| Go To Denver— The Chatter Box club held its August meeting at the James Olln home with Mrs. I. B. Allen as co hostess. Twelve members attended. Mrs. Dallas Rogers and Mrs. Jack Eweancy were quests. Mrs. Wallace Gregg was in charge of the games. Mrs. Olenn Suitor and Mrs. Wilson Winter won priz es. Refreshments of WaJers, cheese punch, Ice cream and cake were served. The next meeting will be held at the Willis Bertram home September 20. T H U R S D A Y B RID G E PLAYE D Tw o tables of bridge were played at the R. O. Larson home Thursday with Mrs. A. C. Sallee winning first and Mrs. Tom Eldredge the traveling prize. Mrs. John Beckham. Mrs. J. L. Church, Mrs. George Sallee and Mrs. A. C. Sallee were guests. - 1 , Cpl. John Church and his brother, I Bob, lef t Sunday morning for Low- ; ery field, Denver, where they will 1 visit their brother. Pvt. Tom Church, I who is stationed there. The three boys plan to go to Rockford Colo rado to visit their grandparents, if Tom is successful in securing a furlough. - 8 - CONVENTION IS HELD The Welser Stake Primary assoc iation is holding its annual con vention In Ontario today. Tw o mem bers of ihe general board of Salt Lake City are attending. Mrs. Lorin Coates Is stake president. All o ff icers and teacheTs of ward organi- ations met at 1:30 With a general assembly at 2 o'clock. Nine cities are Included in the stake. - GITESTS A T DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost were Sunday dinner guests at the home Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Mauldlng. ! CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y I Little Dennis Haroldson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Haroldson, celebrated his second birthday with a party last week, at which 15 of his playmates were guests. j St. Pauls To Hold P ic n ic - Tile St. Paul's Episcopal church will hold its annual picnic in Cald well at 1 o'clock next Sunday. Each family will furnish a covered dish lunch. Saturday, Aug. 25 X mile west of Ontario on Frank Mullins place at N. E. com er of airport. Sale starts at 1 p. m. Large assortment of farm machinery, household goods, 1 horse, 2 cows, chickens. Mrs. James F lier and Frank Mullins, owners. Col. Bert Anderson, Auct. loo Late to Classify FO R SALE— New and used coal heaters and cook stoves. Also oil heaters. Nyssa Furniture Co. One block south of underpass. 23Alxc. ___________ > Visit At Lakes— POR SA LE — Farm, 75 acres near 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman Adrián. 81 Irrigable. A. W. Curtís, and son. Michael, spent the week- Adrián, Qregon. 23A2xp i end at Payette lakes. Return From Utah— Bishop and Mrs. Arvel Child and two children and Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Anderson returned from a busi ness trip to Utah Tuesday. I FO R SALE— Omega 35mm enlarg er, F 3.5 lense and other equipment. ! Bernard Eastman. 23Atfc. FO R SALE— Electric hot plates HOSTS TO CLUB and motors, tents, tarps, tools. Ownership of the Federal Land [ emment In full, the bank recently Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Whitaker Hl-way Mdse. Mart, north o f Y. SERVICE CLUB T O MEET ! Atted Ball Game— were hosts to the Mr. and Mrs. Bank of Spokane passed Into the declared a X0 percent dividend and, 23Atfc. The Wives and Mothers of LD8 Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsll and Phone 74J. lub Sun Jay, with Mr. and Mrs. hands of its farmer-borrowers this In cooperation with the associations, MISS N A N G RIDER of Nyssa, developed a plan whereby the asso Service men will hold their monthly j Vera Fay attended the baseball who was acclaimed the out George Sallee and Mrs. John Bishop week when the bank repaid the last ciations, which are local cooperatives FO R SALE— New mattresses coil meeting August 29 at the home of standing member of the Oregon i game at Payette Monday. as guests. First place went to Mrs. block of federal funds In Its capital extending long-term agricultural 1 ________ __ bed springs davenos. Hl-W ay Mdse. Trail grange and winner of the Mrs. George Poulson at 8 p. m. It Bishop and second to George structure. credit, were placed In a sound finan Malheur Pomona contest. Mart. North of Y. Phone 74J 23Atts Is expected that a returned pris Here From Twin Falls— Sallee. Pictured above Is R. E. Brown, cial condition with adequate reserves Judges chose her as one of five oner of war will be the speaker. _$_ bank pdesldent, signing a letter to meet future contingencies. Former Mrs. Verna Beutler and daughter, outstanding young grangers In Business matters will be discussed GUESTS A T DINNER transmitting the final payment of borrowers who had paid their loans home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave M it- FOR SALE— The sweetest group Oregon. and the "Colonial Lady’ quilt will Mr and Mrs. Oliver Bigeman *1^00.000 to the federal government. In full but did not obtain the par Sharon Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. of eastern hardwood coffee and I , , _ . j. which at one time had more than value of their association stock will be sewed on and displayed. All LDS Ormand Thomas of Twin Falls occ. tables. Priced to sell. See them and family were Sunday dinner t32,ooo,0OO invested In the bank's mothers and wives of servicemen Mrs. Bybee recently made at K LO guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. capital and paid-in surplus. With receive around $2,000,000 In full set were Saturday night guests at the at H i-W ay Mdse. Mart, north of Y. tlement of tfleir claims. Phone 74J. 23Atfc. are Invited to attend. Mrs. Sherman in Ogden were played. Ice cream Tom Eldredge. thell. this federal Indebtedness wiped off The 77 national farm loan associa P. Bybee. chairman of entertain and cookies were served to 18. — §— the books, the farmer-and stockman- tions In the four states, which are FOR SALE— Five room modern ments, will announce an outing to Visit In Boise— THOMPSONS E N T E R T A IN owned national farm loan associa- serving more than 20,000 borrower- be held soon for all the members Mrs. Ethel Crawford and daugh house, 10 acres of ground. Two Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson tlons In Idaho, Montana, Oregon and members, now own a bank with total E N TE R TAIN A T B RID G E and their families. ters, Twila Crawford and Mrs. O. large brick chicken coops. J. E. entertained Saturday evening for becttme the 8018 owners assets of $66,000,000; capital stock of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kuehn entertain $3,500,000, and reserves and surplus W. Forbes, and Miss Donna Jean Brower, route 2, Parma, Idaho. 23A2 Mrs. Verna Beutler and daughter Bddltlon to repaylng the gov- of $9.300.000. ed at two tables of bridge last and Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Thom as_____________________________________ ICE CREAM P A R T Y HELD Warren visited friends in Boise O P P O R T U N IT Y to be foot happy Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Bybee and Saturday night. T ip Powers of Ont- of Twin Falls. A Dutch lunch w as' from Thursday until Saturday. efforts on studies o f production on your job. Wear dry-soft, stay- family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray, ario was high scorer of the men and served to 15 guests. and marketing, their vegetable pro soft Wolverine Shell Horsehide Mr. and Mrs. Orant Jones and dau- Mrs. Olea Billings was high for Here From California— Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell were duction and marketing, their veg ghter of Ogden and Mrs. Mary the ladies. Orln Wallace arrived Sunday from Work Shoes. Light on your feet— but hosts at dinner for the Twin Falls etable projects and their commun- Bybee gathered at the home of Mr. - - California. He returned home the they'll lick any heavyweight for visitors Sunday. Mrs. Bert Rund- .. .. — „ HQSTESS T O FRIE N D S and Mrs. Dart Bybee for an ice first of the week, accompanied by wear. See us soon. Golden Rule quist of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. ty aotlvltles Mrs. Victor Morgan of Big Bend 23A1XC Visitors At Home Here--------- cream social Monday evening. Prior his son, Eldon Wallace, and family. Store, Nyssa. Herschel Thompson of Nyssa were to the firelight party on the patio, | entertained Wednesday of last week also guests. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pfast of Nam IR R IG A TIO N FUNDS they enjoyed horse back riding and at dinner in honor of Mrs. A. N. pa and Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Bott V5 it In Idaho— S T IL L A V A IL A B L E the children enjoyed the swings Harris and two daughters, Edda Lee Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dority visited G IR L SCOUTS MEET of W ilder were Sunday guests at and teeter-totter. Home movies and Etta Mae, who were visiting C irl Scout troop No. 4 met at Ma'heur county is authorized to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mr. Doritys brother and family at were shown and records which friends in the community during the home o f their leader, Mrs. Melba. Idaho Sunday. make small irrigation and farm- Maughan. Mr. and Mrs. Maughan Bemard Eastman, Monday with 12 stead water installations again this girls present. Patsy Settles and | year through the farm security were in Boise Friday to visit Mrs. Nursing Home Notes— A son weighing 8‘ 1 pounds was Mary Sue Parson received their administration funds. Maughan's mother, Mrs. S. L. Mc- born August 20 to Mr. and Mrs. pins. Patty Parson became a new "Congress has appropriated funds Gavin. Lloyd Riley of Apple valley. member. to be loaned to farmers for drilling , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Callahan of — 5 _ wells, developing springs, ponds Go To Ogden— Parma are parents of a daughter F AR E W E LL P A R T Y G IVEN and reservoirs; for installation of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell left bom August 21. The girl weighed I Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lawrence en- pressure systems, irrigation pumps, This small, modern set includes four | tertained at a farewell dinner party tile and pipe again this year," acc Monday for Ogden and will be acc 8 pounds. 13 ounces. chairs, which are attractively upholstered A nine-pound daughter was bom honoring Irshal Davis Sunday even- ording to Duane H. Daly, senior ompanied home by their daughter, in blue and tan leatherette. The top o f the August 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred j ing. Covers were laid for 10 guests. F. S. A. supervisor. Beth, who has been employed there Adams of Nyssa. PH AR M ACY Out-of-town guests were Miss Jer- table is finished in beautiful bakelite. “All farmers unable to secure oldlne Thorpe and Lawrence Smith satisfactory financing from commer during the summer. They were V isitig Son— ‘The First in Nyssa” of Boise. Other guests were Mr. and cial sources are eligible to receive accompanied to Ogden by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Marshall left W e have a large selection of Mrs. John Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. FSA assistance to finance these Bert Rundquist, who had been their Tuesday to spend a week's vacation J. H. Borgman and Mrs. Helen ‘water facility’ installations," Daly guest here. with their son, Earl Marshall, and Tonning. said. his wife at Vida, Oregon. While this type of assistance has been given to more than 175 families Go To Namoa— D A LLA S KECK W IL L Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Abersold and for your bedroom or bathroom. Malheur county there are still ENTER C O M PE TITIO N in many farm families who have In children were in Nampa Sunday Just arrived, a large shipment of the adequate suply of farmstead water. visiting at the home of Mr. and Dallas W. Keck of Nyssa will pit LET US GRIND YOUR GRAIN Surveys show that many farms Mrs. Bert Harris. RAISE Y O U R C A L V E S newest types o f smoking stands, in rich, his knowledge of efficient produc can be greatly improved through tion and marketing methods against dark brown color, with metal bases and Go To Ogden— AND “ S eUaHCC IT development of new wells, piping cc ho boys and girls of 45 states in the Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stephenson tops. ot water to homes and bams. fifth annual contest of the Nation left Sunday for Ogden to attend to Applications should be filed with al Junior Vegetable Growers assoc- the farm security administration business. Supplies wh|o grain lacks for big egg 114This county's entry Is eligible to ° f l f l n the Wilson buildlng at Spend Week-End at Burley— production] An eco ,compete for awards from the $6000 ntarl0' Mr. and Mrs. Bumall Brown and nomical, tested sup scholarship fund provided annually Marian Grace spent the week-end plement ______ ■ — for the association contest by the UNDERSTANDING OF in Burley on business. A & P Food Stores, Prof. Grant B. PAYM E N TS IS URGED • ..O N I BAG t 40 pal*. Snyder of Massachusetts State col Visitors From Portland— lege, advisory chairman of the OF MILK Auction markets and fanners Mr. and Mrs. Marion Klinken- junior group reported. The awards should know and understand all berg and two children, Nicky and »..RAISES A BIG, HUSKY CALF include a $500 national champion the provisions of the sheep and Jimmy, arrived in Nyssa Tuesday ...H ELPS KEEP DOWN SCOURS ship, four $200 regional awards and lamb production payment program to visit Mrs. Klinkenberg's sister, 33 sectional championships of $100 if farmers are to be assured of Mrs. Harry Sayles and other rel each. Tw o war bonds are offered collecting the suhsldy or an equiv atives. They were accompanied by outstanding contestants in each alent price, the A A A said. Darlene, Billy and Eileen Sayles. DOUBLE FE A TU R E state. Three things should be kept in who have been visiting in Port FRIDAY & SA TUR D AY, AUG. 24-25 "T h e 1945 contest has a dual mind: (1) The subsidy goes to the land for the last five weeks. purpose," said Prof. Snyder. "One person owning Che sheep and lambs Here is a grand story o f love and adventure! is to emphasize the vital need for at the time of sale to a legally Boiseans Here— “THE FIGHTING G U AR D SM AN ” Increased production this year and authorized slaughterer for slaugh Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finch of the second Is to illustrate to young ter; (2) The payment rate per Boise were here Sunday visiting at With Willard Parker and Anita Louise people how necessary efficient pro hundredweight should be announced the Bumall Brown home. Comedy: “ Open Season for Saps” duction and marketing methods prior to each sale; (3) Buyers Cartoon: “ Rippling Romance” will be to the vegetable growers hould state whether or not the Postal Rules Cited— Mat., SaL, 2:50 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax of the future. Winners are decided animals are being purchased for Ordinary gift packages may be Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax slaughter. I f they are purchased for sent to civilians in all localities in slaughter, the buyer should so cer the Islands of Sicily and Sardinia SU N D A Y & M ONDAY, AUG. 26-27 tify to make them eligible for pay and also Vatican City and Naples, You’ll love every moment o f the heart-throb ment; (4) Bids offered on sheep Italy. The value o f each package and lambs at markets operated un Is limited to a maximum of four and hilarity-the laughter it brings to your lips der the federal packers and stock pounds with size limited to 36 in- and the teal's that mist your eyes! yards act must reflect the amount ches, length and girth combined. Gracie Fields, Monty Wooley, Roddy McDow of government subsidy payments Only one package per calendar on these animals to be considered month may be sent from the same ell and Reginald Gardiner in the highest bid. sender to the same address. More “M OLLY A N D ME” information may be secured at the Spoils and Color Cartoon Visit In Hayworth— local post office. Mail service for Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., Me-Sc, Inr. Tax Mrs. Eldred Brower and sister. letters not exceeding two ounces Adm. Evening», 40c-9c, Including Tax Vera Anderson, returned from H ay and post cards (including registry worth Sunday after visiting their service) limited to family and per parents and brother, Sgt. Mark sonal matters is extended to the — R A R G A IN N IG H T — of cattle and hogs. W e have had plenty o f buy Anderson, whe recently returned Italian provinces of Gortzia. Triest, TUESDAY, AUG. 28 ers, who pay top market prices for all kinds o f from overseas, where he spent 20 Pola and Zara. Freddie Bartholomew and James Lydon in months. Sgt. Anderson, who has livestock. And we can keep them coming if you been in the service for three years, Wisconsin Teacher Hei “THE TO W N W E N T W IL D ” will bring the cattle and hogs. wears three bronze stars. After a Miss Fae Pedrick who formerly Also Charles Starrett Western three-dav stay in Nyssa Anderson taught in the Wisconsin schools, is Make this your market place and we will “ROUGH RIDIN’ JUSTICE” returned to his home In Hayworth. a visitor at the home of Mr. and Adm. 26c-9e, Ine. Tax make it better. Mrs. Frank Morgan. Miss Pedrick Here From Salem— will teach English and biology In This week we need top fat hogs. The price W ED NESD AY & THURSDAY, AUG. 29-30 Mrs Bertha McLaferty of Salem, is $15.15. a former Nyssa resident, was a Here rom I .»Grande Ginger Rogers, Joseph Gotten, Shirley Temple guest of Mrs. H. R. Sherwood last i Mrs. K. P. Reitz and daughter. and Spring Byington in week. On Wfdnesday Mrs. Sherwood Kay. of LaOrande arrived in Nyssa “I’LL BE SEEING Y O U ” entertained a few friends In honor Saturday for a visit with Mrs. of her guest. Reitz parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse They shut out the world around them— but Latham. not their pasts. Together crowding a life-time Have Outing— o f love, laughter and tears into eight days of Mrs. K. P. Riety and daughter | At Pavelte Laki B ILL LANE, AU C TIO N E E R -M AN AG E R of LaOrande. Mrs. B. J. Plant and | Mrs. J. B. Beckham. Mrs. Herb borrowed paradise. children and Mrs. Twrila Schnell Smith and children. Mrs. Sidney I^ate W ar News and Color Cartoon Office phone 25R Residence phone 116J and son were ln Nampa Tuesday Brown and Mrs. Jensen left Sun Adm. Evenings, 4dc-»c. Including Tax on a picnic and swimming outing. day for Payette lakes. They expected The ladies are sisters. to return this evening. LOCAL NEWS 8 Dinette Set UNFINISHED CHESTS NORDALE FURNITURE STORE \YSSA Phone IOÔ \ FOR LOTS OF EGGS H&c P ‘ U , '¿Voy PROGRAM THEATRE PURINA CN0WDEK CALF STARIENA Nyssa Livestock Commission Company Needs MoreConsignments Auction Every Friday Afternoon B