Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE SIX oon. Guests were Mrs. W. R. Campbell. Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs ■ John Olsen. Mrs. Tom Bumingham and Mrs R. O. Larson. Mrs. Larson [ won first prise and Mrs. Frost won the traveling prise. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1945 July 3. 4 and 5. THE P 0 C K E T 8 0 0 K of K N O WL E D G E fO W i CONSIGNOR’S DAIRY COW SALE FRIDAY, JULY 13 Beginning at 1 o’clock, we will sell all daily cows ahead o f our regular auction. W e have many jersey-guernsey and holstein cows con signed. If you have a good cow that you want to sell, have her at this auction as we will have plenty of buyers for all kinds, including California buyers for springer cows. Remember this milk cow sale and be sure to attend at the Nyssa Livestock Commission Company Bill I^ine, Auctioneer-Manager Office phone 25R Residence phone 11GJ For a truck phone 72W or 05J3 NYSSA Phonç IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 13-14 DOUBLE FEATURE Maxie Rosenbloom, Billy Gilbert and Slemp Howard in “ TROUBLE CHASERS” There’s fun for all and laughs aplenty in this western. “ FIREBRANDS OF ARIZONA” With Sunset Carson and Smiley Burnette Mat.. Sat.. 2:30 Adra. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, JULY 15-16 The story of Carrier X ! Three times Tokyo repotted her sunk! Thrice she almost was— now she smashes forward to attack bv sea and a ir! “ WING AND A PRAYER” Featuring Don Ameche, Dana Andrews, Charles Bickford and William Eythe Latest Issue March o f Time and Cartoon Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm.. 30c-9c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c 9c, Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, JULY 17 Michael O’Shea and Lloyd Nolan in “ CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE" Gene Autry in “ SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES Tom Bumingham. Mr and Mrs Gordon Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Child and their families en- a pjcnic lunch at the Cald- wejj par^ on jjourth of July, More magnificent, more wonderful than any thing you’ve ever known! Mary O ’ Hara’s best loved best seller- “THUNDERHEAD. SON OF FLICKA Photographed in Beautiful Technicolor with Roddy McDowell and Preston Foster Sports. Cartoon and News Adm. Evenings, 40e-»c. Including Tax BOfORS ROMM . ANTlACKRRBf 6tpJ. • NO-HOST PIC N IC HELD j Thirty members of the Amalga mated Sugar company's office force and field department attended a no-host picnic and swimming paity at Weiser Saturday evening. - MEW MeytCO INDIAN« RE PIACE WAM-SCAftCE 8 Radio Advertised! f l f t e s IN -THEIR A tW ) - | | | A NSU CHEMICAL •SHAVE* REMOVES Goes T o Hospital— Mrs. O. E. Oheldelin has re turned to the Ontario hospital, where she has been receiving treatment for bums received last winter. ALL HAIR? FROM A Pl& \ THt FR07BN FOODS INDUSTRY IS NOM/ FRB EZIN S F ourteen coast sdardswen DISCOVERED A T5-FOOT WHALE NAMED BERTHA BEACHED &/ A HIGH TIDE AND ABOUT TO BECOME A MOWER. THEV PUSHED HER BACK— ARE NOW DEC1AREP FR BSN LY BARBO BR BAD. C AN t, AND Pies. institute, which Is being held from Returns From Payette— Mrs. Henry Borgman returned July 9 to 16. A number of other members from Nyssa plan to attend Sunday evening from Payette, the Sunday meeting. where she had been visiting. HONORED A T P IC N IC N AM PA »Special)— Honoring Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Wilkerson, Who are Car Catches Fire— Visiting From Payette— moving to Nyssa, members of the j An automobile owned by H. L. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldridge have Moose auxiliary, assisted by •the ■ Fisher of Nyssa caught fire while man's lodge, gave a family picnic j parked at the Nazarene church j as house guests Mrs. Eldrldge’s Sunday at Kurtz park, with more Sunday night. Firemen were called, parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Pulton than 100 members of the lodge but the fire was extinguished be- of Payette. fore they arrived by someone who and auxiliary in attendance. A picnic dinner was served at pulled the burning wiring loose. Go To Baker— noon, after which baseball games The fire was started by a short in Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbidge spent and other sports were enjoyed. A the wiring. the week-end of the Fourth In gift was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson on behalf o f the two Return T o Nyssa— Baker. Pvt. Virgil Seward of Camp W ol- organizations, with Mrs. Billie Walker making the presentation. ters, Texas, and Mrs. Seward and Here From Utah— Serving on the committee In baby have returned to Nyssa. Mrs. Mrs. Julia G am er of Ogden was charge of arrangements were Mr. Seward and baby went to Camp and Mrs. Leonard Porrey, Mr. and Wolters two weeks ago to visit In Nyssa the past week visiting her Mrs. Ed Wilson, Mrs. Jack Bonk Pvt. Seward. He will leave Satur sons, Vern and Delbert Gamer, day to report to Camp Adair near and their families. She was also and Leonard Wagers. Emmett visiting her son, Corvallis. Thirty relatives and in - - FORM ER AD R IAN B O Y WEDS friends gathered at the Albert Dewey, and family. Miss Joyce Adella Stilwell, dau Seward home Sunday In celebration ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. of his home-coming. Visiting Sister— Stilwell of Meridian, Idaho, became Miss Vera Anderson is visiting the bride o f Dwain Hatch, son of Visiting Here— her sister. Mrs. J. E. Brower of Mrs. Lena Creech of Nampa Is Apple valley. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch of Adrian at a wedding perform ed' spending this week at the home of by Rev. William O. McCormick her grandson, .Randall Stathopulos. Spend 4th in BoLse— of the First Christian church of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen and Caldwell at 8 o'clock Tuesday ev Undergoes Operation— Mrs. A. L. Fletcher of Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brower spent ening. July 3. The bride chose an afternoon underwent a sinus operation In the Fourth of July In Boise. While dress o f aqua blue sheer with white Boise Wednesday. She Is expected there they attended the air show. accessories. Mrs. Marjle St. Jore to return home Sunday. of Caldwell was matron of honor. Undergoes Tonsil Operation— Mrs. St. Jore wore a blue charteuse Here From Nampa— Philip Dean Tucker, son of Mr. Lieut, and Mrs. Raymond Stein and Mrs. Carroll Tucker, underwent afternoon dress. haus of Nampa spent Sunday even Donald Hatch, brother of the a tonsllectomy Wednesday. ing visiting at the home o f Mr. groom, attended his brother. The bride, a graduate of the Star and Mrs. Randall Stathopulos. Visits Son— high school, attended the College of V. V. Grider o f Vancouver, Wash Goes To Boise— Idaho. Mrs. Herbert Fisher visited in ington is a house guest this week Mr. Hatch, a graduate of the Ad at the home of his son, Charley rian high school, served a year in Boise Friday and Saturday. Her Grider. the navy. Since his return from mother, Mrs. Emma Qulnby, re overseas he has been employed by turned to Nyssa with her. Here From California— Terteling Construction company. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch have gone Here From Oregon— Lawrence Hewitt of California Is Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown of visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. A. M c to Prosser, Washington, where they Echo, Oregon have been visiting Dowell. will make their home. at the Bernard Fro6t home. Mrs. —8— Brown is a sister o f Mr. Frost. SHOW ER IS HELD , Have Sewing Day— A pink and blue shower was held Ladies o f Ihe L.D S. R elief so Tuesday afternoon at the home of Spend The Fourth In Payette— ciety met Tuesday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown of Mrs. John Hickey honoring Mrs. 2 o'clock for sewing. The meeting Earnest Barker. A devotional pro Echo. Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. was in charge of the counselor, W. P. Flndling visited in Payette gram was held and refreshments Mrs. Richard Taylor. were served. The honoree received over the Fourth. many lovely ¡jifts. Visits Parents— Here From California— —8 — Mrs. E. B. Cole and infant son Mrs. Afton Paris arrived here B R ID A L SHOW ER G IVEN from Santa last Tuesday from Pocatello to Miss Josephine Randolph was arrived Wednesday tonored at a bridal shower given Monica. California to visit at the visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monday evening at the home o f home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith. She returned to Poc- Mrs. Earl Oray. J. L. Church. Pvt. Thomas Church,1 atello Sunday. ___________ Miss Randolph, daughter of Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Church, ar- I and Mrs. Norton Randolph, and rived from Lowery Field. Colorado AttM |d Convention_ I Rey whlpple and Q Delbert Herring, son o f Mr. and to spend his furlugh. Mrs. Elza Herring, will be married Smith attended a convention of the first part of August. A lawn Go To Portland— Christian churches of eastern Ore Mr. and Mrs. Ward Welneke left supper was served to 50 guests. gon and Idaho at Burley, Idaho Many lovely gifts were presented Tuesday for a week's visit In Port land. to Miss Randolph. 8 LOCAL NEWS Meeting Postponed— The regular meeting of the O. K. I K. club will be postponed until I July 26. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Werner Peutz at 2 p. m. Members a reasked to furnish a covered dish lunch. Visit Here— Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Good and daughter. Ruth, of Boise spent the week-end with the A. R. Herring family. Go To Institute— A group of young people of the i Nazarene church, acompanled by Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward, left . Wednesday morning for P ayette' lakes for the N Y. P. S. camp and Parents of S oil— Mr and Mrs. Rolland Laurence are the parents of a son born July 1 6 at the Ontario hospital. Mrs. Laurence Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hopkins o f Nyssa. —rRSfoast-rocoast. H a ll a NVSSA 'T H E Pint 50c TîÂË feoowCt PHARM ACY F IR S T IN N YS S A " DID YOU INSURE That First Cutting of Hay? Frank T. Morgan <. Our Building & Stock Are Ours Free and clear. W e do the work. That ¡3 the reason we can sell the best on the market at the lowest prices. Hi-way Mdse. Mart North of “ Y ” on Hi-Way NYSSA, OREGON __________ PHONE 74J Reasonable Rates A N X-GOB W IT H A NEW JOB A If you have something to haul telephone R. F. Lay NYSSA 95J Something New In Stationery « HEART NOTES SCRIBBLE NOTES mttus— FRIENDSHIP NOTES by buying Ì KEEP FAITH WAR B0MDS 75 New Eastern Hardwood Occasional Tables PRICED TO SELL HI-WAY MERCHANDISE MART NYSSA, OREGON As featured on the ' Rexall Drug Radio Show" Friday Night» Here rom Nebraska— Out-of-town guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Heldt are Mr and Mrs. William Peutz and family of Stam ford, Nebraska. Mr. Peutz, who was recently discharged from the army, is a brother of Mrs. Heldt. OVENS S W IM M IN G HELD Approximately 40 young people o f the Aaronis priesthood class and their friends will meet tonight on the L O S . church lawn and will be taken to swimming party at Caldwell. These young folks have been doing volunteer work thinning beets and other work on the church farm. - arc firco A U K M R T IC A U / ANCESTORS' MUP - HAMMON SPEAKS A T SERVICE Amasa M. Hammon. former Og- den bishop and also commissioner there, was the main speaker at the L.DS. services last Sunday eve ning. His subject was “T h e Ten Commandments” . Special music was furnished by a choir o f 18 voices under the direction of John Schenk. Roy Williams was the aaronic priesthood speaker. Mr. Hammon is one of the men who helped plan the Ogden rodeo grounds. FO R SALE!— Apples, *1 bushel. To Undergo Surgery— A1 Keuhn. manager of Eder groc Pick them yourself. Dick G root. ery store, was admitted to the Holy Columbia avenue. 12J2xp. Rosary hospital In Ontario Wed nesday for an operation. «V m e n e BRAIN ahum , ciccunc mu te a t A w r Mr lARttl MT VtRSBTS. AND INC iMCUi kerosene sto / es By r e k in d lw s thb 8 PARTY 2Ac-9c. Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 18-19 A ItlCMMICAL M A R R I O f THU W AR H T U* i FOR BALE— Fryer*. Roy H. W ar ren. 14 mellwest o f highway on Alberta avenue. 12Jlxc. FLASH— We've Just received a shipment of those famous buck- skin-aoft Wolverine Shell Horsehide Here From Baker— Work Shoes with months and miles Mrs. Leonard Selby and son, of money-saving extra wear. Hurry Bobby, of Baker, arrived Thursday In for your size while we have It. to visit at the home of her sister- Nyssa Golden Rule store. 12Jlxc in-law, Mrs. Emil Paulus. - I - _____ CELEBRATE IN C ALD W E LL E N T E R T A IN S A T SUPPER .... Mary Jamison and Mrs. Dorothy Mf ^ Mrjj D #w M urflei, M r. Mrs. Howard Hatch entertained Burbi-ge After the meeting re- ^ Mrg |rB Ufe ^ and Mrs at a lawn supper Tuesday evening freshments were served. In honor of Mrs. Fem Clark and _____ ~ i~ Mrs. May Doughtery o f Susan- j E NTE R TAIN A T D INN E R vlile, California Mrs. Clark a n d 1 Mr and Mrs. Howard Hatch en- Mrs. Hatch were schoolmates and tertalned at dinner Sunday for Mr. have not seen each other for 25 and Mrs Don Wymer o f Portland, y ea rs M v m p r L«i ro fclier o of f M rs. Mr r W Wymer Is a a h brother Mrs. Hatch. - I - _____ O R AN G E HAS M EETING SCOUTS HAVE M EETING A t a meeting of the Chalk Butte Troop No. 2 of the G irl Scouts Grange Tuesday evening, July 3. plans were made to order the win met at the home o f Mrs. J. L. ter's supply of coal. The ladles Church Thursday afternoon. Mrs. were voted to help serve for the Gerrlt Stain gave a talk on Hol- Pomona meeting In August. Frank 1 land and displayed souvenirs from ilherwood was a visitor from the | unat country. Oregon Trail Grange. The next — 8— HOSTS T O CLUB meeting will be held July 17. and Mrs. Harry Miner en- Mr. - 8 - tertalned the Mr. and Mrs. club A U X IL IA R Y HAS M E ETIN G At a meeting of the American Sunday evening. Mrs. Miner won Legion Auxiliary Monday evening first prize and Oeorge Henneman at the home of Mrs. Eddie Powell won second, committees were appointed for the | — §— coming year and delegates elected. HOSTESS A T P A R T Y The new delegates are Mrs. Julia | Mrs. Tom Eldridge was hostess Hopkins, Mrs. Nellie Powell, Mrs. at a bridge party Thursday after- Y , lo o Cate to Classify Visiting From Bremerton— Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lawrence and two children of Bremerton. Washington are visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. Lawrence was formerly employed In the Nys.a post office. PHONE 74J Here is The Ideal Stationery For Writing Hurried Notes To Your Friends Gate City Journal jl >