bags, band with stars, and a red, white, and blue suit, The Adrian Cannery will be open Graham shopped In Ontario Friday. Don M. Graham coming months. insted of the proverbial red and white suit, from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, from now Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb and Many farmers have been experi stocking cap and high top boots. He has only a Dickie spent from Wednesday until on due to school starting Monday menting with 2, 4-dichlorophen oxy- 1200 PHEASANTS Insurance Agency Monday in Clarkston, Washington, morning. acetic acid, commonly called 2, 4-D, TO BE RELEASED short time in which to work in his original oc Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch spent on their weed patches which may visiting Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mar cupation. a few days last week vLsitlng In affect the use of sodium chlorate on Twelve hundred pheasants will be tin and Miss Jeanette. Santa Claus, representing Uncle Sam, has The Sunday school teachers of Prosser. Washington. released in Malheur county In the Fire and Automobile some weeds. Barbara remained to visit her the United Presbyterian church held Experiments carried on from the next two weeks, In plenty of time been spending his time passing out money to the meeting at the parsonage Wed- « a iiiccuii* tiar ¿.aiauiiagc rwtru - 1 I brother, Dwain and . wife. ,county agent s oiiice county agent’s office on various ^or the opening of the pheasant Insurance pressure groups who had sufficient influence or nesday evening following choir I Jofln Enos and Clyde Cartwright | noXious ww,us indicate that 2 4-D season October 14. it was announced 'practice. spent Friday and Saturday In Jor- will not solve all the weed problems - ■ week - ■ - president ------ who had influential friends among the brain by — Ted - - Berreth. Rentals Bonds I Mr. and Mrs. O. D. English sp e n t; dor* Valley- in its present form. Test plots where | °* the Malheur Game League. The trusters in Washington. We don’t mean to crit Thursday night at the home of their I ^ rs’ Threlma E liott was a Sun- 2. 4-D has been applied on Canad icize Santa Claus, because the situation was not daughter, Mrs. Oayle Martin. j““* dinner *uest in “ »e M. L. Judd ian thistle, Russian knapweed, and his fault. He was merely doing what the people Mrs. Bertha Mac Lafferty ot home ln Newel1 Heights. white top has not been effective in Salem and her daughter-in-law Mrs. j *en Judd was a Sunday dinner killing these weeds. Morning glory wanted him to do. Laurence Mac Lafferty of College Sttest of Betty Jean Toomb seems to be susceptible to this weed j But now appear some of the British officials Place, Washington called on Mrs. killer and results look very prom- I with tears streaming down their faces blubber William Toomb on Tuesday after lsing. noon. ing because their Santa Claus, in the form of Farmers should continue to use B u e n a V iste Miss Ailene Nichols of Nampa Is ____ carbon bi-sulphide or sodium chlor lend-lease, has been taken away from them. Of spending a few days visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Winter and ate on Canadian thistle, Russian America’s Favorite course, probably anyone would be dishearted if Aunt Mrs. Clyde Steelman. children and Mr. and Mrs. C. Ket- knapweed, and white top until more Donna Steelman invited Donna churn of Bend called at the Willis Is known about the chemical and his toys and Christmas tree with which he had Indoor Sport Peterson to dinner Saturday even- Bertdan home Sunday, its effect on various plants. been playing for years were suddenly taken a- ing and to help her celebrate her j Mr. and Mr. Leslie Topliff were way from him. But he could expect just that if eleventh birthday. jin Ontario Saturday. Don Nichols of Nampa spent th e ' Mrs. Willis Bertram and Mrs. Alva he did not play fairly or intelligently. week-end visiting his sister and Goodell were in Payette, Now that the lend-lease gift has been uncere Peggy Pounds of Nyssa spent Fri family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steel Drifted Snow moniously jerked from the clutches of the many day at the J. W. Jennings home. man. Mrs. Cleaver, Mrs, Willis Bertram, Rev. and Mrs. John C. Neven nations of the world by Santa Claus, represent Flour an i Laura Louise Nevin, Mrs. Lilly and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended the ed by President Truman, the English, the Each, Emily Otis, Arlene and Don Pomona Grange meeting at Adrian 5 pounds 32c French, the Chinese and the others are looking na Peterson. Esther Fogleman, Car Saturday. 10 pounds 59c Romaine Jennings spent Saturday for some other kind of relief. oline Schelmer. George Efers, and night at the Roy Pounds home. George Schelmer, Jr. returned from 25 pounds 31.25 Lend-lease was undoubtedly necessary to help Payette Lakes Saturday. They a t win the war, but now is a good time for Santa Will Re-open tended the United Presbyterian con OSBORN GRADUATES* 50 pounds $2.49 to give the other nations of the World a warn ference at Pilgrim Cove. Adrian had the good fortune to win the AS AUCTIONEER ing that they should start looking to their own trophy cup for the second year. Marlon Osborn of Ontario, route resources for baby clothes, food, automobiles The American Legion held their and hair tonic. regular meeting Tuesday evening. 2. graduate of Nyssa high school, Plans were made to entertain the has just arrived home from Deca tur, Indiana, where he has gradu 16, In Emmett. The boy has been Girl and Boy Scout troups in the ated from the Reppert School of Gold Medal r.ear future. A d ria n named. David Robert. Auctioneering which teaches every’ Mrs. William Ashcraft and Mrs. A/8 Kenneth Elliott and S 2/e Flour Tournament play will start September 17. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Looney are Thurman Plercy are spending this Dale Ashcraft have returned home phase of the auction work. This school was established 24 years ago the parents of a boy bom August week with their parents after hav- from San Diego, where they visited 5 pounds 33c Organize and enter your team now. by Fred Reppert, known as Amer Mrs. Ashcraft's son. Dick. ica's greatest foremost auctioneer, 10 pounds 62c h 1 n n m m m m m ci ci m m m inm hi unii hi hi unii imiriii mu uni unii hi hi i i unii uniriintmiiiii hi i i i hhi hi hi ?« Mi. and Mrs. Lowell Ashcraft, = who sold their property in Adrian .ssoclated with him are 15 of Amer- 25 pounds $1.30 £2 to the Thompson Oil company of ca’s greatest auctioneers who ex Nyssa have moved into the house plain to the students Just how to 50 pounds $2.59 in Newell Heights vacated by the >ecome successful auctioneers. Bonafide sales are conducted n Fancher family. = The A. N. K. Garden club met every day in the auction house so s Tuesday at the home of Mrs. E. C. that the students have actual ex 22 perience under the guidance of - Charter Trips Aircraft Service = Crandall of Nyssa. E d e r G ro c e ry The Young people of the United these instructors and are really T. H. Eldredge, ¿Prop. Presbyterian church were guests of seasoned auctioneers when they re WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE Phone 58 ceive their diplomas. the Nampa church a t a swimming One hundred and ten students Nyssa Airport party Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and from 30 different states in the Un | P. O. Box 396 Telephone 012R1 | family and Miss Emily Otis were ion and three from Canada attend ed this summer term of school. All i in 11 urn m in inm in m n in in in in nun in in in in in in in — WH'in m m i inn in I'l iitu n u n m m hi m S Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and of them were more than pleased with the training and the future that the auction business holds in store for them. Mr. Osborn’s many friends will be glad to know that he has taken up this pleasant and profitable occu pation for with his natural talents and with the training received at this school, we predict a bright fu ture for him as an auctioneer. He will be glad to contact anyone ex pecting to put on an auction sale. In addition to this he will be glad to conduct war bond auctions or auctions for the benefit of the Red Cross, churches, or any other or ganizations that want to raise mon ey for a worthy cause. V I he Gate City Journal SALE CALENDAR A Bowling Nyssa Bowling Center Friday Evening August 31 Nyssa Bowling Center STUDENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTION 36th Annual Malheur Co. Dining Room Suite of Special Beauty FAIR AND PM A WILL CARRY ON WORK OF CO. AAA This suite has a spacious buffet, with ample storage space for linens and silverware. The six panel-back chairs have seats that are upholstered in lovely soft figured tan tapestry. The table has a beautifully grained top, 40 by 56 inches that extends to eight feet, and heavily reeded legs. NYSSA FURNITURE CO. The establishment of the produc tion and marketing administration in the U. 8. D. A . which took over the functions of the agricultural adjustment agency on August 20. will not make any Immediate changes ln the work of county AAA offices ln Oregon, announces Rob ert B. Taylor, chairman of the state AAA committee. As provided by law, administra tion of the conservation practice program will continue without change under the elected county committees. Taylor said. There will be no Interruption of service under other programs which the commit tees will continue to handle, includ ing commodity loans, crop Insur ance. and production payments on milk, butterfat, beef and sheep. It Is expected that some additional functions may be added to the com mittees' work as the re-roganlaa- tlon plan is put Into operation. j The new organization consolidates a number of previously seperate o f-, flees, all concerned with production. RODEO $ 3,000 : RODEO & RACING SADDLE HORSE PARADE 12:30 PM SEPT 1-2-3- JUNIOR FAIR 1-2 2:00 P. M. ONTARIO, OREGON RODEO 2-3 ADMISSION Adults $1.50 Children 50c Includes Tax \ Ì