TH E N Y S S A G A T E CIT Y JOU R N A L ____ T H U R SD A Y , A U G . 16, 1945 P A G E FT V E Kingman Kolony na were business callers in Ontario to survive according to Mrs. Fred the field which gives the grower a ¡earned the need of one great the past week at the home of Mr. .mance wuil _ «c . Wa-i.lL, u. o. L. Monday. L. Olmstead of Ontario, county puce o f *M. allowing t< for baling. , world brotherhood. We have found and Mrs. Bum aii Brown. Mrs A., that at 8 o'clock P. M. on the Mrs. Art Sparks and Hazel Kress- pub.lcity cnairman of the Red Mrs. Lillie Bach left with the I h e ie is a shortage of cars for 'that education without ideal is Hyer and Mis. Baer are sisters or 21st day of August. 1945, in the hipping early potatoes. Brooke'.. . . .__. „ United Presbyterian church dele ly were business visitors in Cald Mrs. Brown. council chamber in the city hall of said and although no actual lo s s ."01 su‘ fklen t- gation from Adrian Monday morn well Monday. "Following upon the heels of !SS ^ , . „ rre i {rt/,n thLs situation, I oth er numbers on the program. the city of Nyssa, Malheur county, F ail Sparks is home on fur NOTICE T O CREDITORS ing for Payette lakes for a week’s battle, the destitute Philipinos the threat of losing a portion o f presented to a large congregation, Orr-cn, the city council will hold lough from Camp Wolters, Texas. Notice hereby is given to the a hearing on a proposed zoning conference. present. Late ixita- were given as follows: Hymn, con- Mrs. Dale Ashcraft returned :traggled down out o f the hills m e crap still MacArthur, anticipating toes whi h can be stored will not gregation; responsive reading, creditors and all other persons in ordinance which is being considered Mrs. J. G. Lane received word home Tuesday of last week from General affected. '"Peace", Rev. Gem hardt and aud- terested in the estate of Thomas E. by said city council. this week of the birth o f a son a visit with Dick Ashcraft and the situation, had requested sup- There is a shortage of protein knee; hymn by congregation; salute E. K Burton. August 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Wade friends in the San Francisco bay plies well in advance of the in- Oreer, deceased. Ghat the under feeds such as soybean and cotton- to the flag, led by J. J. Kollen of Recorder of the City of Nichols In Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. I area. She was accompanied by Mrs. vasion and early this year more signed has been appointed admin than 60 tons of clothing and erner- seeti cake, Brooke said. , the Veterans of Foreign Wars; Nysa, Oregon. Nichols formerly lived in the K o l- i William Ashcraft o f Adrian, istrator of said estate, and has ------------------- 1 "America", and benediction. ony. Mrs. Hugh McConnell has retum- gency supplies were received on qualified as such. All persons having Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hall and ed from a month's visit in Miss- claims against said estate are re- * aroumi E u f “ - * “ “ * S U G A R S T A M P TO BE | COLUMBIA avbnu , family o f Arizona were visitors in ouri with relatives. quired to present the same to the ; “ But this was just the first ship- V A iulU lb i f Ji, iVl Dr. K 1 j ____ Mrs. Henry Jacobson and chil the T- B. Hall home the past week. ment of the millions of relief sup- ------- | ceorge Smit o f Nu-Acres called undersigned at the office o f A. L. > F l/ c David Hall of the U. S. navy dren have returned to their home plies needed by the PhLippinos. Housewives who are getting pan_ a^ tilt* Dick Oroot home Wednesday. Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, was also a visitor in the Hall home. in South Dakota after an extended While the American Red Cross is I icky because they do not have sug- Mr and Mrs c M Tensen were Oregon, within six months from He is visiting his brother, T. B. visit at the home of Mrs. Jacob the date of the first publics:ion not expected to supply all the ar stamp 37 or spare stamp 37 in iiere Thursday and Friday, Hall and family and his parents. son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. material necessary to alleviate the war ration book 4. and are won- j Miss Norma Jensen and Mrs. of this notice, which first publica Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hall. Mr. and when Marjorie Fields o f Boise were home tion is August 16. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McConnell suffering o f these people, m ilitary. dering uhat will happen Mrs. Willard Hall returned to their J. C. Greer, Administrator of Like new. 75 lb. Cap. authorities have requested the Red su8*r stamp 36 expires August 31. ifor tjje week-end. home by way of LosAngeles, where and Wayne were visitors in the the estate of Thomas E. Greer, Cress to furnish nearly one million not worry. . Mr and Mre Edw|n Mowerson Herbert Shaw home in Jamieson David returned to hi? ’ hip. deceased. Nyssa Furniture Co. garments to supplement the basic Willard Case, district food ration- ) and oale and Mrs. Grace Petty and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Veers and Sunday. Mr. Shaw and Rachel re supplies for which the army is re- in2 officer, epxlained that because Block So. Underpass daughter were in Payette Thurs son, Joe, attended the rodeo in turned with Mr. and Mrs. M c N O TICE O F H E AR IN G sponsible. Therefore cloth pur- a lot ot pcop e by mistake sent Caldwell Saturday night. They were Connell to the Kolony for a visit chased by the government has been in s” sar stamp 37 instead of spare day evening. ON ZO N IN G O R D IN AN CE Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen overnight guests in the F. O. Wedd- o f a few days. Notice is hereby given in com- turned over to the Red Cross, ana 'stamp 37 last summer as identifi- and family returned Monday from Mr. Anderson of the county ag- ington home in Caldwell. women In chapters throughout the cation to get canning sugar, the Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks and enVs o ffL e in Ontario was the nation have been asked to cut and office of price administration can- Summit prairie after a week's vac ation with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. I fam ily a attended a family reunion speaker at the Kingman Grange ttc u u ru a la iu u y ic u m u li r ' - * — **o**“ * “ , ,__. celled both 37's months ago. When Your Car Steams Tensen. picnic in the Caldwell park Sunday, nreeting Monday night. He' spoke | cording jto patterns approved by “This was done to avoid confus- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot attend Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hall and fam - cn weeds and weed control in the Philippine relief committee ion an<* will not result in a loss e d to business and called on Mrs. H E A D FOR T O W N E ’S G A R A G E lly, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hall and Malheur county. A committee was Jam“ / 'a n d m and" m V * D " w a^’ ^im ed ^ b y *G ra ^ e Master^Prank 10° ° ^ ° f b,eached broadJ A " CW T * * " * Kakebeeke" a n d " Mm T nd H a" and son David were Cummins to meet wUh Mr. Ander- Cl0Ü1 < * * * « has * « > 2b,y N° ' * beCOmf Valld Mrs. C. W. de Boer in Ontario When Your Car Shifts Hard allotted will be made, with your September 1,” Case assured. Monday. in the H. C. Rice home in Marsing son* Those apointed on the comm help, into boys' blouses, shorts and ittee were L. L. Krcager, W. E. Saturday. H E A D FOR T O W N E ’S G A R A G E Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane and M yr- 1 Piercy, D. L. Hurst, L. Stam a n d ' pants’ infants' shirts girls’ and blouses, and women’s ---------------- ; M. L. Kurtz. The committee w ill! women's When Your Starter Groans meet" Tuesday, *August"*21 ” at the 1 dresses- WiU* your own blLsy ita«* W E Piercy home ,ers y °u can Join the thousands of The Hume Economics club met I Amerlcan women cooperating in H E A D FOR T O W N E ’S G A R A G E Troop 4 Scouts Meet— « the home of Irma Sparks la s t, H1“ pr,OJe,ct and gain the satisfac- (Continued from page 1) I Troop 4 of the G irl Scouts met week. The next meeting will be held i . ° ! ^ L °W1"® ..thai „ in a feW If Your Car Needs Repair months, some little Philippine girl Righteousness exalteth a nation,, Monday at the home of their lead August 21 a t the L. Stam home will be excitedly exchanging her but sin is a reproach to any nation” . er, Mrs. Bernard Eastman, with Mrs. Wyckoff, accompanied at H E A D FO R T O W N E ’S G A R A G E rags and tatters for the very blouse 12 members present. Three girls, W O M E N U R G E D TO that you here in the Malheur chap- the piano by Mrs. Henry Hartley, Glenda Maw, Lillian Crisp and Modern house in Nyssa sang "T h e Lord's Prayer” . i ter made for her. H E LP FILIPIN O S Rev. George Whiple reminded Betty Jean Burbidge, were award I "Mrs. E. M. Greig, county pro- ed their pins and became tender The opportunity has been pre- duction chairman, has the patternsjtbat " I et us not b?c° me intoxicated foot scouts. Mary Sue Farsom is P. 0. Box 692 Ph. 125J sen ted to the women of Malheur for dresses, blouses, girls panties, i vlctory* Forc® has accomplish- a new member. ccunty to he'p the people of the boy's pants and baby shirts. As ! d a Kreat work but there remains Nyssa, Oregon Philippines after three years of >et the material has not come. A t i a greater work. We face the res- Returns From Vacation— privation and hunger and struggle present she has 45 yards of fla n - ! P °nsfbility of teaching^ the world T U — ?— — ■ m i- The fundamental j Miss Azalia Peet, former mission jnel for men’s bed jackets 25 yards our heritage. ary to Japan who also did miss ~ ' o f unbleached muslin for bedside cause of this war lies with the I ionary work on Okinawa prior to axis powers for they had Unposs - 1 bags, 150 yards of twill for kit the war, returned to Nyssa Tues FOR P L U M B IN G A N D bags and slipper soles, 60 yards of i ible ideals and became educated day morning after spending her Gird yourself for R E A L PE A C E of mind O.D. sheeting for slipper toes, bias monstrocities. The greatest con- vacation in California. Miss Peet PIPE FIT T IN G C A L L tributing cause of this war lies binding and ties, and 150 yards of is stationed at the Japanese labor flannel for men's pajamas. But farther back—-in the opportunity . amp at Adrian. She was a Tuesday with adequate fire and liability insurance Americans had to share our ideals. tons are needed.” We have failed to share our heri dinner guest at the home of Rev. tage. Therefore the world has turn and Mrs. H. J. Gemhardt. Used ICE BO X Surrender Of Japs Celedrated Wanted To Buy or Rent LOCAL NEWS Peace J .E . B ro w e r Phone Parma 6J2 Phone Nyssa 95J MALHEUR GRAIN IS ed upon us. The axis world Is still GOING INTO STORAGE without the concepts that we de | sire them to have, About 50 per cent o f all g ra in ' "W e have learned our lessons at now being harvested in M alheu r'a very dear price. We learned in county is going into storage, R. E. I the revolutionary war that ideals Brooke, county agent, said last mean something. In the civil war week. Farmers general'y are taking we learned the lessons of brother- advanta .e of the Commodity Credit hood. During this war w? 'earn* orporalion loans available in order (hat these concepts are more in .o hold their grain for next spring's portant to the vorld now tha ;al?. Storage facilities in the coun they were to us. We have learnt ty are ample .to care ior an even n this war that ideals are powc: greater percentage of the crop ful and that *h?y are the movin Brooke said. force behind mankind. Hay prices are dewn slightly, he "This war lias taught us tha |said, with the price in most cases a world divided against itself ranno down as much as $2 from its for stand. It has taught us that broth mer level of $18 for baled hay In erhood is a great power. We hav Visitors At Brown Home— Mr. and Mrs. D. Hyer and two hildren, Dale and Karlene, of Lewiston, Utah and Mrs. Camp bell Baer and daughter, Beverley of Nampa, left Tuesday for their nomes, after visiting here during Frank T. Morgan Glass Mirrors These mirrors, made of crystal plate glass, just arrived from Kansas City. They will add sparkling beauty to any room. Round beveled Venetian edge, type, 24, 28 and 32 inches. $7.50 & Up ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER Oblong, full length, Ven etian wall type, 12 by 48 and 16 by 48. the following articles when they are obtainable: $10.95 & Up • In Europe, telephones played a mighty important part in the defeat of Germany. Now, in the Pacific, telephones help unite our far flung forces of ships and Scatter Rugs Highland hook rugs. $3.98 and up planes, and provide a vital web of commu nications for the fighters-on-foot. W e loo k forward to the day when we will be able to serve everyon e again, but the demands of war must come first. MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. W e are accepting orders for future delivery or Resembles the traditional and historic an tique rug. Beautiful, multi-colored floral design» Chenille rugs in a variety of attractively rich and subdued colors. Colonial braided reversible plaids. Suitable for bath or bed room. NYSSA FURNITURE CO. One Block South of the Underpass R E FR IG ER AT O R S RANGES LAUNDROM AT S A N D W IC H G R IL L S W ASHERS IRONS IRONERS D IS H W A S H E R S R A D IO S V A C U U M CLEANERS ROASTERS TO ASTERS EL. W A T E R H E A T E R S W A F FLE BAKERS COFFEE M A K E R S PE R C O LA T O R S H O T PL A T E S W A R M IN G PA D S FA N S C O ZY G L O W HEATERS Plus Such Exciting New Appliances As Electric Clothes Dryer,..Steam Iron, Home Freezer Thompson Oil Co. Adrian Oil Co. N Y SSA , O R E G O N