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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1945)
VO l CME XXXX N Y S 'S A T ö R E G ö iC T h u r s d a y ; a u g u s t 9, 1945 TC 3 T 30 MEMBERS IMPROVING Plans Outlined GERMAN SOUVENIRS, Children’s Day Time O f Hearing ! 'PROPERTY | B O AT LANDING ON OF H. H. EAST SIDE OF RIVER For County Fair, HAY, ARE DISPLAYED Program To be On Local Road A mooring dock was installed last A splendid collection of German September 1,2,3 Conducted Here i Sunday District Is Set | | souvenirs, by the Nyssa Boat club at the property o f Pic. HOUSING SITUATION HERE IS SERIOUS Board Discusses Denver Meeting, Beet Wage Rates W ith more firms desiring to en ter the Nyssa field, the housing situation here is becoming more \ the new boat landing near the critical. Harold H. Hay of Nyssa, will be After Hearing, County placed on display in the window of I Parade and Sports Pro Snake river bridge on the east Attractive Prizes To Be Men are giving up their jobs Special Meeting of Ass ociation Directors Offered For Rodeo gram Scheduled For side o f the river. Court Will Call the G ate City Journal office this because of lack of places in which The members are also removing Held Here Events week. Youngsters Election to live. The reclamation bureau the willows a'ong the river in the T h e souvenirs were sent by Pic. A report on the Denver meeting O N T A R IO (Special)— Excellent has lost three equipment operators A hearing on the organization Hay to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. I Tentative plans for a children's ' vicinity of the landing and are in stalling lights. because of the housing situation. of sugar beet growers was given 4-H and F F A exhibits and top- Royal T. Sanders of Nyssa route ! day program sponsored by the of the proposed Nyssa road assess c’ everal boats will be in operation notch entertainment in the arena Some business firms are having to.» Vi i 11am Hogg of Marsing at a 2. They include a large and a ment district will be held in the small swastika, three belt buckles, j Nyssa chamber of commerce were 1 cn the river next Sunday afternoon. are In prospect for the Malheur the same difficulty. spc.iul meeting of the Nyssa-Nampa courthouse in Vale September 5. a knife and a bayonet, cigarette 'outlined at a meeting of the cham- Surf-riding will be staged about Apparently priorities can be se District Beet Growers association 5 p. m. with Bob Webster. Connie ! county fair to be held September The road district law passed at ase, German officers’ medal, com ' ber Wednesday noon. cured, but prospective builders directors in the office of the sec | The program will probably be KL-sner and Herbert Fisher dem 1 , 2 and 3, according to plans out the 1913 session of the legislature pass and other articles. onstrating the latest riding tactics. lined at a meeting of the board are hesitant because o f fear o f not retary A. L. Fletcher, in Nyssa Hay. a paratrooper with Oo. K. jheld Thursday, August 23. was considered by some lawyers i The long-awaited launching of being able to secure the proper Tuesday afternoon. 376th infantry, 94th division, fought - In the state to be unconstitutional, in France and Germany after go I The committee, consisting of Herman Towne’s boat is expected last week. Mr. Hogg said the Denver meet materials and labor. However, at Attractive purses are offered for so a committee of Nyssa residents ing overseas seven months ago. He Olean Wells and Sid Burbidge, plans to be accomp'ished before Sunday. least one house has been com ing was very satisfactory, with 25 to have a pet and costume parade. | Mr. Towr.e built the boat himself, the Sunday and Monday races and pleted recently and others are un- associations represented. Some of and A. L. Fletcher, local attorney, was wounded in action a short The parade will be divided into a ' working in his i pare time over a rodeo events, William Ross, gener under construction. The new own the delegates urged that the policy time before the end of the Euro appeared at the last session o f the float section, costume section and period o f two years. From many al rodeo chairman and Roy Brew ers feel that their houses will be committee, which existed in 1943 pean war. He is now in Czecho- legislature and asked for passage a pet section. Prizes will be given standpoints it is the outstanding ster, racing chairman, announced. finished by late fall. be revived and that the members s’ovakia. to tlie winners in the parade by motor boat in tills vicinity. o f a new law. The prizes include bronc riding, oo-operate in an endeavor to secure merchants. $150 each day plus entry fees of a better price for beets. President Some persons considered the law Expense on a costume or a float $5 for each rider, spilt four ways; William Carson, who was unable unconstitutional because it applied will be limited to $1. calf roping, $100 each day plus en to attend the directors meeting be only to Malheur county. The new Foot races and games will be try fees, split three ways; for the cause of illness in his family, was legislation applies to counties hav staged at the city park. best bucking horse each day, $50, delegated to attend such meetings ing populations between 19,000 and Any youngster participating in j $30 and $20; derby and relay, $125; as may be arranged for the pur 25 000, Mr. Fletcher said. the parade or events at the park ! Funeral services for Thomas Els- Free chest X-rays will be offered i five-eights mile, $100; half-mile, pose of reviving the policy comm Farmers filed a petition and the A tentative hearing on the pro j free-for-all, $80; two-year colt to the residents of Nyssa August 24 ittee and that he be authorized to county court set a time for the worth Greer, who was fatally bum- will be given a ticket for a picture show to be held in the Nyssa posed city zoning ordinance will race, $75; ladles race $75; saddle when the chest X -ray survey unit appoint an alternate to act in his hearing in order to give all land j ed July 27 while starting a fire owners an opportunity to object 1 at his home here, were held in theater through the courtesy of be held August 14 at 8 p. m. at the 1 horse race, $50 and kids’ race, $35. ol the Oregon Tuberculosis assoc stead at any time that he may i regular meeting of the city council. The rodeo will be strictly an iation will be here. be unable to attend. and ask that their lands be excluded the Methodist church Sunday af- the theater company. Mr. Wells said he will give young The proposed ordinance will div amateur affair as it has been the The committee In charge Is att ; temoon at 2 o ’clock, with Rev. Mr. Hogg suggested that the if they so desire. empting to contact as many persons association issue a letter to all last two years. I f no objections are announced H. J. Gernhardt officiating. Mrs. sters ideas for the parade, if they ide the city into four zones. Zone 1 will be a restricted res On each of the rodeo days there as possible ai.d offer the service to growers similar to that Issued In at the September 5 hearing, the B. B. Lienkaemper was the pianist. desire to receive advice. idential district where only one- will be a saddle horse parade at all adults in this area. No charge 1944, in which reference should be The war veterans of Nyssa con court will issue an order calling | family and two-family dwellings 12:30 p. m. with the fairgrounds will be made as the expenses are made to the increase in the price an election. I f a farmer makes ducted a military service in the DRAWING OWYHEE show starting promptly at 2 o'clock. paid through the annual sale of of beets and a re-stating o f the any objection to his land being veterans’ plot in the Nyssa ceme WATER VERY HEAVY can be built. J Zone 2 will also be a residential Martin Osborn, parade chairman, Christmas seals. Children under wage scale and urging the growers included in the district, the court tery. The Nyssa Funeral home district, but will include multiple six years of age will not be exam to adhere to that scale. In addi w ill decide whether it shall be was in charge o f interment. The bureau o f reclamation del family dwellings, apartment hous announced $5 prizes each day for Thomas Greer was born at Ontar the best-mounted man and wom ined. Children between 6 and 12 tion to the wage scale, the direc excluded. However, the district ivered more water last month than years will be taken only If the tors desired the letter to cover the cannot be reduced in size to a io May 24, 1904 and died in the during any July in the history of es schoolhouses and similar struc an rider. tures. I veterans hospital In Boise August The Future Farmers of the O nt parents are present and are X - subject o f hauling the beets, the point below one million acres. the Owyhee project, James Spoff- Zone 3. will be the business dis ario chapter will again show their rayed. rate to be 60 cents per ton for the The city of Nyssa will not be 2. He entered the United States ord. irrigation manager, announced trict, including all retail business projects. Since Ontario high school The purpose of the mass examin first mile and 5 cents per ton for ¡army August 25, 1942 from Nyssa included in the district. this week. es, garages, banks and similar op has been the only school In the ations is to find the unknown cases each additional mile or fraction I and served with the 558th two-en- Drawing of water is the heaviest erations. I gine flying training squadron at county having vocational agricul of tuberculosis among the rank thereof. Provided, however, that during July so that the peak de FIREMEN PLAN TO Zone 4 will be the industrial ture the past year, there will be no and file of the people. The service wherever mechanical loaders are ¡Turner field. Albany. Georgia un is now over. diitriet, including warehouses and F FA exhibits from other schools. is the same kind that was given to used the rate be 45 cents per ton. MEET WITH COUNCIL til May 25, 1943, when he was mand The bureau delivered 115 000 acre industrial planis. i discharged because of poor health As a result the livestock judging the members of the armed forces The letter will be Issued about feet last month, or approximately The Nyssa firemen, meeting and being over the age limit. He The ordinance also provides set and the same kind of service that September 1. 10,000 acre feet more than during back building lines and controls will be open to any eligible con Monday night in the city hall, dis ¡left Malheur county while a small has been given to 15 million in the At the invitation of the directors, testant on the individual basis. July, 1944. the height of buildings and areas cussed recommendations to be ¡child, returned to Nyssa in 1935 United States during the past two R. O. Larson, district manager of presented to the city council at | and resided in this community of lots that can be covered. years. the Amalgamated Sugar company, The purpose of the hearing is to its meeting next Tuesday night j until he entered the army. Mr. The unit, capable o f taking 300 gave a talk on the labor situation relative to matters pertaining to ' Greer was married to Betty Fran- give local residents an opportunity pictures a day, has taken 30,000 and other conditions. He reported to discuss the ordinance. The hear fire fighting. Presidept Harry Miner l cis Thomas of Texas June 13, 1945 X -ray pictures In 14 counties in that the labor conditions are fairly ing will be held on the report of a and Fire Chief A1 Kuehn will meet at Vale. A t the time of his death, Oregon since January 1. Everyone satisfactory, with good prospects committee appointed by the city who has a cheat X -ray will be for the harvest. He explained that he was employed as mechanic by with the council. Kenneth Bailey, sentenced to die sent a report on the findings. I f |the mechanical equipment secured The firemen also discussed the the Moss-Ninemire Motor com Thp Nyssa T ile and Pipe com council ¿p ?*udy the zoning pro firemen's 'ball to be held in Sept pany. ’ pany has started construction of blem. Members of the committee August 10 for the death of Ted suspicious shadows are discovered for this territory will help m at ember just prior to the opening | Survivors are his widow: two a new modern tile and pipe plant are George Henneman, Harry M in R. Chambers, state policeman in on the X -ray picture, the person erially in accomplishing the har a gun duel between officers and will be given a standard size X-ray vest. o f the sugar company “campaign". sisters, Helen of Lamar, Nebraska on highway 20 in the northwest er and C. W. Buchner. City Manager E. K. Burton said bandits April 29. will appeal to the by the county health department. The dance will be held In the and Mary o f Stanton, California ern part of town. The sugar company Is moving a gymnasium. and four brothers. C liff of Portland. The building will be the very “ We would like to have the Oregon supreme court, his attor The person with this X-ray plate double unit piler into the Over- neys, A. L. Fletcher of Nyssa and will be sent to his own physician street station and is doing every Lawrence of F'eming, Colorado, latest In design, acording to H. J. people's opinion”. Charles W. Swan of Vale, revealed. lor further study and treatment. Old Gown Worn— Roy of North Platte, Nebraska and Johnson. The plant will be equipp thing possible to insure a speedy Bailey had written to them, The Infant son o f Mr. and Mrs. William, who is serving with the e d with new machinery for making Go To Klamath Falls— Any individual desiring an X-ray harvest, Mr. Larson said. He es Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pounds left Swan said, asking them if they should send his name and address timated that 600 000 tons of beets Irving T. Duffln wore a 42-year- 27th division of the army in the I the best quality of products. old while baby dress when it was South Pacific. I The plant will have a capacity Saturday for Klamath Falls to would make an effort to have to Vale, Oregon, box 273 or to Mrs. will be harvested. chistened Sunday by its grandfath Directors attending were Her large enough to supply this en make their home with their son. the case appealed. Bailey apparent W ill J. Roberts of Ontario, Mrs. er, H. E. Duffln. who came Satur Arrive From Portia rut— tire territory and will give steady Byron. Roy Pounds o f Nyssa and ly is without funds, Swan said, but Dick Tensen of Nyssa or Mrs. C. bert Tiegs o f Nampa. Charles F. day from Alerdean, Idaho for the Mrs. E. A. Kennedy and grand employment to several men, Mr. Glenn Pounds of Adrian accom inasmuch as it appears that there Y . Chester of Harper. Oellien of Caldwell, W*'.liam Hogg, panied their parents to Klamath has never been a case in the his The X -ray unit will be operated D. W. Patton of Payette, Arvil occasion. The baby was named son. Melvin, arrived last week from Johnson said. T erry Wight. The gown was worn Portland to spend several weeks The plant will be located just Falls. En route home the brothers tory of Oregon where Judgment on the city hall grounds from 10 Child of Nyssa, Don H. Stevens bv its father when he was chris visiting relatives in Nyssa and in I north of the Polar Cold Storage visited their sister, Mrs. Clyde and sentence of death has not been a. m. to 12? noon, and from 1 to 4 o f Parma, James K aro o f Wilder the Newell Heights district. tened. and Warner G ifford of Emmett. j plant facing the highway and Beam, at Bend and Mr. and Mrs. reviewed by the supreme court of p. m. the state, authorities in the county D. W. Patch at Burns. A fam ily reunion was held recent- Walnut street. agreed that it would be best to Dies In Hospital— i lv at the 'home of Mrs. Annie Harris follow that precedent in the pres Leaves For Colorado— Mrs. Lena Creech, grandmother NYSSA RESIDENTS TO I 1 of Lincoln Heights when her four Mrs. A. N. Randolph left W ed ent case. Therefore an application of Randall Stathopolus of Nyssa. sons were home on furlough. Mr. A PrE AR IN RODEO nesday for her home at Manzanola, to the county court to allow funds died Tuesday morning In the Sam and Mrs. Milo Harris and daugh Colorado after a 10-day visit with for carrying the appeal to the state's aritan hospital in Nampa. Mr. and A number of calf ropers and her son. Norton Randolph, and fam highest court was granted and Mrs. Stathopolus were called home ter, Dinah, came from Alameda, The sugar section of the United Circuit Judge M. A. Biggs, under from Payette lakes because of the California. Wade, AOM. stationed riders from the Nyssa district are ily. with the navy at Litchfield park, planning to enter the events at the whose Jurisdiction Bailey was tried, death. Funeral services will be 8tates department of agriculture agreed to issue a certificate of conducted in the Robinson chapel has Just announced that In order I Arizona, has been in the navy for Weiser night rodeo August 16, 17 Visit Here— eight years. He was at Pearl har- and 18. acording to General Chair Lieut, and Mrs. Edgar Dilly. for probable cause and an order dir in Nampa Friday at 2:30, with to Increase supplies o f sugar, the Ibor in December, 1911 when the man Chet Tharson. mer Nyssa residents, left Tuesday ecting stay of execution allowing Rev. A. R. Herring of Nyssa in program for sugar beet production Japanese attacked. Wade's twin Over $1000 in prizes will be o f f after spending his 30-day leave in time for the case to be heard before charge. Interment will be in the in 1946 will receive support at a price level of $1 per ton higher | b /lher, Wayne, who is serving in ered to contestants. The total bud and near Nyssa. He will report the supreme court. The directive, Nampa cemetery. than in 1945. ¡the merchant marines, has been in get for staging the Weiser show back to San Francisco for further which will keep Bailey from going T h e average price for sugar beets | many parts of the South Pacific this year is more than $10.000. assignment in the navy. Lieut, to the gas chamber August 10, Seaman Visits— during the past nine months. Also The program will Include, in add and Mrs. Dilly were the inspiration will probably be issued some time Max Long, seaman, arrived in of average quality in 1945 Is set at jat the Harris home were Sgt. and ition to bronc riding, bulldogging for a dinner served Friday evening within the next few days. Nyssa Monday and left last Sat $12.50 per ton. The increase o f $1 1 Mrs. Verdo Harris and Carolyn. and calf roping,Brahma steer rid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ber urday for San Francisco, where he would mean a price o f $13.50 a ton Visit From Jerome— nard Frost. Jim Caldwell, home on furlough iSgt. Harris, stationed in England ing and several races. ¡will report for further duty with in 1946. The crop locally is developing Popular performers at each of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Donahue ol the navy. Long, who has been in from the army, left today for Port with the eighth air force for the Jerome, Idaho were recent visitors the Pacific area, visited his par very satisfactorily, R. G. Larson, land for a visit. Caldwell, son of last one and one-half years, is on the three night shows will include Go To Nampa— Mrs. Earl Leach and Mrs. Arnold at the Ed Frost home. ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Long, district manager of the Amalga Charles Caldwell of Nyssa, has a 30-day furlough before his re Trixie McCormick, widely known and his wife and baby. Mrs. Max mated Sugar company said. Indi been receiving treatment in a Miss assignment. A sister, Mrs. Ray trick roper and rider from St. Paul, Slippy attended to business in Nam Visiting Parents— Long and baby recently returned cations are now for one of the issippi hospital for fever contracted Whitsell and Clifford, the youngest Minnesota. This is her first app pa last Tuesday. brother, reside at Lincoln Heights. earance in the Pacific northwest. Mrs. Emery Rathbun and three from Oklahoma, where they had highest yields in the history o f the In the Pacific area. Wade and Wayne left last week As last year. Fezz Reynolds, a clown Visiting From Utah— children of Portland are visiting ¡been living with her parents, Mr. local district. The acreage this year the Nyssa-Nampa district Miss Klarene Hyer of Lewiston, Mrs. Rathbun's parents, Mr. and land Mrs. E. L. Lunger, who expect for P v t Robert E. Heldt, son of Mr. for Portland and The Dalles to and bull fighter who thrilled the stands at about 36,200 acres of beets. to move to Nyssa soon. and Mrs. A. L. Heldt, who recently visit their sisters, Mrs. Alice Mell crowds, and “Little Brown Jug” , Utah is visiting for two weeks Mrs. Ed Wild. This compares with slightly more n with Miss Marian Grace Brown. ento'ed the service, is stationed and Mrs. Florence Zachary, before juvenile screen star, will be than 36.000 acres in 1942. From Camp Adair— Visit In Emmett— hand. w i t * t h e army air corps at Shep returning to their duties. Mrs. Virgil Seward and baby Wendell Ward, son of Mr. and The Great American carnival Goes To Fake Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thomp pard field. Texas. Mrs. George B. Ward of Lincoln will be shown adjajeent to the l Miss Jo Ann Garrison left Sunday arrived home this week from Camp son went to Emmett Saturday to Goes To Idaho— Mrs. J. C. Crismon left last week •for Payette lakes, where she will Adair. Oregon after visiting her attend a birthday celebration held Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Chard of Heights, who left to enter the armed rodeo grounds. Preceding each night's rodeo, spend a week visiting Mrs. Bud husband. Pvt. Seward left recently in honor of Mrs. Thompsn's moth for Salmon. Idaho, where she will route 1. Nyssa. have been notified forces last Tuesday, was assigned visit relatives for several days. for overseas duty. er, Mrs. H. B. Earp. by the navy department that their to the navy and was sent to San there will be a parade in which Anderson and two children. all riders of the Nyssa district are son, Kenneth L. Chard. S2|c, has Diego. Returns From Tour— Returns To Baker— Visits in Weiser— invited to participate. Club W ill Meet— gone to sea on a transport and Miss Betty Fife returned M on Sgt. Claude Rooks tool, airplane Mrs. Mary Lyells, former Nyssa Miss Prances Poster spent last The Chatter Box club will hold its will be stationed at a land base resident now living in Baker, re week in Weiser as a guest of Mrs. August meeting August 16 at the day from a trip through Colorado, mechanic, arrived in Nyssa last Return Home— on some island. week, after spending 1514 months home o f Mrs. James Olin with Mrs. Nebraska, and Utah. She spent Mrs. J. W. Marcroft and daugh turned to her home Monday after George Tarter. I. B. Allen as co-hostess. Marie several weeks with her father, Lu Cpl. John A. Church, veteran of overseas with the eighth air force. ter. Vara, left Tuesday for their a three-weeks visit with Mrs. Ella Maw and Bonnie Oregg will be ther Fife, who is in charge of a Go T o Mt. Baldy— the Italian campaign, arrived in His wife accompanied him trom home in Portland after a week's D. Smith. construction project in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sebum program leaders. Nyssa Sunday to spend a 30-day Walla Walla. He Is spending his visit with Mrs. Marcroft's sister, Go To Idaho Falls— spent the week-end on Baldy furlough with his parents. Mr. and recuperation furlough with his par Mrs. Norton Randolph. Here From Nampa— Mrs. Verl Paulsen and three mountain visiting their daughter. Dance Scheduled— Mrs. J. L. Church. At the expiration ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rook- Mrs. Campbell Baer of Nampa children left today for Idaho Falls, Marie, and Miss Grace Poster, who T h e Owyhee Riding club will Visit Here— o f his furlough he will go to Port stool. give a dance in the Nyssa gymnas visited last week-end with her sis Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fagan of Idaho, where they will make their are stationed there as lookouts. Sgt. Rooks tool received five bronze Lewis. Washington for further ium Saturday, August 18 for the ter, Mrs. Bumall Brown. stars for participation in the first Salt Lake City, former Nyssa resi home. Mrs. Paulsen will be em assignment. Visits Parents— benefit of the club building fund. air offensive of western Europe, dents, left Monday night for Idaho ployed in the L. D. S. hospital. Rrturns From lakes— Miss Verna Ruth Pindllng is Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle D-day. the battle o f northern Falls for a short visit before re Mrs. Lloyd Lewis returned Tues spending her vacation with her Ga To Payette Lakes— have received word from their son. France, the Ardienne break-through, turning to their home after spend I Go To Boise Mrs. Emil Paulus and Mrs M ar parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Find- Joe Bellon and family went to day from Payette lakes where she Reed, that he has been promoted and the battle of the Rhineland. ing a few days at the homes of to storekeeper, first class. He is He also received a group award of their daughter, Mrs. D. L. Ander garet Sage were Boise visitors Mon- ling. She is employed by the Idaho Payette lakes today for a few was a guest of Mrs. John Olsen for several days. Power company at Parma. (Continued on page 2) s o n . and their son, Merlin Fagan. ! day. days’ vacation. in New Guinea. Funeral Is Held For Tom Greer Tile and Pipe Firm to Build Our Boys The Service « Free X-rays To Be Given Here Zoning Plan to Receive Hearing Bailey Appeals Death Sentence Beet Price Is Boosted By $1