THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL The THURSDAY,JOJG. 23, 1 9 4 5 _ Armed Might Allied Nations We Feel a Deep Gratitude W e are Short of Help and haven’t recovered from the war jitters, but we have the feed and other essential items for to the men and women who died in the battle for the continued freedoms of America--the right to live one’s own life and the means with which to take advantage of that right. the welfare of your livestock. Bring us your livestock feeding problems and we will furnish you with the proper We suggest that you take advantage of the new tools and equipment that will be available soon. RANCH-WAY FEED. HOLLINGSWORTH HDWE. AND IMPLEMENT CO. Nyssa Elevator “YOUR RANCH-WAY STORE” > PAGE FIVE Has Brought Us a -l The Point System Startling is still in effect for servicemen and meat, but we expect both to be eliminated soon. Well, Folks that day of peace we have been looking for has arrived, but many of the items we were accustomed to having before the war are not In the meantime we will do our best to serve back on the market. you with meat and help you stretch your red However, we can furnish you with a good points. line of meats and groceries and can still extend that same courteous service that we like to Nyssa Packing Company provide. and for that victory we salute the members of the armed forces and their auxiliary corps, both living and dead, whose sacrifices * • G O R D O N ’S DRIVE-IN made peace possible. A GOOD PLACE TO MEET FRIENDS But reconversion of factories and armies to peace-time pur Those suits is far from accomplished. However, just as soon as goods and services are again available we will extend the same ser WE ARE GRATEFUL RED POINTS vice that we provided before the world was thrown into chaos That the war has ceased and are the fellows that are trailing far behind vic by armed conflict. tory and are hard to get, but we can serve you hope for a permanent peace throughout the world. Nyssa is certain to grow within the next few years and we intend to expand our facilities and services as rapidly as that a good meal at a reasonable price. Try our ser vice and save your own precious points. ■ HH growth warrants. Until then, we ask your cooperation and con- Owyhee Drug Company D. L. Anderson, Prop. sideration. In return we promise you the best service we can possibly give. WITH THE WAR OVER Welding is certain to become very important in the re conversion period, which will probably last for several months. It will also hold an important place in the industrial world even after the new products start rolling off the assembly lines. We are equipped to handle any of your weld ing problems. Dority Welding Service Welding-Steel Fabrication General Blacksmithing One block south of Dessert Seed Co. plant Gate City Cafe Our Flag Flies In Victory Today This is a glorious period in our history. The victory is complete and the armies of the United Nations have subdued the forces of tyranny. We gladly express our thanks for the peace that has returned. May it prove a lasting peace. 4 Eder Hardware Company Meats, Groceries and Hardware LUM BER and you still need a priority for it, but we urge you people who are planning on building to buy your lots, get your plans and make arrange ments for your lumber well in advance of the time you wish to start work. We Will Be Glad To Hel^ You. Stunz Lumber Co.