Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1945)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL RECEPTION HELD Approximately 360 persons att ended the reception given (or Mr. and Mrs. R obc I a . Anderson Friday evening at the Oregon Trail school- bouse. The bride, formerly Miss Lois Mitchell, who was recently married In Halt Lake City, wore pink and White roses with small spring flowers and white satin ribbons. Old-time and modern dunrlng was the diversion of the evening, with John Savage, Don Bishop and Mrs. D. O. Bybee furnishing the music. Those In charge of the gift tables were Mrs. MaUhell, mother of the bride, and her sisters, and Mrs. O. R. Anderson and Mrs. Vera Jensen. Refreshments of var ious kinds of cake and Iced punch were served A miscellaneous shower was given In honor of the bride and groom at Ogden two weeks ago, with Mrs William Arbon and Mrs. A. W. Taylor as co-hostesses. Tlie couple received many lovely gifts. seriei of two bilage parties. Mis. John Bi hop won high score, Mrs. Tom Kldredge, second and Mrs. Hilda Tenaen, the trav eling prlae hiioay and Mia. George Sallee, high, Mrs. J. J. Sarunn. second, und Mrs. Ed Frost the traveling prize Friday. * HONORED AT PARTY Ensign Hill C Bowman, brother of Mrs. Emil Btuiiz, arrived In Nyssa Sunday from Pensacola. Florida. He will have a 28-day leave and then will report to Corpus Cthrisli, Texas. Ensign Bowman, pilot of a PBM, will receive training with his crew at Corpus ChrLstl for overseas duty. Mr and Mrs. Stuuz entertained Sunday at a family dinner for Ensign Bowman. Those present were Mr and Mrs. Roy House and Mrs. Alice Tarletnn and sons. Jack and Don, of Boise. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1945 where she was secretary to the transportation bureau sc the world peace conference. She visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Kohl of Vale, and her sister at Nyssa Tor four days. Miss Kohl came to Malheur county from Klamath Falls by air with Mr. Winebrenner. local aviator, who flew to t.lamath Falls Friday. COBFOBAl Pat Sljyro» ATE A IS ' k 20 * ARAAy AMP IN FRANCE TO REEP IT FROM THE GERMANS L 08T --G as tank cover with keys between Second street and under pass. Reward. Shell Service sta tion. 5JIXC. FOR SALE—Fryers. Roy H. War ren, Vi mile west of highway on 5Jlxip. FOR SALE— Weaner and feeder Alberta avenue. pigs. George F. Clowers. 4 miles northwest Nyssa. 5J2xp FOR SALE—Registered Jersey bull. 114 years old. Also 250 white leg FOR SALE— Cherries, at Guy horn pullets. Fred Kratzberg, 2V4 5Jxp. Ora ham ranch, 2 miles Northeast miles southwest of Nyssa. t no iNDUSTfe FOR HI6H EAAPtOyAAFNT By STIMJlATlK/<? HWÓM RATE OF CONSUMPTION Fivn(hind Bings and Ann's ready July 6 to 15. Montmorlncies (semi- sweet) 10th to 25th. Prices same as last year. 5J2xc. Late to Classify STRAYED—Men who wear soft, pliable Wolverine Shell Horsehtde Work Shoes have gone forever from dry-out-stiff work shoes. Ask any man who wears Wolverines. No other work shoes like them. Come In. Try on a pair. Golden Rule, Nyssa. SJlxc. FOR SALE----- Wash tubs, buckets, coal hods, also empty 5 gallon linoleum cans. Nyssa Furniture, one block south of underpass. 5Jlxc. FOR SALE— Russett seed potatoes, first year from certified. Harry Rwtaezyk, route 2. 5Jlxp. W r a p Y o u r G ifts A PAIR OF RATS CAN BREEP 8 0 0 RATS A y EAR. W ” t 1/1? - * r— H IN OUR NEW WHITE id ENTERTAIN AT DINNER I mp PECK OF THE NEW Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Heldt enter EG5E/ CLASS CARRIER tained at dinner Sunday. Ouests IS Bl<5 EN006H TOR - I - were Mr and Mrs. Harry Buik- 2 0 AVERAGE SIZE SHOWER IS orVEN A STONEHAM, MASS. Mfibl hardt and family of Vale. Rev. and HOMES WITH ÍMOC/ARPÍ. Mrs. Oladys Cooper was hostess e o T 5 0 ANSWERS TO HIS AP a' a shower given Suturday evening Mrs. H. F. Koehllnger of Ontario, FOR A WIFE in honor of her sister, Harriet, who Mr. and Mrs. B M. Hcinzlg and was married recently to Sgt. Lloyd daughter, Helen of Caldwell, Mrs. |------------------------------------------------------ Yobough. A buffet lunch wax serv- M. Johnson und Marie Helnzlg of| ln_law Mrs Roland Maw, Friday Tuesday. He has been 111 for three Id to 18 guests. The party attended , Boise Mrs. Burkhardt of Grand ! atternoon. Bunco was the diversion. weeks. Island, Nebraska and Mrs. M ag-, the Eagles dance afterwards. dulenu Peutz of Stanford, Nebraska. I wlth “ *■*• S“ " 1 Hartley winning To Receive Treatment— —f — | high and Mrs. Hubert Christensen OTRLS HOLD MEETING W. C. Brown of Brownie's cafe ENTERTAIN AT PARTY |,he consolation prize. Tlie Girls Scuts of troop I met expects to leave Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland Lunch was *erved to 12 guests, lit the home of Mrs. William Sclilre- Portland to receive medical treat entertained at a party Sunday ev- I 5 inan June 30. Margaret Dlven. ment at the Portland clinic. patrol leader opened the meeting tiling. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost, RAMBAUD SPEAKS TO CLUB were special guests. Mrs. Henry I pfc ^ F Ranibaud. who recently with five scouts present. Plans were Takes Position— discussed for selling Ice cream at Hartley and Orant Rinehart won returned from overseas duty, was J. C. Smith. Nyssa plumber, has the speaker at a meeting of the the formal presentation of the high scores. taken charge of the new plumbing Mothers and Wives of L. D. S. Men park benches to the city. department which the C. C. An in the Service club at the home SHOWER IS HELD derson company has opened In On —t — Mrs. Dale Sessions was guest of °* Mrs. UHlan Newby June 28. tario in connection with the An HAS TWO BRIDGE PARTIES Mrs. Eddie Powell was hostess honor at a pink and blue shower i Ram baud, wearing a medal for derson hardware store. He will Thursday and Friduy evenings at a given at the home of her sister- « « » b a t duty, a ribbon for service handle both service and Installation In the European theater of war of plumbing fixtures. and the purple heart, said "they i even put shoes on the cows and Returns Home— plowed and did other farming with Harry Oounstl, Gene Bellon, Per cattle”. He had been at Winches ry Coleman and Bud Osborn re ter. Salisberry and Liverpool, Eng turned Friday from Alliance. Ne land and was present when Gen braska. where they were employ eral Patton spoke. ed by Fife and company. The next club meeting will be held at Mrs. Kenneth Cottle's home To Plcnick— We solicit new business and the continued the last Wednesday of July at Families of the Royal Neighbors 8 p. m. patronage o f former customers. We will engage of America and the families of juveniles will hold a picnic Wed in general automobile repairing, with Ray Mull nesday, July 11 at 6:30 p. m. at the as mechanic. Nyssa city park. Shell Service Station Under New Management T issu e P ap er 10c A PACKAGE > i > ! < GUARANTEED CONKLIN FOUNTAIN PENS G ate C ity J ou rn al LOCAL NEWS C lyd e L o n g , OWNER PROGRAM NYSSA THEATRE Phony 108 FRIDAY, JULY 6 The latest adventure in the Popular Gillespie Series...w^th Van Johnson in a romantic role— as the young doctor faced with problems of the heart. “ BETWEEN TWO WOMEN” With Van Johnson, Lionel Barrymore, Gloria DeHaven and Keenan Wynn. Sports and Cartoon Adm . Evenings, 40c-9r, In clu d in g T ax SATURDAY, JULY 7 Bill Gilbert, Maxie Kosenbloom and Shemp Howard in “ CRAZY KNIGHTS” and “ CISCO KID IN OLD MEXICO” M at.. Sat.. 2:5• A d m . 25c-5c Inc. T ax Adm . Evenings, 40c-9c, In clu d in g T ax SUNDAY & MONDAY, JULY 8-9 An exciting war drama replete with daring..A dramatic story of heroism under fire. Paul Muni, Marguerite Chapman, Larry Parks and Phillip Van Zandt in “COUNTER ATTACK” Comedy and Cartoon Mat. San.. 2:30 Adm.. JOc-Sc, Inc. Tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, JULY 10 Jane Withers, Paul Kellv and John Litel in “ FACES IN THE FOG” Allan Lane, Linda Stirling in “ SHERIFF OF SUNDOWN” Adm. Going On Vacation— Miss Effle Ellen Counsll, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Torvald Olson and Miss Harriet Herrman. will leave July 11 for a vacation at Payette lakes. Miss Velma Fox will work In Frank Morgan's in Visiting In Aberdeen— surance office as secretary during Miss Dorene Bear went to Aber- MLss Coun*U:S absence. | deen, Idaho last Saturday to visit _______________ for a week with Mr. and Mrs. ' Goes To Boise— Holly Smith, former Nyssa resl- Mrs. Emma Quinby left Tuesday dents. for Boise, where she will visit for several days. To Open Store— Edward Case will open the Hi- Attending Institute— Way Merchandise Mart Saturday Twenty members of the Method July 7 In the former laundry build ist Youth Fellowship left Monday ing on highway 20 north of the for Payette Lakes for their annual \ Mr. Case has purchased a large .summer Institute. The group made stock of furniture, new and used, j the trip by bus driven by Howard and some hardware. He came here I Hatch of Adrian. They were ac- first In 1938 from Portland, built companled by Rev. and Mrs. H. J. the building that he is now occupy- I Gernhardt and Miss Azalia Feet ing and operated a furniture bus- j _________________ lness there for a few months before Riders To M eet- selling the building to Mr Edmonds The Owyhee Riding club holds for use as a laundry. Mr Case, who its meetings the last Thursday of recently returned to Nyssa. h a s. each month at 8 p. m. spent 20 years in the furniture ________________ _ business in western Idaho and east- Buys Service Station_ ern Oregon. | Clyde Long has purchased the — ----------------------- interest of Ray Mull In the Shell Recovers From Illness— service station at Main and Sec- Miss Betty Fife, daughter of Mr. I end streets. Mr Mull will remain and Mrs. Luther Fife. Is recovering with tlie firm as a mechanic. from a week's illness due to trench | _________________ niUUlli Returns To Capital- Miss Betty Ann Kohl, sister of Iiitlergoes Operation— Mrs Ralph Winebrenner of Nyssa. Burnall Brown, superintendent left Wednesday morning for Wash of the Nyssa factory of the Amal ington, D. C.. where she Is em gamated Sugar company, under ployed. Miss Kohl was en route to went a major operation In Ogden the capital from San Francisco. Visit At Payette— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson and daughter, Mrs. Ann Orahain. spent Wednesday afternoon and evening at Payette. July 7 Hi-way Merchandise Mart Nyssa, Oregon Phone 74J Home Furmlihings-Hardware-Anything of Value—New & Used. You Can Shop With Confidence at This New Store. r Merchandise will be offered as fast as quality products come on the market. Just arrived from eastern market: 60 fine hard wood occasional tables, all kinds o f coffee, cocktail, end, radio, lamp, drum and telephone tables. Eastern hardwood rockers, child’s rockers and hi-chairs. New coil bed springs. Also child’s cribs, play pens, baby buggies and car seats. Unfinished tables chairs and hi-chairs. Medicine cabinets, mirrors, lamps, davenos, and davenports. HARDWARE Garden tools, shovels, axes,wedges, Irons and many smaller items. saws, electric solder USED MDSE. Felt Hat Rugs NOT YET IN, BUT COMING 12 Sizes to Choose From. Fullenamel ranges, oil heaters, kit. heaters and electric hot water heaters and dinette sets. 18X35 to 35X70 Inches $2.20 to $16.02 < Ì Store counter scales, U. S. army pae-sacks, service station equipment, ranges, ice box, porch swing, small tools, farm Lt. generator, 7.50X16-10 ply tire and tube, guns, copper range coils. IN RAINBOW COLORS 2A c-9r. Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 11-12 A tenseful. suspensoful drama of a danger ous love. Hedy Lamarr, George Brent. Paul Lukas and Albert Dekker in ‘■EXPERIMENT PERILOUS” From Margaret Carpenter’s best selling novel. SPECIAL: “ To the Shores o f Iwo Jima” . NEWS - Opening-- Shop for new merchandise at this new store. When it comes on the market we will have it. Washable, fire resisting, reversible. Wear like iron. All rugs guaranteed. Hi-way Merchandise Mart ED CASE. OWNER / Nordale Furniture Store Old Nyssa Laundry Building. Just North o f School on Hi-Way. NYSSA. OREGON Adas. 1 vrnlsgv 40c- Or. Including Tag v i 1 V