Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE SIX Saturday and returned Sundayttd Saturday to vlait Grace Poster and Mane Sebum, who are stationed at the Baldy mountain lookout station _ ___. , __,, _ . The Foster family returned home Sunday, but Miss Stuns remained at the station to visit this week. THURSDAY, AUG. 16, 1945 Economics club chairman. The women oi the Grange are asked to provide salad or cookies for the Pomona meeting. The lecturer s pro- gram was conducted by norence Nlccum T h f ne„ ^ of u * Silver lake area for a post-season shoot from December 1 to 5, In clusive. will be held until October 29, after which a drawing will be held If the number of applications chalk Butte 0range will be held exceeds 800. Applicants are requested not to August 21. send rmney for special tags at In Boise Monday— this time. Successful applicants will Mrs. W llford A. Bybee. Mrs. Ben be notified to remit after the draw Hartley, Mrs. Sherman Bybee and ings are hela. Mrs. Sam Hartley were in Boise Monday on business. G IR L SCOUTS MEET the home of Mrs. Burnall Brown. To Hold Picnic— Seven members of the Girl Scout Miss Dorothy Fairhurst of Port- i The G irl Scouts of Nyssa will hold troop E met at the home of Ann- j land was a guest. High score went the[r annual summer picnlc Thurs- ette Campbell Wednesday after- , to Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and second day,, August 23, from 7 to 9 p. m, on the lawn at the W. E. Schlre- noon, with their leader, Mrs. Julian to Mis. A. C. Sallee. man residence. Parents are invited Johnson, in charge. A lter the bus I- On Vacation— to attend. iness meeting, refreshments were HAVE DINNER GUESTS J. L. Church and son, Jack left served. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Kessler had In Hospital— Tuesday morning for Twin Palls on as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and i Mrs. C. J. Olson of Alberta aven a vacation trip. They expect to be OLUB P A R T Y POSTPONED _ ue was taken to the Ontario hos gone a week. The Nyssa Civic club meeting Mrs- 5 P Bybe^a.Kl famr.y pital this week. and party which was to have b e e n ___ _____ ______ Return From Lakes— 1 D INN ER SERVED A T HOME held Wednesday at the home of The Misses Margaret Sarazln, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meier en Utahans Here— Mrs. Pheiler was postponed because tertained at Sunday dinner for Mr, and Mrs Amasa Hammon Merry Norcott, LaRue Nye and of the observance otf V-J day. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ward, who have enjoyed a visit from their Helen Sallee returned Thursday - 8 - were here from Huntington. Other two daughters from Utah the past from Payette lakes, where they CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Week. spent five days. V. L. Kessler, son o f Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Kessler,' celebrated his 10th and family and M r and Mrs Herbert F'isher and family. Returns Home— Here From Bremerton— birthday Monday evening with a William Peutz of Nyssa route 1 Mr. and Mrs. Newbern Glenn of - I - welner roast at his home. Ten Bremerton, Washington were here returned Friday from Warm Lake, guests were Invited. visiting Mr. ad Mrs. Leslie Burbank Idaho, where he and Mrs. Peutz several days last week. They re- had been vacationing for several CLUB H AS T H E A T E R P A R T Y turned to their home Thursday.' weeks for the benefit o f Mrs. The lady members of the Happy The ladles are sisters. Peutz’ health. He returned to the Eight Pinochle club held a theater lake again Wednesday. party Thursday evening. After att Visits H e r e - House guests at the Charlie Riders To Perform— ending the picture show In Nyssa All members of the Owyhee R id Dance Postponed— they went to Ontario for a ••Dutch ,Schw« izer home this " eek J " " » The Owyhee Riding club dance, Mrs. Schweizers sister, Mrs. E. C. ing club of Nyssa are Invited to treat” supper. Miller of Hailey, Idaho, and her appear In the rodeo parade at Weis- which was scheduled for Saturday two sons. First Class Petty Officer, er F*rlday evening at 7 o'clock, wear evening. August 18 at the Nyssa B RID G E CLUB MEETS gymnasium, has been indefinitely The Tuesday Bridge club met at Ted Miller and Apprentice Seaman, ing their white shirts and tan Don Miller, and also Mrs. Rose trousers. It has been suggested that postponed. • _______ __ Noninl of Washington D. C. all who can wear a blue tie, as GRANGE W IL L H O L D ___________ blue and white are the club's colors. Have House Guests— Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell Q U A R T E R L Y MEETING Hearing Re-Scheduled— The 20 persons who have been The zoning ordinance hearing t o ' thosen ^ demonstrate the special have as their house guests Miss The Malheur County Pomona have been held in the city hall Tue- | drill will leave Nyssa about 3 Dorothy Fairhurst of Portland and Orange will hold Its quarterly meet sday night of this week was can- 1 O>cjock in the afternoon for Welser. Miss Doris Koontz of Nampa. ing In the Adrian schoolhouse Aug celled because o f the V-J celebra- ! There are over 70 members of the ust 25, aocording to Mrs. Blaine tlon. The hearing will be held c iub Riders are to register at the Visits Brother— Glrvln, lecturer, who Is preparing Tuesday night, August 21. S. S. Sutherland of Davis, Cal rodeo office for instructions. the program for the all-day meet ifornia spent the week-end visiting ing. his brother, Joe L. Sutherland, and Buys Garage— Class Has Swim Party— The county Grange meets on the Charles Ninemlre o f Nyssa has Twelve members of the L. D. S. family. Mr. Sutherland, who Is a fourth Saturday o f February, May, purchased the Evergreen Service Sunday school class of Hubert Smith-Hughts teacher trainer for August and November. Erie Parker Station and garage at Council, Ida Christensen enjoyed a swimming the state of California, is attending o f Vale is master of the organiza ho. He will go to Council within the party and welner roast at Cald a conference in Boise this week. tion. next few days. Mr. Ninemlre has well Monday evening. Go To Washington— been engaged In automobile re pairing In Nyssa for the last eight Club Issues Thanks— Miss Dorene Bear and her moth years. He was part owner o f the L. T. Marshall, president of the er, Mrs. George Bear, left today Motor Company for Owyhee Riding club, Inc., expressed for Spokane. Mrs. Bear will also three years. thanks to the public for making go to lone. Washington for a the stag party held August 8 such visit with her son. Miss Bear will Insurance Real Estate Visit At Baldy Mountain— a decided success, both from a enter Klnman Business universi Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Foster and social and financial standpoint. ty in Spokane. Phone 64 Frances and Tommy and Miss Greta Mr Marshall said, "W e especially Stunz went to Baldy mountain j wish to the Fraternal Order Communicators Needed— Nyssa, Oregon Applications for the position of of Eagles, who loaned their hall and equipment for this purpose, and aircraft communicator (trainee) for the Savage brothers of Nyssa who the civil aeronautics administra went clear out of their way to tion, In the states of Idaho, Mon- make posible the splendid evening tana, Oregon and Washington and trad by all who attended the stag khe territory of Alaska are being W e must still conserve our cars party. Thanks folks, for being'sought by the United States civil present and be assured that the ¡service commission, Wendell E. money received will be used to I Webster, local secretary, announced, Ration-Free Texaco Gasoline good advantage In the construe-1 The salary for the position is tlon o f the Nyssa community re- 32415 a year, including overtime Texaco oils and greases compensation while in training. creation grounds.” There is no written test. Applicants Expert lubrication must have reached their 18th birth Go To Idaho Falls— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson day but must not have passed Car washing and polishing left Friday for a visit of several their 40th birthday on the date of i days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. receipt of application. Complete Genuine Ford batteries information and forms for applying L. L. Stevens at Idaho Falls. may be obtained from Mr. Webster at the Nyssa postoffice or from Return From Lakes— Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke and first or second class post offices. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kuehn return Applications will be accepted until the needs of the service have been Ford-Mercury Salés and Service ed Sunday from Payette lakes. met. LOCAL NEWS B e rn a rd E a stm a n IN SPITE OF VICTORY HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. NYSSA PhonçJO Ô PROGRAM THEATRE DOUBLE FE ATU R E FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUG. 17-18 The kids in their latest and most eliciting ad venture...faster and funnier than before! The East Side Kids In “MR. MUGGS RIDES AGAIN” Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in “THE BIG SHOW” Mat., Sat., 2:30 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, AUG. 19-20 Here is a weird and wonderful love story— Oscar W ilde’s “THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY” With George Sanders and Hurd Hatfield Flicker Flashback Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evening*, 40c-9e, Including Tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, AUG. 21 Ann Miller and William Wright in Comedy, Cartoon and Sports “EVE KNEW HER APPLES” Adm. 28c-9c, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, AUG. 22-23 Betty Grable, Dick Haymes, jPhil Silvers and W’ illiam Gaxton in “BILLY ROSE’S DIAMOND HORSESHOE” A musical that outstrips them all in spectacle, splendor and sparkling story, filmed in gorg eous Technicolor. W ar News and Cartoon Adm. Kvcnlnga, d0a-0c. Including Tax MAXIMUM PRICE IS SET ON SEED ‘SPUDS’ colls, sewing machine, vacuum, oil and four keys between Skinner’s burner, daveno other articles. Mrs. corner and Nyssa. Reward. Char les Chrltton. Rt. 2. Nyssa. 16A2xp George C. Callahan phone 78W. CARD O F T H A N K S FOR SALE— Small modern house, We wish to thknk our many completely furnished. Electric range friends for their expressions o f and refrigerator. $4000 See Frank ] sympathy during the recent Illness T. Morgan. liA tfc. and death o f our beloved aunt, Mrs. Dora Holmes. LO ST— Gas cap and key contain Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and family er bearing words Burns, Oregon, Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District AN NU AL F IN A N C IA L RESO RT The same maximum prices in effeot for the 1944 crop of certi August 2, 1945 fied and war approved seed pota toes have been extended to the 1945 crop for sales through June 30. j T R IA L BALANCE 1946, W. H. McCargar, district O PA food price specialist, announced by Bonds outstanding O PA action effective August 20. » 80.535 00 Bond coupons paid .............................. The action also revises the def Bond & Interest fund overdrawn ........ i inition o f a wholesaler of seed 1934 2.113.55 Bond & interest tax receivable for year potatoes and provides that a farm 1935 357.69 er-producer may take the same 1936 439.37 mark-up as a wholesaler when 1937 88.39 selling to retailers in quantities of • 598.57 1938 less than 20,000 pounds or to 1939 128.81 planters in quantities of more than 1940 1000 pounds, McCargar stated. 1941 126 61 1,707.87 1943-44 Too Late to Classify 9,189 61 County (uncollected taxes) W ANTED — T o rent or buy mod Drainage tax record (total taxes levied) em house. Call Mr. Herrlman at 88.163.76 Drainage system construction .............. Herriman Motor Co., phone 77.16A1 688 05 Drainage well No. 2 ................ 1,774.60 I uther Fife land sale contract FOR SALE—• One automatic wash 1209.10 Theodore R. Frahm land sale contract ... ing machine. C. C. Cotton. 16A2xc .. 8,903.76 Interest and discount 4.826.98 Operation and maintenance fund FOR SALE— Two registered jersey 1934 376.32 O Sr M tax receivable for year heifers, 18 months. One registered 38020 1935 jersey cow, 414 years. Usable hay 1936 289.67 rake. C. H. Coad. 16Atfc. 1937 354.16 241.07 1938 W ANTED — Tw o mechanics. Herri 1939 man Motor Co. Phone 77. 16Alxc 1940 1941 15.68 D R IV IN G T O SE A T T LE — About 79.20 1942 August 2, or 23. Can take four pass 1942-43 130.37 engers. C. A. Taylor, eight blocks 89 622.74 Operation <& maintenance north on F*lrst, then one block east. 270.00 G W Pennle land sale contract 16Alxp 255.00 Tensen-Burbldge land sale contract 6,740.00 United States war bonds FOR SALE— 1936 Pontiac, excellant »299.606.23 tires, upholstery like new. William Van Zelf. Box 563. 16A2xp RECEIPTS FO R F IS C A L Y E A R August 5, 1944 to August 2, 1945 FO R SALE!— Singer sewing mach- I ine also junior violin with case, j August 5. 1944 cash on hand ...................................... Very seasonable. C. A. Taylor, eight County land sold ..........................................».............. blocks north on First street, then Taxes paid in for year 1941 ...................... $ 76.30 one block east. 16Alxp. Taxes paid in for year 1942 ........... 113.80 Taxes paid in for year 1942-43 ............... 233.40 W ANTED — T o buy barley. Will Taxes paid in for year 1943-44 ..................4,066.61 haul it. William Peutz. Phone 010 j 2 Total taxes paid in for year .................................... . 16A3xp. Paid on land sale contracts .............................. _____ FO R SALE)— 37-acre farm in King- man Kolony, 2 miles north and 14 east of Adrian. Remainder of crops may be purchased with farm. Mac Belnap. FO R SALE OR T R A D E — A good work horsesorrel. Fast walker and large. E. A. Dewey. 16A2xc. FO R SALE:— 1932 Chevrolet In running condition. House west of the locker. Helen J. Gonnason. 1GA1 Total receipts .................... 500.00 9.60 114.79 298,914.48 47.32 20.04 «299,606.23 « 8,388.29 ........ 25.42 . « 4.490.11 2,854.00 ...15,757.82 E XPEN D ITURES United States war bonds ..........................$ 6.740.00 Bureau of Reclamation (Adv. on contract) 3200.00 Operation and maintenance ................... 1,000.44 Total expenditures ............ 10940.44 Cash in O & M fund.................. «4,826 98 B & I fund overdrawn ................ * 9.60 Aug. 2, 1945 cash on hand 4,817.38 »4,817.38 Arvel L T A K E N UP— 1 black gelding, 714 miles S. W. Nyssa. B. F. Rookstool, Rt. 2, Nyssa, Ore. 16Atfc. FOR SALE:— Model A FV>rd, first class condition. See Irshal Davis. 16A2xp. * $15,757.82 Child Oerrtt Groat Auditing Committee Correct Attest: Frank D. Hall, Here From Seattle— FO R SALE— Household goods, el Mrs. Alice Lamb of Seattle arr ‘T H E Y LIV E FOREVER’ ectric stove, trash burner with Secretary-treasurer ived In Nyssa Wednesday for a W IL L BE PRESENTED visit with her niece. Mrs. Ward Wieneke Mrs. Albert Smith of Wels "They Live Forever” , a full-color er Is here visiting at the home of motion picture with sound, dealing her sister, Mrs. Wieneke. with the spiritual aspect of world war 2 will be shown at 8 'clock Band To See Movies— Wednesday evening, August 22 In | Irshal Davis extends an lnvlta- the Payette Christian church, acc Ition to all band members and the ording to Payette district Christian 'public in general to view movies Endeavor union leaders. | taken of the Nyssa school band The film was produced by Irwin ¡during various performances. The A. Moon of Moody Bible institute pictures will be shown Saturday extension staff and Is being dis at 8:15 In the Nyssa gymnasium. tributed under the institute’s aus- [ pices in army camps and naval This group contains Jarman, Return* From Nevada— ..... | training stations. Muray Morton, former Malheur 'Pllr Mr. Moon photographed the film ’s oxfords from our regular stock o f high grade county assessor, has returned to color sequences while touring army Ontario from Hawthorne, Nevada, and navy camps with his "Sermon work shoes o f different weights and where he was supply officer In the From Science". U. S. naval ammunitWm depot for "They Live Forever" features the more than three years. life-raft experiences of Lieut. Jam es C. Whittaker and Sgt. John Visits Sister— Bartek and the testimony of Col. Louis Davis, who was recently George S. Clarke, one o f the last discharged from the army after army officers to leave Bataan, as serving for three and one-half well as a series of training shots years, is visiting his sister, Mrs taken in both army and navy Wilbur Chapin. He expects to work camps. In this vicinity. The public Is invited to attend the service. A free-will offering will Attend Picnic— be taken. A picnic for former Nebraska residents was held in Lakevlew park In Nampa Sunday. Among ANTELO PE TAGS those attending were Mr. and Mrs. S TILL AVAILABLE Wilbur Chapin and family. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen and fam Applications for antelope tags ily and Mr. and Mrs. Willard should be sent In by August 20 to , Whitman and family. the Oregon state game commission at 616 Oregon building, Portland Machines Collide— 4 In order to be Included In the A truck driven by Walter Pox drawing if one Is necessary. Only of Nyssa and an automobile operat 800 tags have been authorized, and ed by Chief of Police J. R. Dolan a drawing will be held if the app collided on north Fourth street lications exceed that number on Tuesday evening. H ie two drivers August 20. ¡and two passengers in Dolan's car The antelope season will be open were not injured. from September 22 to 30, Inclusive. In all counties having antelope. Grange Meet*— However, no hunting will be allow At the regular meeting o f the ed this year In the same two areas Chalk Butte Grange the ladles closed last season, the Drakes flat planned the menu for the Pomona Area and the Millican-Port Rock- Orange meeting to be held at Wagontlre area. ONTARIO Adrian August 25. Mrs. Ira Price Applications for the 800 doe deer was elected as a substitute Home j tags to be sold for the Fort Rock- Ration Free Shoes Sale Starts Friday Aug. 17 Fortune and Davidson dress shoes and dress shoes. Also men’s qualities. Take Your $Q 50 Per Choice & Pair No Ration Stamp Required Under “OPA” Release No. 107 ALEXANDERS “Where Good Clothes Cost Less” OREGON