THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE 4 IODIZED SALT IS IMPORTANT IN DIET j THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE ^ | cunced by R. B. Taylor, chairman | of the state AAA committee | AAA has assigned responsibility i for Issuing preference certificates to veterans who are unable to ob tain needed farm equipment other wise, Taylor reported. These cer tificate« take precedence over all orders which dealers may have on file except those carrying a WPB priority rating for military or em ergency use. The program applies to all items included in the old farm machinery rationing program. It does not cover crawler tractors or farm 'machinery repair parts. Veterans will apply to the AAA committee In the county In which the farm is located. To be eligible, a veteran must own or operate a farm. County committees will Issue the preference certificate, which dealers are required to honor re- | gardless of prior commitment or contracts of sale. Pointing out that many veterans were forced to dispose of their farm machinery when they entered the service, Taylor said the plan Is designed to help them re-estab lish themselves in the farming business. They are Included along with other types of small business "When the army puts its stamp of approval on something then civilians can benefit by taking i notice. That’s Just what the army has done by requiring that all salt for the armed forces be iodized. It Is ordinary table salt with an iodine compound added”, said Mrs. Irene N. Maklnson, chairman of the Malheur county nutrition com mittee. ZWARV OF P R D flO EN C y FOR U < "Because it is so effective in ARV.y in f a n tr y m e n \ F > t h is NEW 'tue average ç o n w N tt Keeping the thyroid gland in good BAC-ee AW APPEP rCR EXEM PLA R/ C0N6UWE6 2 5 POUHP5 ue CCNPUCT IN COMBAT working condition and in main PICE A yf AR NEW tl.jUWCÇK EAT O IL/ A POPUP. taining physical well being, iodized salt is Included in the diet of every serviceman. It also helps control growth in childhood. That Is all the more reason for homemakers to follow the army's lead. 'T h e need for iodized salt in diets is emphasized by the fact that in many areas of the country where the soil has a low iodine content, there is a proportionately low iodine content- in the drinking water and foods produced in the section. As a consequence many persons who live in these areas suffer from enlarged thyroid gland dr simple goitre. "Although In iodizing, only one part of potassium or sodium iodide is added for each 10,000 parts of table salt, this Is enough to fill j a definite body requirement when iodized salt Is used daily for seas oning. “ Iodized salt was introduced in this country In 1924 after iodine had proved to have remarkable success as a preventative for sim «5n jRcv plastic acmes complete wtm aaapcm » j 6 caps ple goitre. Right now about half HAVE BEEN »VELOPEP FOR OVERSEAS SHIPMENT of the table salt in this country is iodized and salt manufacturers tian Endeavor rally at the Pres ailed to San Francisco to be with ere prepared to iodize more if there I is demand for it. And the demand , byterian church In Ontario Friday ier daughter during her Illness. for it certainly should go up when evening were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mrs. Lind and son are spending people discover that public health Smith and Harry, Margaret and a few days with her parents-tn-law officers say if all of the table Ida Nelson, lone Robbins and Rev. at Willow creek. salt were Iodized there would be R. L. Kriner and sons. Bobby and Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Krlner and no goitre problem. Ronny. Rev. Krlner led the singing family attended services at Willow "When buying salt, the home and played several aocordian sel creek Sunday. Following classes maker may well remember the ections. Iodized salt looks the same, tastes Henry Sink and grandson. Billy Rev. Kriner conducted services, af the same and costs the same as Hunt went to the Owyhee dam ter which a potluck dinner was ordinary salt, but It may make a to fish Sunday. served at the C. S. Tucker home. lot o f difference in her family’s Mr. and Mrs. George Pennington, health if that salt is iodized". and Helen, Mr. an Mrs. Orlen Haln- COLUMBIA AVENUE Une and family, Henry Sink and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jensen of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hainline of Boise visited at the Clayton Jensen Vale enjoyed a picnic diner at the ■home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wagoner gave Owyhee dam park the Fourth of Business visitors in Ontario Wed a charivari dance Tuesday evening. July. The Ralph Barnes and Aus nesday Included Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mrs. Wagoner Is the former Viola tin Robbias families also spent Groot. the day at the dam. Anderson of this community. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen have Mr and Mrs. Orlen Hainline and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frank and family were Monday evening dinner Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson went 5one tl“ Jr summer home aC guests at the Mark Terrel home. to Caldwell Sunday to attend « Summlt pra r e Miss Norma Jensen of Boise and Artena and Phyllis Stohler gave picnic with several other families Verla Jensen are spending a vaca reports when the garden club met who formerly lived in Wyoming. tion with relatives In southern at the home of their leader Thurs Delegates from Lincoln Sunday day. Althea Hawkins assisted In school who plan to attend thf California. Mrs. Edward C. Larson and sons, servin t refreshments. Peggy Terrel American Union Sunday school assisted Esther Ogura with the Bible camp are Billy Terrel, Dean Norman and Dale, have returned from Ogden, where they visited program. Hainline, Norma and Artena Stoh Most of the farmers who raised i ler, Cleone and Geraldine Pettet, relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Jensen liens finished cutting and hauling Donna Winslow and Margaret Nel and family are spending their vaca son. ■their crops this week. Ida and Margaret Nelson spent Louise Ross plans to leave next tion at Summit prairie with Mrs. Jensen's sister, Mrs. C. M. Tensen. the Fourth at Payette lakes. week for a visit in California. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Krlner and Mrs. T. C. Nielson and her dau NF.WF.I.L h f i g h t s family accompanied Rev. and Mrs. ghter. Mrs. Emmett Lind, and son Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd and Fred McConnlee and boys to Gar arrived last week at the Nielson den valley Wednesday. home. Mrs. Lind is recovering from daughter, Ellen, spent Tuesday Among those attending the Chris virus pneumonia. Mrs. Nielson was night and Wednesday at Payette lakes as guests of the Frank Mor gan family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Borge and family spent from Sun day until Wednesday in the moun tains. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Warwick and Betsey, Mrs. Norris and son, Jim, Mrs. Stanley Hill and children, Mrs. C. B. Norris and Linda and Junior Stevens enjoyed a picnic In the park at Caldwell the Fourth of July. New and Used Furniture and Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stam and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman and Pete fished near the Oregon camp at Unity Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker and NYSSA, OREGON • PHONE 74J sons, and the Misses Joyce Kurtz and Myrna Snow attended the air show and picnicked In the park at Boise the Fourth of July. Oeorge Schlemer and George, Jr., Oeorge Elfers and Carl Hill left Friday for a fishing trip to the north fork of the Malheur river. Miss Myrna Snow of Boise visit ed In the Kurtz home from Sunday until Wednesday. 510 No. Oregon St. Highway 30 Noith A large acreage of potatoes has been planted In Newell Heights the Phone 556J past two weeks. Most of the early potatoes were sprayed from the air by an Emmett aviator. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Overstreet. Jr. and son. Bobby of Boise were guests in the parental Overstreet home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Overstreet. Sr. accompanied FABRICATION WELDING REPAIR them home for a week's visit. The Adrian war bond quota of $25,000 was exceeded by $1000. Miss COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Ellen Judd, bond writer for Newell Heights, sold $7975 worth of bonds. Mrs. Jesse Sugg of Madera. Cal FARM SUPPLIES ifornia. former resident of this community is attending Fresno State college. She will teach the If you cannot buy what you need, we can sixth grade there this year. Lincoln Heights BUY SELL TRADE Hi-way Merchandise Mart THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1945 in such preference. Details on how this program will be handled have nctf been re ceived either by the f A or the O. 8. C. extension s'ervice other than that the deals will be cleared through the smaller war plants corporation after they leave the county. When detailed procedure is announced it will be widely publicized. build it for you. See Ua For Light and Heavy W ork Ask for Charlie Croghan or Bob Pierce VETERANS TO GET FARM MACHINERY Veterans of world war No. 2 re turning to agriculture to purchase lor operate a farm, are entitled to special consideration in obtaining new farm machinery under a "preference certificate'' plan ann- lived In Uhls community before going to Seattle to work in a de fense plant. Examiner Coming -- A traveling examiner of operators and chauffeurs will be in the Nyssa city hall July 18 from 9 a. m. to 12. noon. Unfinished Chests Buena Vista Mrs. Glenn Hoffman entert d the Home Economies club at her home Thursday afternoon. William Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hailey of Buhl spent Sun day at the George Cleaver home. Among those spending the Fourth of July away from home were Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffith and family, who went to the Owyhee dam, Irvin Topliff, who attended the air show at Boise and LaVern Cleaver, who went to Baker. George Cleaver and Alva Good- ell were in Cascade, Idaho on bus iness Wednesday. Glenn Hoffman and Ray Griffith In 12 different sizes. These chests come in a wide price range. Nordale Furniture Store ★ FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON *Merchants of Credit for 80 Years* Condensed Statement of Head Office and 40 Branches RESOURCES June 30r 1944 June 30,1945 Cash on Hand & due from Banks $82,900,912.29 $85,789,588.71 United States Bonds, incl. U.S. Government Agencies 240,375,969.69 266,165,610.61 $323,276,881.98 $351,955,199.32 15,797,613.00 76,506,595.05 1,007.50 All Other Bonds........................................ . None Loans and Discounts.................................. 72,696,567.75 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank.............. 300,000.00 51,465,484.54 300,000.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and F ix tu res., 2,652,530.99 2,561,774.59 Other Real Estate...................................... 1.00 Interest E a rn ed .......................................... 1,666,533.27 None 2,401,015.84 Other R e so u rce s........................................ 230,278.90 599,334.61 T O T A L R E S O U R C E S ................. $416,620,406.89 $485,790,411.45 LIABILITIES Capital...................................... $ 4,500,000.00 $4,500,000.00 Surplus....................................... 5,500,000.00 Undivided Profits, R eserves.. 6,153,581.64 5,500,000.00 10,006,172.06 $ 16,153,581.64 $20,006,172.06 Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, etc. 1,163,686.97 Interest Collected in A dvance......................, 130,116.37 1,292,729.55 139,253.84 Other Liabilities................................................ 165,121.53 157,715.10 Deposits (exduaiv* of reciprocal bank deposits) 399,007,900.38 464,194,540.90 T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S ..................... $416,620,406.89 $485,790,411.45 DEPOSITS First National Bank of Portland....................... .. $464,194,540.90 DEPOSITS 8 other Oregon Banks under management control of First National Bank..................., , . ^ T m v r . v T r . . 25,398,889.42 GRAND TOTAL all Deposits Under First National Management............$489,593,430.32 ★ Farmers Supply & Repair Ontario, Oregon attended the h one sale at Ontario Saturday. Alva Goode 11 was in Ontario Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topllfl were in Ontario Thursday. Word has been received here of the birth of an 8 pound son to Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ★ ★ Portland Branches M A IN BRANCH 6th end MORRISON BRANCH M O N T A V ILLA BRANCH ROSE CITY BRANCH EAST PORTLAND BRANCH LIVESTOCK-KENTON BRANCH SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH UNIO N A N D RUSSELL BRANCH Other Oregon Branches ALBAN Y ASH LAN D ASTORIA BEND CONDON COQUILLE INTERPRISE FOSSIL CRANTS PASS CRESHAM HEPPNER HILLSBORO HOOD RIVER KLAM ATH FALLS LA GRANDE LAKEVIEW ' MARSHFIELD MEDFORD MERRILL M OLALLA NEWBERG NORTH BEND NYSSA ORECON CITY PENDLETON SALEM SHERM AN COUNTY STAYTON THE DALLES TILLAM O O K U N IO N WOODBURN Affiliates BANK OF SELLWOOD, Portland COOLIDCE fir McCLAINE, Sllverton CLATSOP COUNTY BANK, Seaside THE SCIO STATE BAN K M I M I C I ) r i o i « a i 0 l f FIRST FIRST FIRST BANK 0 S I I N ATIO N AL N ATIO N AL N ATIO N AL OF SWEET I N S t) 6 5 BAN K OF COTTACE CROVE BANK OF FOREST CROVE BAN K OF PRINEVILLE HOME N V