THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified PAGE THREE THURSDAY. JULY 5,1945 GOOD FOOD HABITS HELD IMPORTANT LOCAL NEWS leave this week for their home in Spokane. Visit In Valley— Good food habits are as im Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher are portant to good nutrition as go./d Enrolls in University— visiting in Eugene and other Ore nutrition Is to buoyant health. Eor I Miss Melda Coleman, daughter gon cities. They are expected to unless a child learns to eat a var of Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman RATES: Two cents per word for each issue. Alter one month one return home July 9. iety of foods early in life, food of Nyssa, has enrolled for the sum cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. prejudices may easily result i n , mer sessions at Wtlltmette univer Here From Vancouver— malnutrition, states Mrs. Irene N. sity in Salem. Miss Coleman has Mr and Mrs. Wesley J. Browne Makin on, chairman of the Mal- , been living with her sister. Decile of Vancouver, Washington, former One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta j heur county nutrition committee. avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc • i lJ t tLLANLOUS Coleman, in Seattle for the past Nyssa residents, spent the week-end “So, no matter how well a mocher keeps up on advances in two yeans. here. For Saie CABINET SHOP nutrition, or how much time she I FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. Taylor's cabinet shop, west of the spends juggling money and ration Goes To Texas— Grass Fire Extinguished— 220 or 410-3 phase motor and underpass. Open for business. K it poinis, she still won't have well- Miss Wanda Jeffrey left last Firemen were called Sunday to centrifugal pump, size 3X2'<i, speed chen cabinets, screens and window nouri hed children if t.iey refuse Wednesday for Mason, Texas to extinguish a grass fire burning 3000, complete with switch and frames now available. to cat. And unfortunately many visit her grandparents, Mr. and aiong the railroad tracks in the starter. Also Byron-Jackson cen children are not naturally fond of Mrs. John Black. She will also south part of town. The fire was 1 e p a l A H v ® r t is e m e n t trifugal pump 200 O. P. M.. speed all kinds of food. visit at San Antonio and Austin started by a spark from a rail 11.(0, comp.ete with 15 horsepower JiOX'CE QF F|NAL SETTLEMENT “The idea. then, is to help with relatives and friends. Miss road engine. Westinghouse 3 phase motor, swit ESTATE OF E. M. BLODGETT. children learn to like a variety of Jeffrey was accompanied by Mrs. DECEASED ch and starter. City of Nyssa, food wiien they are very young. Bianche Hines, who will go to Here From Montana-- NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that And this sort of teaching pays Oregon. lOMtfc. C. A. and Irving Nankervls left Baltimore, Maryland. B. T. Frost, the Administrator big dividends, for poor food habits, Monday for their home in Butte, FOR SALE!—Two 2-room houses with the will annexed of the estate even when corrected in later years, Picture !n Pamphlet— Montana after visiting for several with baths. Bernard Eastman. 7Jtfc : of E. M. Blodgett, deceased, has may result ill serious physical de- I A pi. tut e of Max Goldman of the days with then sister, Mrs. A. H. - ! filed in the County Court of Mal fects in childhood that carry over FOR SALE-- Sweet cherries. Pick Polar Cold storage plant appears Boydell. <U . 5. M a tin « C o rp a P ho to « ) your own, 10 cents a pound. Ed j heur County. Oregon, his report into maturity, | in a pamphlet recently published Chief Mok, Mlrronesian head of h<s administration with his “In starting a ohild off on good Mess, l'.i miles east of Payette- ! by the University of Idaho on man of a Pacific Island, has first and final account, and tlv t eating habits, there is no single Ontario Junction. 28J2xp much to tell his people, for ha preservation of food by freezing. the 14th day of July, 1945 at the rule that will work for all child Auto Repairing recently had an airplane ride. FO R SALE— Red currents. Mrs. hour of 10 o’clock a. m. and the ren. The important thing is to start The chief looks slightly appre Visit In Washington— Electric Welding Dick Oroot, two miles northwest County Court Room at Vale, Ore early in the child's life to acquaint hensive as a parachute Is fitted Mrs. Martha Klingback and son, to him by Marine Pfc. Raymond gon has been appointed by the him with a variety of flavors and . on Columbia Ave. 28J2xp Fred, left Tuesday for Bemerton N. Bleser of Janesville, Wls. Lathe Work Parts Court as the time and pace for textures. Washington to visit Mrs. KUng- Looking on Is Marine MaJ. Me FOR SALE- - Small acreage, close the hearing of same and any ob | "Meal-time should be made | nard Doswell, III, of Santa Bar back's son. Kenneth McDonald. in. good location, vineyard. Terms. 1 jections that may be filed by any I pleasant and should not include At bara, Cal., commanding officer Mrs. Klingback’s daughter, Mrs. A. L. Atkeson. 24Mtfc. ‘ person interested, where and when talk about a child's food likes and | of the “Red Devil” Torpedo Russell R. Wolf, and daughter, Bomber Squadron, who piloted FOR SALE;— 1938 1 . D. Interna they may appear, file objections j dislikes. Punishment at meal-Ume | E'.len. are visiting In Seattle at the plane in which the chief tional trac tractor, one 14-foot in writing and be heard thereon. | seldom creates good food habits, j the home of Mr. Wolf's parents. was a passenger. In the lower Said account is for final settle ‘Setting a good example by at least j hydraulic scraper. one 16-fool i photo. Chief Mok's relief was field cultivator, one 10-foot Wheat- I ment and upon being approved not mentioning food dislikes is h n - , Undergoes Tonsilectomy— evident after the plane returned Nyssa, Oregon and settled, said estate will be portant. Adults have been known' land disc plow. Phone OjJll. Gan- 1 to the field and the radio gun Little Danny Wertz, three-and- distributed in accordance with the to say, thoughtlessly: "No greens ner's compartment door was non Brothers. 24Mtfc. ; one?half-year-old son of Mr. and provisions of the last will and for me please. I leave grass for swung open. The chief is wear« Mrs. Edwin C. Wertz, underwent ing Marine clothing which ro STORAGE— Consolidated Freight- testament of said E. M. Blodgett, cows." tonsilectomy here Wednesday placed his usual lap-lap, tl I ways building, First street. See and the estate closed, and said Be sure that a new food is well- morning. native wrap-around skirt. Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mtfc Administrator discharged. prepared the first time it is serv B. T. Frost, ed. and offer only a small amount. Visit In Nampa — FOR SALE— Eureka vacuum clean Administrator of the estate or If the child doesn't like it. there Mr. and Mrs. Emil Paulus visited er. Jake's Fix-it shop. 14Jtfc. E. M. Blodgett, with the will is no point in forcing him to eat in Nampa over the Fourth. annexed,. it. Try it again another time and j FOR SALE— 80 acres, good house, when he becomes accustomed to iceep well. $150 per acre. Terms. 1st pub. June 7, 1945. Visiting From Spokane— Last pub, July 5, 1945. the new flavor, he probably will Bernard Eastman. 5Jtfc. Mr. and Mrs. Max Schweizer We feel it a privilege accept the new food and be willing and daughters. Diane and Jo are FOR SALE-- Purebred jersey bull FINGERLING TROUT to try other new foods. to be of the greatest visiting Mrs. Schweizers parents, calves. One ready for service. See "Too many sweets between meals Mr. and Mrs. George McKee and help possible to those itlie cows and you will buy the !RELEASED IN COUNTY or early in the meal take the Mr. Schweizers parents, Mr. and Development of fishing possi- who come to us for ser calves. Beaumont and Cummins, edge off the appetite for body Mrs. George Schweizer. They will | Mlities of the close-in streams of Rt. 1, Nyssa. 5J4xp. building foods. Fo active children vice. All details for j Malheur county was begun recently who always have a good appetite outstandingly beautiful ¡with the releasing of more than WANTED i 33,000 fingtrling trout in drain there is no harm in a Wholesome services can be entrust BILL LANE WANTE D— B: bv calves. Phone No. ' ditches, according to Ted Berreth. afternoon snack for extra energy or play until the evening meal. ed to our care. president of the Malheur Game 003-F21 and 1 uii: come after them. Auctioneer “Also It’s bad business to coax O. P. Counsil, route 2, Nyasa. 21JLÍC league, sponsor of the projeot. NYSSA FUNERAL or force a child to eat when he A driver of the Oregon fish and Phone 116J Nyssa WANTED-- Carpentering and re game department has delivered and has a slight cold or other illness HOME pairing. F. A. Johnson, H. E. Coll released two loads of approximately which may temporarily decrease ins. Phone 122J. 31Mtfc, 16.800 fish each, and Is expected his appetttie. If an illness con tinues over a long period, a new WANTED— listings on real es to make the third trip in the near start In good food habits may be future, Berreth said. tate. We have sold everything we necessary. Offer extremely small had 11 -ted, Bernard Eastman. 19ttc C. A. Lockwood, fisji propagation portions and simply take the food specialist of the state fish and WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for game department, made a survey away If it isn’t eaten. This will live fox feed horses. Phone 8, Pay of stocking possibilities of the create more interest in eating than Order your BEET LOADER now -H ave it ette. 12Atfc. smaller streams and drain ditches all the scoldings or coaxing a mo when you need it--Keep down expense-Order ther can use. «on a vixit to Malheur county in HELP WANTED Carry-all oper May and pronounced some of the “If your child eats a wide var the beet loader that really does the job. ator. Phone 05J11. Gannon Broth streams as ideal trout waters. iety of foods eagerly, a large part BETTER-FASTER-EASIER-CLEANER ers. 24M4fc. I The Rainbow trout average about of the battle for his future health is won. Nutritionists know that if two and one-half indies in length. The loader that picks up all the beets GRAVEL, EXCAVATING Fixity thousand are expected to be children get an early start on their L. H. Snodgrass but leaves the dirt in the field. good food habits, says Mrs. Makln- General custom work, gravel, ex released in the county this year. sn. they'll probably grow up with See or (Phone cavating. 301 Third St. Ph. 08R2. Berreth said. He Just returned healthy appetites that demand from Portland, where he conferred Nyssa, Oregon. 26Atfc with game department officials on well-balanced diets." BUTCH ERIN G furtherance of fish and game im Custom butchering every Mon provement here as a continuous day and Friday. Beef, sheep and project. pork. Sanitary butchering guaran ! Berreth also announced that Ontario, Oregon Phone 85 The daily vacation Bible school teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must Horace L. Arment has been app- come In Thursday or Sunday after 1 ointed as secretary-treasurer of was closed Sunday morning with noon between 1 o'clock and 7. No the Malheur Game league to succ the pupils presenting an interest - ne Adams, Stanley Byers, Lila Mae 27 at the home of Pearl Ballantyne i mg program. The school, under the stock accepted on butchering day eed Charles P. Flegel. ¡supervision of Miss Frances Foster \ Holmes, Dickie Winters, Doris The new officers are as follows: of Nyssa and Miss Shirley Carlson Smith, Kenneth Toombs, Clarence President, Alberta Bowen; vice pres- of Notus, assisted by Miss Jane an(j Louise Relk. Juniors re- ident, Olive Hoke; secretary, Gladys Parr, had an enrollment of 24, celvlng special awards for memory Byers; treasurer, Alice Holmes, re- nearly all of whom had a perfect attendance record. In the beginn work included Betty Alice Byers, tained, and historian, Virginia er's class those receiving awards for Marianne Relk, Ann Hutcheson Rookstool. Jessie Chard and Conn- perfect attendance and memory and Bonnie Kressley. These pupils ie Chard were named as a card Charter Trips Aircraft Service § work were Wilbur Parr, Janyce Ad also received certificates as did committee and Marie Holmes and WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE ams and Ohervie Toombs. Beginn Dick Hart and Jane Parr. Winnie Lavinnie Smith as the social oom- ers receiving certificates were Carr Relk received a second year cer . .. _ . jmittee. The afternoon was spent Nyssa Airport ol Adams, Deanle Holmes, Bunnie uf4cate The Merry Matrons club held ! arranging the year books for the Hutcheson. Sharon Fox and Peggy P. O. Box 396 Telephone 012R1 = Winters. In the primary class the i election of officers for the next remainder of the year, H ill MMtNMtMIMM’M «I WIMHI HI HI HI HI III HI HI HI HI IHEE WWHIII HI tl.....II III III HUM III HIM 11 lll ll following received certificates: Way-I six months at a meeting held J u n e ’ next cj U| j meeting will be 'held July 11 at the home of Marie JEWELRY STORES OPTOMETRISTS Holmes with Alberta Bowen assist V " ' ............ . 1 T. 11 ' " J l,l DR. J. A. McFALL ing. PAULUS ■S(f M r!all and 8.» Better” | Mrs. T. V. Olson who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Horace JEWELRY STORE Fuhriman, and family at Kuna, Union Pacific Time Inspector returned home the last of the week. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS I Mrs. Ella Smith, who has been 510 No. Oregon St. Highway 30 North staying with her daughter, Mrs. F. It is about time to think of your sacks, twine WATCHES f % C. Fry during her recent illness, Main Street at Second had recovered sufficiently last week EYESIGHT SPECIALIST and storage. Phone 556J as to be able to return to her home ONTARIO OREGON in Nyssa. WYCKOFF We will have a big supply of sacks and twine Mrs. F. G. Holmes, Mrs. Roy j PHYSICIANS JEWELRY STORE Holmes and Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass and also plenty of storage for your wheat, oats shopped in Ontario Saturday. Official Time Inspector for SARAZIN CLTNIC Union Pacific and barley. J. J. Sarazin, M. D. NU-ACRES ONTARIO OREGON FABRICATION WELDING REPAIR Mr. and Mrs. Walter LeGrande General practice of medicine and son. Max, ate supper with Mr. X-ray Physiotherapy We will be in the market to buy all kinds GEORGE JACKSON and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and family MODERN WATCH DEPAIRING j COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Wednesday evening. of grain at any time. L. A. Moulding, M.D. State Licensed Douglas Crusoh, son of Mr. and Physician and 8urgeon Mrs. Jim Cruson, Is home on a Watchmaker Phone Tl FARM SUPPLIES ten-day furlough from the armed ONTARIO, OREGON COAL WILL BE SHORT THIS WINTER Hours: 10 to 12 and I to t forces. 344 blocks N. of City Hall Daily—Except Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Durrlng- Pry Building If you cannot buy what you need, we can ton and family and Clyde Butcher ORDER NOW HAY BUYER drove to Boise the Fourth to see the sham battle at Oowen field. DENTISTS build it for you. W. F. Jahn Several families from this com munity drove to the hill* for a J. R. CUNDALL Dealer in hay and grain restful Fourth of July. See U« For Light and Heavy Work Mrs. Alvie Lanfear and Mrs. Joe Dentist No. 5, Factory Com! Beck and family of oaldwell spent Phone 56-J Phone 68M Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ask for CVarlie Croghan or Bob Pierce J. H. Borgman, Manager Sarazin Clinic Paul Thomson and family. Then Opposite sugar factory . NYSSA OREOON Sunday they all drove to Owyhee dam. Advertising E. W . Pruyn Concientious Guidance Beet Loader O regon Trail Kropp & Sons STUDENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTION Professional And Business Directory NOTICE TO FARMERS Farmers Supply & Repair Ontario, Oregon The Nyssa Elevator f j