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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1945)
r ; > Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Al l HE TH UR SD AY, JULY 12, 1945 The J. A. Black. Lou McOoy. L. E. Newgen and Roy Rookstool families attended the rodeo at Pay ette the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks and children spent the Fourth at Mar- sing. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Toech spent the week-end at the home of his sister, Mrs. Edwin Bergam, and family. Toscti had Just returned from oerseas duty and at the ex piration of his furlough he will report for re-assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parker en tertained a number of relatives the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and family were Fruitland and On tario shoppers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee and daughter, Mrs. Porter, and eon are visiting in Utah this week. The annual Nebraska picnic will be held at the Big Bend park Sun day. July 15. All Nebraskans are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cloninger' Advertising cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. ¡new. Kendo Yasuda, phone 05R11, route 2, Nyssa. 12J2xp. Upper Sunset *Kussin Kitty’ C ollect' RATES: Two cents per word for each issue. Alter one month one viiaCKLLANEOUS For Sale PAGE THREE " i l of Portland arrived Sunday to ar tend to business here. They were accompanied by their daughter, Hinoma, who was honorably dis charged from the nurse's corp last ■pring. Concientious Guidance ,i FOR SALE— 1938 1 . D. Interna r FOR SALE— Weaner and feeder tional trac tractor, one 14-foot • pigs. George F. Clowers, 4 miles \ hydraulic scraper. one 16-fool WASHINGTON, D. C , July 12----- J northwest Nyssa. 5J2xp W e feel it a privilege ________________________ ______ field cultivator, one 10-foot Wheat- With eggs scarce to the point | to be of the greatest FOR SALE— Cherries, at Guy land dLSC Pll>w- Phone 05J11. Gan- where grocers are selling three or help possible to those six to a customer; with bacon un Graham ranch, 2 miles Northeast uon Brothers. 24Mtfc. who come to us for ser Fruitland. Bings and Ann’s ready _ _ ___ __ ~ ' available, ditto beef and ham; with | ,__ . FOR SALE— Registered Chester butter' commanding so many red vice. All details for July 6 to 15, Montmortncies (semi- I . .... . (White boar, ready for service. Good points that housewives cannot af outstandingly beautiful sweet) 10th to 25th. Prices same: , „ oreeaing. See his dam and sire on ford it; with oleo almost as ex services can be entrust as last year. 5J2xc. „ , . , , , . _ _____ | Bridge island. L. Z. Barker. 12J3xp. pensive as butter in red points; ed to our care. FOR SALE--Registered Jersey b u l l / ---------------------------------------------------- with poultry scarce, and a shortage | 114 years old. Also 250 white leg-j FOR SALE—Used electric John of potatoes, and with sugar ration- i NYSSA FUNERAL horn pullets. Fred Kratzberg. 2'4 Deere cream separator. Nyssa Pro ed, Fi|d M Vinson, former war HOME mobilizer and now secretary of j miles southwest o f Nyssa. 5J2xp. | duce. 12J2xp. the treasurey, told the American FOR SALE— Two-wlveei trailer, FOR SALE— One row potato' dig- i t,hey have been eating too steel body, 6:00X16 tires, wheels and | 2- ----- ....... - - ! much from January to July 1. and , ger in first class condition. Ira i wm have to pull up another hole fenders. One gasoline washing Ure. Phone 00R2. liJlic. In their belts for the remainder of machine, good condition. 1 tar- j 1945—and perhaps In 1946. paulin, 14‘-j X 16 feet. Dave Matt- Mr. Vinson, who was a member WANTED haws, Adrian, Oregon. 12Jlxp of congress until Mr. Roosevelt FOR SALE— 1931 model A sedan WANTED— Baby calves. Phone No. appointed him to the federal bench Shallow well pressure system. delivery Ford. See it at Jake's 005-F21 and I will come after them. and then turned the job of war After hearing a sermon by their battalion chaplain, Navy Lt. John Fix-it shop. 12Jlxc IO. P. Counsil, route 2, Nyssa. 21Jtfc mobilizer over to him, expected 1 Vii horse-power reconditioned gas engine. M. Du Puis of Detroit, Mich., these five members of a pioneer bat soon to retfirn to the bench, from j talion of the Fourth Marine Division somewhere In the Pacific TOR SALE— Weaner pigs, pure- Wanted- To buy house in Nyssa. which he was taking a leave of [ swore off The “Russia Kitty.” a tobacco can with a slot 50-pound icebox. bred Duroc. 4'4 miles south of Everett Points. P. O. Box 526. 12J2xp absence. The Judge, who continued i In the top, helps them keep their resolve, fsr each time one of Nyssa. Frank Parr. 1 2 J l x c -------------------------- to draw his judicial salary while | the quintet cusses, he must make a contribution to the “kitty." Baby bath. WANTED— Electric range. One engaged in war work, became war j The money goe3 to Chaplain Du Puis, who turns it over to a local FOR SALE— White enameled range, j ^hat is usable or can be repaired. institution for religious charity. The five Marines are, left to ririit, mobilizer when Jimmy Byrnes re almost new. Placed reasonable. Tsai T. B. Godier, route 1, Nyssa. 12Jlxp Power lawn mower. Corp. John M. Saunders of Nashville, N. C , Sgt. Tom L. Williams signed that task just before Mr. ! miles north on highway. Irving T. Tacoma, Wash., Corp. Willard A. Carpenter of Grand Rapids, Roosevelt passed away. Mich., Corp. William J . Scipel, Jr., of Columbus, O , and Staff Sgt. Duffin. 12J4xp. WANTED— Good modern furnished The American people had an [ Charles J. Moore of Warren Point, N . J. < u . S. M arin . C orp. Photo) house, electric refrigerator, elec I idea (erroneous according to Mr. FOR SALE—Two saddle horses. J. tric range and at least two bed Vinson) that they were on short G. Lane, Phone 02J2. 12JXp. ening old age benefits and higher j Washington for a visit with Mr. rooms. $60 per month. See Frank rations thus far this year and it 12Jtfc. FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. T. Morgan. will be difficult to convince them unemployment benefits. The meat and Mrs. Henry Hatch. 220 or 410-3 phase motor and Mrs. Boyce Van de Water and WANTED— Listings on real es that they have been over-feeding. of the report, however, is the centrifugal pump, size 3X2'<4, speed tate. We have sold everything we Regardless of what administration statement that food will be scarce Loretta and Lorraine left Monday jïïlURM III III III I! Ill III ill linn HI III 111 MM M il III III III HIM I'l III III III III MMM III III III III MMIIHH I HMHHHT« 3600. complete with switch and had listed. Bernard Eastman. 19tfc officials reiterate that people are for the next half year at least. morning with a group of Roswell starter. Also Ryron-Jackson cen well-fed. the average man in the children and Tommy Sallee of Ny- ! trifugal pump. 200 G. P. M.. speed WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for street challenges this statement ssa were dinner guests Sunday I d I 1150, complete with 15 horsepower live fox feed horses. Phone 8, Pay- and is convinced tliat not since 12Atfc. Pearl Harbor has the menu in the Westinghouse 3 phase motor, swit- ette. the Brumbach home. ch and starter. City of Nyssa. restaurant or on the table at home Everett Tate and Lewis Tate of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Wilson, Mr. | HELP W AN TED - Carry-all oper been so skimpy as it is at pres Oregon. lOMtfc. ator. Phone 05JU. Gannon Broth- ent. And from now on our food Boise called on former neighbors I and Mrs. Darwin Paulding and | FOR SALE—Two 2-room houses j ers. 24Mtfc. will be even scarcer and more dif and friends here Tuesday. Lewis I daughters, Donna Lea and Sandra! I Charter Trips Aircraft Service = with baths. Bernard Eastman. 7Jtfc served in the navy and has been of Boise. Mrs. John Bishop tnd ficult to obtain. WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE LOST There will be just as many sol discharged because of the age limit Baptists for a week’s camping crip 3 FOR SALE— Small acreage, close Z ruling. to Warm lake. diers fed, with the concentration in LOST— Eversharp fountain pen in. good location, vineyard. Terms. Nyssa Airport A family dinner was enjoyed at the Pacific, as there were when A. L. Atkeson. 24Mtfc. i dark green, on Main street. Reward. (I P. 0 . Box 396 Telephone 012R1 § Of sentimental value. Return to America was fighting on two fronts, the home of Mrs. S. H. Stark Sun and it will require a longer haul day in celebration of Mrs. Stark’s STORAGE!— Consolidated Freight- j Journal office. 12J2xp I ■ ujmimim in MHitM tu riu n ì l u m i niwni!iii iiriiiiiirni m ut urn ni ni m 0 mm m m mm nmii m m 111:111 h u m u ways building. First street. See | to deliver the supplies to the is 81st birthday. Those present were GRAVEL, EXCAVATING lands in the far Pacific. Then, for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark, Mr. and Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mtfc ' L. H. Snodgrass the immediate future, instead of Mrs. Joe Stone and Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE— 80 acres, good house, General custom work, gravel, ex feeding troops in Europe immense H. R. Hatch and family. Here From Nampa— deep well. $150 per acre. Terms. cavating. 301 Third St. Ph. 08R2, qualities of foodstuff must still go Mr. and Mrs. Bob Merzoran and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Williams of Bernard Eastman. 5Jtfc. Nyssa, Oregon. 26Atfc to that continent to keep several family of Oakland. California are Nampa visited in Nyssa, Adrian and guests of Mrs. Merzoran’s parents, ------------- million civilians from starving. FOR SALE— Purebred jersey bull BUTCHERING Ontario over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. o tto Nielson. Order your BEET LOADER now--Have it This will be under UNDRA. The calves. One ready for service. See Custom butchering every Mom „ rellef problem is ex Mrs. Burton Blake and baby of when you need it-K eep down expense—Order it he cows and you will buy the day and Friday. Beef, sheep and ivv,twi M hpavv calves. Beaumont and Cummins. pork. Sanitary butchering guaran pected to make heavy demands on Nampa visited from Tuesday until Visiting Here— the beet loader that really does the job. the United States for at least 18' Thursday with Mrs. Blake’s sister, Wilma Bair, who has been visiting Rt. 1, Nyssa. 5J4xp. teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must months or two years. After the Mrs. Dyre Roberts and family. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. B E TTE R -FA STE R -E A SIE R -C LE A N E R come in Thursday or Sunday after Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett Bair of Newell Heights, has return 1946 harvest sections of Europe will FOR SALE— Forty three-month-old noon between 1 o’clock and 7. No be self-sustaining, but meanwhile and children attended the July 4 ed to Medford, where she is attend leghorn pullets. $1 each. Phone The loader that picks up all the beets feeding the hungry is celebration at Gowen field. 111J, Lemon’s hatchery. 12J2xp. stock accepted on butchering day. ing beauty school. Vida Wallace but leaves the dirt in the field. One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta ... _____ , ___________ _ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White of of Nampa, who has been visiting 29Mtfc resP°risibility of Uncle Sam FOR SALE— Weaner pigs, 8 weeks avenue. Jake Fischer. See or (Phone Borger, Texas arrived last Thurs Miss Bair, has also returned to her _______ Judge Vinson's report explains weds t C N Ï s J Urrlnorth6 S T V Æ S Ï i ' Refrigerator^ cabinets -Taylored” that this year food production will day for a visit at the Otto Nielson home. I to fit any desired space. Any size be lower than in any year since home. butte. 12Jlxp. Last Thursday evening a group Go To Wyoming— 1 for home storage. Only a few units the war. The report ignores the TOR BALE_Oliver 24-inch horse- available. Order now at the Taylor fact that the quotas established for of friends called with a covered I Olean Wells, Bobby Williamson, the current year were deliberately dish supper at the home of Mrs. 'oienn Strickland and John Flanary drawn potato digger. Practically shop. 12J2xp, ¡set lower by the government and Leroy Bennett to help her cele- have gone to Jackson Hole, Wyom- Phone 85 Ontario, Oregon naturally, there will be a shortage brate her birthday. Guests includ- j ing on a vacation trip, compared with previous years. It ed Mr. and Mis. Dyre Roberts and isn't so long ago that farmers were I children. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Goes To California— told to kill off a large percentage j English, Earl Clary, Mrs. Thomas, Fred Koopman, manager of the of their hens because OPA was ' Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop and state liquor store, left Tuesday for afraid of the growing surplus of I children, Mr. and Mrs. John Truss- San Francisco on a business and eggs. This directive curtailed egg j «11, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett pleasure trip. He will be away for production until today they are and children, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce two weeks. Mrs. Artie Robinson almost a collector’s item and caus Van do Water and lorraine. will be in charge of the store Mr. and Mrs. Veri Bishop and during 'his absence. ed such a shortage of poultry that It takes real money to buy a ¡children left Monday morning on chicken—if the chicken can be a fishing trip to the Ironside sec Return From Visit— found in the meat shops or gro tion. Mrs. Nellie M. Trembly and two Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts en children reburned Wednesday from ceries. Jam is still going to Britain, but tertained at a family dinner Sat Iowa, where they have been visit OPTOMETRISTS DRESS MAKING in America housewives cannot ob urday evening in honor of Mi's. ing. DR. J. A. McFALL tain sufficient sugar to preserve Roberts' grandmother, Mrs. Florence REMODELING & ALTERING the berries and fruits that are Wolf of Elgin, Illinois. Other rel- j Go To Caldwell— Open every day except Saturday. “See Mr Fall and 8oe Better” going to waste. By and large, the atives present were Mr. and Mrs. ! Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Case and Naomi L. Buchert food supply for the civilian popu Hinterlider and Mrs. Douglas ol family of Arena Valley, Pfc. Thom- Over Wilson’s store lation will be almost seven per cent N'ampa. as S. Case, Lily Stiner. Alice Me- below what was available in 1944. Miss Helen Hatch and nephews, cham. Katherine Aten and Phil JEW ELRY STORES Not all of Judge Vinson’s report Phillip and Merle Hatch, left Iasi Aten visited in Caldwell over the discusses food and the shortages Thursday morning for Prosser, Fourth. that are ahead. He speaks of the PAULUS EYESIOHT SPECIALIST Japanese war and suggests that JEWELRY STORE ONTARIO OREGON may be brought to close at an Union Pacific Time Inspector earlier date than the military have JEWELRY — DIAMONDS i estimated. The United States, he \ V, PHYSICIANS WATCHES explains, should be prepared for Main Street at Second a fold-up in Japan and proposes • T H I N WITH W A U R W e will send in your SARAZTN CLINIC that war industries be ready to WYCKOFF I reconvert to civilian production • USE «R U S H OR R 0 U IR J. J. Sarazin, M. D. typewriter for repairing with as little loss of time as pos JEWELRY STORE General practice of medicine sible. • l A S Y TO C H A N Official Time Inspector for to a reputable firm that X-ray Physiotherapy Paralleling this suggestion, WPB Union Pacific is authorizing the production of • QUICK AND EASY has had years of exper ONTARIO ORBOON several essential articles immed L. A. Maulding, M.D. iately for marketing in six months: ience in the work in this • DRIES IN AN HOUR Physician and 8urgeon GEORGE JACKSON the quantity produced will not meet Phone *7 MODERN WATCH DEPAIRINO the accumulated demand, but it • N O U N P LEAS AN T ODOR valley. It will be several months before type State Licensed Hours: 13 to 12 and I to S will be a start. The articles will writers will become available, so you should Watchmaker be refrigerators, automobiles, va Dally—Except Sunday ONTARIO, OREGON protect the one you have. cuum cleaners, cooking utensils Fry Building 3*4 blocks N. of City Hall and electric ranges. There is still to SOLD I T D I A L I S I be ironed out what the prices shall WHO m i OO OD PAINfS Reconditioning $15 H A Y BUYER DENTISTS be but OPA insists that prices shall be those prevailing in 1941 or Overhauling $12.50 W . F. Jahn N ew W estern Tones for W o f e r n H o m e s1' 1942. J. R. CUNDALL Dealer in hay and grain Judge Vinson proposed a higher Cleaning and oiling $7.50 Dentist wage scale, also a minimum wage No. 5. Factory Court scale of 50 cents an hour, although Phone 86-J Phone 68M practically no one has been willing Sarazin Clinic Opposite sugar factory! to accept that wage for any kind of NYSSA OREGON work. Like other high federal o f One Block South of the Underpass ficials. the judge preposed broad- For Sale > 4 Jake’s Fix-it Shop Mini I Big Bend I LOCAL NEWS > ; < STUDENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTION Beet Loader Kropp & Sons Professional And Business D ire c to r« So easy to apply you can do it your self, right over wallpaper, if you wish. So quick to dry you can use your room that very nigh t. Improved colors, too... from the outdoor West to lend a clean new sparkle to your Western home. w Save Your Typewriter GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA FURNITURE CO I Ï