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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1945)
raeNYSSA VOEU M ETXXX F lw tr ir u ie iix ii NYgg'Á; ÓHEGÜÑ, THUKgÜA\TJULY 19, 1945' NIT27 S to rm a io r m ¡PHEASANT IS CAUSE l0F AUT0 a c c id e n t Causes Damage; „ 4 Abbott hh-— of t „ Nyssa either ° | George In Nyssa Area should not have hit the pheasant _ ___ JOURNAL I or he should not have backed up. O R E W A T E R IS Riding Club Has Growers Suggest M USED ON F A R M S Rates For Local | James Spofford of the bureau of 1 Extensive Plans reported at a luncheon By Don M. Graham Potato Picking of reclamation the Nyssa chamber of commerce Group At Vale Meeting Votes To Sponsor Election For PUD Yes. folks, something Is really happening these days right here in our own community something that Sponsoring Committee O f FARM ER S W IL L GO is going to be of benefit to all 13 Named To Start of us in the way of good clean ON A N N U A L T O U R they did last year, principally be recreation and from a commercial ____ started to back his car to deter- Procedure Farmers on the Black canyon The electrical storm that swept mine whether the bird was killed Rates for picking potatoes for 1915 cause o f the increased acreage of point of view something that will A sponsoring committee designed project will have their annual tour make the cash registers hum. this territory last Saturday after- “ J* H and the machine were suggested at a meeting of the early potatoes. to develop plans for establishment backed off the grade. In addition to the canals, the The Owyhee Riding dub is all (next Tuesday, July 24. starting at noon and evening set three range A j ew motorists used a truck to board of directors of the Malheur bureau has been using four pumps. saddled saddled up and on their way io a. m. (PWT), according to C. D. of a public utilities district in Mal fires and damaged power company pun the automobile back onto tlie County Farm Labor Sponsoring However, the irrigation season has towards creating one of the best ' heur county was elected at a meet .. . . . facilities, but dropped the temp- highway. ing held in Riverside park In Vale association at a meeting held in the reached its peak so that the use i rodeo grounds in the northwest erature to the most comfortable Apparently the pheasant was for office of the secretary Monday of water dropped during the last ' right here in Nyssa. They have Canyon and Payette counties, Saturday afternoon. levels in several days. ! gotten. After William Jacobson was elect four days. bought 20 acres of land laying west The tour will start at the J. M. night. As a result of the storm, power I --------------------------- Gophers are causing many breaks of the sale yard on the south side Dene farm one-half mile west of ed tempdrary chairman and Charles The recommended rates, based on was off in Nyssa Saturday night I S. Harris was elected temporary 95 four and 100 pound bags, less five per cent in the laterals. They caused 10 i of King avenue, and already work for an hour. The top of a pole was C n f n l \ V V f p i i l r r\|-» secretary. Eddie Wit'.lams, manager .has begun on the grounds, which tare for dirt, are as fori lows: 250 small breaks in the last week. burned off on the Snake river j k J C l l V v j ft C C A fill will include a half-mile race track, mUes north 01 the Nywm Junction o f the R. E. A. with headquarters huhels and over per acre, six cents; crossing at Nyssa and the wires I tucking chutes, correls and a grand- or **ve miles south of Fruitland. at Vale, said 'T he government is 225 to 249. seven cents: 200 to 224, were dropped into the water, cutting j stand, everything to delight the from the Derie farm the tour w ij spending a lot of money on dams eight cents; 175 to 199, nine cents; off the current. About the same i -------- plants. The heart of a cowboy. I proceed south to several farms and hydro-electric 150 to 174, ten cents; 125 to 149. time lightning truck the Adrian' A systematic safety check-up on eleven cents; 100 to 124, twelve This undertaking, being a non- where various phases of farming people are entitled to this power. section and bur . i out four trails- | every farm in Malheur county cents, and 99 or less, thirteen cents. The government Is seeking outlets ! profit organization and solely for new Lind will be observed. formers. Idaho Powei company men i would mean the elimination of scor- I the benefit of the comunity, lt ls j A variation will be made for this for the power. The people who own In cases in which potatoes are No announcement has been re the intention of the membership, year’s tour from those of previous these dams, the taxpayers, should were working in the Adrian section i es of accidents or fires, injuries ! bucked on and o ff of trucks the and the power remained off in j and possibly deaths, said County rate is two cents additional. Where ceived from the Colorado Milling 'o f the Owyhee Riding club to put'years in that the tour will end at be entitled to first consideration. Nyssa . i ..til they returned because, Agent R. E. Brooke, in calling att- potatoes are bucked either off or and Elevator company as to plans ! i— —• lunch time. Dutch lunch will be Tills meeting was called for the back into the -------->- grounds -------- every - cent tiiere v> no one here to do the | ention to National Farm Safety on the rate shall be one cent add for rebuilding the Parma elevator, served at the Parma experiment purpose of determining whether (Continued on page 2) which was destroyed by fire last switching so current could be “fed week, proclaimed by President itional. station. Refreshments will be serv Malheur county wants to form a in“ from Ontario. Truman for July 22 to 28. ed by the Parma chamber of com PUD. When workers are hired by the v eek-end. William E. Wayte, manager of Two of the range fires started by “This is the second annual farm hour the prevailing wage rate is "When we are able to purchase merce. Those attending should pro the company estimated the loss of lightning in the Vale section were safety week in Oregon," states appliances that ls going to Increase vide a basket lunch. 60 cents an hour. merchandise in the elevator at small, but one burned over 2500 Dean William A. Schoenfeld of Following lunch a short meeting the amount of kilowatts used and acres north of the Malheur river Oregon State college, who again $25,000. He could make no estimate will be held for discussion of var that is going to increase our bill. before it is extinguished by a has been appointed as chairman of the loss of the building or equip ious water problems of farmers on The best offer we can find is ment. It was covered by Insurance. down-poui of rain, the grazing ser- for Oregon by the National Safe- Gerald Harrison Rusque, known 'the project. Extension service and through a power district. The R. Spontaneous combustion In the as “Jerry" when he attended high bureau of reclamation representa- E. A. cannot give you a reduction vice and farmers. Although the fire ty council. grain bin was given by Fire Chief school and played on the football lives will be present to take part in rates because of the small num was virtually extinguished Satur- ! A farm safety dheck-up means R. Lee Fisk as the cause of the team of the Nyssa school, has been in the (Jlscusstona. day it was strolled Sunday, M. j taking a prepared list of ordinary ber o f patrons. H. Galt, districi 0 nzier, said. The hazards around the farm and home "If the people take ahold of the signally honored by the navy. I Immediately following the meeting The domestic beet sugar Indus conflagration. The fire was first reported seen only damage caused by the flames and checking to see if they are try has moved greatly to expand Rusque, electrician’s mate on an 'a tour of the experiment station I power we can reduce the rates present or not, Mr. Brooke said. its program to develop and perfect by crewmen on a freight car and aircraft carrier, has been given the j will be conducted by O. F. Frank again. We know the power com was destruction of the range. During the storm .09 of an inch Places to check include machinery labor-saving methods of importance the 10 men of the Parma volunteer medal of honor for “bravery o v e r ; Un. station superintendent, who panies have given rate reductions of rain f e l in Nyssa. reclamation , and equipment, buildings and farm to sugar production, according to fire department were immediately and above the call of duty” while will explain the various phases of during the last few years, but rate bureau instruments revealed. The | yard, fire hazards, how animals are ! H. A. Benning, president of the notified. They could not reach the serving on the flight deck of his the work being conducted at the reduction is not what we want; we elevator until after the freight car I ship, according to a news release station. maximum temperature last Friday handled. electrical installations, Amalgamated Sugar company. want greater use of electricity. We was 100, but the daily maximum hand tools, sanitation and health, cannot heat our homes now with ----- . - The expanded program will be had passed and by that time sep I from the navy. By lowering himself j dropped steadily until Tuesday of and the farm residence, electricity, either through the rural carried out through the Beet Sugar arate blazes had broken out in the over the side of the vessel he creat- ! pjfjg DEPARTMENT tills week, when it was 86. Four-H club members are en Development foundation, a non building. electrification administration or ed a means of escape for a group —p. t ) y n p p * V i y p r i couraged to make such oheck-ups profit corporation incorporated this the power companies. The prices Fanned by a strong wind, the of his shipmates who had been. I vJ DE j U lvvjA iN lA < Il(l-) on the farms where they live, I week in Denver, representing all fire spread to three Union Pacific trapped under the deck during an ----------- are too high. MISS N A N GRIDER whether they belong to regular domestic processors normally pro freight cars which had stood on a enemy attack in a recent engage- | A chartered volunteer fire de "Bonneville will deliver power IS G R A N G E W IN N E R farm safety clubs or not. Mimeo- | ducing about three billion pounds tiding waiting to be filled with ment of his ship in the Pacific, I partment will be organised at a first to the public organizations | meeting to be held Tuesday night, and if there is a power shortage graphed check lists are available of beet sugar annually in 18 states. grain. Two of them were destroyed I the release said. Mis Nan Grider of Nyssa has j for this as well as a printed 4-H After his shipmates had gained July 24 bi the city hall. industries will be the first to be The foundation will set in motion within a few hours and the third been aclaimed by judges to be th e jt iul) bulletin on farm safety a n d 1 coordinated efforts further to re was still burning late at night. | release from their peril, young | The firemen will draft by-laws cut off. The power companies are outstanding member of the Oregon fp-f, protection. Copies may be had duce labor requirements of beet Sparks set fire to a warehouse | Rusque then entered and searched at the meeting and will elect off- expecting the government to build Trail Grange and winner of the j aj (¡be county extension office. culture through increased mechan 100 yards west of the elevator but the place for casualties. He Is a 1 icers later. The charter will be the lines". Malheur Pomona contest. She also | Thp accident •fronl.. ,s one of | ization, agronomic research and ex firemen saved the building, which son of Mrs. Ruby E. Rusque and registered with the state. Under When a motion Was made that was chosen as one of the five out- (j,e most deadly “battle fronts" j perimental work affecting all phases was full of grain and seed. A small a brother of Miss Phyllis Rusque Che new plan the department will “ we‘ form a PUD", Clarence Nlceum standing young Grangers in Ore today, even with a world war not of beet growing and harvesting. scale shed across the road was oi Medford. i have a volunteer roll of approx- of Nyssa said “ I think we should gon. Erie Parker, Pomona master, yet finished, according to Mr. ; Advances In processing and utiliza destroyed. Rusque enlisted In the navy in imately 20 men. have more Information on this". awarded the prize. Brooke. More persons were killed tion of beet by-products will be Nephi Origgs, bishop of the L. T) le wind fanned . spark» iron» March, 1J44, \ece«ving his "bOot"| At the present time the city has Awards were given according to by accidents In America during studied. In addition to Conducting the burning elevator westward, training at Farragut, Idaho. In no formally organized fire depart- D. S. Church at Vale, the first members' records o f Gra' the first two years of the war than its own research the foundation started a brush fire west of the October of that year he received ment. Fire Chief A1 Kuehn said. person to attempt to speak in opp Anyone interested In joining the osition to a PUD. was soon quieted community work, also for personal-j there Were Americans killed in the will assist research activities of high school building toward the a certificate of graduation. Indicat ity and character. Miss Grider war itself. While farm accidents member-companies and work closely farm labor camp and spread to ing his eligibility for the rate of new department ls invited to attend by the chairman for a time. He ask holds the office of lady assistant did not account for all of these, with allied activities by the depart three houses across the street on electrician’s mate, third class, dur the meeting. ed “Where is the idea of govern steward In the Oregon Trail they cause more than 25 per cent ment of agriculture, state experi a small hill. Firemen saved the ing ceremonies at the naval train ment-sponsored business going to Grange and the Pomona. She ls of all the deaths in occupational1 ment stations and agricultural col houses and Mexican nationals from ing school (electric) on the campus Undergoes Tonsilectomy— stop? Wouldn’t we be creating an also home economies chairman of mishaps. Dickie Lawrence, son of Mr. and other bureau?" the camp extinguished the brush of the North Dakota State 8ohool leges, according to Mr. Benning. the Y. G. A. and serves on the The first National Farm Safety * At a recent meeting in Salt Lake fire after it had burned over two of Science at Wahpeton, North Mrs. Ralph Lawrence, underwent Mr. Jacobson denied that creation recreation committee. She Ls also week last year focused attention j City prospective members of the acres. a tonsilectomy Monday. Dakota. of a PUD is socialism. “It is no secretary of the 4-H Dairy club. on farm and home accidents and foundation pledged themselves to Rusque received orders on last more socialistic than farmers own Several large storage tanks, less resulted in some Improvement, re- | a preliminary budget o f at least than 100 yards east of the elevator ¡November 12 and was assigned to an Go On Vacation— ing an irrigation district." he said. Here From Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke and ports have shown. The second nat- | $50.000 for the first year and this became dangerously hot from the j airplane carrier. His ship has been Erie Parker, master of the Pom Miss Shirley Bayless of Twin ional observance Ls intended to keep may be enlarged. An executive dir flames, but did not bum. in action at Iwo Jima. Okinawa, baby left last Wednesday for a 10- ona Orange, said "It Is a good deal Falls, Idaho arrived Wednesday to up the good work and save still ector and staff will be appointed like our school district. We can’t Hundreds of small “ spot” fires the China sea and many other day vacation at Portland. visit at the C. A. Wemick home. more lives and property. see anything socialistic or govern were started by sparks, which the places as indicated in periodic re- soon. Returns From Twin Falls— ment-controlled about it.” The foundation will broaden the firemen, assisted by most of the ' leases from the navy to relatives. country’s future and the world’s mechanization program launched Parma residents extinguished. Mrs. Mary Felton returned Fri | Rusque is married and has a The chairman continued "We are peace set foot on the U. S. S. seven years ago through coopera The volunteer firemen stayed at ¡son, Gerald, Jr., two and one-half day from a visit with her son and not here to answer all the questions. Grand Forks and the cruLse began. tion of the United States Beet the scene all night, spraying other | years old, who resides with his other relatives at Twin Falls, Idaho. We are here to nominate a sponsor The secretary of state’s party num Sugar association. University of nearby buildings in an effort to mother in Umatilla county. ing cammmtttee. Those in favor of bered 26." sponsoring a PUD in Malheur California at Davis. California and keep the blaze from spreading •“ A commendation was received the department of agriculture and further. (Continued oil Page 5) from Mr. Stettinius by the U. S. S. Colorado State college at Port Coll The elevator was owned by the Grand Porks for the orderly and ins. Out of this earlier program Colorado Milling and Elevator com A D R IA N C A N N E R Y friendly atmosphere in which the came the development of segmented pany of Denver and was super cruise was conducted. IS IN O P E R A T IO N seed and improvements in planting vised through the Caldwell office The Adrian community cannery, of the company, which also owns and harvesting equipment. located in the Adrian high school Mrs. Martin Fanner received word Malheur county beef producers the Nyssa elevator. Built in 1908, Edited bv agriculture department shop ls In from her husband, Martin C. Far- have until August 31 to apply for the building was constructed of T. CAROL BYBEE operation three days a week, Mon j mer. EM 3|c, that he had met his T H O M P SO N OIL CO. their beef production payments on metal siding over two-by-fours. day, Wednesday and Friday. The brother, Earl Farmer, M oM ljc in W IL L OPEN S T A T IO N sales of eligible beef animals made MOTHER’S INTERLUDE cannery will be operated three days | the Philippines. The visit marked between May 19 and June 30. Olen By Mrs. L. O. Povflsen W IL L S O N R ETU R N S a week until demand for canning ■ the first time the brothers had seen L. Hutchinson, chairman of the The Thompson Oil company of requires other days of canning. county AAA committee, reported. We are thinking of sons and Elbert C. Hatch, fireman, 1st each other in two years. Nyssa has bought the Lowell Ash FR O M O V E R SE A S The cannery has been used for For sales after July 1, application Husbands class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard craft property west of the highway canning of beets and apricots this Joe Counsil, SCI c, has arrived in Adrian and will start a whole Pfc. Donald R. Willson, who re may be filed In each calendar 60 Far over the ocean so blue Hatch o f Adrian, had the honor of being aboard his ship, the U. S. in the Philippines, according to sale gasoline and oil business there. turned home Tuesday from Europe, 1 days of the date of sale. Only one We are sending love and devotion week. It is open to anyone in the comunity who wishes to can S. Grand Forks, when Secretary word received by his parents, The present building ls to be tom said mast of the German people . application may be filed in each From hearts throbbing fast and food for home consumption. Henry True. of State Edward R. Stebtjnius, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil. down and construction of a new I are “glad lt is over”, but expressed calendar month, although one app Reuter and Mrs. Howard Hatch are and his staff of special assistants one started soon. The company the belief that some of them would lication can cover several sales. To in charge. The only charge is for j date three county feeders have We will never forget the pictures Mrs. Earl Leach received word hopes to have supply tanks install "like to fight It out’’. and advisors and party of Ameri the cans used. For fruits and vege Willson, who is home on 33-day 1 applied at the county AAA office You make as we kissed you can delegates to the united nations last week that her husband. Pvt. ed and buildings completed so as tables No. 2 cans cost seven cents Oood-bye conference boarded the ship for a Earl Leach, was transferred from to be ready for business by early furlough, participated In the invas ! for the 50 cents a hundredweight and 2H cans eight cents. For meats ion of Normandy and remained in ¡payment. The applications covered The tears were so hard to hold cruise around the bay area and a Douglas field, Utah to Sheppard winter. But we told you we would not cry. No. 2 cans cost nine cents and late buffet supper May 31. field, Texas. The company will Install gaso Europe until a short time ago. He ¡sales of 104 head of beef cattle. No. 2’ 4 cans 10 cents. Canning Reviewing the provisions of the I “ Brisk, chilling winds brushed line storage tanks with a capacity expects to be sent to the Pacific apolntments may be made by con theater of war after visiting his 1 program, the chairman said that I The ocean ls now between us Robert D. Toombs, radarman, of 48.000 gallons. against a cloudless sky, pulling tacting Mr. or Mrs. Reuter or Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude the payments are made to feeders j And Chough we’re so far apart taut the halyards of the U. S. S. third class, USNR. 18, son of Mr. j and feeder-slaughterers who have Dear boys you'll always be with us Hatch. Willson. Grand Forks as all hands awaited and Mrs. Dennis Toombs of route i Visiting Parents— "The cannery Is the preservation owned and fed the cattle for not ^ Safely Inclosed In our hearts. a visit by the second man of the i 1 Nyssa, has arrived at the world’s I Wayne Marshall of Ephrata, canter or local clearing house for less than 30 days. To be eligible, I largest naval receiving station at I Washington, who is employed by Change Positions— nation," Hatch said. the smaller food surpluses," Mrs. Ormand Thomas, manager of the a beef animal must weigh at least This fighting was not of our “ With the crew at quarters and [ Shoemaker, California, a unit of the bureau of reclamation, ls spend- Hatch said. Its work begins where the light side boys at attention, | the U. S. naval training and dls- ign a short vacation with his par farm labor camp at Twin Falls and ' 800 pounds and must bring at least i Choosing that of the commercial canner forming a guard o f respect, the j tribution center, for re-classification ents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall manager o f the former Nyssa labor I $14.95. the minimum stabilization Tis our duty to protect the free ! If we want to have freedom to live leaves off. The purpose of the camp before he moved to Twin ¡price for good grade cattle, commanding officers, Lt. Adams. and further assignment. of Nyssa. community food preservation cen Falls, has taken a position as sup j The animaLs must be sold to a And to love Toombs formerly served aboard Lt. Leroy and officers of the deck ter is to provide more food for ervisor of the farm labor camp : legally authorized slaughterer. Sales We must first have our liberty. at the gangway, witnessed the arr an attack transport. He wears the Annuals Available— better nutrition, to make equipment Copies of the Nyssa high school kitchens in the Twin Falls district. I through a third party will qualify I ival of the official party. Secretary American area and Asiatic-Pacific available for those not able to own of State Stettinius, his wife and area campaign bars with two battle anual. Tupelo, have arrived here M. Toledo, formerly Interpreter In 1 providing the buyer certifies that We are proud of your valor and lt and to provide opportunity for Courage and will be distributed Tuesday the Nyssa camp, has taken a simi the animaLs were sold to a licensed delegation. Tall, with erect carriage, stars in the latter. the less experienced persons to slaughterer within 29 days, and We love, respect and admire at the high school building. Stud lar position in this district. and dress of a statesman, the work under supervision on food supplied the name of the slaugh Your spirit to fight for our Pfc. Jay L. Kinkade, son of ents should call for their copies secretary of state doffed his hat preservation processes. terer. Freedom Mass Is Held— in respect to Old Glory as the Dixie Kinkade of Nyssa has been on that day. Some of the modern equipment Mass was held at 8 a. m. Tues Sales receipts, invoices, scale tick For that Is our utmost desire. bos'n mate piped him aboard be awarded the bronze star medal. in the cannery are two steam re day in the Catholic church in ets or account sales are required He Ls a member of the 83rd Visits Hei tween side boys standing at salute torts with a capacity of 600 cans, Mrs. Lena Moser of Wilton. North Ontario for Louis Bueno of Nyssa. ¡as evidence for submitting an app Dear boys well always remember and the flag of the secretary of armored Ren. Bn. o f the third exhaust boxes, electric sealers, re state was broken at fore truck. A armored "spearhead" division, which Dakota arrived last Friday night who died in the state hospital at lication. Payments are in the form The sacrifice made by you snappy hand salute from the com is one o f the veteran armored to make an extended visit at the The Dalles. The body arrived here of sight drafts on Commodity Credit For this is the courage K really tort baskets, blanching baskets and a steam jacket kettle with a capac Takes manding officer, a hearty hand divisions. It took part in the j home o f her sister, Mrs. Dean Sunday night and was interred in corporation issued by the county To help pull our country through ity of IS gallons | committee. the Ontario cemetery. (Continued on page 2) Smith. shake and the co-designer of the „„„„ to I„ i r ; „ ■ ¡ 1 , ,' While traveling toward Nyssa j Wednesday noon that fanners are R anSe Eire In Vicinity p^ t of the Snake river bridge I Matter Discussed at Meet using more water from the Owyhee ing o f Association Of Vale Covers 2500 ¡Tuesday evening. Abbott's automo- irrigation system this year than Aci'eS of Land jbile hit a CSiinese pheasant. Abbott Directors Farms Observed Flames Destroy Parma Elevator Medal O f Honor Earned By Sailor Sugar Industry Cuts Beet Labor Our Boys In The Service Deadline Set on Beef Payments -fir POET’S CORNER