TH E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L PAGE TWO jfor Vancouver, Washington to visit N O T RESPONSIBLE for foot dis­ the 1935-1938 average, while the j a4 the home of Mr and Mrs. V. V. comfort if you don't wear W olver­ figures for Oregon indicate 325 per ine Shell Horsehlde Work Shoes. Orlder for two weeks. cent above that average. In sharp They stay soft as buckskin, even I contrast thé national index ct dry soft, and outwear all others. pi ices paid by farmers for commod­ Go To Lake— ities, Interest and taxes is only M r and Mrs. Douglas McDonald See us. The Oolden Rule. Nyssa 35 per cent above the 1935-1939 and two sons left Sunday for a 2Alxc. level. week’s outing at Payette lake. As of July 1. farm wage rates in FO R SALE— John Deere pick-up ____________ _ Oregon and generally throughout hay chopper. C. H. Coad. Nyssa. the nation were 10 per cent higher Here From Boise— than a year ago. The national av­ 2Atfc. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Solotnan, for- erage Increase In the Index o f i mer Nyssa residents, now living prices paid for commodities, int­ Early potato ground | in Boise spent Wednesday in Nyssa. FO R R E NT erest and taxes was only about two for lettuce. Cash or share rent. O. per cent over a year ago. The I oo Late to C la»aity combination o f wage rates and E. Cheldeltn. 2Alxc other costs practically offsets av­ W ANTE D —Clean cotton rags. Five erage advance of seven per cent cents a pound. Nyssa Theater. 2A F O R RENT— First floor apart­ above a year ago in the general ment by Sept. 1. Mrs. Betty Forb­ 2xc. level of prices received by fanners. es Wheeler. 2Alxc. A t mid-June this year United FOR SA LE —Practically new 10-ton States average farm prices for truck Fairbanks scales. 9 by 221 FO R SA LE — 7 or 8 tons o f hay rome of the farm products pro­ feet. Inter-State O il company. 2A infield. C. C. Cotton, one mile from duced in Oregon were as follows In high school 2Alxc lxc. relation to "parity." as now calcu­ lated: Wheat 98 per cent, oats 98 bartfy 91. hay 77. potatoes 144. Three members of "The Man Who Came to Dinner" troupe, some­ hogs 112, beef cattle 138 veal where In the Pacific, gang up on Fifth Marine Division Staff calves 118. lambs 132. wool 132. Sergeant Jesse M. Ogburn of Dallas, Tex., for some first-hand milk cows 137. butterfat 120. milk information on hh Iwo Jima battle experiences. They are, left at wholesale 123, turkeys 134, chick­ to right, Miss Dina Merrill, Mias Janet Fox and MI m Haila Stod­ ens 140. eggs 112, horses 28 alfalfa dard. all of New York. Miss Stoddard Is the wife of playwright teed 165. red clover seed 107, alslke Jack Kirkland Sergeant Ofburm’s only comment: "Iwo Jima was newer like this!” (U. S. fiLno. Cwps Pb~o) clover seed 121, apples 163. SPONSORED BY N YSSA AERIE NO. 2134, Parity prices are being figured t or 165 different farm products. Mrs. Farner will leave soon for | Olsen’s brother, Ray. and family. F R A TE R N A L ORDER OF EAGLES Enid, Oklahoma, where Lieut. Far- [ POSSIBLE SPREAD ner has been transferred. Yarn Received— OF M OTH PROBED Mrs. B. C. Daniel, county knit­ August 8, 1945 at 9 p. m. is the time. ting chairman, states a new ship­ Leaves For San Diego— Berne Charles Lorensen, son of ! Efforts to keep the oriental fruit ment o f yarn has just arrived. 50 EAGLES H A L L is the place. moth, an extremely harmful pest pounds of OD for 66 sleeveless Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen, I which has caused huge losses in sweaters, which are urgently need­ route 2, Nyssa, left Wednesday for For the benefit of the Owyhee Riding club, California, from spreading into ed, and 50 pounds of yarn for 38 San Diego to serve in the navy. Oregon, were emphasized by Hugh sleeved sweaters for hospital use. Inc. | Taylor o f the Oregon state depart - Anyone Interested may contact Mrs. Here From Oklahoma— Pfc. and Mrs. Roy L. Smith of i ment of agriculture, formerly state Daniel, Phone 291W, Ontario. Those A ll proceeds from the stag party will be don­ inspector In this area, when having finished garments are ask­ Tulsa. Oklahoma arrived lh Nyssa he visited Malheur county last ed to send them to the county Monday to spend a few days’ visit j ated to the riding club for construction o f rodeo with Mr. Sm ith’s father, J. C. Smith. week. chairman. grounds. ; Pfc. Smith, who spent 10 months This program is especially perti­ ! overseas, served with the ninth nent here for the reason that the Here From Mountain Home— oriental fruit moth has been found Mrs. F. A. Harris, former Nyssa 1 army in Germany. All men invited— Games galore. in orchards in Canyon and Owyhee resident, was here from Mountain counties Just across the Idaho line. Home, Idaho Monday to attend Visits In Vancouver— Miss Nan Grider left Wednesday Normally a considerable amount to buslenss. o f fresh fruit is obtained in those counties by Malheur county resi­ Store Hours Changed— dents and some nursery stock is New drug store hours were an­ brought here from Idaho. This may nounced this week by the Owyhee still be done. II the fruit and Drug company and the Nyssa nursery stock are fumigated in the Pharmacy. The stores will be manner directed by the Oregon opened each day at 9 a. m. and department o f agriculture. will be closed at 6 p. m„ except on Methyl bromide is required for Saturday, when the stores will be | fruit, nursery stock and cuttings, kept open until 8 p. m. The stores and also for used containers which will be closed on Sunday and holl- may be brought into Oregon from i days. W e wish to thank our customers for their patronage during __________________ either of those neighboring Idaho I the time we were doing business under the firm name of Moss- counties. j Ex-Pastor Here— Certificates issued by duly auth­ Ninemire Motor company. Rev. C. A. Slaughter, pastor of orized officials affirming that the the Assembly of God church at We wish Mr. Herriman success in the business which we have articles covered by the quarantine American Falls. Idaho, stopped order originated outside the infest­ here Monday en route to Welser ed area, or have been fumigated to attend the C. A. rally o f the sold to him and assure our former customers that he will do in accordance with the order, are church's young people. Rev. everything possible to warrant your continued patronage of necessary for Importation o f fruits, Slaughter, former Nyssa pastor, is the concern. nursery stock or used containers president of the young people's into Oregon. organization of the church In Ida­ ho. I C O U NC IL E N TE R TAIN E D Tile women’s council of the Chris­ tian Church was entertained at the home of Mrs. J. C. Smith last Thursday afternoon. Rev. George Whipple gave a talk on the two mislonary projects which are spon­ sored by the local council. Mrs. Qulgby reported on the activities o f the Christian church at Brem­ erton. Washington. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Roy Barnes. HONORED IN UTAH - I - O rVE DINNERS Orarrt Evans, seaman, second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heber J. Evans visited with relatives from Friday until Monday. Saturday ev­ ening he was the inspiration for a fam ily dinner given by his mother, Sunday his sister. Mrs. Elaine Bate­ man, gave a dinner in his honor. Miss Elaine Taylor of Ontario was also a guest of Mrs. Bateman. HOSTESS A T P A R T Y Mrs. S. P. Bybee entertained at a pinochle party Friday afternoon at her home. Mrs. V. L. Kesler won high score and Mrs. Tom Bum Ing­ ham won the traveling prize. r / f hi f # Mrs. T. Carol Nyssa poet, was honored at a poets' meeting held in Ogden recently. She has returned to her home here. FARM PRICES T O P E N TE R TAIN S CLUB (PA R ITY BUT W A G E Mrs. A. C. Sallee entertained the Tuesday bridge club last week, with RATES AR E HIGHER prizes going to Mrs. Oeorge Sallee The United States general level and Mrs. John Beckham. Mrs. Ed of prices being received by farms Frost was a guest. is approximately 19 per cent above "parity," with farm wage rates D IS T R IC T A T T O R N E Y WEDS Announcements have been receiv­ omitted from the formula, accord­ ed by friends, telling at the marr­ ing to the weekly review of farm iage of Mrs. Verlyle Griggs market, price and outlook informa­ Rhomph o f Boise to E. Otis Smith tion prepared by the extension o f Ontario, district attorney of service at O. S. C. The picture is however, when Malheur county. The marriage, took quite different, place in Pasadena. California July farm wage rates are considered In 20. The couple will be at home in addition to commodities farmers buy, taxes and interest. Ontario after August 10. Mrs. Smith attended the Vale The national Index shows farm schools. wages 200 per cent higher than Nyssa Livestock Commission Company Special Dairy Cow Sale Friday, August 3 A ll daily cows will sell first ahead of regular livestock and we will sell about 50 head o f these cows o f all kinds. Also a lot of good stock cattle. W e need fat hogs and stock hogs. Always plenty of buyers to pay you top market price for anything you bring to this auction. Remember the day and be at the sale. B ILL LANE, AU C TIO N EER-M AN AG ER O ffice phone 25R NYSSA Residence phone 116J T g r i r n r phony io8 I n b A I K t DOUBLE FE ATU R E FRIDAY A SATURDAY. AUG. 3-4 See Laurel and Hardy throw the bull-and vice the foolishest funfest ever filmed, laurel and Hardy in “THE BULLFIGHTERS” Also Smiley Burnette and Bob Livingston in “PRIDE OF THE PLAINS” Mat., Sat., 2:50 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax SUNDAY A MONDAY, AUG. 5-6 “ A little child shall lead them” . A warm ro­ mantic story of a girl musician and her little sister. Margaret O’Brien, Jose Iturbi, Jimmy Durante and June Allyson in “MUSIC FOR MILLIONS” Color Cartoon Mat., San., t:M Adm., Me-9c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evening«, 40c-9c, Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, AUG. 7 Aftermath of Iwo Jima Stag Party % Bybee. TH U R SD AY, A U G U S T 2, 1945 In Appreciation LOCAL NEWS Return To Home— Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Eakin of Troutdale left Tuesday night for j their home after spending a f e w 1 Parents O f Son— days with Mr. Eakin’s parents, Mr. A son. David Barnabas Whipple, and Mrs. H. M. Herren. was born Sunday night at 8:30 in ' the Holy Rosary hospital to Rev. Returns From Seattle— and Mrs. George Whiple of Nyssa. Mrs. John Emery has returned the baby weighed 7 pounds. from Seattle, where she visited relatives. , Return From Visit— | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison Receives Letter From Holland— have returned from a week's visit ! Mrs. G errlt Stam o f Nyssa re­ i with their son, Ray. and family ceived a letter in June from her i in Klamath Palls. They also att­ mother. Mrs. Engelina Laan, who ended to business in Klamath Falls lives at Bergen. North Holland. and Tule Lake, California. ! stating that she and her son. J. A. I Laan, and his fam ily had received Goes T o Camp— I white bread, herring and coffee for Mrs. Virgil Seward has gone to the first time in four years. Mrs. Camp Adair, Oregon to be with Laan wrote a letter to her daughter her husband. Pvt. Virgil Seward, in November. 1941 and it was re­ who expects to go overseas with ceived here in June. 1942. Mrs. the Infantry soon. Laan was evacuated from her home for two years and during that time Minister Returns— no letters were received from her by Rev. Philip Reiman o f Adrian Mrs. Stam. has returned from Sanders. Idaho, where he attended the annual con­ Go To Payette Lakes— ference of the Free Methodist Mrs. John Olsen and daughter, church. At the conference lie was Mary K and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and ordained as a deacon, and was son, Richard, left Wednesday morn­ re-assigned to the Adrian chruch. ing for Payette lakes. Mrs. Olsen will remain at the lakes for a Returns From Trip— month, but Mrs. Lewis will return Mrs. John Olsen and daughter. to Nyssa in a few days. Mary K. and Mrs. Alvin Kuehn returned home Thursday from a Here From Melba— 10-day trip to San Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Miller of Oakland. Mrs. Olsen visited her Melba. Idaho visited at the home husband, Lieut. John Olsen, who of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith Thurs­ flew from Honolulu for a seven- day. day furlough. She also visited her brother. Louis OarrLson. at San Here From Nampa— Francisco. Mrs. Kuehn visited Mrs. Kenneth Farner o f Nampa friends in Oakland. En route home returned to her home after visiting the Nyssa residents visited one her mother, Mrs. J. C. Smith, for night in Klamath Falls with Mrs. the past two weeks. Lieut, and Melody, mirth and romance in “MINSTREL MAN" Charles Ninemire Keith Moss Announcing Change In Ownership The Herriman Motor Co. Has purchased the business o f the Moss - Ninemire Motor Company and will continue to operate at the sanie location. FORD SALES AND SERVICE TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FIRESTONE TIRES With Benny Fields and Gladys George Cartoon and two-reel specialty Adm. t0c-9c, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY, AUG. 8-9 It’s the pin-up show o f the year! With a para­ dise o f sweeties and a heavenful o f honeys. Filmed in gorgeous Technicolor. “BRING ON THE GIRLS” Veronica Lake, Sonny Tufts, Marjorie Reynolds and Spike Jones and his orchestra W ar News and Cartoon Adm. Evening«. 4d»-*c. Including Tax Y o u w ill find yourself one o f the best informed persons in your community when you read The Christian Science Monitor regularly! Y o u w ill find fresh, new viewpoints, ” « fuller, richer understanding of w orld affairs . . . truthful, accurate, unbiased news. W rite for sample copies today, or send for ono- J/ month trial subecription. / H h ______________________________________ ( f m j I | I Tk* ( I r l i l l a a 8«»«»«« P ik U iJiiai I w M r OM, NtoWft? Street B o «i«n 1 P IM M Mnd fTM MumpU copiaa of T h * M m i . * Herriman Motor Co. I i— 1 P IM M «and ft oo«-m onth t rlftl » u U crlp - • J. L. Herriman, Manager L J C h n s u fta acton«* M anlto r tocludtnc ft eopjr of jrour W t«kljr U M u m * M etlo n. I jlD D B U e IS. Our aim is to give you the best possible service. ” L J non to T h * C h r s t is n Sci«n c« M on ito r. I fo r w h ich I m clo M II J J