Classified TME NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, AUG. 23, 1945 PACE THREE — eacJi week for four consecutive back, research activities or beet pro- j and other industries,'' the admm- Legal Advertisement i weeks in the Cate City Journal, a ■ Mrs. Clarence Boyce anti two ceasors in 18 states wtth a view tollstrator, said. They are prepared newspaper published in M alheur' sons, A ’.vin and Roger of Wets«:r SUMMONS FOR P U -U C A T IO N increased mechanization, agronomic I to offer work in accord with the IN TH E C IR C U IT OOUh..' O F TH E ^ ^ 'o u b h e a t on hereof^ls A u a ^ t i ^ i 1* ? ln the N E Hntt and and experimental work, affecting i displaced person's skill and exper- OT 4 TT rwp cv.n I " , ereoi ‘ August 8. D. Bigelow homes ounJay. S T A T E O P OREGON FOR 2, 1946. and the date o f the last ! __________________ all phases of beet growing and har lence.” M ALHEUR OOUNY publication is August 30. 1945. vetsing. Advances in utilization 01 "During this period, most work­ | Bernard Eastman and M arjorie; A. L. Fletche Attorney for beet by-products will be included ers should accept the best Jobs Eastman, husband and wife. Plaintiff. Residence and Pixst RATES: Two cents per word for each issue. Alter one month one Plaintiffs, , The foundation will work closely available at the prevailing wage O ffice address Nyssa, Oregon, Ten members of the Worthwhile cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. vs. with manufacturers of farm mach- rates. Some may have to return to A. W. Herdman and Jane D o e ! iclub met Thursday at the home 1 . . NO TICE TO CREDITORS * , 1 inery and beet sugar activities of pre-war occupations, even thougn Herdman his wife : J. Rosenberg Notice hereby is ¿riven to thp ° Leota Ditty with Viola Ditty and Jane Doe Rosenberg nis wife, ¡creditors and all other persons m- “ co-hodess. Mrs Ahrens of Id a h o , department o f agriculture, state the pay may be temporarily less. ! For Sale-- Large size oil heater, .1 A R 'a n lr ■ a nH h h « l unknown in lr n n u m h n ir c . . . . . . _____ ! was a visitor. The next meeting experiment stations and agricul­ This difficult period ahead will re­ J. A. Black: and the heirs terested in the estate of Thomas E. -llbCELLANEOUS dining table and DeLaval separa- will be held held wlth with 00,18 and devisees o f either o f them if ore e r deceased, that' U » ~under-1wiU chapln' tural colleges. quire a maximum of patience and For Sale ' tor. Fhone 06R4. 23Atfc. dead; and also all other persons! sigIM?d has ^ appolnted admin. ,wlth Martha Lorensen as co-hos- Member companies of tihe new understanding.'’ -------------- ----------------------------- - and Parties unknown claiming a n y , lstra.or of galJ esUte> and hgs teas. foundation include the Amalgamat­ FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. |---- In case the war plant layoffs 220 or 410-3 phase motor and FOR SALE - Motorcycle, 1927 Har- right title interest in or lien upon I qualified as such All persons having Mrs' c h a rles Ditty and Mrs. ed Sugar company. come too quickly and there are not size 3X2*4. 3X2*4. speed speed i ley"1 ‘ey-Davidsott 80. $295. Donald Hatch, j the land described ln ________ this com- cIaims dau« hter Sltaron directors are A. E. centruugal pump, size ______ _____ _______ ____ against said estate are re- Mary Query and Foundation nnn/v w iv QiV7 A H a Tl r iv o o / w i OO A O v n ii 'o i n t K n in r r T n f A A n f a m e in iH C n n / «n it fe n n . t a a b 'n enough Jobs to go around, the Sunday from .> a n week's 3600, complete with switch and V 60,1 307' Adrian. Oregon. 23A2xe plaint being Lot 1 16 of Block 'i 3« of I qulred present the same to the l returned Burning of Ogden and Wilford Y. unemployment commission now has starter. Also Bvron-Jackson cen pQR SALE— Peaches. Willis Ber- Addition to th . City of Nyssa,, undersigned at the office of A. L. visit with relatives in LaGrande Cannon of Salt Lake City, J. E. nearly $73.000,000 with which to Malheur County, Oregon, Coke of Sa Francisco, Thomas E. Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, and Tacoma. trifugal pump, M O P M „ speed lram , Enterprise avenue. 7 miles Defendants. Mrs. E. H. Strickland, who suffer­ Gardiner of Colorado Springs. Jar- 1 tide workers over. Benefits of from Oregon, within six months from J1^ l . WïïnPlet* . Wl? 15 ‘ “ " “ P0* * 1 I southwest of Nyssa. 23Alxc. 10 to $18 a week for from five to TO : Westinghouse 3 phase motor, swit­ the date of the first publication ed a stroke, was taken to the Holy e i Lewis of Preston. Idaho, repres­ 20 weeks may be paid to eligible A. W. Herdman and Jane Doe Rosary hospital in Ontario last enting Thomas Heath of Preston, ch and starter. City o f Nyssa. FOR S A IE — Small stock second „ (o ........- f this _______ notice, which first publica- . . . . -■ workers each year. week. hand goods.Inqulre box 97. Ontar- Herdman, his wife: J. Rosen bet* tion ^ August 16 D. J. Roach and A. W. Skuderna Oregon. lOMtfc. and Jane Doe Rosenberg, his wife; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen and io, Oregon. of Denver and, representing e a s t-' , “ P * clalms may be 23A3xp. J. C. Oreer, Administrator of STO RAG E— Consolidated Freight- J A. Black; and the unknown heirs the estate of Thomas E. Greer, Pfc. Dick Parker o f Cow hollow ern processors. Caldwell Martin ‘i f ? aga"?st Oref on at any of over ways building, First street. See FOR SALE— 1935 Plymouth coach, and devisees of either of them if were overnight guests ln the Cecil and Irving Hale of Denver. 1500 *“mployment offlces through- deceased. ________________out the country. An interstate ex- Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mtfc new rubber, motor ln good shape, dead; and also all other persons and Riddle home ln Nu-Acres Friday. Phone 122J. H. E. Collins. 23Atfc. parties unknown claiming any Miss Mertrude K ing o f Salt Lake N O TICE TO CREDITORS FO R SALE— 160-acre row crop UNEMPLOYMENT NOT right, title. Interest in or lien upon Notice hereby is given, to the City has arrived at the Grover farm, 72 acres irrigable. $11 500. FOR SALE Seven very good jer- t , e iand described in this complaint, state or territory. HEAVY IN OREGON Cooper home for a visit. n„ri . . . . , „„ _ , creditors and all other persons in- 140-acre row crop farm, 98 irrl- | s t y cows fresh in Sept. T. B being Lot 16 of Block 38 ^of^ Park terested ^ ,,state of John George Sohweizer is having his gable. $11.000, half cash, balance Bang’s tested. Also registered Addition to the City of Nyaia With lumbering, transportation Visit Here— house enlarged. terms. guemsey bull. John Low, route 2. Mrs. H. E. Chamberlain, mother The fall term of school will start and food processing plants badly Malheur County, Oregon. I signed has been appointed adminis- 105 acres, irrigable, 880 acres 23A2xp. ln need of workers, a fair propor- of Mrs. Sherman P. Bybee, and Cpl. IN T H E NAM E OF TH E STATE trator of said estate and has September 3. leased range land fenced, also out- OF OREGON: You and each of .qualified as such. All persons having Georgia Hillis is staying with tion of those laid o ff by war and Mrs. Wayne Barker o f Ogden Complete 68 ... H. . P. . side permit for cattle. This place FOR SALE- ----- ------ ~ herebv reouired to anoear1 '1'” ' ............................ ............ ' ........ » her sister. Margery Hillis, in Nyssa Industries should be able to find derived here Sunday to visit their has two house« and good stock diesel powered Bearcat hay chopp- y “ cIaims aSainst said estate are re- jobs. Because of V-J day coming j daughter and sister, - _____ l ; — g outfit with nay derrick. Ai,ia e complaint set-up. $18,000. lin A ll n a . answer ------- m —~ c°m plaint inea quired to present the same duly for a few days. in the midst of Oregon's busiest Verde Mitchell left , Wednesday 160-acre row crop and stock portable. One Oliver 6-foot com- a®alns‘ y o u J " aDoye ” * * 7 i verified to the undersigned within . ^ _ season, the unemployment load .. . . . six mom ns s nvm uie aaie farm in Big Bend. 4 miles south bine. Fred Jemmett. phone 25J3. sp“ ° fn , ~ m om h trom the date oi of uie t he i , ----- ----------------- * * will probably not reach Its height August. 1945, said date being the publication of this notice at Ies ^am^y f ° r LaGrande and Tac- Auto Repairing of Adrian. $15,000, one-half cash, Parma. 16A2xp. -------------------------- ----- --------- 'last day o f four weeks from the the offlce o f A L n e th e r , N yssa,loma' where they spent Thursday. for several months. balance easy terms. Officials of the unemployment FOR « SALE— ALE- a Oreg0Ili being the bereby 3 room nouse house wun with **<**.' date **. of u.c the ursu first puuucuc.uu publication 01 of ; Oregon the place nlace herebv Dorothy Hobson, who was called Electric Welding A L. ATKESON _______________________________I bath. Oarage, shade, 2 lots, $2500. this summons, and if you fail to deslgnated for ^ transaction of here to care for her brother, Joe compensation commission made this FO R SALE— John Deere pick-up ' Terms. Good 4-room house with answer said complaint for want a„ business pertaining to said es- during his stay in the hospital, analysis when asked to comment on Lathe Work Parts benefit payments during the read­ hay chopper. C. H. Coad. Nyssa. nearly an acre of ground. Good thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tate. left Tuesday. justment period. Administrator 2Atfc. | 1-room house on same property, the Court for the relief prayed for Mr. and Mrs. Nell Dimmick left At Nettie A. Simpson, Adminis- j $2000. Bernard Eastman. 23Atfc. in the complaint on file herein. tratrix, Estate of John M. this week for Wallowa county to Silas Oaiser explained that the STOVE R E PAIR S— Any make This suit is brought for the purpose employment service through its 2à spend their vacation. Simpson, deceased. range or heater. Order now. Hi- of securing a decree adjudging that 1st pub. July 26.1945 For Sale or Trade Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen local offices is co-operating to Way Mdse. Mart. Phone 74.1. 26Jtfc --------- ------- ---- ------------------ (the defendants have no right, title, and Mertrude K in g attended the handle any reasonable claims load. Last pub. Aug. 23, 1945 FOR SALE OR T R AD E A good estate, lien or interest in or to "The employment service has list­ rodeo at Weiser Saturday night. FO R SALE— 3 breeding burks, 2 work horse .sorrel. Fast walker and Lth 16 of Block 36 of Park Addition Nyssa, Oregon Mrs. Ahrens and son, Merlin of ed thousands of jobs with canneries, white-face and one black-face. large. E. A. Dewey. OWYHEE 16A2xc. j t0 tbe c it y o f Nyssa, Malheur Idaho came Wednesday evening to railroads, lumber and logging firms Phone 101J or 0GJ1 H. O. Hopkins. ! County, Oregon, and quieting the visit her mother, Mrs. George LOST 23Atfc. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar were ____ ¡title of the plaintiffs thereto; Schweizer, and Mr. Schwetzer. entertained at a birthday dinner The Willard W hlttman home ln r o n TALE Model A roadster. A -l LQ 3T— Gas cap and key contain-¡This sumons is published by order given in honor of Mrs. Kygar Nyssa was the scene of a happy condition, new tires. Arlen Harold- er bearing words Burns, Oregon, ¡of the Honorable M. A. Biggs, Cir- at the home of her daughter Mrs. and four keys between Skinner's j cuit Judge, dated July 31st, 1945, gathering Sunday evening when a f.en, route 2, Nyssa. 16A2xp. (corner and Nyssa. Reward. Char- ( prescribing that this summons be Richard Brown, in Boise Sunday. group drove from here to Nyssa Mrs. Jess Kygar accompanied them. FO R SALE— Two registered jersey ; ,es ohrltton> R t 2. Nyssa. 16A2XP served by publication thereof once to help Mr. and Mrs. Whlttman heifers, 18 months. One registered each week for four consecutive Miss Maxine Kygar, who had been celebrate their wedding anniversary. visiting in Boise returned home jersey cow, 4*» years. Usable hay weeks in the Gate City Journal, a WANTED The occasion also marked the birth­ rake. C. H. Coad. 18Atfe. HELP W ANTED — Married man for newspaper published in Malheur with them. days of Mrs. Whlttman and W ill­ Mrs. Martha Klingback was hos­ FO r T s a LE— 1 933 PonTiac.'exceUatat ' a11 round work also to work County, Oregon. The date of the tess to the Owyhee Community club ard, Jr. Those present were Mr. first publication hereof is August and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin and fam ­ tires upholstery like new. William j * ‘ t h G o o d h o U 8 e h t 0 U v , e 2, 1945 and the date of the last Thursday. Mrs. Jess Gregg and ily, Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and Van Z( If. Box 563. 16A2xp j ln _an_d J ° ^ „ „ waf f 8' Mrs. Ellis Walters were winners publication is August 30, 1945. corner of Gem Ave. and highway fam ily of Cow hollow, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher, Attorney for in a contest. Refreshments of chick­ Kenneth Lorensen, Mr. and Mrs. 23A2xp. FO R SALE— Model A Ford, first 2 miles north o f Nyssa. en salad, bread sticks, cookies and AT THE Plaintiffs. Residence and Post Grover Cooper, Mertrude King, class condition. See Irshal Davis. Office address Nyssa, Oregon. *ced tea were served. 16A2xp. WE P A Y H IG HE ST PRICES for Harold Snider, Louie Davis and live fox feed horses. Phone 8. Pay­ Mrs. Mildred Hite and daughter, Cecil Whlttman. 12Atfc FOR SA LE — Sma'l modern house, ette. SUMMONS FOR PU B LIC ATIO N Marjory have returned from Tac­ Mrs. Jake Kollen, who submitted completely furnished. Electric range ! ---- , . ____ . N TH E C IR C U IT C O URT OF THE oma. where they had been working to a major optratlon several weeks and refrigerator. $4000. See Frank W A N T E D - Beauty operator. Good S T A T E OF OREGON FOR THE in the M t- Rainier ordnance depot. ago, is improving. commission. Owyhee Beauty shop. Miss Elizabeth Krell, a former Owy- 16Atfc. T. Morgan. C O U N TY OF M ALHEUR Mrs. Wilbur Chapin, Mrs. Kenn­ 16Atfc. ree teacher with whom Mrs. Hite II. R. Sherwood, Plaintiff, eth Lorensen and Mertrude K ing FOR SALE— 37-acre farm ln King- W e specialize in Rayette Lus-Tor-Lox had been staying, returned with her vs W O R K W ANTED — By wives of sol- attended a wedding shower for their man Kolony, 2 miles north and *4 and Helen Curtis Cold Waves. ditrs. Call at Journal office. 16A2xp M ALHEUR COUNTY, a political and is visiting friends here. cousin in Caldwell Friday. east of Adrian. Remainder of crops The Owyhee Sunday school will sub-division of the State of Oregon; Pfc. Dick Parker, Bob Newgen, may be purchased with farm. Mac W ANTE D — To buy barley. Will meet with a group of Sunday H A R R Y S. SACKETT, Registrar Operators: DeLaine Bateman, Iris Blake and W. H. and Cecil Riddle were Balnap. 16A3xp. haul It. William Peutz. Phone 010 j 2 of Titles for said Malheur County; schools at the Arcadia schoolhouse and Letha Jeffrey 16A3xp. A. A. ROGERS, State Superinten­ next Sunday for Sunday school, a among those attending the Weiser FO R SALE— Tw o yearling pure­ rodeo Friday. potluck dinner and afternoon ser­ dent of Banks of the State of Ore­ bred Cordale bucks. Papers, if de­ Vera Faye Counsil spent Saturday BUTCHERING vices. Rev. Chadler of Caldwell, Phone 24 for appointments sired. Larry Dimmick. 16A2xp. night visiting in Nysa. Custom butchering every Mon­ gon as Statutory Receiver of Mal- County Bank, and all other per­ American Sunday School union Misses Margery and Georgia H ill­ day and Friday. Beef, sheep and misionary, will be ln charge. There FOR SALE— Small house with 6*4 is and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen pork. Sanitary butchering guaran­ rons and parties unknown, claim­ will be no Sunday school in Owy­ lots. Green’s addition. Barbara were visitors in the Cecil Riddle teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must ing any right, title, interest in or hee but all members are invited to Zimmerman. Box 3403. Portland, j home ln Nu-Acres Sunday. come in Thursday or Sunday after- lien upon the real estate described join in the group gathering. Oregon. 16A2xp. in the Amended Complaint on file I Parker attended the gartwadtwtd _________________________________ noon between 1 o'clock and 7. No Mr. and Mrs. John G rottvelt and __________________ herein FO R SALE— Home Comfort, all-¡stock accepted on butchering day. THIS IS THE TIME TO n x t A \T u r a Defendants. daughters Jean and Oeanlve, and enameled kitchen range. In fir s t . One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta To: Malheur County, a political Mr. and Mrs. Jess Gregg and Becky | ' - ' U I j U . 1V1AJN r l E i A l J o class condition. Phone 146J. 16A2xp 1 avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc sub-division of the State o f Oregon: Lou were dinner guests of Mrs. SUGAR F O U N D A TIO N Harry S. Sackett, Registrar ofTltles Martha Klingback Sunday. Mrs. Mearl McClure of the Owy­ DENVER. COLO. Aug. 23- Philip for said Malheur County: A. A. Rogers, State Superintendent of hee corner has as house guests her B. Smith, manager of the Greeley Banks of the State of Oregon as sister. Mrs. R. V. Silvernail and and Eaton. Colorado factories of Statutory receiver of Malheur son, Donald, of Anchorage Alaska. the Great Western Sugar company Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raymond has been appointed manager of the County Bank, and all other persons WITH INSURANCE. and parties unknown claiming any and Sam Bradley were supper Beet Sugar Development founda­ right, title. Interest in or lien upon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinn­ tion. a non-profit organization, de­ signed to carry on research work of the real estate described in the er Sunday evening. Mrs. Ellis Walters was a week-end all domestic beet processors from Amended Complaint on file here­ guest of relatives In Boise where the Great lakes area to the Pacific. in. Twenty-one years of outstanding IN TH E NAM E O F TH E STATE she attended a picnic in the Julia OF O R E G O N : You and each of Davis park in honor o f her son, agricultural and executive achieve­ Z j you are hereby required to appear Byrd Walters. RDM 3/c. ment with the Great Western or- W. L. Chapin has been appointed ganizatlon have ably qualified Mr. and answer the complaint filed OPTOMETRISTS DRESS MAKING ^gainst you in the above entitled school clerk in the Owyhee dls - 1 Smith to pursue the objectives of suit on or before the 30th day of trict. I the foundation toward further re- DR. J. A. McFALL REM ODELING & A LT E R IN G Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner were during labor requirements of the August, 1945, said date being the Open every day except Saturday. 'See MrFall and See Better' last day o f four weeks from the business visitors ln Boise Friday. | industry which normally produces Prayer meeting was held at the ¡three billion pounds o f sugar ann- Naomi L. Buchert date of the first publication of Over Wilson's store this summons, and if you fail to Martha Klingback home Tuesday ually, foundation leaders said. answer said complaint for want evening. Bill Gregg was the leader. Heading a central organization JEWELRY STORES Jimmie Duncan of Payette Is with headquarters at Fort Collins, thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief prayed for In visiting his cousin, Fred Kling- Colorado, Mr. Smith will coordinate the complaint on file herein. PAULUS EYE SIG H T SPE C IALIST This suit is brought for the pur­ JEWELRY STORE pose of securing a Decree adjudg­ O N TA R IO OREOON Union Pacific Time Inspector ing that the defendants have no JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS right, title, estate, lien or Interest PHYSICIANS W ATCHES in or to Lots Nine (9), Ten (10). Main Street at Second Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) oi Block Twenty-seven (27) Teutsch’s S A R A Z IN CLINIC Our cafe will be open, Addition to the City of Nyssa. M al­ WYCKOFF J. J. Sarazin, M. D. heur County. Ore., and quieting tit­ JEWELRY STORE AND CONCESSIONS General practice o f medicine beginning le o f the plaintiff thereto ¡requiring Official Tim e Inspector for X -ray Physiotherapy the defendants and each of them to Union Pacific set forth the nature o f their claims, O N TA R IO ORBOON if any, and that all such claims be L. A. Moulding, M.D. W ill Be In | decreed inferior to the right and Physician and Surgeon GEORGE JACKSON ¡claim of the plaintiff; that by re- Phone *7 MODERN W ATC H D E PA IR IN O daily except Thursday ¡cree of this Court the defendant, State Licensed Hours: 13 to 12 and 1 to 5 | H. S. Sackett as Registrar o f Titles . Watchmaker for Malheur County be ordered and Dally—Except Sunday from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. O N TA R IO , OREGON ¡directed to cancel outstanding cert- Fry Building 3*4 blocks N. of City Hall i iflcate of Title No. 392 and to issue | to the plaintiff as the owner of HAY BUYER DENTISTS said premises a new certificate of THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY T ry a cold lunch in a Title to said Lots 9. 10, 11 and 12, W . F. Jahn Block 27, Teutsch's Addition to the J. R. C U N D A LL City of Nyssa In place o f the old Dealer in hay and grain cool restaurant Dentist Certificate o f T itle No. 392. No. 5, Factory Court This summons is published by or­ Phone 56-J Phone 68M der of the Honorable M. A. Biggs Sarazin Clinic Circuit Judge, dated July 31st, 1946. Opposite sugar factory NYSSA OREGON prescribing that this summons be served by publication thereof once Advertising Sunseb Vd' Uy TZe Z lZ E. W. Pruyn SC H O O L GIRLS Get That New PERMANENT Owyhee Beauty Shop Stabilize Your Future Professional And Business Directory Frank T. Morpan Brownie’s Cafe To be Re-opened Geneva’s Kiddy Rides Mon., Aug. 27 NYSSA August 23-25 Mr. Cr Mrs. W. C. Brown